Fucking how? It's literally trying yo stop terrorists and criminals only yet still fails. That's not even gun control, that's common fucking sense.
The no-fly list is unconstitutional.
You'd be barring people their 2nd amendment right without due process.
It would basically be the government deciding to end your constitutional rights for "reasons".
In other words you're punishing people with no crimes committed. The fact that there's a no-fly list already really sickens me on a core level.
As for the bills in general, I imagine the complete reluctance to vote for anything reasonable (yes several of these bills seemed perfectly fine), is obviously due to the fear "if you give your hand, they'll end up taking the arm" sort of thing. And the fact that the 2nd Amendment and how it protects peoples access to firearms isn't up for debate.
As some of you know, some of you don't, and some of you keeps ignoring it for your own narratives, it has been concluded in SCOTUS that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed." does stand on its own.