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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Naruto covers more chapters than Shippuden does with a single episode I believe. Haven't read early Naruto recently though so that may be a false recollection. Shippuden is 1:1 always and Part II in the manga isn't exactly lightning paced.


Unconfirmed Member
One Piece
- CP9's goal is to control a superweapon to 'put an end' to the great pirate era? I dunno if I missed something, but that doesn't seem very interesting to me. The more immediate 'interrogation' of Iceburg I was fine with. And actually, I wasn't spoiled on Franky or really anything that happens to him, so I didn't know how he fit into this arc before-hand, I was actually starting to wonder.
Pre-Water 7 spoilarz ahead for those who care:

CP9's objective is more interesting if you've been following the series to date, as the ancient weapons have been sort of an overarching thing in the background throughout the series so far. Pluton, in particular, the blueprints for which CP9 is after, was a major MacGuffin in the Arabasta Arc. Possessing Pluton itself was one of Crocodile's main objectives, and he was employing Robin in order to find it (she can read the ancient texts that tell of the weapons' locations). In Skypiea, Robin again came across writing that told of another ancient weapon different from Pluton. Robin was disappointed in that, though, because she's not actually pursuing the weapons, she's just interested in history (that's also related to the argument she had with Iceberg last week).

So, in context, dropping the name "Pluton" here is a pretty big "oh shit!" moment.
I never really kept up with the Poneglyoh stuff in One Piece, the plot within the arcs themselves were always more interesting I guess than that overarching plot point.
... however, the Jedi still annoy me. The whole show always makes me feel like the Jedi are a step away from being the bad guys in EVERY situation, and I feel little desire to cheer for anyone that's not Ahsoka. They all just feel like such incredibly flawed, more-revered-than-deserved clots that it's really agitating. .

I actually think that might be part of the point,
remember in the scheme of things Palpatine/Sidious is using this war for 3 main objectives

1- disrupt the galaxy with so much war that people would gladly accept an empire for "protection"

2- make Anakin his apprentice as a dark lord of the sith

3- paint the jedi as the villains in Anakin and the galaxy's mine so he can wipe them out

Having the jedi themselves be depicted more as a gray area then a pure good I think helps with building the narrative Palpatine is trying to create and ties into the concepts of the Jedi losing touch with the force and becoming frustrated as this war drags on and on. There is clearly a divide in the Jedi order between those who believe the jedi should be lawful good, those who feel it should be neutral good, and those who feel it should be chaotic good.

Going back to Anakin as well, His master Obi Wan struggles between being that lawful good that the jedi ways say and the chaotic good that his old master Qui Gon followed. This clearly impacts Anakin and we see this inability to be one way or the other with how Anakin trains his padawan Ashoka and how Anakin deals with Obi Wan during the series. At times I don't feel the series handles these various dynamics as well as they should (it doesn't help that the prequel moives can be rather subpar at times) but I do get why they're trying to take this angle and it makes a lot more sense then the films depiction of things.

Brief commentary:

One Piece
- CP9's goal is to control a superweapon to 'put an end' to the great pirate era? I dunno if I missed something, but that doesn't seem very interesting to me. The more immediate 'interrogation' of Iceburg I was fine with. And actually, I wasn't spoiled on Franky or really anything that happens to him, so I didn't know how he fit into this arc before-hand, I was actually starting to wonder.


CP9 works for the government, they are essentially tools who's sole job is to serve the government who they believe is absolute justice. The government fears the power of the ancient weapons and the battleship that Franky has the plans for, the series will get more into this later though so I'll leave it at that. CP9 themselves really have no interest in the weapon just that the government wants it and will use it to end the great pirate era and that is their mission.


Sketchbook Picasso
i thought this just ended up making the conflict feel largely pointless. you can't do a satisfactory job of addressing this in 10 minutes.

Eh, doesn't bother me. I'm still happy to SEE STUFF DONE in anime, and putting in a few moments going forward to show "it's not really all right, but at least they're TRYING!" would make it work perfectly fine for me.

The quick resolution from being really mad to being.. well, brothers again, feels realistically sibling-like to me. And I think showing Yukio can not only have pent up strong feelings... but can also crush them with some reason, and get on with life, at least gives him an interesting character edge that actually makes me like him a bit.

One of my faveorite episodes involves Jack getting really "mad." :p

Man, it's been so long since I've seen all of Jack (never watched it on Boomerang, so basically since original airings) that nothing stick out as an "OHHHH, THAT ONE!" to me. But that's most of why I enjoy getting to see it again; unlike Titan, I almost feel like I'm seeing a fresh show that I've only heard about in passing...

LOL you got very creative with the Soul Eater one.

Was totally fun to do, haha. And y'know, excuses to throw in Tsubaki should always be taken. As well as ones to make Black★Star look like a goofball.


Pre-Water 7 spoilarz ahead for those who care:

CP9's objective is more interesting if you've been following the series to date, as the ancient weapons have been sort of an overarching thing in the background throughout the series so far. Pluton, in particular, the blueprints for which CP9 is after, was a major MacGuffin in the Arabasta Arc. Possessing Pluton itself was one of Crocodile's main objectives, and he was employing Robin in order to find it (she can read the ancient texts that tell of the weapons' locations). In Skypiea, Robin again came across writing that told of another ancient weapon different from Pluton. Robin was disappointed in that, though, because she's not actually pursuing the weapons, she's just interested in history (that's also related to the argument she had with Iceberg last week).

So, in context, dropping the name "Pluton" here is a pretty big "oh shit!" moment.

I felt the superweapon idea was a tad silly back in Alabasta, but I do appreciate them jumping back to that plot point as I said last week or the week before. And yes I realize that Robin in more interested in the history and the origins of the superweapons (who made them / where did they come from / etc) - definitely more interesting than CP9's supposed plan to use them.

the plot within the arcs themselves were always more interesting I guess than that overarching plot point.

That's probably how I feel at this point. EDIT: I guess you can say I like how these things are sprinkled throughout the series though.
Eh, doesn't bother me. I'm still happy to SEE STUFF DONE in anime, and putting in a few moments going forward to show "it's not really all right, but at least they're TRYING!" would make it work perfectly fine for me.

The quick resolution from being really mad to being.. well, brothers again, feels realistically sibling-like to me. And I think showing Yukio can not only have pent up strong feelings... but can also crush them with some reason, and get on with life, at least gives him an interesting character edge that actually makes me like him a bit.

it came off to me more like something they felt they had to address to get it out of the way rather than any legitimate conflict. just part of the setup for the show so that no real lingering questions are left.
I felt the superweapon idea was a tad silly back in Alabasta, but I do appreciate them jumping back to that plot point as I said last week or the week before. And yes I realize that Robin in more interested in the history and the origins of the superweapons (who made them / where did they come from / etc) - definitely more interesting than CP9's supposed plan to use them.

Yeah just keep watching, any attempt to discuss that further with you will spoil the upcoming arcs

Naruto covers more chapters than Shippuden does with a single episode I believe. Haven't read early Naruto recently though so that may be a false recollection. Shippuden is 1:1 always and Part II in the manga isn't exactly lightning paced.

This is correct yet I still feel the OG Naruto moves too slow, compared to Shippuden its lightning fast though. Naruto usually did 1:1.5 or 1:2 anime pacing:manga pacing.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I still have soul eater and blue exorcist to watch but unless they are absolutely awful this will end up being another above average week of TOONAMI.


Yeah just keep watching, any attempt to discuss that further with you will spoil the upcoming arcs

Yeah. I'm generally enjoying the show, but I'm just not sure how to feel about the overall goal of one major party of the narrative focusing around 'superweapons'.
well their goal is to end the pirate era , better fire power is one way, a spoiler spoiler spoiler is another . all and all it would require a shift in the power dynamics that currently exists.


Sketchbook Picasso
Also Bleach was easy to follow and shockingly good for an exposition episode of Bleach. Ichigo saved himself because time means nothing in the cleaner. It's literally that simple.

Yeah... as many times as Ichigo insisted on the "I don't get it, but OK!" Stuff, I thought it was as straightforward as such time-bending situations get. It's like "You're your own Granddad!" You can try and figure out why.. or just accept it, and move on!

I actually think that might be part of the point,
remember in the scheme of things Palpatine/Sidious is using this war for 3 main objectives

1- disrupt the galaxy with so much war that people would gladly accept an empire for "protection"

2- make Anakin his apprentice as a dark lord of the sith

3- paint the jedi as the villains in Anakin and the galaxy's mine so he can wipe them out

Having the jedi themselves be depicted more as a gray area then a pure good I think helps with building the narrative Palpatine is trying to create and ties into the concepts of the Jedi losing touch with the force and becoming frustrated as this war drags on and on. There is clearly a divide in the Jedi order between those who believe the jedi should be lawful good, those who feel it should be neutral good, and those who feel it should be chaotic good.

Going back to Anakin as well, His master Obi Wan struggles between being that lawful good that the jedi ways say and the chaotic good that his old master Qui Gon followed. This clearly impacts Anakin and we see this inability to be one way or the other with how Anakin trains his padawan Ashoka and how Anakin deals with Obi Wan during the series. At times I don't feel the series handles these various dynamics as well as they should (it doesn't help that the prequel moives can be rather subpar at times) but I do get why they're trying to take this angle and it makes a lot more sense then the films depiction of things.

This is all well and good, and I agree with the insight... I just don't care, haha.

Well, not for the length that they work with it, anyway. And the fact that the show itself FEELS oblivious to this undercurrent just makes it like everyone is missing the obvious fact that all of these guys are frickin annoying self-centered d-bags. Surely it's hinted, especially by many of the younger, less "brainwashed" Jedi, but the implication without a character bouncing back the concept in-universe just makes it feel less palpable.

Basically this is just me saying "I wish more shows were Log Horizon"... as much as I complain about the large cast of Bleach, I feel like LH uses each cast member to keep each other in check, and it keeps me from hating on how one person is too perfect, one is too powerful, etc, etc. It's like each character has their own build-in Space Dandy Narrator!

,,, And now I miss Okami-san!

it came off to me more like something they felt they had to address to get it out of the way rather than any legitimate conflict. just part of the setup for the show so that no real lingering questions are left.

*nod* It's crassly done maybe, but I still appreciate dealing with the issues, and getting them over with. I'm fine seeing a 1-off battle about the idea, and some repercussions. I'm not fine with trying to cary 17 out of 26 episodes with playing with the idea in each characters head, letting it fester until it explodes, leaving me to suggest towards the screen "Why didn't you talk about this earlier?! You're been around each other CONSTANTLY!"

I think it's the old arcade / retro gamer side of me that likes things this way. Almost every arcade game offered elements that could have created books upon books of lore, cutscenes, OVAs, Comics... but they sidestepped a lot of that, and just focused on telling the story we wanted to see. And modern anime (and games) REALLY makes me appreciate that.
Yeah... as many times as Ichigo insisted on the "I don't get it, but OK!" Stuff, I thought it was as straightforward as such time-bending situations get. It's like "You're your own Granddad!" You can try and figure out why.. or just accept it, and move on!

This is all well and good, and I agree with the insight... I just don't care, haha.

Well, not for the length that they work with it, anyway. And the fact that the show itself FEELS oblivious to this undercurrent just makes it like everyone is missing the obvious fact that all of these guys are frickin annoying self-centered d-bags. Surely it's hinted, especially by many of the younger, less "brainwashed" Jedi, but the implication without a character bouncing back the concept in-universe just makes it feel less palpable.

Basically this is just me saying "I wish more shows were Log Horizon"... as much as I complain about the large cast of Bleach, I feel like LH uses each cast member to keep each other in check, and it keeps me from hating on how one person is too perfect, one is too powerful, etc, etc. It's like each character has their own build-in Space Dandy Narrator!

,,, And now I miss Okami-san!

More shows should be Log Horizon lol

And I agree they don't handle the plot well enough to care and are forever doomed due to the two films that this series serves as a bridge between (episode 2 and episode 3). The clone wars writers clearly have a better idea/direction for how the prequel story should have gone and at times it leaks out into this show, but they're forever hog tied by the fact they can't stray too far from where episode 3 begins or else the show can't serve its intended purpose. Its very frustrating at times lol
*nod* It's crassly done maybe, but I still appreciate dealing with the issues, and getting them over with. I'm fine seeing a 1-off battle about the idea, and some repercussions. I'm not fine with trying to cary 17 out of 26 episodes with playing with the idea in each characters head, letting it fester until it explodes, leaving me to suggest towards the screen "Why didn't you talk about this earlier?! You're been around each other CONSTANTLY!"

I think it's the old arcade / retro gamer side of me that likes things this way. Almost every arcade game offered elements that could have created books upon books of lore, cutscenes, OVAs, Comics... but they sidestepped a lot of that, and just focused on telling the story we wanted to see. And modern anime (and games) REALLY makes me appreciate that.

i think what bothers me the most is probably how quickly the forgiveness comes. they can still have this argument and say what they need to say, but Yukio needs another episode or two to accept it.


Sketchbook Picasso
More shows should be Log Horizon lol

And I agree they don't handle the plot well enough to care and are forever doomed due to the two films that this series serves as a bridge between (episode 2 and episode 3). The clone wars writers clearly have a better idea/direction for how the prequel story should have gone and at times it leaks out into this show, but they're forever hog tied by the fact they can't stray too far from where episode 3 begins or else the show can't serve its intended purpose. Its very frustrating at times lol

I don't keep this aspect of it in mind enough, and I guess it's the big reason why the show feels like it can be great when left to it's own devices, but is always holding back, save for when it's working purely with it's on show-born / bred creations.

Or it could ALSO be the fact that everyone reminds me of Carth from the Bioware Star Wars games, and I had to face the Carth Glitch of him looking around endlessly while the game locked up in an unrecoverable state.. forcing one to speed-play back to the spot, and avoid repeating certain steps. Yeah, that doesn't hurt.

i think what bothers me the most is probably how quickly the forgiveness comes. they can still have this argument and say what they need to say, but Yukio needs another episode or two to accept it.


R: "Um... no.. I didn't..."

Y: "Oh... OK! "

It'll be interesting to see where we go from here. Is the Elephant still in the room, or is he now an extra in a Tony Jaa movie, long forgotten to the lands of Satan's son?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Despair: A Fractured Heart"


The lab is self destructing and the ninja are running out, but not sure where to go. Ino says she smells the sea so they head in that direction. The way is blocked. Naruto is going to try his Rasengan but Ino thinks it'll bring the cave down on them. Anko has this covered and starts up the summoning jutsu. A giant snake bursts through the rubble with them inside its mouth. That was easy. It's morning again. Anko's cursed mark hurts and Ino wonders if she is alright. The fleet is about to set sail but there just so happens to be a boat right there. The Land of the Seas soldiers are worried about the Leaf Ninja who have yet to arrive. A messenger comes up with a scroll. It's a message from the Ninja! He was wrong to ever doubt them, it seems they drove the demon away last night! Everyone is relieved! The footman who talks is voiced by Steve Blum, damn that Orochimaru and his endless machinations! They set sail for the grand line!


Naruto doesn't see any ships in the harbor. Anko knows what this means, Amachi laid a trap and they fell for it. A soldier signals to the main ship, there's something below them. It's a trap. They've been caught in the rift and Isaribi has damaged the rudders on all the ships. They're gonna collide! Must be the demons doing. A foot soldier, the one with the message from the day before laughs and transforms. What's going on here! It's Amachi, he tells them that the ship is now his. A water jet hits one of his guards and Isaribi comes on board doing an awful monster impersonation. Sunglasses ninja uses Demon Illusion:Fire Jutsu and a flaming meteor engulfs the ship. They all abandon it. Amachi orders sunglasses guy to finish them off and he makes a giant vortex to swallow them...Before getting a Kunai in the arm.


Shino is back and he's out for blood. Ino is helping the survivors into her small boat and Anko is laying the verbal smack on Amachi. This is low even for him, that weirdo. She's glad he is here though as he still has questions. Naruto tries once again to reason with Isaribi, act like this and she really will be a monster. The weirdo orders her to attack and with a running clothsline knocks both of them into the sea! Amachi is on the move and Anko cuts him off. Where did Orochimaru go? He has no clue, only that he had an excellent young prospect with him. This kid won't be a dissapointment like you were. Sick burn there. Sasuke Uchiha. Anko just didn't quite have it that's why she was tossed to the side. Isaribi is attmepting to drown Naruto who makes a bunch of shadow clones to confuse her. She knocks them all out first as Naruto scrambles to the surface to catch his breath. Isaribi is watching him. Naruto cuts a promo. What does he have to do to make her understand? Does she even care about all the people she's hurt. Since you asked...no, she doesn't! Their lives mean nothing to her, your life means nothing to her. Naruto doesn't want to hear it, he knows it's a lie and gets a water jet to the stomach. She doesn't care who she hurts or drowns, she just wants her body back.


It's about time someone woke her up. Vintage Bright slap. Naruto understands exactly how it feels as he looks at the scales that have pierced his palm. It doesn't make it right to hurt others. He remembers via FLASHBACK Isaribi saving his life. She does care and has a good heart. Isaribi is shook. Anko and Weirdo are fighting, not bad for a medical ninja. He throws a jar at her and she breaks it...and is knocked out. Smooth move Anko. He jumps over to the Isaribi/Naruto fight and wonders why she hasn't finished this kid off. He'll take over from here. Naruto is happy as shit over this turn in events as he wanted to beat up the real monster here. Amachi is incredulous. Naruto cuts a promo here, of course he's the real monster, causing all this mayhem and destruction for what, an army of fishmen? He's a monster in human skin. Begin maniacal laughter. Naruto wants to know what is so funny. He agrees to being a monster but not a half step like Isaribi, he's the TOTAL PACKAGE! (cue Lex Luger joke here) You wanna see?


Yikes. Never go full on Fish Demon. Perfected for Mortal Kombat. Isaribi is shocked and Amachi blasts her to the ground with a water jet. He has no more need of guinea pigs. He was going to dissect her and use her organs for experiments but then they took pity on her and let her live. But all they got was incompetence and ingratitude. Isaribi is legit shook. Naruto steps up and is furious. Monster is too much credit. Pond Scum is nicer than him. He comes to get some and Amachi rebuffs his jumping punch, asking if that is all he has. Not even close. Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. Not going to work against Amachi's scale shot which takes them all out. Amachi taunts him telling him to take another try. "You better BELIEVE it!" It only took 36 episodes to get one. Naruto is heading back for more until he gets Isaribi back and won't stop until she is. Spinning Guillotine heel drop. Water Style: Great Cannonball Jutsu knocks him into the drink. Had enough? Give it up. He won't give it up until he makes her human again. Dodges a punch and delivers a flying headbutt. Ineffective. Isaribi is moved that he'd do this for her. Amachi is sick of this shit and summons a SEA MONSTER!


Not what I was expecting. A literal monster made of sea. No doubt it is effective though as it envelopes Naruto and starts drowning him. Amachi compares it to a moving Water Prison Jutsu.


Anko wakes up and she's gotta do something but she bounces right off of it. Amachi gives Isaribi one final chance; if she finishes these two off she'll get her body back. She hesitates. Doesn't she know he's the only one that can bring her back. She's about to go after Anko when she hears a voice. Naruto tells her not to go into that world. That darkness isn't worth it sister. He's dying but all he can do is worry about her. He's in the Fox's chamber inside of him! He can feel the nine tails. He's at the gate and the energy overcomes him. Uh oh. Sea Monster is having some stomach troubles and blows apart. It's also enough to knock Isaribi back human, knocks over the people being rescued, floods Shino and Sunglasses dude.


There's no way he's gonna let you take her there, brother. That's right, Naruto is the same as you says Anko. He's got the spirit of the Nine Tails fox inside him and has since he was born. People treated him like a monster and a freak but he worked twice as hard as anyone. Everyday is a struggle to be treated like a human. She has a FLASHBACK to Naruto's words and she finally gets what he meant. She screams out to Naruto to stop this but the beast is unleashed already. "You're gonna be sorry!" Well maybe next time he will be.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Battle at Sea: The Power Unleashed!"


Slow Sunday. I took the time that I should be using to do work, and watched another KlK instead.

Kill la Kill episode 17

Excellent episode, from start to finish. I’m really liking Satsuki more and more. She’s always had a really prominent presence and when she has a plan she sticks to her guns and does the shit she has to do to get it done. Even as a villain, she’s a “great leader” in a few aspects. I think with the last couple of episodes, Satsuki’s differing relationship with others have really been emphasized.
Her relationship with Soroi has always been a really sweet one to watch. I always got the impression that she probably respected him the most even being her servant, and I think going into her childhood relationship with him makes that even clearer. The gesture of drinking bitter tea to make your servant happy is a small one but has a lot of meaning. Also, her relationship with her elite is a trusting one and you can get this impression all throughout the episode. I think the reason this is so much clearer to me now than it was before because of the introduction of Ragyo. The comparisons in the relationship she has with her mother and the relationship she has with her team and Soroi is a significant one.

That was just a bit of character impression there, but back to the episode in general. It was a lot of fun to watch and there was this great buildup of anticipation. Also just got to love the Mankanshoku family, but I really didn’t need
to see Mataro’s wiener. And Aikoro
really made me laugh this time and it had nothing to do with the silliness of fanservice. Seriously loved his lines in this episode.
“Get in the DTR”
“The Dotonbori Robo?”
“D. T. R!”
“Yeah, but that’s the Dotonburi Robo, right?”
“Just get in the Mutherfucking DTR Ryuuko.”

Okay, so a loose quote but close enough.

Of course the best part of the episode was that ending. Expected that from Satsuki but not so soon.
That’s for molesting me you crazy Fuck! In all seriousness though, you could really feel the hate. But those ambitions! I wasn’t expecting that. I don’t really believe it yet, though. As of now, the establishment of the academy makes no sense as well as her fued with Ryuuko and Nudist Beach. Too early to say she’s on the good side, but wow.
Really great moment and a great turn of events, and then Shiny Shiny Mako Mako Ending.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

EDIT: I'm not going to lie, I broke up that paragraph and added that picture of Anko in just to get lazybones to post. I know my audience.


Demarco ask.fm

Q. Why the fuck are we getting Tampon commercials on Toonami?
A. Congratulations, you have sent me the new stupidest question I have ever been asked.


Naruto covers more chapters than Shippuden does with a single episode I believe. Haven't read early Naruto recently though so that may be a false recollection. Shippuden is 1:1 always and Part II in the manga isn't exactly lightning paced.

According to google:

Part 1:
Ep 001 > ch 001 [Naruto, Team 7]
Ep 002 > ch 002
Ep 003 > ch 003
Ep 004 > ch 004 / 006
Ep 005 > ch 006 / 008 [end]
Ep 006 > ch 009 / 011 [Zabuza]
Ep 007 > ch 011 / 012
Ep 008 > ch 013 / 014
Ep 009 > ch 015 / 016
Ep 010 > ch 016 / 018

Part 2:
Ep 001 > ch 245 [Gaara, Sasori]
Ep 002 > ch 245 / 247
Ep 003 > ch 246 / 248
Ep 004 > ch 246 + 248
Ep 005 > ch 248 / 249
Ep 006 > ch 249
Ep 007 > ch 250
Ep 008 > ch 250 / 251
Ep 009 > ch 251 / 252
Ep 010 > ch 253 / 255

Demarco ask.fm

Q. Why the fuck are we getting Tampon commercials on Toonami?
A. Congratulations, you have sent me the new stupidest question I have ever been asked.

BassForever was asking it last night in the this thread, I sent it to Jason just to to see his reaction.

Tell me you did not ask him that.

Lol Mike. Did you ask him that?

Oh come on.


Heh hehh heh. Heh. Hehaahaaah! BRAAHAAHAAHAA!!

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