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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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Nintendo Digital Event:

Alright here are my thoughts on Nintendo's Direct

- Great sense of humor, absolutely loved the Robot Chicken skits!
- Smash Brothers looks amazing, adding Mii's to the roster was a brilliant idea and allows users to create pretty much any character they want. This has become a must own game for me now.
- CANVAS FUCKING CURSE 2! The original DS game is my second favorite of all-time (behind Pokemon Blue) so I am MORE than pumped for this. I actually gasped out loud when it came on screen, bravo Nintendo
- New IP with the squids looks fun
- I'm not into Mario Maker but it is going to be a huge hit. Basically Little Big Planet with good platforming.
- Bayo looks incredible and I'm glad they're bundling in the first game for those who missed out.

- Spent too much time on the Yoshi game, dragged down the pacing
- Way too many 2015 titles shown off. Nintendo needs to show me why I need to buy a Wii U NOW, not next year. You can argue that MS and Sony did the same thing but the difference is that they don't have a floundering console on life support and can pull in 3rd parties
- X looks like shit. I'm excited for the game but the reveal trailer was leagues better; the graphics looked downright terrible in some spots.
- Not a fan of the Skyward Sword artstyle in Zelda, was hoping for something more realistic to match the tech demo we got last year. Also, Aunoma was just using buzz words to tell us the game was going to be open world and non-linear because they aren't held back by technology.
- Hyrule Warriors looked bland and repetitive from what they showed but I'm glad Nintendo is collaborating. I need to see more footage.

Overall I give Nintendo an A- and they've solidified my decision to purchase a Wii U here in the next few weeks. Still, they needed to do more to sway people into getting hyped for the system this year; I'm sure a lot of people will go PS4/XBO instead.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Star Fox!

Devil's Third!

Mario Party 10 focused on Bowser!

30% off on the eshop!

also everything named dropped during the robot chicken thing except Mother 3 showed up already...


I got a WiiU recently because there was a really good bundle deal with MK8 and I got W101 for free and got Wind Waker HD for discount. I'm really liking it so far, feel like it was kind of worth it for W101 alone


Nintendo thoughts:

Bayonetta 1 bundled with 2, and coming this year- a small effort goes a long way. Game looks cool, but not for me in the least
Kirby Canvas Curse 2- the fact that they did not do this sooner is amazing. This should have been pre-installed on Every WiiU and on every Store Kiosk
Splatoon- an honest to god original game with a unique art style and unique gameplay, with a super dumb premise (turn from a human INTO A SQUIDDDDDD!) with built in mechanics to make it so you have to play as a team. Easily the most impressive thing they showed off, and by far the game I would most want to play.
Devil's Third-This game is probably going to suck at this point (it's been in dev hell for what feels like 10 years now), but anything to get Itagaki back out in the public, cigarettes and sunglasses in tow, is a good thing.

The "Eh"
Hyrule Musou- they confirmed it basically is just a musou game, down to having other generals running around the field as well. I was curious to see what a 1 person (Link only) musou game might be, but that's not what this is. I just finished up playing both One Piece Musou 2 and Dynasty Warriors 8 XL recently, and there really isn't any difference between them- this is probably just going to be a generic musou game. The formula is super fun if you haven't played it in a while, but I was hoping this would be something a little more different.
Captian Toad- (I watched this with no sound) This looks like a more puzzle based version of Super Mario Bros 3D Land- which is why i'm sad this is on WiiU and not 3DS. That was one of the few games that really took advantage of 3D, and in many shots of this game, I was thinking "man, this would probably look great in 3D!". Also, it's likely you will have to play this game in mute if Toad is as verbose as Mario in 3D Land.

The Unknown
Mario Maker- they said nothing about sharing levels. Without sharing, this product is useless.
Zelda CG Trailer- considering we got some real impressive CG trailers yesterday like Crackdown, I was let down by this one. I still need to know a lot more about this game before making a judgement- the whole thing that keeps you going in a open world RPG is the fact that you are always finding new loot/weapons and cool things- are they really going to make a loot based Zelda game?
Yarn Yoshi- Sorry, but I payed 39.99 plus sales tax for New Yoshi's Island a few months ago. You can't just show me a really pretty game and expect me to forgive you for that.
Xenoblade Chronicles-trailer gave me violent flashbacks to Xenosaga, which is a bad thing.

The Bad
Super Smash Brothers Release Date October 3rd is about 2 weeks after summer ends. I am beginning to think that Holiday 2014 might actually mean last week or 2 of December if they rush the WiiU version out the door, and more likely that it actually gets delayed into 2015. For sure it's going to miss Black Friday. If this doesn't come out, I don't think Zelda Musou and Bayonetta are going to be enough to support the platform in the holiday
No Miyamoto stuff- likely confirms these things aren't actually "games" yet, just prototypes. If any are made into games, they are probably 2 or more years away
The 3DS-All they showed was Smash and Pokémon, and announce that Layton/AA is coming out. That's probably fine for the holiday season, but they gave me no hope that more stuff is on the horizon.

This did nothing to sell me on a WiiU, but i'd probably be OK if I already had one.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I got a WiiU recently because there was a really good bundle deal with MK8 and I got W101 for free and got Wind Waker HD for discount. I'm really liking it so far, feel like it was kind of worth it for W101 alone

That's what I've been saying! But does anyone listen? Nooooooo.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
3DS is fine this year and early next, it has

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Fantasy Life
Layton X PW
Ace Attorney Collection
Smash Bros.
FF Theatrhytm Curtain Call
Persona Q


I don't see how a Smash Brothers anime would even work to be honest. It's a series built around just fighting and they're all good guys.


That's what I've been saying! But does anyone listen? Nooooooo.

That game is so much more amazing than you'd initially think. And I initially thought it was already fucking incredible. Believe me when I say that game goes to goddamn Tengen-Toppa Gurren-Lagann level insanity

I don't see how a Smash Brothers anime would even work to be honest. It's a series built around just fighting and they're all good guys.

Not the bad guys!

But for serious it'd just be a slice of life show where everyone lives in a big apartment building and goes out for fights once in a while or something


Bayo but other than that no. You don't buy a Wii U for 3rd party games anyway.

That's not a third party game, that's a first party published Nintendo game.

Also, while they announced SMT4 finally coming to EU Eshop this summer, I really hope you guys will finally admit that SMT X FE never actually existed


WiiU is a must-buy if you like Nintendo games. Looked like they were trying to change the image of the console to appeal to more women and younger gamers. There's definitely a market there.

Never a fan of Nintendo games myself, but there are folks that love 'em.


3DS is fine this year and early next, it has

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Fantasy Life
Layton X PW
Ace Attorney Collection
Smash Bros.
FF Theatrhytm Curtain Call
Persona Q

None of those games are new though. They managed to not announce a single new game for the platform
Nintendo killed it, like Sony killed it yesterday before that 30 minute snooze fest. Ps4/wiiu future confirmed, though will get xbo down the line for halo 5 and sunset overdrive


Why would it not give you flashbacks to the last Xenoblade game instead?

Probably cos the last Xenosaga game was closer in tone to what they've shown, whereas Xenoblade was more classic RPG level. The only thing I was really like 'oh that's Xenoblade' was when the Heropon showed up

None of those games are new though. They managed to not announce a single new game for the platform

They still have the 'mysterious unannounced game' Q+A coming up for 3ds


Splatoon was probably the most interesting new thing to come out of them today. I really would like a different take on "shooters" and that might be one of the more interesting out there.

It was a decent conference, like mentioned before if you are a big fan of the big N you will definitely love what's coming up. I'm still sticking by a nice discount online somewhere or if Smash ratings are good enough among friends. Which ever one first, I buy a Wii U then.


Splatoon was probably the most interesting new thing to come out of them today. I really would like a different take on "shooters" and that might be one of the more interesting out there.

It was a decent conference, like mentioned before if you are a big fan of the big N you will definitely love what's coming up. I'm still sticking by a nice discount online somewhere or if Smash ratings are good enough among friends. Which ever one first, I buy a Wii U then.

probably a good policy. If they do another game promotion like with MK8 or a decent bundle that might be a good tipping point
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