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Toonami |OT7| I Don't Believe It

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Keep I'm mind there are major characters in the opening we haven't met yet in KlK. On top of that we still know nothing about the Hamui's backstory
(not THAT backstory perverts)

I wouldn't be surprised if
anti spiral like baddies
start showing up out of nowhere.
Option 2 does work, you're assuming that
the next dozen episodes or so are going to be her fighting her way up the ladder. I wouldn't be surprised if she waxes most of them in the next 2-3 episodes and we get more Kamutsi users out of the wood work later on.

That's kind of what Gurren Lagann did from what I saw of it, every time you thought you understood how the series was going to progress it went a completely different direction breaking the entire power scale in a different direction

Option 2 doesn't make up for the fact that
every other uniform user in the school has been marginalized making their fights with Ryuko anti-climactic
; there's no sense of danger for me as a viewer anymore now that I know
she can fight on par with the strongest person in the school
. It doesn't matter if
more powerful people come along, my point is that the threat from the student council, outside of Satsuki, has been effectively negated.
That's what I'm trying to get across.


I'm going to add TTGL to the pre-show suggestion list. Too many people in this thread haven't seen the show yet and it pisses me off :p

Option 2 doesn't make up for the fact that
every other uniform user in the school has been marginalized making their fights with Ryuko anti-climactic
; there's no sense of danger for me as a viewer anymore now that I know
she can fight on par with the strongest person in the school
. It doesn't matter if
more powerful people come along, my point is that the threat from the student council, outside of Satsuki, has been effectively negated.
That's what I'm trying to get across.

Right and we are trying to tell you that just because the main character is a lot stronger than a lot of the current supporting cast doesn't mean interesting and entertaining episodes can't follow while we are in the early arc(s) of the show. We know she's going to win, we just don't know how and that's the interesting part.The plot progression so far is very similar to Gurren Lagaan which also had a similar power gap between the MC and the lesser baddies up until about the halfway point of the series and that didn't stop that show from being awesome. (Not to mention large power gaps between the MC and lower level villains is not a new concept in action series). You could be right but, especially given what I know about the previous work of the staff, I'd rather wait and critique if need be than be apprehensive.

Haven't seen the Pokemon anime since Orange Islands, is X/Y any good?

Once the series left Kanto for the first time, the high points have been the various Pokemon Leagues, Ash's rivalry with Paul and the tail end of the Sinnoh saga in the Battle Frontier. The show took a big reset with Black and White that really hurt Ash's character. You haven't missed that much honestly IMO. As for X/Y specifically, I couldn't tell you but my hopes aren't up. Especially hard to care after Origins.


In terms of preshow. I forgot to add we should think about a movie night for thanksgiving and/or christmas and New Year's.

I can already nominate some good candidates.

Fuck my life

The place that hired me yesterday called me today and said "yeah the guy who was quitting decided not to quit so we don't have a spot for you"




Fuck my life

The place that hired me yesterday called me today and said "yeah the guy who was quitting decided not to quit so we don't have a spot for you"


DA FUK? They offered you a job they weren't even sure they had? Holy shit that's scummy. That feels like something that should be illegal (I assume you had already signed some paperwork or something) or something.
DA FUK? They offered you a job they weren't even sure they had? Holy shit that's scummy. That feels like something that should be illegal (I assume you had already signed some paperwork or something) or something.

No I was going in Monday to do that, as of right now it's just my word that they hired me as I didn't record the phone conversation cause... well why would I?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own

Fuck my life

The place that hired me yesterday called me today and said "yeah the guy who was quitting decided not to quit so we don't have a spot for you"


What in the actual fuck, Im sorry to hear that dude i dont know if theres anything you can do like sue them or something or if they can do that after they just hired you.



Fuck my life

The place that hired me yesterday called me today and said "yeah the guy who was quitting decided not to quit so we don't have a spot for you"


What? D:

Actually something like this happened to me once. They had two spots open and I happened to be their second pick. HR guy called me and had to break it to me that he really wanted me hired, but since the guy who was going to leave didn't, he couldn't.

Fuck my life

The place that hired me yesterday called me today and said "yeah the guy who was quitting decided not to quit so we don't have a spot for you"


Damn that sucks, what a dick move. Hope you find something soon. On the plus side you're done with PT and toonami is tomorrow! Don't let it ruin the day.

What in the actual fuck, Im sorry to hear that dude i dont know if theres anything you can do like sue them or something or if they can do that after they just hired you.

That's not something you can sue over.

I'm going to add TTGL to the pre-show suggestion list. Too many people in this thread haven't seen the show yet and it pisses me off :p

Right and we are trying to tell you that just because the main character is a lot stronger than a lot of the current supporting cast doesn't mean interesting and entertaining episodes can't follow while we are in the early arc(s) of the show. We know she's going to win, we just don't know how and that's the interesting part.The plot progression so far is very similar to Gurren Lagaan which also had a similar power gap between the MC and the lesser baddies up until about the halfway point of the series and that didn't stop that show from being awesome. (Not to mention large power gaps between the MC and lower level villains is not a new concept in action series). You could be right but, especially given what I know about the previous work of the staff, I'd rather wait and critique if need be than be apprehensive.

No, we don't know if the main character is going to achieve her goal and win, that's why I watch. We do know that nobody on the current student council is strong enough to beat her though which marginalizes them in my eyes.

Haven't seen GL


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
That fight was a real heart breaker. On the bright side on of the best fights in the series is coming up.

just finished the arc
with the return of geromichi
and now next episode will finally have
, about damn time.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Hammer Nao brought some real feels I bet.

Yup it had some feels, but at the same time it felt good for ippo to just destroy someone for once, it reminded me alot of his
title fight with date
cept on the other end lol
oh and episode 13 is freaking hilarious


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Which one was that again? Is that the one where
Aoki curses
him and he starts
inspecting his shits
finding a sea slug in one

It's actually when he gets into the ring and
he messed up his weight management+diarrhea and hawk was in the audience.
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