The funny thing about Thundercats is just how spectacularly it fails. It is like it got the gold medal at failing. Not just the midseason but the season/series finale is so bogged down by such bonkers twists that it makes your head spin on how wrong the show was. Words actually fail me describing how perplexing that show is. I can only utter 'why?'
Really strong Pilot episode with the original Lion-o himself playing Dumbass Lion-o's dad, the King. Also, Snarf didn't talk so props to them for that.
Cheetara going with Tygra is like top 3 trolls of all time
and by top i mean "FUCK ALL OF THIS FOREVER"
Cheetara and Tygra had negative interaction up to that point, but they just throw a flashback up, so it's okay?
I think the writers themselves realized that no one would like it, and pushed Cheetara into the background HARD after that.
Cheetara going with Tygra is like top 3 trolls of all time
and by top i mean "FUCK ALL OF THIS FOREVER"
Still not the worst act of romantic bullshit that show pull either.
It did have a whole lot of potential. The pilot was amazing, but it was all downhill from there. It reminded me a bit of the He-Man reboot OG Toonami had for a while, great pilot but downhill from there.
Entirely true. The ending of it is bananas.
"I'm joinging forces with the person who killed me because you weren't there for me when you had no way of knowing I needed you! DIIIEEEEE!"
"I'm joinging forces with the person who killed me, because you weren't there for me when you had no way of knowing I needed you! DIIIEEEEE!"
I am not mad. Not one fucking bit. Fuck that show. Much better shows have aired that deserved another season. I was actually kind of surprised they chose Thundercats over Young Justice.I kind of wish new Thundercats had gotten a second season just to finish the story. It did become pretty fucking stupid by like halfway through the first season but ending it all 1/2 through the plot feels weird and makes me feel bad for those who worked on it. I probably would have watched a second season (while complaining how dumb it was) for completion's sake. Or maybe I don't exactly remember just how bad it got. I dunno.
"I'm joinging forces with the person who killed me, because you weren't there for me when you had no way of knowing I needed you! DIIIEEEEE!"
Tonight's them is Edgealicious.
Mmmmm. So much good Edge that you'll be at the edge of your seat carving edges with your edgy carving tool to maximize the edginess to edge edge edge edge edge.
LOL at the AoT description MetatronM. I approve.
12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 40 - Frieza's Final Transformation! The Ultimate Nightmare Begins!
12:30 - Akame ga Kill! - 6 - Kill Absolute Justice
1:00 - Michiko e Hatchin - 12 - Purgatory: 108°C Telepathy
1:30 - Sword Art Online II - 23 - The Dream Begins
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden - 82 - Team Ten
2:30 - One Piece - 316 - Shanks Makes a Move! The Linchpin to the Reckless Era!
3:00 - Attack on Titan - 24 - Mercy: Assault on Stohess, Part 2
shanks should lay off the hair gel
Monkey D. Luffy does not approve of your shenanigans.
That's a Fairy Tail character? God damn, they basically just ripped the design and changed like 2 things.
The first episode of Fairy Tale is like a fucking cool down episode after an intense arc in any other Shonen, so basically the most generic thing ever and the least gripping first episode I've ever seen.
The first episode of Fairy Tale is like a fucking cool down episode after an intense arc in any other Shonen, so basically the most generic thing ever and the least gripping first episode I've ever seen.
speaking of One Piece.
I will admit Collen Clinkenbeard's Luffy voice can get really annoying after a while...
but wooooo
she earns that paycheck in the recent release woooo
So, might as well come clean on something.
I like Fairy Tail. I like it more than One Piece. Which is saying something because I really like One Piece.
I know.
I know One Piece has a better told story.
I know One Piece has more rounded characters.
I know that One Piece's world is more fleshed out.
But Fairy Tail scratches that shonen itch for me in ways that One Piece doesn't. I don't know why.
So, might as well come clean on something.
I like Fairy Tail. I like it more than One Piece. Which is saying something because I really like One Piece.
I know.
I know One Piece has a better told story.
I know One Piece has more rounded characters.
I know that One Piece's world is more fleshed out.
But Fairy Tail scratches that shonen itch for me in ways that One Piece doesn't. I don't know why.
not this interesting.I like Fairy Tail. I like it more than One Piece. Which is saying something because I really like One Piece.
So, might as well come clean on something.
I like Fairy Tail. I like it more than One Piece. Which is saying something because I really like One Piece.
I know.
I know One Piece has a better told story.
I know One Piece has more rounded characters.
I know that One Piece's world is more fleshed out.
But Fairy Tail scratches that shonen itch for me in ways that One Piece doesn't. I don't know why.