What defined Toonami was airing the best cartoons on the planet, it was in their motto for cripes' sake. Sure they aired alot of anime, but it was the early 2000s and the anime bubble was years from bursting. Of course you go get the best properties you can get your hands on. My point is don't alinate ANY show if it's good and you can get it just because it's not anime. I don't get why you're trying to make this a Japanese animation vs. American animation thing here. I don't see the point in mentioning who hosts Toonami, since that's subjective and kinda irrelevant.
Yes, because Superjail would destroy the whole lineup. Just like Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and D.I.C.E and Duel Masters and Zatch Bell and ... oh wait the ratings for most of those weren't great but the block survived? Hmmm...
Real talk, the biggest misfit is having only two legit "Toonami Shows". Bleach is an [adult swim] acquisition. So are FMA: Brotherhood, Cowboy Bebop, and GITS: 2nd Gig. That's the ugly little elephant in the room right now.
I don't think having imported AS shows is an issue at all, and in fact we wouldn't even have Toonami right now if they weren't able to do that and pad the block. None of the "imported" shows break the Toonami mold, either, for what it's worth. Cowboy Bebop is a little borderline, but it's a perfect anime so having it be apart of Toonami only enhances the appeal IMO. Besides, "importing" was never an issue before -- YuYu Hakasho was imported from Adult Swim to Toonami for the latter part of its run.
And I never made it about American vs. Japanese shows. What I'm saying is that this incarnation of Toonami has to be as pure as possible, as lean as possible. And considering the state of anime on American TV, I think Toonami --
which has always been defined by anime, whether you like it or not -- can allow itself to be purely anime at this time. If other shows that suit its action-oriented focus pop up on Cartoon Network or Adult Swim, then by all means, add them to the block. But that isn't the case, and Superjail definitely does not fit that mold.
Also, Bobobo, Duel Masters, and Zatch Bell were all anime -- the latter two and D.I.C.E being shonen/action. You're basically proving my point.