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Toonami |Sep14| This is our Final Dandy, baby

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TIL ESPN has a forum.


It doesn't anymore, once the comments showed up on articles, the forums never got advertised and most of them died

Not that I ever went on them at all after like 2003

It's funny, there was some forum-wide riddle game that happened, and it absolutely shit the board to death. Then I went to a new forum that was a bunch of members from the old ESPN forums, went onto 4chan at around 2006-7, then when college started I applied for a neogaf account and got accepted in like 3 days

Hearing horror stories of people who had to wait like 6+ months for their account is funny to me. I had great gaf RNG
until the rock band gaf shenanigans happened

So ive cheated on like 3 forums with Neogaf

Hope ya'll like sloppy seconds


I need to add you on Destiny Jarate. You have it for PS4 right?

yeah, MC_Giygas

im leveling up a Warlock because I have opened 2 legendary armor pieces and 1 exotic armor piece that have all been warlock gear. I was a Titan at the time, so I thought this was RNGeesus telling me something


Because of my Job I tend to miss the 11:30 show...which in this case has been AOT. Because of a "deal" that got me the full series, I have watched it on the side and currently made it up to episode 13..effectively the end of the first arc it seemed..

Here are my thoughts:

I like it. AoT is stupid, overdramatic, occasionally not anitmated at all and doesn't live up to the hype...but..I like it. I like the overdramatic yelling and arm movments. it is pretty hype. I enjoy "most" of the main cast and shit does occasionally get real. It's not perfect...but I do enjoy it.


- The dub for the most part does a bang up job of hitting the right notes..it helps that Funi didn't use their normal VAs in main roles. Mike McFarland, in particular, does a good job as Jean for example. Armin's VO also does a solid job in a role that in other hands could have been really really bad.

- When there is animation, it is pretty damn good.

- The soundtrack is really good.

- The story does occasionally have the hooks needed for many weekly anime but I do think it is a better show to marathon that watch weekly due to some pacing issue.s

- Eren isn't as bad as I thought from episode 1...barring if they keep him as a sociopath and not try to make said sociopathic behavior seem like an ideal. His agnst isn't as bad as I thought.

- The side characters are actually kinda sorta likable which makes you care about them.

- The Titans...motherfuckers are scary and then really really silly.

- Spoilers ahead :
I don't like shows where part of the hype is that CHARACTERS DIE YO. Akame Ga Kill is on my permanant not watch list because of this (also the jarring attempts at humor was poorly done IMO) because not only do I not like characters dying just so the show can be gritty..I also have no faith in the authors to kill off the right characters. BUT so far, nothing too bad. Marco's death in particular was weirdly done well...off screen and it was better than having him die dramatically on screen somehow...I also forgot that dude even existed lol. So far so good on that front.

- Dot Pyxsus is a G.

The Cons (spoilers ahead)

- Eren isn't that bad...but he is definately the weak link of the main cast regardless. Mikasa also isn't as cool as she gets hit with the Eren nerf bat at random lol. So the two main leads end up being the least interesting characters at time...which is weird. They aren't bad but still.

- Again Eren and Mikasa are the weak links again..in the dub. I don't hate Bryce like a lot of people but he lacks range to do certain things...he also has been in a lot of shit lately. He works for Eren's cray cray moments but not so much the moments where he has to be "serious" like
the speech during the carry the boulder moment was supposed to be awesome but came off a bit lame
. Mikasa's VAs is equally weak. She doesn't quite pull off the serious voice well enough. Again not bad...but just the weak link.

- Pacing Issues out the ass. Not a problem during a marathon but there are some episodes where nothing really happens....nah.


But despite all that, I am enjoying it. It;s dumb, it's over-dramatic but it is an enjoyable watch despite that.

too bad I can't watch it with you guys...so when part 2 hits next Tuesday...I might even pass you guys


Work second shift on a weekend, brehs


Never did reviews and rankings for last week so here it goes

Attack on Titan
Another great episode. Female Titan put in some work on the scout fodder. The take downs are creative and go a long way to show just how adept at combat this Titan is. If memory serves, next week is going to annoy the hell out of a lot of people.

Another Trollific episode. My only big complaint is this is essentially a repeat from last weeks episode but considering how amazing that was there are worst things to repeat. Also, Ichigo resolving to kill Facebook seems completely out of character for him.

Space Dandy
A surprisingly funny episode. Not god tier like the previous episodes this season but still very solid. I enjoyed all the dimensional humor but a week after this aired there isn't much that really stood out like previous episode. Next episode looks fantastic.

Naruto Shippuden

One Piece
My bias is showing here. As a long time One Piece fan it is always great having what I like to call 'payoff episodes'. A payoff episode is an episode where the short or long term arcs are mentioned or become a major plot point. In this case it was the Giants of Elbaf. This episode and the episode after next are both great payoff episodes. It is nice seeing the continuity of such a enormous story get brought back time and time again. The short fight between Luffy and Blueno was great
too bad we get next to nothing of that in the next episode
. You're amazing Usopp, how can you be so amazing?

Gurren Lagaan

I forgot just how bad the episode was. The animation was a special kind of bad. Let me explain, as others have pointed out animation style has been used in other anime to great effect. The problem is for an anime that flows so well the more jerky animations just looked weird and it really shows in the finale when they defeat the beastman by what looks like the beastmen running into the drill. It just didn't gel well with the episode. Next episode is a special kind of bad as well IIRC, so brace yourselves.

Beware the Doofus

I owe Gurren Lagaan an apology...

This was a fucking mess of an episode and easily the lowlight of the evening. Braindead riddles. Humpty is annoying and such a generic villain that most were just calling him a knockoff Riddler. I miss the Arkham Asylum version of Humpty who was an infinitely better character. The epitomy of how lazy the episode was when Batman and the dunce gang enter the room and basically spell out in the first 5 seconds what the answer to the riddle is and then proceed to take 5 minutes to solve it in the most contrived way possible. Quote of the episode: "You're Batman, you don't need any help!" Yes...yes he does. When is this show leaving the block for good> I am going to write a big tumblr post to Toonami that states "Beware the Batman: Never Again".

Hellsing Ultimate
Thank God, Satan, Alucard and everything in between. This is the shot in the arm needed after the shit we had to go through. This show will be a fantastic group watch with its excessive violence, nearly broken main character hamming it up and crazy only matched by JoJo. My only complaint is the opening was slow introducing the main characters and the mood whiplash with the humor could have been handled better. Aside from that, things kicked into high gear when crazy eyes Anderson entered the scene and proceed to fuck up everyone's day.

Appropriate clip

Star Wars: I rather be playing Destiny Wars
It is a shame this show is leaving the block before we got to anything good in the later seasons. The streak of Amadalla episodes is the bane of season. She is fine in small amounts but having (3?) episodes in a row of her and her stupid hair fight over a vote makes me feel like I am watching Space C-Span. Space C-Span: It sounds more interesting than it really is.

Samurai Jack
A tease to the ending of the series and one of the few times Jack just gets completely destroyed. Good action and I really liked both characters in this and the build up to the fight. If memory serves we are going to start getting to really good episodes of Jack really soon.

Rankings time!

The Good
One Piece
Hellsing Ultimate
Attack on Titan
Samurai Jack
Space Dandy

The Bad
Star Wars the Clone Wars
Naruto Shippuden

The Beware the Batman
Beware the Batman

I am doing something special for a particular series coming up! Should be up within the week.


Ive been going onto forums since I was like 10

so, am I cheating on the ESPN football forums with you guys?

Im 23 now ;-;, also I was a shitposter then and I'm a shitposter now. I'm one of the most dedicated shitposters on earth

I need an @espnshitpost twitter account more than I've ever needed anything in my life


I saw this in the FigureGAF thread. I'd post it here but it might be too NSFW.

Excellent Honey Figure from Space Dandy

I never really got into figures all that much because of how expensive they were and how hyper sexualized they tend to be. I mean, it gets kind of hard to display those unless you don't care that people know you're into 3D models of 2D girls. I mean, to each his/her own I suppose.

The only figures I actually own was a SSJ3 Goku I got at a garage sale and a Haruko figure from FLCL I got as a gift from a friend who lives in Japan.


I need an @espnshitpost twitter account more than I've ever needed anything in my life
Man, I cringe thinking back at my old posts

But just read the comments on ESPN articles and see for ypurself thousands of thousands of shitposts. They removed anonymous posting and force you to use your real name, but my god, that does not stop any of the shit that gets posted there.


I never really got into figures all that much because of how expensive they were and how hyper sexualized they tend to be. I mean, it gets kind of hard to display those unless you don't care that people know you're into 3D models of 2D girls. I mean, to each his/her own I suppose.

The only figures I actually own was a SSJ3 Goku I got at a garage sale and a Haruko figure from FLCL I got as a gift from a friend who lives in Japan.
I betcha you put a lot of "hot glue" on that SSJ3 Goku


Here's the Haru...pretty tame in comparison. The lewdest thing in my room right now is the Catherine Deluxe Edition box which sits on the same dresser behind it.


Does anyone actually have Sakura as their waifu? I mean, like, do people in Japan actually like her

Man God


Aldnoah.Zero 12

Courtesy of phaze

Only Valvrave tops it at this point. Stay losing
Slaine or should I say winning at this point?


Bill nye guest lectured at my school last night. Was pretty awesome. When a pic of that guy he debated came on his slide show the building went wild with applause. He even did the woo pig soie chant with us.


Bill nye guest lectured at my school last night. Was pretty awesome. When a pic of that guy he debated came on his slide show the building went wild with applause. He even did the woo pig soie chant with us.

I'd love to go see Bill Nye speak. Our school had Neil deGrasse Tyson speak once, but seating was far too limited and I was at work when he visited.
Aldnoah.Zero 12

Courtesy of phaze

Only Valvrave tops it at this point. Stay losing
Slaine or should I say winning at this point?

I gave up on aldnoah zero after episode 10 when they undid the shower scene with cpr and "I still trust you despite you being a crazy bitch" was just done. Did it get even worse after that?


Gives all the fucks
Random but
The Future Diary to toonami before I die? >.<
We've entertained the idea before (personally, I could see it working at 2 AM-ish), but Funimation probably already has some other shows they have prepared for Adult Swim.

& crap, t-storm seems to be happening. Shouldn't be around when Toonami starts, but just hope it doesn't make it so my internet &/or TV goes out...


Rewatched FLCL to pick up on things I missed the first . Ended up liking it A LOT more. In all its double meaning weirdness

I...I might need a break from anime halp


I gave up on aldnoah zero after episode 10 when they undid the shower scene with cpr and "I still trust you despite you being a crazy bitch" was just done. Did it get even worse after that?

Oh my yes. It is solidly in it's so bad its good for me.

Words cannot describe the glorious events that occur in episode 12.


Gives all the fucks
Funimation's twitter:

"Care to "venture" a guess as to who one of the guest voices for tonight's #SpaceDandy episode will be?"


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Funimation's twitter:

"Care to "venture" a guess as to who one of the guest voices for tonight's #SpaceDandy episode will be?"

Patrick Warburton?!

... Yeah I know it's going to be Michael Sinterniklass (I had to look this up)


Ha, "pass out". The most important thing I've learned in college is how to operate without sleep.
I learned that freshman year(high school). Average day I had 4 hours of sleep until i gradually got more tired for 2/3 weeks and slept 7/8 hours one night, then repeated...


Gives all the fucks
Why would you not want the world to know you've watched every episode of girl's bravo?
The sad thing is, the manga actually has some decent artwork & is actually LESS mature in terms of content. Not to mention one of the characters was completely rewritten from "barely exists" to "stalker lesbian".

...........OR SO I'VE HEARD.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
At the height of Netflix's raunchy anime phase about three years ago a friend and I decided to watch all of it.

The standouts were Masters of Martial Hearts (great mindfuck ending, hiliariously horrible everything else) Sekeirei (just plain bad) Shuffle (AMAZING yandere in that one) and Girls Bravo, which might be the best of them all.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Demon King Daimo or whatever, how could I forget that?

Great voice acting, horrible everything else.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this challenge nearly ruined us as functional human beings, watching that much bad anime turns people mean.
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