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Toonami |Sep15| You got the edge! You got the power!

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All the Parasyte hate here is disturbing. So a female character says the same line over snd over again. It's not a perfect anime but it's better than most.
All the Parasyte hate here is disturbing. So a female character says the same line over snd over again. It's not a perfect anime but it's better than most.

The female cast is not the only problem I had with Parasyte.

The story and character development move a long at such an erratic pace, nothing feels earned. The main character's behavior often veers into comical territory at times because of it. He'll be incredibly tough and confident one episode, then whiny and insecure the next whenever the plot demands it.

And don't get me started on how terrible its forced ending is.
Parasyte also suffers from some really weird and bad direction and sound direction, especially sound direction. Music that just does not fit will play during certain scenes.

The heavy handed environmental message and "ARE HUMANS THE REAL MONSTERS?" really dates it as well.


Parasyte also suffers from some really weird and bad direction and sound direction, especially sound direction. Music that just does not fit will play during certain scenes.

The heavy handed environmental message and "ARE HUMANS THE REAL MONSTERS?" really dates it as well.

the killer dude
straight up SAY this near the end of the show? LOL

Parasyte will still probably end up being one of the better Toonami shows

That's quite a low bar there :p

Looking at the completed TV show/OVA list, I'd say Parasyte is superior to 10 and about equal to about 5 of said shows in terms of quality. Given there are 29 completed TV shows/OVAs,I guess that puts it near the 50th percentile?


STOP, parasyte has been proven to possess numerous flaws in writing and execution that will be glaringly clear the second many viewers experience it. To compare it to Sword Art Online is equivalent to comparing the writing of super mario kart to a Tolkien masterpiece, that is how far the reach is for parasyte to reach the high level of SAO. The only good in parasyte is the soundtrack.

Lol, bro fist DTL.

*runs away*
To be honest, I wouldn't call Parasyte a terrible show.

But it's not great or even good in my opinion.

It's a show that more often than not just bored me. Which is made all the more frustrating because Parasyte conceptually is the type of show that I should love.

It's a show that exists, and that you can watch. That's the highest praise I can give Parasyte.


STOP, parasyte has been proven to possess numerous flaws in writing and execution that will be glaringly clear the second many viewers experience it. To compare it to Sword Art Online is equivalent to comparing the writing of super mario kart to a Tolkien masterpiece, that is how far the reach is for parasyte to reach the high level of SAO. The only good in parasyte is the soundtrack.

To compare it to Sword Art Online is equivalent to comparing the writing of super mario kart to a Tolkien masterpiece, that is how far the reach is for parasyte to reach the high level of SAO.

to reach the high level of SAO.

high level


Man God

Non-Canon Member


Kazuto, who the hell is Kazuto? Wait a minute, I know that voice...


It's Kamen Rider and Kamen Rider Girl!


Oh....It's Kirito under a gimmick change.


Cut to the rest of the harem talking about how summer vacation is almost over. Lisbeth and Asuna give Dragon Girl shit about not finishing her work as she hasn't even started. She no sells this remark and waves to Suguha and Kirito. Suguha is going with him to his school today to learn how to swim better from Kirito's harem. Dragon girl is surprised as Sugu is good with sports, but something gets in her way when it comes to getting wet. Kirito is also here to meet with the school counselor on...important business. Lisbeth jokes that he won't be able to see them in their bathing suits but at least the counselor is hot. Kirito tries to deflect but Asuna is not happy about this! The rest of the harem is used to being pushed down the rankings. Kirito leaves Suguha who is nervous, but at least the pool isn't as big as the ocean in ALO.


Lisbeth asks him to say high to the sexy counselor as Kirigawd tries the cool walking away with your back turned with your arm up thing, with obvious results.


To the meeting! Kirito knocks and sexy voices answers. Two chairs are in the room, one with its back turned. She is there, and pretty sexy, but she's not alone! Bah Gawd, that's not a sexy counselor! It's....it's...


That government guy, Mr Kikuohka! He just wanted to recap go over a few things about the two incidents Kirito was involved in. The sexy counselor isn't even sticking around, what a rip off. Kirito has talked to this guy a million times so he knows the drill and bribes Kirito with some candy.


No, I'm not kidding. He bribes him with candy. He wants to know why 4000 people died and what really made Kayaba tick (and he won't get any answers just like the people who watched the show) so he sets down a recorder. Okay, sure, it takes a bit more weedling than that, he guilt trips him about helping out with the nerve gear and a bit of info during the second part of SAO.


We cut to the...changing room? Sugu wants to know if it's really okay to use the school pool...can anyone guess where this is going? Dragon girl is impressed with Lisbeth's new suit. Lisbeth says she's a lot more "boobalicious" since SAO. Dragon girl is clearly jealous. Both are impressed by Asuna's bikini. Suguha thought school=school swimsuit so she fits that niche in this tropetastic scene. Only thing missing is breast foundling.


November 6th, 2022. It's that damn Akihiko Kayaba. You can't log out, if your character dies they are deleted from the server. If you pull the plug or die the Nerve Gear fries your brain. To escape all you need to do is clear this here 100 floor death trap. Oh and I, the mass murderer, have a gift for you. Please use it. Suckers. Lots of pretty girls turn into guys just like all online games, though there's a few girls playing guys. Lots of people turning fat.


Kirito and his original harem member look over their true faces (both look better as their real self and figure out the mystery together. The Nerve Gear took a picture of your face and the "calibration" got their body measurements. Then Kayaba polls the crowd about why he made a game of death. Basically, he pulled a Richard Garriott and wanted to be god. High stakes, you see.


Cut back to the G-man eating some Pokky. Yes, the megalomaniac Kayaba wanted to play god, that's what he told them. All Kirito cared about was surviving...which is why he ditched Klein! Ohohohoho. (It's actually one of the three most heartfelt moments in the story so far, believe it or not when they part.) Then running montage while the good song plays. Brief shot of Suguha crying next to her mom at a crosswalk. More running through gorgeous fields. Kirigawd OHKOs an evil wolf.


Back to the pool! Lisbeth jumps right in, followed by Dragon Girl. Asuna admonishes them for not stretching but says screw it and also jumps in. They splash around until they here Sugu with a deep sigh and turn to face her with her floaty ring. Lisbeth assures her that she's equipped to float naturally and dragon girl gets jealous. Strike that cliche off of the list. Also talk of what her diet is while the grouping continues. Is this Senran Kagura? Asuna eventually comes over and grabs Lisbeth by the scruff of her neck like the mother wolf she is and tells Suguha to get her face in the water.


Back to Kirito Story Time. You didn't party up, you lone wolf, you BEATER. He basically asks Kirito why is so awesome and handsome to go it alone. "You could have told us the first bosses techniques, etc, etc." Kirito laughs in his fake ass heel turn. He ain't no scrub beta tester, he's ascended to a level BEYOND Beta Testing. Not a beta tester, a cheater...a BEATER. He likes that shit. The G-man knows about heel turns and becoming a fake ass villain gundam style to take the heat off the rest of the beta testers. Then we skip to the time he teamed up with that little guild and got them all killed.


Yep, that's the ticket. Hard to make friends and watch them die....More swimming lessons! Asuna holds up Sugu while she swims in place. She can't get used to opening her eyes under water (I literally can't do it) and then they take a break. Apparently they're doing this for a quest in Alfheim where there's a beach and it's always Summer. Lisbeth is worried about Kirito leaving their scrub asses behind. Sugu asks them all how they met his lordship Kirito-sama.


Dragon Girl talks about being surrounded by Baboon monsters and her Dragon Pina, whom I will call Peanut, takes a shot from. Kirito arrives to one shot all of them but its too late for Peanut. She first gazes into his beautiful eyes while bits of baboon demon float up to heaven in a shower of sparkles. She promises not to laugh if he explains why he's gonna help her. He's gonna help her because, get this, she reminds him of Suguha! She cracks up, but not as hard as the audience does. Lisbeth brings up what we're all thinking, Keiko (aka Dragon Girl) doesn't look a thing like Suguha. Then he goes with her to get a flower to bring Peanut's sorry ass back and fights some PKers.


And that happened too. Oh SAO. Don't look but save me. Save me but don't look. Lisbeth just met him in her shop. She does do "custom orders" She thought he looked poor as fuck and tried to politely shoe him away. He needs something as good or better than his god sword, aka the Elucidator! It's the raddest drop sword around, Kirito ain't swinging no teeball bat. Lisbeth tries to give him her best sword, but Kirito being Kirito...


What a dick. Now they go and get the shit, literally, to make a dragon poop sword. But she got to hold his hand when it was cold out! And they flew! And she professed her love for him, but he didn't hear it! This is why you're only ahead of Keiko on the harem totem pole, Lisbeth. Lisbeth pretends to accept Asuna's place as bottom but she ain't really over him. She then assumes that he's flirting with that hot doctor. Nope. Looking over log data with glasses dude. A boss raid with all the bigwigs. He wants to know why Kirito would hang out with those scrubs, but you need a raid group to beat floor bosses. He does a montage of the ones the anime bothered to show. So, the first floor boss, which he basically soloed. Then the boss on floor 74. Yeah they skipped around a bit. He beat that one...pretty much solo but he had to show off his dark secret, he can dual wield and no one else can! He summons his spirit animal Sonic the Hedgehog to go faster, GOTTA GO FASTER. YOU'RE TOO SLOW. Sparkly lights.


Bosses were bitch made though, Player Killers were the real problem. Red players were the most dangerous game, killed lots of players. Kirito remembers that time he drank poison from the clearly evil dude in the guild he was forced to join because Kayaba was a very involved god. Kirito got penetrated that time, but he John Cena'd his way out of that one, with an assist from Asuna. Then they show the duel with Kayba Heathcliff where Kirito figures out the dude is straight cheating.


Lunch time with the girls. Asuna and Suguha brought food. Kirito messages Asuna to start without him, so Lisbeth goes HAM while Keiko wants her not to eat Kirito's. Sugu gets jealous of Asuna's cute lunch and wonders if that's why he picked her instead. Sugu also wants to know how Asuna became bottom. Lisbeth and Keiko team with their superior and guilt them into it. Town on floor one before the boss fight. She had no time for him. They ate some sandwiches together and he showed her the trick to making it taste good, his "special inventory cream." She eats it right up and taught her the meaning of living the good life. Then he's napping under the tree. She bitches him out for being lazy while the assault team was training. Not his problem, this is Aincrad's nicest season in the perfect spot. Everyday here is a wasted one in the real world. He doesn't care, the breeze is amazing. More bitching, he tells her to lay on the grass. She does of course and falls asleep. Hours later she sneezes herself awake and looks at Kirito for someone to blame...wait a minute she's offering to cook for him instead? Oh he kept her from getting PK'd in the field. Right. Keiko accuses her of falling for Kirito first. She ain't wrong agrees Lisbeth, she bitched about it to her in her sword shop.


They go to her house to cook his special ingredient. She's gonna ditch her bodyguard too. While eating she invites him to the "front lines" which he claims to be dangerous. She doesn't take no for an answer. Lisbeth and Keiko are learning from the tree of wisdom and think Kirito likes aggressive girls. She was in love with him though, Sugu gasps but no one notices. Liz wants to know how far they went, they were married after all...


They did kiss that time she killed the guy who poisoned him. Kirigawd confesses his undying love for her, make this a permanent party, etc, etc. Kirito invites himself over for the night and she consents. See SAO isn't all about rape. They go back, commence operation Chapter 16.5. She had a bad dream afterward that Kirito and Aincrad was just a dream of the wind fish. She doesn't want her dream to end but she does want to go back to the real world. She wants to take a break from the front lines, maybe get a nice cabin by a lake or something. On floor 22 maybe. Kirito already picked the spot. He also demands they get married, he don't want no bastard fake children.


Asuna was blushing the whole time in the real world, she didn't tell them shit. Keiko is jealous, them being all married and having the cutest daughter ever...wait what?!? They also had a daughter! She's real as any virtual daughter who was basically an AI Game Moderator can be. Lisbeth tries to throw shade on her doting parentage but Asuna takes it as a compliment like any classy lady would. Keiko promises to do her best on the upcoming quest for Yui. Oh right Yui couldn't speak good and had no memory when they found her. No mom or dad. He calls her Yui. She can't call him Kirito because it's too damn hard, she's a damn newborn ten year old girl! She calls him daddy instead. Oh my. Maybe she's from the orphanage on floor one with all the other damn kids who convinced their parents to buy an expensive ass Nerve Gear. She remembers everything in a dungeon. she's a mental health program, so an addiction specialist AI I guess? She's also got ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS. Kirito doesn't give a shit about all that and decides to play wish granting fairly. Her wish...to stay with mommy and daddy! FOREVER! Then she got deleted, wait no, turned into a game object. Baw Gawd, she's holding Yui's heart! She got better though. Sugu never heard that story before. Now its pool time. G man knows this as he was watching out the window. Pervert. He goes back to stroking Kirito's ego; they'd all be dead without you. Suguha too, I'm sure somehow. He wasn't trying to be a hero, but he did figure out Heathcliff was cheating, he just didn't tell anyone for a few months because, well...He doesn't tell anyone shit ever. They recap the fight. Oh no, he broke the dragon poop sword on Heathcliff's cheat shield.


Asuna proves her bottom status by DYING FOR HIM. Oh wait, he's dead too.


Nope, he's gonna no sell death. Kirito's love, his anger, and all of his sorrow allow him to enter his SUPER MODE. He's got ghost powers too! Kayaba must be scared of ghosts because he lets Kirito run him through. "On November 7th at 2:55 PM (Gonna assume Tokyo Time) The game has been cleared. I repeat, the game has been cleared." They didn't even make it to floor 100. G-man reads the official report that Kayaba's Gear fried his brain moments after his death, however, that's not quite the case. Also, you know, Kirito and Asuna totally died, you know. He wants answers! Was it the will of Kayaba?


Yeah basically. We go to Kayaba's god view with Asuna and Kirito holding hands. He's deleting all the evidence of SAO from the basement headquarters remotely. What a tool. Ten minute self destruct. What about the players? No need to worry, the 6,147 players who survived get to go home. What about the FOUR THOUSAND PEOPLE YOU MURDERED? They dead. When you die in the game, you die in real life. What was the point of all this? A good question...and he's forgotten the answer. He dreamed of this, a castle in the sky in a world not governed by earthly rules. His steel castle in the sky...you could have turned off permadeath you asshole. Hit the free credit button. He became obsessed with the idea and who knows what age though and boys will be boys. Here, take this, the seed of all VR MMOS. Pretty sure nothing bad will happen in any of them. Please put my castle in some other VR world. Maybe one with flying and elves and fairies and shit. Smell ya later.


Rakkety Tam

Neo Member
SAO I Episode III (The Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Kirito's lying about his level for some reason. Probably to avoid people trying to leech off him. Then he groups up with a guild who knows each other IN REAL LIFE, because the leader says they currently only have one meat-shield. Fast forward almost exactly a month to a fight with a preying mantis. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that players can't two-on-one monsters and that's what they mean by when they switch out: they're not switching aggro, they're switching engagement. Huh, one of the guys just level up, and it showed that he leveled up, and what level he was at and what level he is now at. I'm confused as to how people can hide their level, unless it only shows the level change to the one who gets it, and everyone else just knows that that person has leveled. Moonlit Black Cats, Holy Dragon Alliance, Knights of the Blood Oath. I think someone created these names with a name generator except maybe Knights of the Blood Oath, which could make sense. Log Horizon still has more realistic guild names so far. So Kirito is now level 48, having gained 8 levels in a month, quite possibly despite the time he had to spend humoring these low level trash. And by comparison in the same time one of his guild companions gained (probably) 3 levels. Sounds like someone's not sharing their elitist secrets, and it's not just the Assault Team. Oh, hey, it's Klein. Hey Klein. You're killing "trash-mobs" on the highest unlocked floor? That's cool. See you later. Kirito can track. But can he track deer? He tracks down Sachi and they have a heart-to-heart about how she doesn't want to die and how he thinks she'll be fine. And Sachi and Kirito are sleeping in the same bed. Um. Huh. That's beyond normal relations for that kind of relationship. About another month later, Guild Leader is buying a house, and the guild is raiding above their usual levels at less than full capacity. Sachi is gonna live. Hey look, a treasure chest behind a secret passage! Oh uh um. Well monsters can definitely 2v1 humans. That's confirmed. Everyone's dead except Sachi and our friendly resident beater. Holy shit, something actually hit Kirito! Well done, Slaughternaut #17! Oh God, the Murder Golem stole Sachi's face. Wait no it's back. It stole her voice! Oh wait, no, she's dead. And it's 6 months later. The Assault Team's been busy, they've advanced all the way from floor 28 to at least floor 49. Half-way there, guys! Hey, Kirito's been busy too, at level 70 now. Oh god, they're actually calling him a beater again. Kirito's arrogance killed them, except nah, that was clearly bad luck. Oh, hey, it's Klein. And his guild. And The Holy Dragon Alliance who are apparently scumbags and also match their armor and look dumb.



Kirito wins the fight with Santa Claus to get a resurrection item (they really should've shown that fight), and Klein and Co. presumably kill a bunch of the Holy Dragon Alliance. Uh-oh, the item only works for 10 seconds, but hey that's still pretty useful. Klein can now save one person from death under certain circumstances. Sachi's message just called Kirito Kirita. Foreshadowing? Eh, this is the least badass, "By the time you read this, I'll probably be dead" message I've ever seen. Sachi knew how high level Kirito was, by peaking at his stats. So apparently other players can see one's User Interface? That's actually very strange. I'm more confused now. Sachi's trying to console Kirito because she knew she would die, but is also asking him to determine stuff that's obvious like why she's there, and why they met. The answer is luck, Sachi. Poor luck, and good(?) luck. And Sachi's face is gone again. Why do they keep doing that? And that's not singing, girl. That's humming. Kirito's crying, possibly from sorrow, possibly from rage that she doesn't know how to sing. December 25, about fourteen months into the game, at least 20.01% of the population is dead and at least Floor Forty-Nine has been cleared.

This episode covered the events of April 8, 2023 to December 25, 2023.

Next Time: The Black Swordsman


this page crashed my iphone


She actually seems a little more interesting now.

this seems like a really weird place to have Soma spoilers that exceed the content that will be covered by this season

rofl etc etc


I am just really excited to talk about Soma with someone else. It's one of those series I know a handful of GAF enjoys but doesn't get enough love.


So much Sword Art on this page

Good job.

Yes! More SAO is a good thing, lol. Although, my phone/Internet hate me at this moment. Yeah, more SAO talk.

With the last few episodes coming up, people will see where the series is headed (in a way) I haven't read the books yet, but I'certainly heard a lot about what season 3 could/should include.. I really liked the final arc, "Mother's Rosario," but the two episodes before it aren't bad either.

As much hate as SAO gets (yes, some of it is warrented) it's still a damn unforgettable experience watching it. Oh and Crossing Fields, Ignite and Courage are all awesome OP tracks.


SAO is unforgettable I agree, but for all the wrong reasons. Its amazing how much wrong/bad it does.

Well, they had to do something right for it to be as big as it was/is still now. I'm eagerly awaiting to see the responses to the last couple episodes here.


Junior Member
We should just ban anime from ToonamiGAF.
While we're at it, we might as well get rid of anything animated.
So would you guys say AnimeGAF and ToonamiGAF are very similar or have very different tastes?
Both seem to dislike Sword Art Online, which is cool.

A few people in Anime said they hated Cowboy Bebop, which is ridiculous. I'll accept some people's thinking "overrated" to an extent, but to actively hate it is absurd. I've never seen that sentiment in any of the Toonami threads I've looked at.

Are people here enjoying the awful anime of this summer season (Charlotte, Monster Musume, Overlord, et cetera) that are running profligate with praise in Anime?
While we're at it, we might as well get rid of anything animated.

No more Rick and Morty.

No more Steven Universe.

No more Korra/Avatar

So would you guys say AnimeGAF and ToonamiGAF are very similar or have very different tastes?

I occasionally lurk AnimeGAF but there's a decent amount of crossover. There's also some of us that enjoy shows that aren't the action/shonen stuff that Toonami only shows, and actually keep up with the current shows each season.

Shimoneta 4 Toonami.


Are people here enjoying the awful anime of this summer season (Charlotte, Monster Musume, Overlord, et cetera) that are running profligate with praise in Anime?

It takes a lot for me to even get into shows (or rather, to start watching a show and not consider it a complete waste of my time) and this season hasn't had anything that has made me actively watch anime besides Toonami with you guys.


Junior Member
It takes a lot for me to even get into shows (or rather, to start watching a show and not consider it a complete waste of my time) and this season hasn't had anything that has made me actively watch anime besides Toonami with you guys.
I've enjoyed more anime this season than any single season in a long time.

Ushio to Tora has been great. Gangsta. gets better and better with each passing episode and is really good right now. Rokka no Yuusha has been an out-of-nowhere sleeper success and has featured some of the best mood- and tension-building I've seen in the medium in recent memory. And I'm always going to love Durarara!!.
This season is pretty good but there is no standout excellent show just a bunch of good ones

Who knows that new Lupin thing no one can watch looks pretty good


I need to catch up on Gangsta, but the hot Texas heat for me has been ShimoSeka, GATE, Food Wars and a couple of others like Overlord that I'm too lazy to catch up on.

ShimoSeka would be the painful locked in prison end of ToonamiGAF though, hahaha
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