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Toonami |Sep14| This is our Final Dandy, baby

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Also this is an odd question

magicalgyaru asked:
wait, I thought of a real question as well. Do y'all think that [legal] streaming has promoted or diminished growth of niche programming in recent years?

Diminished, sadly.

I guess revenue from legal streaming is far less then ads on cable :X


Toonami has every few months a tumblr q&a session, currently we've learned from this one

Attack on titan is repeating

Bleach is being replaced by dbz kai on november 8th and will probably not repeat

December will be a month of movies

Kill la kill, sailor moon, and sao s2 are the most requested shows

Wait no JoJo.

BRB. Killing the fanbase who requests 2 of those 3 shows.


So it really is only a matter of time before we get SAO II isn't it? *sigh* Is anyone watching it. Is it better than S1 at least?


So it really is only a matter of time before we get SAO II isn't it? *sigh* Is anyone watching it. Is it better than S1 at least?










Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Finished Beware the Batman. Hoo boy...

You could tell they were planning a lot for Season 2 with that last episode.
Batman forming the Outsiders, Deathstroke losing his eye, Harvey Dent's mind breaking (and him taking off the bandages... cocktease), and more Anarky (so was he meant to be the main villain?) Well too bad! Show sucked, got cancelled, try again!

Harvey Dent was by far the worst character. He was an ultra-douche through and through, and his change to Two-Face really didn't matter as it meant nothing. He was essentially the same character.
Batman sucked, he was way too incompetent. I know you're meant to be a rookie, but even Year One Batman had a better track record.
Katana was annoying... too many stupid one-liners. And what kind of costume was that? Just a domino mask? Are you one of the civilians the Wonderful 101 rescues? And why give a domino mask to Barbara? She's mostly in front of a computer if she's going to be Oracle. Though I did see them attempting to make her Batgirl with the training.

Deathstroke started awesome, but then it turned into "adopted daddy issues". Laaaaame.
The best villain was Magpie. For reasons....
Ra's al Ghul was booooring.

So... think Cartoon Network will get another Batman show? Maybe, but it will probably be a stupid comedy like Teen Titans Go since CN seems to hate serialized shows now.


Harvey Dent was by far the worst character. He was an ultra-douche through and through, and his change to Two-Face really didn't matter as it meant nothing. He was essentially the same character.

Deathstroke started awesome, but then it turned into "adopted daddy issues".

This was definitely my takeaway too. Two-face ended up slamming into your face the whole split personality thing with all of his quips, but you don't see it at all outside of that. You just see a douche.

And Deathstroke wanting to be Batman to somehow get back at Alfred? I dunno anything about Deathstroke's real character but that motivation was very lame.

Also Katana did nothing important. Not with Deathstroke, not with the bombs, nothing.


Gives all the fucks
Oh right, forgot about the Q&A. So basically, DBZ Kai starting Nov. 8th (finally, a date), AoT is reairing (no surprise there), and Top 3 (what about top 5?) requested shows are Kill la Kill (again), Sailor Moon (again), and SAO 2. Anything else worth nothing?
by the way, i wrote a short review of Psycho-Pass a while ago. you could take some of it as hinting what will go on in the series itself, but i wouldn't say it's significant or really anything you wouldn't find in a professional review


Oh right, forgot about the Q&A. So basically, DBZ Kai starting Nov. 8th (finally, a date), AoT is reairing (no surprise there), and Top 3 (what about top 5?) requested shows are Kill la Kill (again), Sailor Moon (again), and SAO 2. Anything else worth nothing?

Another movie month coming, but otherwise I think you got all the big points.


I thought everyone said episode four of Gurren Lagann was the worst episode of the series. The one last night was a lot worse than it. Not only was it a bad hot springs episode, but it was a recap episode. I can't believe they felt the need for a recap episode six episodes into the series.


Gives all the fucks
Oh right, Dec. is movie month again. Hopefully this means we'll get stuff like Eva 3.33, FMA: Sacred Star of Milos, etc. Maybe they could air all the Black Lagoon OVAs together?

Looks like they still don't have the rights to any Gundam series.

So it seems Bleach will be replaced by another Viz anime? What other stuff is there? Or is DBZ Kai replacing Bleach? But then what'll replace AoT, since that'll probably get moved to the later 1/2 of the block.


Oh right, Dec. is movie month again. Hopefully this means we'll get stuff like Eva 3.33, FMA: Sacred Star of Milos, etc.

I doubt they'll air 3.33. There still isn't a release date for the DVD/Blu-Ray. They won't air it before its video release.
I thought everyone said episode four of Gurren Lagann was the worst episode of the series. The one last night was a lot worse than it. Not only was it a bad hot springs episode, but it was a recap episode. I can't believe they felt the need for a recap episode six episodes into the series.

Censored for tv version, basically replaced cut content with recaps


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
This reminded me- has matt been banned 4x and the 4th was a perma, or hes been perma'd 4x?

All that I know that he was banned multiple times as criminal upper until perma, came back with a alternate account and didnt hide the fact that it was him which got him permaed again


Attack on Titan - A pretty good episode although it started out with too much slow melodrama (gasp!). Okay, we get it; trust is an issue. Anyway, once that part was over, it was great watching Levi taunt the FemTitan from atop her head. It’s really fascinating to see her looking so scared beneath those giant, creepy eyes. The twist at the end made for a good cliffhanger, too. The enemy is among us! I’m looking forward to see how this plays out next week. I don’t think I’ve seen any more of the series after this point.

Bleach - This was so dumb; let me count the ways. First, in typical Bleach fashion, the show spends minutes treating us like toddlers so it can over explain everything that has happened in slow, painful detail. Then, Ichigo breaks down and cries like a baby which should have made me sad but strangely made me chuckle. Finally, Rukia shows up with the MacGuffin Blade and makes EVERYTHING COMPLETELY POINTLESS! There was no buildup. No payoff. This outcome wasn’t earned. If this was the plan all along, why didn’t Rukia simply tell Ichigo to wait for her to give him his powers back? Why allow him to fall into Facebook’s and Ginjo’s trap!? What was supposed to be a triumphant moment of resurrection, fell terribly flat because I was left asking, “uh, what?”

Space Dandy - A Dandy final episode to a Dandy series. I remember back when Space Dandy was first announced and wondered if this would be great or a flop. I was a little skeptical even during its run. However, I think the talent behind this series shined through with what was basically just a not-to-be-taken-seriously playground for the creators to experiment with and have fun. And a fun ride it was! If I had any complaints about this final episode it was that the crew aboard the Aloha Oi, while there, really didn’t contribute much to the outcome. Also, it was pretty obvious from the teasers and title of the episode how this was all going to play out (cyclical universe trope). Still, what elevated things to such great heights were the animation and all the great swerves such as Bea’s deception and the Narrator actually being God. I think a Season 3 could happen but I’m not sure how it would play out now. There’s no god/narrator in the universe anymore, right? Toonami has every right to be proud of their partnership with Watanabe on this series and hopefully its success will lead to more such endeavors in the future. See you, Space Dandy.

Naruto: Shippuden - Are we supposed to like Sai? I know he’s supposed to be some kind of brooding heartthrob character (especially when you watch that centerfold ED) but then why are they going to such lengths to make him an asshole? If not being able to understand emotions is his one flaw then this is going to be a loooong arc of in-team fighting. Not that it was hard, but I saw the whole “it’s a simulation” thing coming from a mile away because the cloak Yamato was wearing didn’t match. This entire episode would have been a five minute sequence in another show. The only enjoyment I got was from laughing at how bad the animation was. It has returned to preschool levels of bad. How was this show never canceled, again? Did it have good ratings or did Kishi just fund this entire series himself?

One Piece - Maybe I’m cold-hearted but I was never attached to Sodom and Gammora. They spent too much these past few episodes showing these beasts sacrificing themselves for the battle. They’re basically just big horses and while I’m sorry they got hurt/killed, I ultimately don’t really care about them. Also, I’ve grown tired of listening to Chopper cry out everything they say. Thankfully, it looks like that part is finally past and everyone has arrived at the doors ready to join Luffy in battle. Second Gear looks interesting (based on the tease in the OP). I’m guessing he’s steamed-powered now or something? I’m looking forward to see this new move next week. Another fun episode overall.

Gurren Lagann - It was painful (but expected) to read all the negative reactions to this episode. This is the point where people often give up on the series entirely which is such a shame because next episode is when the plot ramps up in full force and the series goes back to the amazing heights of the first three episodes. As for myself, I actually enjoy the lighthearted humor of this bathhouse episode; even more in the uncut version where the jokes don’t fall flat. I can’t wait for next week!!

Beware the Batasdfalsdhfasd;lfladaadsflhawEND END END! - Sorry guys. I let you down. I tried really hard to stay up and endure the whole marathon but I fell asleep after the Deathstroke episode. It sounds like I missed some really hilarious stuff. As expected, what I did see was laughably bad. I won’t go into details but lets just say that this show will live on in our hearts as another enjoyable, ToonamiGAF hate watch.


Kill La Kill is up in the air because of its sexual content and the cost of making it work for US airwaves. There is clearly a desire from the fans that Toonami/AS recognizes but it'll come down to how much aniplex and adult swim are willing to help cover the cost of censoring its nudity/sexual content and if its worth airing at that point

During last night's Space Dandy finale, we saw a full on naked Dandy. The nudity in Kill la Kill never gets any more lewd than that. So, I don't really think the "nudity" is an issue anymore. We just watched Space Dandy have the same exact level of nudity. Basically, genital-less nudity is now acceptable on Toonami.

If there is anything in KLK that would need editing it's
Raygo's actions
. That, yes, I can see them needing to edit. But that's just one or two brief shots in the entire series.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I just realized something.
Beware ends with the Outsiders erasing Deathstroke's memory.
This was the plot to Identity Crisis, where it was revealed that Justice League had been erasing villain's memories for years (and Batman's when he found out about it).

Funny thing is that Identity Crisis has a scene where Deathstroke curbstomps the Justice League.


I just realized something.
Beware ends with the Outsiders erasing Deathstroke's memory.
This was the plot to Identity Crisis, where it was revealed that Justice League had been erasing villain's memories for years (and Batman's when he found out about it).

Funny thing is that Identity Crisis has a scene where Deathstroke curbstomps the Justice League.

There was a plot to BtB?
Hmm, if Space Dandy reruns are still happening, I wonder if AoT will replace Brotherhood. I kinda figured The long running shounen will replace the long running shounen. Excited for month of movies. 3.33 seems like a lock. Would love another classic to be shown like Ghost in the Shell or Jin-Roh. SAO 2 being most requested is sadly not surprising. Would make a grea hate watch tho!


Gurren Lagann - It was painful (but expected) to read all the negative reactions to this episode. This is the point where people often give up on the series entirely which is such a shame because next episode is when the plot ramps up in full force and the series goes back to the amazing heights of the first three episodes.
Honestly if I wasn't staying up for Hellsing anyway, I'd probably bail out. To this point half of the episodes have been lame; that's not a good ratio.
Honestly if I wasn't staying up for Hellsing anyway, I'd probably bail out. To this point half of the episodes have been lame; that's not a good ratio.

From what I've seen 3 out of the 10 episodes I've seen are lame, and those three are 4-6 which we just watched. 7-10 I remember being great and the rest of the show is great from what I've heard. Having 3 bad episodes in a 26 episode series isn't that bad all things considered, it's a shame they're basically front loaded and back to back to back :/


Hmm, if Space Dandy reruns are still happening, I wonder if AoT will replace Brotherhood. I kinda figured The long running shounen will replace the long running shounen. Excited for month of movies. 3.33 seems like a lock. Would love another classic to be shown like Ghost in the Shell or Jin-Roh. SAO 2 being most requested is sadly not surprising. Would make a grea hate watch tho!
You're right. AoT replacing Brotherhood would probably be good for Toonami. Personally, I enjoy Brotherhood more (so far as I've seen of AoT) but the ratings on AoT would probably be higher.

I also agree that SAO II is a shoe-in to happen. I can imagine that being fun to watch if it's great or terrible. It would likely be a ratings boost regardless, so everyone wins.

I've not heard good things about the new Sailor Moon series, though. Mostly that its production values are very cheap.
I feel like as long as they have their contract to infinitely rerun FMA:B they're going to do so. Basically makes it a free show and because it's over 60 episodes we basically get a year+ of content to rerun as opposed to shows like IGPX or Big O s2 where we only get 26 or 13 episodes. Rerunning both lets the same a bit of money to save up for more expensive things I imagine


Gives all the fucks
From what I've seen 3 out of the 10 episodes I've seen are lame, and those three are 4-6 which we just watched. 7-10 I remember being great and the rest of the show is great from what I've heard. Having 3 bad episodes in a 26 episode series isn't that bad all things considered, it's a shame they're basically front loaded and back to back to back :/
Yup, gotta agree. Again, doing my best not to hype anything or get expectations up, but we pretty much got through what most fans consider the "low point" episodes. If you liked any of the first three episodes, you'll want to stick around. Especially since we saw at the end that Viral's back.

Edit: I just checked my Dish and adultswim.com & it seems that Space Dandy is starting from Season 1 next week. A shame, I was hoping we'd start at S2 and get to rewatch that season first.
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