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Toonami |Sep14| This is our Final Dandy, baby

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Last night's Dandy was ok- far from amazing, but I understand they needed to save some of that budget for the finale. Though I wish they would have gone a different route with a low budget episode. A random series of events regarding a kid throwing a baseball just doesn't feel worthy enough to be the penultimate episode of the series, much less the first one with direct continuity. But maybe the juxtaposition of episodes is the writers' way of saying "thatsthejoke". Not gonna nitpick too much though.
I honestly think the dimension talk in the episode and the mention of Dandy not having DNA will come into play for the finale.

This WHOLE back half of the season was explaining the rules of the show. I'm expecting it too all come to a head in the finale now.

I'm going with the guess from the Dandy OT that Dandy will end up being an actual rare alien

Hanje is obnoxious and makes a bad show worse.
Reading this actually made me physically ill

someone needs to create a super saiyan version of that sedainabox gif


Last night's Dandy episode was the budget episode before the finale, but it still looked good. The art was great and so were the alien designs. The episode also had pretty cool camera work considering it was set in that courthouse for most of it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Seda is a true bro and I respect a variety of opinions in the TOONAMI community but he's just plain wrong about Science girl, who is fun and playful and hustles loyally and respectfully with each appearance to make AOT a watchable experience.
Hanje is obnoxious and makes a bad show worse.


she's fine in small doses but last night kinda overdid it with the screeching


Hanje is obnoxious and makes a bad show worse.

I wouldnt say she makes it worse orr that AoT is bad, but last epsiode she was really bad. I dont think her spazzing was quite as heavily done in the japanese version? That may just be me incorrectly remembering though.


Sketchbook Picasso
The Dandy picture is fantastic. One of your best yet!

The Perfect excuse for some Wright References! I'm glad you like, since the reference materials were pretty sparse for a just-aired ep.

Good work SAB CA.

Not a DD (TPP) reference in sight. I see how it is, Kaz :p

good job btw

*bow* Thank ya both! lazy, would you believe I actually haven't watched any of the TGS Metal Gear stuff yet? I really need to make up on that... heck, I feel wrong not referencing METAL GEAR, now that you make me think about it...

Someone caught the FF fever :p

Yeah, Yoko with that obvious White Mage outfit! (I think this each time I see it, ha.) I love Square's "Games + a Demo" deals, the Square Enix Demo disk from the PS1 days that had things like Einhinder and Bushido Blade and TOBAL on them... Anything that pings those memories gets me a bit more hype than the elements by themselves.

And Explorers is looking better than I would have expected. Hearing them use lots of FFVI-sounding effects for spells is also pulling at heartstrings...

Good morning everyone. Might sleep again later today... didn't feel like I got enough.
Hilarious TGS themed drawings SAB CA

Thanks, it almost wasn't so! I feel weird commenting on game stuff with barely any Nintendo announcements on a Nintendo system, ha.

I remember liking this ep of Titan when I first saw it, but I feel as if the reaction from the others was better explained in JP. Might not be true. I won't say much more about it now, though. Will save that for a bigger opinion post later.

Same for the other standout shows... except I'll say I also enjoyed Dandy, even if it was a slower ep, and While the ultraviolence of Helsing was kinda nice to see... I still think I prefer the 90's ubergore anime styles better, violence wise. Still feel like this show overdoes "exploding into messy blood showers" a bit too much.

Some pretty awesome stuff Sab, looking forward to all the FF stuff as well

Playing XV will have to be my Lost Odyssey of this gen so far, I guess, lol. I hope to love Type 0. I hope it's combat reminds me of how much I loved X2's combat when I first got hands on it, rather than the annoyance of not being able to move freely that came out of XIII

Good work SAB CA

Thanks! LoL, I thought about sketching the Trunks Finale of DBZ Kai (which aired on Saturday morning 'toons yesterday) rather than Beware the Bat myself, much like your mysteriously Smashing review of Naruto, ha.

*sees e-mail from Funimation*

"Happy Birthday, zonic505! Anime loves you!"

I didn't know anime-senpai felt that way about me!



Happy Birthday! One of my Sisters has a Bday tomorrow, I guess this is just a bDay filled time! Enjoy!

Great pics. I guessed TGS would find itself somewhere among you sketches this week.

It was a great TGS full of some good surprises, and yet I felt like I should have been able to tie in so much more!

Great stuff as always. I always enjoy when you pick a particular theme for the night.

One of these weeks, I'm gonna try to pull of the "Western animation style" theme, haha. Considering I never try and draw in such styles, I wonder how a night of "Everything was Futurama" or such would turn out...

Love this week's stuff, SAB. So glad you included the Ginjo face. Best image of the week. Don't feel pressured to get these out early, also. You can wait until the next morning to post this if it helps.

Thankfully, Posting is the easier part! Completing them before Toonami is over is the hard one, especially if I get stuck over-working on a specific pic (Like The Naruto "Booth Babes" pic this week).

Ginjo face was definitely too good. Though I have to say, when all his friends mentioned they remembered their purpose, after turning on him, I thought it might end up this way. Tsukishima's ability to place himself into the past not only means he can make himself a friend to everyone, but he could also make them see him as a Mortal Enemy, no? I thought it was a nice hint towards the whole situation possibly being shifty, so seeing it pay off like that felt good and unique, actually.

As far as Titan's pacing... Considering we basically got a window into Why Eren can trust these people that (as far as we know) he barely knows, I thought the fill-in flashback worked. It might have been nice to Eren to just accept "they're smarter and I should listen", but.. we KNOW that's not his way.

This reminds me of how I feel when drawing Half-faces... especially when I can't draw the other half due to no (virtual?) paper.

One more thing, I decided to perfect the Ginjo Grin:


So good and CREEPY, ha. Should easily be an emote everywhere. oddly reminds me of seeing Colonel Sanders pop up in random anime all the time...


Where the hell is your avatar from anyway?

If I had to take a guess, I'd say Tim and Eric?

I think it's a stock photo

I saw it and knew it would be perfect

Ive used other avatars but I think I'll keep this one for right now. Unless something Guan Yu related gets made into a game


I'm riding the Nagito Komaeda wave, man. I can't change my avatar.

DR2 spoilers, sooo dont click if you havent played (or...an anti-spoiler, but really. dont click)
I hated that 30m in I realized Nagito Komaeda= MakotoNaegiDA aka "Da Makoto Naegi but in reality its just a red herring to screw with us and apparently it wasnt intentional whatsoever? Even though theyre even the same VA/Ultimate lol

Also ill never change my avatar :3 I tried once and had to go back instantly. Kinda like how I dont wana Seda to ever change his, its too iconic!

Edit: 74 down, interesting....third/fourth ending?


This Non Canon 'title run' Mangod's been on has been legendary. Hulk Hogan didn't even have this long of a hold back in the day.

That pic will never run it's course, just like Rock laid the fuck out in the middle of the street will always be hilarious

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I know I promised last week but sometime after 9pm eastern I presumably will restart the Bount Arc of Bleach. Might try an experimental recap.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Shit I have not played it yet and thankfully the demo will be out in six months but the various translated interviews about FF XV's battle system make it sound absolutely dreadful. Willing to give it a shot though, I guess.

Maybe they should rename it FF XV VERSUS the Fanbase.


Originally, I thought that Aldnoah.Zero might be a good choice for Toonami if they want to license another mecha series from Aniplex...but at this point, I'd really have to wait until seeing what's done with the second season before saying that.
Originally, I thought that Aldnoah.Zero might be a good choice for Toonami if they want to license another mecha series from Aniplex...but at this point, I'd really have to wait until seeing what's done with the second season before saying that.

Can't wait for the Aldnoah/Valvrave/Guilty Crown power block ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 39

Yea, I don't have much to say about this one other then it sucked and was boring. In general I dislike this part of the arc as it just feels like padding until shit needs to get real again. This episode compounds those frustrations but utterly lacking in insight. Oh, okay, figure skating
was the official sport of The Moon Kingdom and the Princess was really good at it, whoopdie shit.
Also, I find Makoto's boy crazy attitude less endearing and more sad and alarming since she always bases it off guys looking like her ex, that can't be healthy. At any rate, strong recommendation to avoid.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 40:

I almost feel like I owe the previous episode an apology, this is some fucking pointless filler. Indeed, this is the worst episode I have viewed since the infamous episode 20. This could have worked if they had just broken away from the god damned formula, given us a quiet and introspective episode of Usagi reflecting on shit away from the madness and the training and spending some time with her family. Instead they just had to crowbar in the Dark Kingdom with all the usual trappings. Episode 39 was at least on point with this goofy ferret out Sailor Moon plotline. This however was a Japanese folkore tale that was used to have Endimyion show up and attempt to play the role of the heel. Honestly, this shit isn't working since they having him act like a face in battle very effortlessly. Just an awful episode all around and highest recommendations to avoid.


Never seen guilty crown, but at least valvrave had a sense of fun in its insanity. Aldnoah Zero plays it straight which makes it terrible
To be honest, I would prefer to see more mecha shows that play things straight, and quite liked how A/Z subverted the idea of super robots being inherently superior by showing how the ones there could be defeated with proper tactics (even if only one person on the show was capable of devising those plans, which has now become a liability). Aside from it being unusual to see standard mechs actually being viable in combat, it's rare to see something where the lead isn't either hot-blooded or a coward. But again, I have my doubts about the future of the series in S2 after that...finale.

I've read enough horror stories to never go anywhere near the likes of Valvrave or Guilty Crown.


To be honest, I would prefer to see more mecha shows that play things straight, and quite liked how A/Z subverted the idea of super robots being inherently superior by showing how the ones there could be defeated with proper tactics (even if only one person on the show was capable of devising those plans, which has now become a liability). Aside from it being unusual to see standard mechs actually being viable in combat, it's rare to see something where the lead isn't either hot-blooded or a coward. But again, I have my doubts about the future of the series in S2 after that...finale.

I've read enough horror stories to never go anywhere near the likes of Valvrave or Guilty Crown.

On the other hand we did have to suffer through decades of EVA influence.


It got traded in for a decade of Code Geass influence instead.
Shows that focus on mecha pilots with supernatural abilities do seem more prominent these days, yeah.
I'd rather have Eva influence then Geass influence, say what you will about Shinji at least he had a character and an arc unlike Aldnoah Zero's main character
Closest comparison that comes to mind with Inaho's "calculating and understated with flat affect" approach would be Heero from Gundam Wing, who I wouldn't be surprised at being similarly divisive (no idea, as I wasn't posting on web forums way back when that aired).


Shit I have not played it yet and thankfully the demo will be out in six months but the various translated interviews about FF XV's battle system make it sound absolutely dreadful. Willing to give it a shot though, I guess.

Maybe they should rename it FF XV VERSUS the Fanbase.

What makes it sound dreadful? I've only seen the latest trailer.


Unconfirmed Member
The FF XV battle system sounds like something that could either be really really cool or really really terrible. Really going to need that demo to get a sense of it, and even then, I imagine you're probably going to be locked out of a lot of its real functionality.

I still don't understand why people complain about auto-attack, though. Jamming A on "Fight" constantly to win most random battles was never exactly super fun.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Xenoblade has Auto-Attack and it's amazing.

I think when people hear "auto-attack" and "Final Fantasy", their mind goes to XIII and they can't handle it.
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