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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot


I'm not so sure combo meter really matters all that much. I've had a total of 8 Epic items(some runes and charms) drops so far and I haven't really noticed a pattern. Now it could be the case, but the loot drop percentage really seems to be what has had the most impact. Of course this is after 60 hours of playtime so timed played is essentially a serious factor as well.


bigdaddygamebot said:
So, you would rather the game reward you on how you believe you performed?
I'd say that downing a boss quickly or without dying is probably a bigger accomplishment than just slogging through it slowly, dying multiple times, and then jacking up your combo meter at the very end so you can get a better drop.

I would like to see some kind of official confirmation that drops are performance based or combo based, though. With games like this rumors tend to run pretty rampant.....and this entire discussion may be irrelevant. For all I know, the drops may be completely random and I'm just getting consistently boned over.

I bust my ass to make sure my combo count is high high high and I get alot of purple and orange drops.

I light my cigars with purple and orange drops, though :D If I wasn't worried about the game auto-salvaging good charms and runes, I already would have set Auto-Salvage to purple. At this point, if I get an item that's not red, it is probably a side-grade at best.
Jtyettis said:
I'm not so sure combo meter really matters all that much. I've had a total of 8 Epic items(some runes and charms) drops so far and I haven't really noticed a pattern. Now it could be the case, but the loot drop percentage really seems to be what has had the most impact. Of course this is after 60 hours of playtime so timed played is essentially a serious factor as well.

Is the loot drop percentage only raised with the use of charms, runs, and equipment with that perticular status buff? Theres not some meter I'm missing for that is there? :lol
the combo meter is cool for ruiners, but also for bonus experience. so a 3 combo meter gives you 3% extra experience. I like to keep ruiners in reserve and keep the meter high for bonus xp.


Junior Member
For those that have played Champion which route did you take on the skill tree? I'm thinking straight down the middle but I'm not sure.
Cornballer said:
No worries. Way too much terminology getting tossed around. ;) Do you know what that actually measures? In the manual it says "Time-sensitive indicator of number/power of hits."

Well...I'm old school so when I see a number ticking upwards every time I crank someone with my hammer, that's my "cuh-cuh-cuh combo meter!"

It's definitely time-sensitive. On my Defender I have enough time to make one combat roll towards the next spawn of enemies and then slide to the closest target to keep it going.

If I roll towards an enemy and they're not in range for a slide attack, chances are my hit counter will zero out.

You definitely don't have enough time to mount a troll and kill it the snazzy way however if you kill the troll FIRST by mounting it, it will usually add around fifty hits to your hit counter and then you can proceed to burn down mobs from there.

I played a little bit with a Commando character and it seems you can increase the length of time out of melee combat and maintaining your hit count by attacking with your pistols/rifle. I haven't tried it yet with my Defender and the cannons he uses but it might be an interim way to sustain your hit counter while closing the distance to melee. It makes me think dual pistols are handy for that as they fire fast and you can actually hit two targets instead of one. I need to play more and experiment.

I was playing a Berserker for the first time last night and wow...their slide range is insane. I was racking up 100+ hits easy-peasy. Mobs are almost ALWAYS in range of a slide attack and it seems to benefit the berserker to keep the mobs spread out instead of clumped together.

Or...I could be completely full of shit.


You can indeed sustain your hit count by shooting an enemy with your rifle/pistol/cannon but it only counts hits for each shot during a juggle. It will count a single hit on the ground for each enemy you kill with it.

A good way to sustain for trolls is to circle strafe around it while shooting and positioning for a mount. Once you mount it'll sustain and tally unless you get knocked off before bashing it.
dont know if anyone mentioned this, have only been skimming this thread in case of spoilers

I got an achievement for finishing the first part of the game without resurrection. so there is an incentive to play without just resurrecting all the time.
border said:
I'd say that downing a boss quickly or without dying is probably a bigger accomplishment than just slogging through it slowly, dying multiple times, and then jacking up your combo meter at the very end so you can get a better drop. .

I read it SOMEWHERE but damned if I can remember where as I've been a complete google-whore and reading up on Too Human info all over the interblag.

So I tried it...and I never want for loot drops although the red ones are hard to come by and I can't remember where my two dropped.

Getting a high hit count doesn't necessarily mean you're slogging through the fight. My second time on Grendel, I had a hit count in the high seventies and I burnt that bastard down in a tenth of the time that I did the first time. The hardest part was chasing him down when he runs off to smash walls but I got lucky and he didn't run far and attacking with my cannon SEEMED to help preserve the hit count.

border said:
I would like to see some kind of official confirmation that drops are performance based or combo based, though. With games like this rumors tend to run pretty rampant.....and this entire discussion may be irrelevant. For all I know, the drops may be completely random and I'm just getting consistently boned over.

You and me both. I'd love to hear/read something official. There's a tonne of shit that I have questions about. I had an orange rune drop last night and I have no fuckin' idea what it does...

And yeah...you might just be getting boned on loot drops. Hopefully something will be shared soonish.

border said:
I light my cigars with purple and orange drops, though :D If I wasn't worried about the game auto-salvaging good charms and runes, I already would have set Auto-Salvage to purple. At this point, if I get an item that's not red, it is probably a side-grade at best.

I don't even bother to check inventory now until I level. Then when I go through the new items and plans, I salvage a good 90% of it, but that last ten percent is where I slowly get the upgrades from in purples and oranges.

I'm sitting on a couple high high level oranges that are actually better than my red items so i'm still trying to wrap my brain around the "loot phenomenon"
PhatSaqs said:
You can indeed sustain your hit count by shooting an enemy with your rifle/pistol/cannon but it only counts hits for each shot during a juggle. It will count a single hit on the ground for each enemy you kill with it.

A good way to sustain for trolls is to circle strafe around it while shooting and positioning for a mount. Once you mount it'll sustain and tally unless you get knocked off before bashing it.


Thanks for confirming that.

Also...if you WANT a high hit count, don't use ruiners.


Good at being the bigger man
Can you search for co-op games? Or is it as retarded as Halo 3's co-op mode where you can only invite friends?
PSGames said:
For those that have played Champion which route did you take on the skill tree? I'm thinking straight down the middle but I'm not sure.

I took the left tree with the explosives spiders that cause a life draining damage. I mean really you can mess around a bit and retract your points for a fairly minimal price early on in the game. Later it gets expensive though.


If you go to "Custom" game you can search by level and loot distribution.

So far my XBL experience with this game has been pretty good. I have not been called a nigger or a fag once. The only kid/teen I've played with was pretty decent at the game and didn't talk any trash. Sometimes people quit or kick you out of the game as soon as you join -- I'm not entirely sure why, but if that's as anti-social as it gets then TH is pretty good by most standards.

The only annoying thing about the game is that because there is no way to inspect people or really show off your armor, some people won't shut up about the awesome piece of Epic gear they just got. Yeah dude, your Red gun is nice but you're a Berserker so who cares?
border said:
If you go to "Custom" game you can search by level and loot distribution.

So far my XBL experience with this game has been pretty good. I have not been called a nigger or a fag once. The only kid/teen I've played with was pretty decent at the game and didn't talk any trash. Sometimes people quit or kick you out of the game as soon as you join -- I'm not entirely sure why, but if that's as anti-social as it gets then TH is pretty good by most standards.

The only annoying thing about the game is that because there is no way to inspect people or really show off your armor, some people won't shut up about the awesome piece of Epic gear they just got. Yeah dude, your Red gun is nice but you're a Berserker so who cares?

Is there any way to trade in co-op? you could show off your stuff that way but not complete a trade.


Good God, Commando is a tough class on your lonesome with these fucking Dark Elves and lacking an ability to generate a steady combo meter.


Yeah you can trade in co-op. Speaking of epic weapons I guess they show up at random at the store. Yesterday after playing some co-op me and my friend went back to aesir and found an epic sword at the store. What's weird is that it showed up for both us. We were lvl 49 & 29 (commando & champion) respectively. The weapon showed up as lvl 49 & 29 at about 810,000 and 150,000. We both went crazy and bought them but it was odd how it showed up for our different lvls.


bigdaddygamebot said:
And then you have other people complaining that they're not getting enough loot and leveling too slowly because they're dying too much.

You can't please everyone.

I like the fact that I can turn on the 360 for an hour or two and get a level or two. I'm a high level raider in WoW though so it could be just that I miss getting XP. :)

Me too but at the same time I think it may hurt the longevity of the game.

I find this funny, the game has been out for a week and people are complaining about not getting enough elite loot. I played PSO for a month before I found a truly rare item. I don't blame them though because the game puts out the loot so often up to that point that it would seem like a natural progression.

Don’t get me wrong I love the game. Still the character progression is just way too fast.
Xenon said:
Me too but at the same time I think it may hurt the longevity of the game.

I find this funny, the game has been out for a week and people are complaining about not getting enough elite loot. I played PSO for a month before I found a truly rare item. I don't blame them though because the game puts out the loot so often up to that point that it would seem like a natural progression.

Don’t get me wrong I love the game. Still the character progression is just way too fast.

With PSO you knew exactly what each boss dropped and what percentage was, and since this game is entirely random (it seems) it's impossible to farm for specific items. Also, in PSO even if you didn't get sweet items you still got EXP, grinders, and other miscellaneous shit that made it worthwhile.


funkmastergeneral said:
With PSO you knew exactly what each boss dropped and what percentage was, and since this game is entirely random (it seems) it's impossible to farm for specific items. Also, in PSO even if you didn't get sweet items you still got EXP, grinders, and other miscellaneous shit that made it worthwhile.

Only if you read faqs ;) I dont think TH is that random. Each level has a set of armor you can get. Also its all set on your level, so it lacks that surprise of say finding a spread needle on medium level forest.


the problem with too humans longevity for me is that it's just too frustrating to play, one of the fun things in rpgs is being able to outlevel your enemies and in too human it seems the more you level the harder it becomes, wrong way SK!

Too human really needs to just go all out pso, make good bosses, more levels, less long levels, make it harder to level, add difficulty levels.. it really sucks to not be able to help a level 1 out in a normal mode, instead the level 1 fights level 50s and it's just dumb.

Too human is a nice base, but SK will need to do a LOT to fix the sequel for it to become a truly great game, not just another part of the same game.


VaLiancY said:
Good God, Commando is a tough class on your lonesome with these fucking Dark Elves and lacking an ability to generate a steady combo meter.
The best way I found to build the combo meter as a Commando, is to turn on the battle cry and unload on packs of mobs with your grenades. If a mob doesnt die to the intial blast, you can time it right and shoot him with the normal slugs/laser etc while they are in the air. If it is a resistant mob, I can shoot them in the air to the ceiling just using bullets. Pretty funny building the combo meter 3 and get up to 150 hits because they are immune. I dont use ruiners much and keep my battle cry up at all times, the combo meter stays full for most the level. Makes sure to get a lot of reload speed modifier, so you can keep the hits rolling without much interuption.


Xenon said:
Me too but at the same time I think it may hurt the longevity of the game.

I find this funny, the game has been out for a week and people are complaining about not getting enough elite loot. I played PSO for a month before I found a truly rare item. I don't blame them though because the game puts out the loot so often up to that point that it would seem like a natural progression.

Don’t get me wrong I love the game. Still the character progression is just way too fast.

After nearly 70 hours of play time I've found one class specific level 50 armor piece I can use for my character with the highest level of loot percentage drop equiped most of that time. I wouldn't say that is fast character progression by any means. Now I have found a couple of ruiner pieces and charms and Epic weapon set off the store, but it would seem if you want an entire lv 50 class specific armor set you will be putting some serious play time in.
goldenpp72 said:
the problem with too humans longevity for me is that it's just too frustrating to play, one of the fun things in rpgs is being able to outlevel your enemies and in too human it seems the more you level the harder it becomes, wrong way SK!

This is just wrong.

I mow through mobs in the story mode even WITH them scaling up to my level. There is a bit of a challenge on "Aesir mode" or whatever it's called but that's the whole point of that mode. To throw things at you that you're not used to and keep you on your toes.

goldenpp72 said:
one of the fun things in rpgs is being able to outlevel your enemies

...for you.

You think it's one of the fun things but just because Silicon Knights has strayed away from the convention, it doesn't mean it's the wrong way or a bad idea. It just means it's different from what you think you enjoy.

I have had far, far more fun playing Too Human than I ever did playing Mass Effect or old school RPGs that did indeed allow you to grind away until you're over-powered; and I really enjoyed Mass Effect and I have been playing rpgs for two and a half decades.

What you think is fun, others might find boring.
bigdaddygamebot said:
This is just wrong.

I mow through mobs in the story mode even WITH them scaling up to my level. There is a bit of a challenge on "Aesir mode" or whatever it's called but that's the whole point of that mode. To throw things at you that you're not used to and keep you on your toes.

...for you.

You think it's one of the fun things but just because Silicon Knights has strayed away from the convention, it doesn't mean it's the wrong way or a bad idea. It just means it's different from what you think you enjoy.

I have had far, far more fun playing Too Human than I ever did playing Mass Effect or old school RPGs that did indeed allow you to grind away until you're over-powered; and I really enjoyed Mass Effect and I have been playing rpgs for two and a half decades.

What you think is fun, others might find boring.

I thought in Mass Effect you could decide how the enemies scale, so you could actually make them tougher or easier depending on your ability.
goldenpp72 said:
the problem with too humans longevity for me is that it's just too frustrating to play, one of the fun things in rpgs is being able to outlevel your enemies and in too human it seems the more you level the harder it becomes, wrong way SK!
keep in mind that the enemies match your LEVEL, not your GEAR, in that way, it serves the same purpose as the increasing difficulty modes in PSO.


goldenpp72 said:
the problem with too humans longevity for me is that it's just too frustrating to play, one of the fun things in rpgs is being able to outlevel your enemies and in too human it seems the more you level the harder it becomes, wrong way SK!
I actually think it's a pretty cool way to keep things fun and interesting. I dont think i'd have near as much fun if I could go through and one-hit everything for 5000 dmg with my Uber Elite Twin Blades of Win. I guess the downside to it is that you really dont see the effects that awesome new high damage weapon does unless you equip a level 1 grey weapon as a high level. But I truly think it's for the better.
bigdaddygamebot said:
There is a bit of a challenge on "Aesir mode" or whatever it's called but that's the whole point of that mode.

What is Aesir mode? HUH?! Are you just refering to when you pick the levels in the menu or...?


Unlimited Capacity
goldenpp72 said:
the problem with too humans longevity for me is that it's just too frustrating to play, one of the fun things in rpgs is being able to outlevel your enemies and in too human it seems the more you level the harder it becomes, wrong way SK!

Too human really needs to just go all out pso, make good bosses, more levels, less long levels, make it harder to level, add difficulty levels.. it really sucks to not be able to help a level 1 out in a normal mode, instead the level 1 fights level 50s and it's just dumb.

Too human is a nice base, but SK will need to do a LOT to fix the sequel for it to become a truly great game, not just another part of the same game.
that's acgtually one or my favorite things about the game. The challenge ramping up with you as u get higher level. It REALLY gives you a reason to find that next awesome weapon, or the next piece of your set.
funkmastergeneral said:
I thought in Mass Effect you could decide how the enemies scale, so you could actually make them tougher or easier depending on your ability.

Exactly. The choice was left up to the player which allowed them to customize their experience depending on what they were looking for.

Too Human doesn't give players that level of customization that Goldenpp72 is complaining about. Infact if he had his way...he'd just have PSO with a space-viking twist.

Last time I checked...PSO was available to play.

There are definitely things that need to get changed about Too Human but things he's complaining about...

...it would be like complaining that it sucks that when you're playing as Pac Man, all you can do is eat dots and you don't get to chase the ghosts until you eat the power pellet. It's way more fun to chase ghosts and that's what you should be able to do from the start.

...and maybe if Pac Man had feet and could jump over the walls when you wanted him to...

There's something to be said for taking the player outside of their comfort zone.
Dyack has his problems.
Too Human has it's problems.

Howevwer; a number of developers would do alright to step outside of the status quo like Silicon Knights did regarding some of their gameplay decisions.


PhatSaqs said:
I actually think it's a pretty cool way to keep things fun and interesting. I dont think i'd have near as much fun if I could go through and one-hit everything for 5000 dmg with my Uber Elite Twin Blades of Win. I guess the downside to it is that you really dont see the effects that awesome new high damage weapon does unless you equip a level 1 grey weapon as a high level. But I truly think it's for the better.

Thats why you have easy medium and hard modes instead.


I got caught up reading some great articles at TooHuman.net where they sum up the major events in Norse Mythology. And in one of the articles, they embedded an old screen shot of Too Human when it was running on UE3, Freyja with extra cleavage before her slight redesign and Baldur lacking the scars. I get giddy looking at older pictures of video games before they under go an aesthetic or gameplay design.


bigdaddygamebot said:
Last time I checked...PSO was available to play.
Sega took all the PSO servers down years ago, as far as I know.

VaLiancY said:
I got caught up reading some great articles at TooHuman.net where they sum up the major events in Norse Mythology. And in one of the articles, they embedded an old screen shot of Too Human when it was running on UE3, Freyja with extra cleavage before her slight redesign and Baldur lacking the scars. I get giddy looking at older pictures of video games before they under go an aesthetic or gameplay design.

Got a link to the mythology articles?


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
I got caught up reading some great articles at TooHuman.net where they sum up the major events in Norse Mythology. And in one of the articles, they embedded an old screen shot of Too Human when it was running on UE3, Freyja with extra cleavage before her slight redesign and Baldur lacking the scars. I get giddy looking at older pictures of video games before they under go an aesthetic or gameplay design.


That's pretty interesting how the graphics have changed from UE3. To me the armor and character models look better in this shot but like you stated there isn't as much detail in the textures particularly Baldur's face.

I know it had to suck for SK being forced to develop an entirely new engine in the middle of development.


PhatSaqs said:
I actually think it's a pretty cool way to keep things fun and interesting. I dont think i'd have near as much fun if I could go through and one-hit everything for 5000 dmg with my Uber Elite Twin Blades of Win. I guess the downside to it is that you really dont see the effects that awesome new high damage weapon does unless you equip a level 1 grey weapon as a high level. But I truly think it's for the better.

I've seen this argument a lot when people bring up leveling but that is only addressing one aspect of its effects. For me the bigger problem is it removes some of the goals that make these games so much fun to play. In TH I can start at any level at any time and be able to get through it. Where in PSO when you start say the Hard level you start out with the forest and you can manage it. But you would get your ass handed to you in Ruins. Once you level up some you can work your way through to Mines, caves and then finally ruins. TH does not have that.
Xenon said:
Where in PSO when you start say the Hard level you start out with the forest and you can manage it. But you would get your ass handed to you in Ruins. Once you level up some you can work your way through to Mines, caves and then finally ruins. TH does not have that.

Well Too Human is what it is and it just takes the genre in its own direction/spin so to speak. Regardless I'm still having a blast with the game and thats much more then I can ever say for any of the PSO games. They just never clicked with me for some reason though I know many that loved em.


PSGames said:
That's pretty interesting how the graphics have changed from UE3. To me the armor and character models look better in this shot but like you stated there isn't as much detail in the textures particularly Baldur's face.
Freya's hair almost looks like hair here, too.


PSGames said:
I know it had to suck for SK being forced to develop an entirely new engine in the middle of development.

lol, don't be surprised if you find out SK's engine still contains large amounts of UE3.


PSGames said:
That's pretty interesting how the graphics have changed from UE3. To me the armor and character models look better in this shot but like you stated there isn't as much detail in the textures particularly Baldur's face.

I know it had to suck for SK being forced to develop an entirely new engine in the middle of development.

Right, a "new engine" ;)


I just thought I'd offer my two cents in this thread -- my curiosity got the better of me and I rented the game on the weekend, have it for probably a month if I want, thanks to Blockbuster's "no late fees." Honestly, I'm not that far, but I'm enjoying it more than I enjoyed the demo (only played through it once).

I think it's a fun game so far. For me, these are the main shortcomings:

- Enemy variety
- Cutscenes (they're fine, technically -- maybe a bit surprising, since they were such a big talking point in the official Too Human backlash -- but I'm watching them because they're there, not because I care)
- The cyberworld -- go and push something on the Interweb!
- Some iffy design -- first boss for example, is so straightforward but you get the impression from the setting that you're supposed to do something else... also, getting set on fire.

Reading the blurbs on metacritic, the reviews "sound" fair ... I'd say the Metascore is a bit on the low side, but then I look and see a game like Ticket To Ride sitting at 70, and I think maybe not (I really like TTR)
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