They dropped it at the end of season 1 when the show became plot focusedDid they drop the "We have come to terms" in S2?
They dropped it at the end of season 1 when the show became plot focusedDid they drop the "We have come to terms" in S2?
Night*yawn* Okay gaf. Enough overtime. I'm clocking out.
Well this scene is adorable. Until they hit the ground and die.
Did they drop the "We have come to terms" in S2?
I'm surprised you're still here Meta, you usually dip out fairly early.Roger Smith doesn't give the slightest fuck about collateral damage.
Why hasn't smith banged the crap out of angel yet? Or does "ye not guilty" mean smith is a virgin?
Did they drop the "We have come to terms" in S2?
Roger Smith doesn't give the slightest fuck about collateral damage.
Roger Smith doesn't give the slightest fuck about collateral damage.
Did they drop the "We have come to terms" in S2?
Well I'm out for the night. Later tomatoes.
I... can't get out.
I'm stuck! Where's the exit bu--
Oh wait. Nevermind. See you guys.
Later dudesI'm out. Later ToonamiGaf
I'm surprised you're still here Meta, you usually dip out fairly early.
Real talk
The pretzel bacon cheeseburger sucks
Thanks so muchNight.
And I PMed a list for the shippuden cannon. Hope it helps.
HaI've always liked how ridiculous the opening is. Ed just sitting on a field thinking and shit and every bad guy ever sneaks up on him.
Imma try and sleepy
We can't leave Schadenfreude aloneI'm still holding steady, but I could drop out after FMAB.
I really need to watch the rest of this anime this is so good
The manga's awful end really ruined the show for me. I wish it didn't, but I just can't go back knowing where it leads.
I like his character so much more than in FMA OG, where he was just crazy and nothing elseKimbley you are an unbelievable ass, eat a dick
The manga's awful end really ruined the show for me. I wish it didn't, but I just can't go back knowing where it leads.
She's so happy
Nope. No, just no.
Kimblee is so obviously evil. How can anyone fall for his good guy schtick?
Don't let seda hear you say this err....see you post thisIt was anticlimactic as all hell. Also, any side characters arcs were either terminated super abruptly or just dropped all together.
Kimblee is so obviously evil. How can anyone fall for his good guy schtick?
It's the white suit.
It was anticlimactic as all hell. Also, any side characters arcs were either terminated super abruptly or just dropped all together.