What character did you use? How was the line? Did you take pics? How did it feel playing on the pro controller? How noticeable is the graphical upgrade from Brawl?
I got to best buy about 30 minutes before 40 and my group was 92-94 in the line. By the time the event started there were over 300 people waiting. We were told we'd get two, 2 minute matches but due to the massive turn out (I believe I heard over 700 people had signed up when I left) they cut it down to just 1 match.
I waited a solid 90 minutes from when they began the event to play, I chose Greninja, my buddies chose Zero Suit Samus (he was impressed by her performance last night) and Little Mac (he loved Ike), random guy with us also played Little Mac. We randomly got Punch Out stage. Game was smooth as silk, really beautiful and a ton of fun to play. It felt a lot faster then Brawl but not as fast as Melee, my buddies who weren't the biggest Brawl fans enjoyed it a lot better then Brawl FWIW.
Greninja is a lot of fun, but the boxing arena stage plus two little macs did me no favors. His water shurikens are great but you don't have the time or space to fully charge one when mac is rushing you down. Greninja has a lot of great combo potential from what I could gather but had a hard time killing mostly because the Little Macs would usually fly from nowhere and steal my kills after I did all the work :'( . Stages that are flat and walk off like Coliseum and Punch Out arena Little Mac is going to be god like. I went even (1 kill 1 death) but my lack of killing power screwed me.
I had no problem playing with the pro controller outside of guarding/throwing, the trigger style of the back two buttons threw me off for the first minute but by the end it felt comfortable, not as good as a Classic Controller Pro or a Gamecube but perfectly functional. I didn't take any pictures but the line was INSANE when I left at 5:35ish the line outside was still wrapped around the building. We went to a sit down restaurant to see if killing time would give us another chance to play but even when we were done at 7ish the line was still to the corner where I started (from which it was a 90 minute way to play)!
Overall the reaction from everyone I talked to was incredibly positive, mixture of people who liked and disliked Brawl all thought the game was a blast to play, saw a lot of people buying MK8 WiiU bundles as I left (they gave out $30 dollar off coupons). While I've always been very good at Smash I'm not top tier tourney competitive guy so I can't comment on the games hardcore meta potential but despite having no idea how to play greninja I was able to pull off combos and follow up attacks way easier then I ever could in Brawl (I like Brawl for the record).
If you are a fan of Smash Bros you're going to love this game, the graphics are phenomenal and I just had a ton of fun playing it. If you have a chance to try it out Saturday go for it was totally worth the 2 hour wait I did.
Want me to show you big boy