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Toonami |OT6| Where there's no such thing as filler

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I think a better example would be watching something like Pineapple Express or Harold and Kumar go to White Castle and complaining because all the humor was stoner jokes. It's kind of the point of those films to be stoner comedy, kill la kill and gurren lagann are meant to be incredibly high speed hot blooded action.

For the purposes of Toonami if you do not like Kill La Kill, you are not going to like FLCL, which is very much in the same style.
I think a better example would be watching something like Pineapple Express or Harold and Kumar go to White Castle and complaining because all the humor was stoner jokes. It's kind of the point of those films to be stoner comedy, kill la kill and gurren lagann are meant to be incredibly high speed hot blooded action.

Pineapple Express is a good movie because it tells a good story in addition to the stoner motif it has going for it. Harold and Kumar is terrible all around.

I'm not complaining about the art, music, or characters because I do genuinely enjoy them. However, the plot/premise is nonsensical (even for anime standards), there's hyper-sexualization of female characters, and the dialogue is eh.

I mean, I'm seeing people that give SAO a lot of shit praise KLK when both share similar problems. I'm not saying KLK is as bad as SAO but I feel like this show is getting a pass in some aspects just because it is more visually appealing.

These are just my initial thoughts, I'll need to see more before reserving final judgement.
Pineapple Express is a good movie because it tells a good story in addition to the stoner motif it has going for it. Harold and Kumar is terrible all around.

I'm not complaining about the art, music, or characters because I do genuinely enjoy them. However, the plot/premise is nonsensical (even for anime standards), there's hyper-sexualization of female characters, and the dialogue is eh.

I mean, I'm seeing people that give SAO a lot of shit praise KLK when both share similar problems. I'm not saying KLK is as bad as SAO but I feel like this show is getting a pass in some aspects just because it is more visually appealing.

These are just my initial thoughts, I'll need to see more before reserving final judgement.

Having a female character in a sexy outfit that she's embarrassed about =/= talking about female characters like their objects of possession... or have 12 year olds in their under wear who want to have sex with 16 year olds. Heck I'd say outside of Silica in her under wear we haven't seen anything that's even remotely over sexualized about the females in the universe.

The plot isn't great but it's served it's purpose of justifying why our character is gonna fight a whole bunch of people, I do agree the dialogue is pretty ehh.


Pineapple Express is a good movie because it tells a good story in addition to the stoner motif it has going for it. Harold and Kumar is terrible all around.

I'm not complaining about the art, music, or characters because I do genuinely enjoy them. However, the plot/premise is nonsensical (even for anime standards), there's hyper-sexualization of female characters, and the dialogue is eh.

I mean, I'm seeing people that give SAO a lot of shit praise KLK when both share similar problems. I'm not saying KLK is as bad as SAO but I feel like this show is getting a pass in some aspects just because it is more visually appealing.

These are just my initial thoughts, I'll need to see more before reserving final judgement.

Right now we are not being asked to take Kill La Kill all that seriously, also Kill La Kill is supremely over the top, also this is the episode one establishing episode. Though you are not wrong about some of the more questionable aspects of this show, the uniform scene is disconcerting for example.
It is but my mind was kind of boggled at that statement it stopped working. You were asking if you took two VERY BIG aspects of a show away would it still be good. The answer would be hell no it would not, taking a very distinctive art style away that fits the story the best then it would not be near as good but why would you do that? It is about a story but a show needs more than a story it needs good art that fits it and music that fits the mood perfect. If you took a good art style and music away from any show no matter how good the story is it would be good at best but not amazing.

What does the art style have to do with the plot? Absolutely nothing. From what I've gathered this isn't based on an existing manga series or light novel collection so it's not like there's precedence. I don't watch anime for the aesthetics, I watch it to be told a compelling story. KLK has a pretty ridiculous premise just like SAO does, but somehow gets a free pass. I've seen over sexualized female characters just like in SAO, but I can't be critical?

One Piece has terrible art and orchestrated music like most shows out there but it's still amazing because it tells a great story. That's why your analogy was not very good.


It's only natural that a person who likes Bleach wouldn't understand the differences between something like SAO and something like KLK.


What does the art style have to do with the plot? Absolutely nothing. From what I've gathered this isn't based on an existing manga series or light novel collection so it's not like there's precedence. I don't watch anime for the aesthetics, I watch it to be told a compelling story. KLK has a pretty ridiculous premise just like SAO does, but somehow gets a free pass. I've seen over sexualized female characters just like in SAO, but I can't be critical?

I'm trying to not be rude in saying then Kill la Kill is most likely not for you. Kill La Kill and Laggan are very focused on the action, craziness, and art style and their stories while pretty cool in my opinion are very weird and rushed. KLK and GL have very sexualized characters but have fun with it and don't take it seriously at all like SAO they actually kind of make fun of it a few times. Please don't connect the two it makes me sad inside.

I know that analogy was terrible lol.
What does the art style have to do with the plot? Absolutely nothing. From what I've gathered this isn't based on an existing manga series or light novel collection so it's not like there's precedence. I don't watch anime for the aesthetics, I watch it to be told a compelling story. KLK has a pretty ridiculous premise just like SAO does, but somehow gets a free pass. I've seen over sexualized female characters just like in SAO, but I can't be critical?

One Piece has terrible art and orchestrated music like most shows out there but it's still amazing because it tells a great story. That's why your analogy was not very good.

You need to look at it from a different angle. Kill La Kill isn't trying to tell a story, it's story is just a justification for why we're gonna have high speed zany battles. Think of Kill La Kill the same way you'd view something like Pacific Rim or The Expendables. They have stories, but they aren't the main reason you'd watch them. The story is an excuse for giant robots to fight giant monsters or a bunch of old 80's action stars to team up and kick serious ass.

If story is your most important thing then you probably aren't going to enjoy KLK, PR, or Expendables. You're not wrong to dislike them for having poor stories, but the people who enjoy/love it are going to say "...you missed the point" because to them the point is the awesome action and the story is irrelevant.
Having a female character in a sexy outfit that she's embarrassed about =/= talking about female characters like their objects of possession... or have 12 year olds in their under wear who want to have sex with 16 year olds. Heck I'd say outside of Silica in her under wear we haven't seen anything that's even remotely over sexualized about the females in the universe.

The plot isn't great but it's served it's purpose of justifying why our character is gonna fight a whole bunch of people, I do agree the dialogue is pretty ehh.

I'm not going to post her outfit on here but if you're going to try and tell me that it isn't over sexualized then I don't know what to say. Just because they put a few red lines above her cheeks doesn't excuse the design choice. If she got over the fact she's just wearing suspender straps straps to cover her nipples 30 seconds into a fight I doubt that it'll be an issue the rest of the series. Don't even get me started at all the male characters who started gawking and acting like idiots.

I'm not trying to say KLK is worse than SAO so the direct comparisons aren't necessary. I'm just commenting on how I don't think it deserves a straight up pass without any criticism when it has some of the same problems SAO does. Mainly a nonsensical plot and the tendency to over sexualize females. SAO doesn't have a great plot but it justifies why Kirito has to fight a bunch of monsters and protect the people he cares for in the game.
It's only natural that a person who likes Bleach wouldn't understand the differences between something like SAO and something like KLK.

So are you going to contribute to the discussion or just try to insult me? Just wondering.

I'm trying to not be rude in saying then Kill la Kill is most likely not for you. Kill La Kill and Laggan are very focused on the action, craziness, and art style and their stories while pretty cool in my opinion are very weird and rushed. KLK and GL have very sexualized characters but have fun with it and don't take it seriously at all like SAO they actually kind of make fun of it a few times. Please don't connect the two it makes me sad inside.

I know that analogy was terrible lol.

No offense taken my man, it may not be for me. Even though I'm being nitpicky about a few aspects of the show, I really did enjoy it overall and will continue to watch. I know I focused on the negative but KLK does have a lot good going for it in my eyes. I love the main character, the animation is incredible, the art is good, and the music is solid. My main issue however is with the plot, I can't just shut my brain off and forget about how ridiculous it is. We'll see though, maybe things will be better explained as the series progresses.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post
I'm not going to post her outfit on here but if you're going to try and tell me that it isn't over sexualized then I don't know what to say. Just because they put a few red lines above her cheeks doesn't excuse the design choice. If she got over the fact she's just wearing suspender straps straps to cover her nipples 30 seconds into a fight I doubt that it'll be an issue the rest of the series. Don't even get me started at all the male characters who started gawking and acting like idiots.

I'm not trying to say KLK is worse than SAO so the direct comparisons aren't necessary. I'm just commenting on how I don't think it deserves a straight up pass without any criticism when it has some of the same problems SAO does. Mainly a nonsensical plot and the tendency to over sexualize females. SAO doesn't have a great plot but it justifies why Kirito has to fight a bunch of monsters and protect the people he cares for in the game.

I never said the outfit wasn't over sexualized, and going into the series it WAS my biggest problem with the whole premise. I joked about it on the last page, but being serious I thought the series did a decent enough job of handling the fact her outfit is simply ridiculous. Her being embarrassed and wanting to keep it cloaked worked enough for me, but I can acknowledge it's still really over the top and could be a turn off for some.

The reason why people are giving KLK's plot "a pass" and not SAO's is that KLK is supposed to be about the action, it's plot is just justification for why there is tons of high speed action. If every episode of SAO was about Kirito trying to beat the game to protect his friends people would probably enjoy the series a lot more then they are, but it's not. SAO is about making you want to be Kirito and look at all the ladies who want his dick, which is fine harem is a popular genre. The problem is SAO doesn't do that well either. The harem girls are often in only 1 episode then never seen again making any episode that isn't about Asuna a complete waste of time. Even when the series stops being harem pandering and focuses on trying to survive and beat the game the action is often short or off screen.

So SAO doesn't do harem well and it doesn't do action adventure well, so we're left with a hodge podge anime trying to please everyone and not really pleasing anyone. KLK by comparison is attempting to be a "leave your brain at the door we're all high speed action" and it did that very well. Not once have you said the action was bad so I assume you enjoyed the action scenes outside of the main characters outfit.

Edit: Here is the outfit for those who
are curious

Edit 2: I'll also admit two of SAO's best actions scenes one was in last weeks episode and one is in the upcoming episode. If every episode had a fight like that I think the series would be much better received.


No offense taken my man, it may not be for me. Even though I'm being nitpicky about a few aspects of the show, I really did enjoy it overall and will continue to watch. I know I focused on the negative but KLK does have a lot good going for it in my eyes. I love the main character, the animation is incredible, the art is good, and the music is solid. My main issue however is with the plot, I can't just shut my brain off and forget about how ridiculous it is. We'll see though, maybe things will be better explained as the series progresses.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post
If it goes like Lagann then everything will be explained in great detail. If you still don't like it after a few episodes then stop but I would suggest you stick to it for a while who knows you may start liking the plot. If you kind of want to know what the show will be about in the future then watch a few Gurren Lagann episodes.
I never said the outfit wasn't over sexualized, and going into the series it WAS my biggest problem with the whole premise. I joked about it on the last page, but being serious I thought the series did a decent enough job of handling the fact her outfit is simply ridiculous. Her being embarrassed and wanting to keep it cloaked worked enough for me, but I can acknowledge it's still really over the top and could be a turn off for some.

The reason why people are giving KLK's plot "a pass" and not SAO's is that KLK is supposed to be about the action, it's plot is just justification for why there is tons of high speed action. If every episode of SAO was about Kirito trying to beat the game to protect his friends people would probably enjoy the series a lot more then they are, but it's not. SAO is about making you want to be Kirito and look at all the ladies who want his dick, which is fine harem is a popular genre. The problem is SAO doesn't do that well either. The harem girls are often in only 1 episode then never seen again making any episode that isn't about Asuna a complete waste of time. Even when the series stops being harem pandering and focuses on trying to survive and beat the game the action is often short or off screen.

So SAO doesn't do harem well and it doesn't do action adventure well, so we're left with a hodge podge anime trying to please everyone and not really pleasing anyone. KLK by comparison is attempting to be a "leave your brain at the door we're all high speed action" and it did that very well. Not once have you said the action was bad so I assume you enjoyed the action scenes outside of the main characters outfit.

I wasn't trying to pigeonhole you as a staunch supporter of the battlesuit but when all I have to go off of is your defense of it over the last two pages when I was critical; it may come off that way, I apologize. I don't think she was cloaked to hide the outfit either, it was probably more so to
avoid detection while she tried to rescue that annoying girl.
I mean, she couldn't just waltz into the school after
attacking the student council president
. So while that may work for you, it doesn't for me. Different strokes though.

I see where you're coming from in regards to the plot but that doesn't excuse the fact that it's stupid in my eyes. But thanks for clearing up why other people are willing to overlook its sheer ridiculousness.

If it goes like Lagann then everything will be explained in great detail. If you still don't like it after a few episodes then stop but I would suggest you stick to it for a while who knows you may start liking the plot. If you kind of want to know what the show will be about in the future then watch a few Gurren Lagann episodes.

I've only seen one or two episodes of GL and that was years ago so I'll have to give it another shot. I plan on sticking with KLK and will probably end up being a big fan. Heck, at first I wasn't into HxH but after 4 or 5 episodes became completely hooked.
If KLK is like GL I can't imagine the school setting lasting the entire show. Maybe we'll pull a reverse and go underground during the series lol

I wasn't trying to pigeonhole you as a staunch supporter of the battlesuit but when all I have to go off of is your defense of it over the last two pages when I was critical; it may come off that way, I apologize. I don't think she was cloaked to hide the outfit either, it was probably more so to
avoid detection while she tried to rescue that annoying girl.
I mean, she couldn't just waltz into the school after
attacking the student council president
. So while that may work for you, it doesn't for me. Different strokes though.

I see where you're coming from in regards to the plot but that doesn't excuse the fact that it's stupid in my eyes. But thanks for clearing up why other people are willing to overlook its sheer ridiculousness.

No problem at all. I get what you're saying about the cloak and I'm sure the truth is probably 50/50 trying to hide herself and trying to hide her outfit. One thing you have to remember about her outfit is that
it's apparently a living entity and I'm sure we'll find out he's a pervert who's only covering the parts he wants to feel or some shenanigans like that
. Kind of a sucky deal for the main protagonist if she wants to have the strength to fight she has to wear an outfit that's overly revealing.

Also if you want to see a show that over sexualizes it's characters not for story reasons but just for pointless fan pandering check out something like Date-A-Live or Sekirei


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
disclaimer here, I dont absolutely hate SAO or anything but its fun to see people's reactions to it, and im also quick to point out things that arent really flaws, however im surprised the argument got this far.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I've never seen GL and I thought the whole point of the show was to tell a good story, not focus purely on aesthetics.

And the One Piece analogy is a poor one in my opinion.

Wait hold up, you never seen GL? someone get kayos, we need a change of plans to the pre-toonami block.
geez, you're moving along pretty quick. you're close to a pretty good run of episodes.

My goal is 5 episodes a day to be caught up by next weekend. So far I've done that minus one day I did 10 and one I did 0 so I'm still on pace. I enjoy InuYasha but it's not really a great marathon series, it's a great 2-3 randomly on tv/toonami.

Edit: Wow I actually remember episode 48 from seeing it on TV years ago
If KLK is like GL I can't imagine the school setting lasting the entire show. Maybe we'll pull a reverse and go underground during the series lol

No problem at all. I get what you're saying about the cloak and I'm sure the truth is probably 50/50 trying to hide herself and trying to hide her outfit. One thing you have to remember about her outfit is that
it's apparently a living entity and I'm sure we'll find out he's a pervert who's only covering the parts he wants to feel or some shenanigans like that
. Kind of a sucky deal for the main protagonist if she wants to have the strength to fight she has to wear an outfit that's overly revealing.

Also if you want to see a show that over sexualizes it's characters not for story reasons but just for pointless fan pandering check out something like Date-A-Live or Sekirei
Oh man I've heard things about Date-A-Live but never actually bothered to read the light novels/watch the anime. Do you think either one is watchable or are both series a SAO style mess?

Wait hold up, you never seen GL? someone get kayos, we need a change of plans to the pre-toonami block.

I'd love to see it on there, watching stuff with all of you guys makes the experience 1000x more enjoyable
Oh man I've heard things about Date-A-Live but never actually bothered to read the light novels/watch the anime. Do you think either one is watchable or are both series a SAO style mess?
Date a live is pretty awful from what I saw, the others apparently pretty good as far as big boob pandering battle series go but I've never seen it.


Gives all the fucks
Etrian Odyssey V ALREADY?????
The more I see that, the more I think "...man, I wonder when we're gonna see cosplay of that."

In any case, think I might be able to watch the first episode in about an hour-ish. Also, I take the community watch for the FMA movie isn't happening now, what with Funimation switching the movies?
The more I see that, the more I think "...man, I wonder when we're gonna see cosplay of that."

In any case, think I might be able to watch the first episode in about an hour-ish. Also, I take the community watch for the FMA movie isn't happening now, what with Funimation switching the movies?

The first film they announced was a stand alone that you only needed to know the premise of the series to enjoy, the current film they're making free assumes you've watched the original series and is a finale to that story line. It instantly eliminates anyone who hasn't seen or know anything about the changes the original FMA had and people who've only seen FMA:B would be completely baffled about
why Ed is in "our world"
Milos is really great until it goes fucking off the rails in the last 15 minutes.

Like, really off the rails.

Clearly they didn't pay a high enough price to get a fantastic movie for the whole run, law of equivalent exchange. They should have paid more to have their film be fantastic to the end.


Gives all the fucks
So. Kill La Kill.

.............I want this on Toonami so bad so I can watch it dubbed. Please let this get requested a lot. Or holy crap, Gurren Lagann & Kill La Kill insanity hour.
My goal is 5 episodes a day to be caught up by next weekend. So far I've done that minus one day I did 10 and one I did 0 so I'm still on pace. I enjoy InuYasha but it's not really a great marathon series, it's a great 2-3 randomly on tv/toonami.

Edit: Wow I actually remember episode 48 from seeing it on TV years ago

yeah, it's not really a show you sit down and watch episode after episode, it's more just something you watch when it's on TV.


So. Kill La Kill.

.............I want this on Toonami so bad so I can watch it dubbed. Please let this get requested a lot. Or holy crap, Gurren Lagann & Kill La Kill insanity hour.

Sometimes I find myself randomly inputting suggestions at the Toonami Tumblr if I have a down minute here or there. It's apparent the pay attention to that stuff.

yeah, it's not really a show you sit down and watch episode after episode, it's more just something you watch when it's on TV.

Agreed, whoever called it a comfort food anime was spot on.
I'd be totally shocked that Kohaku was in fact still being controlled, except it was blatantly obvious. I'd have been more shocked if he wasn't being possessed.
You talking shit 'bout my Inuyasha waifu?

She's for sure the hottest chick in the main cast, and her relationship with Miroku is far less rage worthy thing InuYasha and Kagome's, but when demons show up I can always count on Sango be the first one to be down for the count even if the bees show up.
She's for sure the hottest chick in the main cast, and her relationship with Miroku is far less rage worthy thing InuYasha and Kagome's, but when demons show up I can always count on Sango be the first one to be down for the count even if the bees show up.
You're crazy, man. Sango is second only to Inuyasha in terms of fighting.
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