Did the ghost pepper chicken wing challenge at Hogtown Smoke BBQ last night. The wings were the easy part compared to the agonizing gut rot I suffered from all night. Never again.
I learned my lesson after this 1 gigantic ramen bowl that consisted of 4 regular sized ramen bowls.
I managed to eat all the food, but the broth fucked me over, so I couldn't finish.
You did the Kinton Mega Ramen challenge? That looked like it was complete overkill.![]()
I get near my limit finishing a regular bowl of ramen -- I don't know how you could have like 4x the serving size!
Fuck. This day is a total write-off. My stomach is still hurting and I didn't sleep at all last night because it was so painful. I finished the challenge, which was cool, but I stupidly forgot to think about the fact that wicked indigestion at night would be a very real possibility. I also can't really eat anything else since I run the risk of vomiting. I already lost the cereal I tried to eat this morning.
Similar, but it was in Seoul where I did it.
Tasted friggin awesome. I didn't really have too much of the restaurant Japanese style ramen til I was over there and I was excited to have it take off here but it's much better in Asia.Was it super spicy or just too much volume-wise?
Holy crap. The parking lot around my building was sheer ice.
I slipped and fell on my bum for the second time this season while I was wearing my new fancy boots bought specifically to prevent this nonsense. My ass is still aching :/
Has that defrosted yet or are you stuck with the ice for the rest of the winter?
I slipped and fell on my bum for the second time this season while I was wearing my new fancy boots bought specifically to prevent this nonsense. My ass is still aching :/
Ford's going to win again. Unless he's in in jail.
I will vote for him just to spite all of #TeamCold. Sorry but they ruin it for everyone. I'm moving away so his re-election won't affect me anyways. #yoloSo...
Anyone here gonna vote for Fordin som cases maybe again?
Any soccer fans in here? Wowzers.
I keep reading that I should be super excited about this soccer guy but I have no context. Is he like, a premiership all star, or a guy who used to be good cashing in on the downslide, or just a decent player who will be a star by MLS standards?
Has that defrosted yet or are you stuck with the ice for the rest of the winter?
I slipped and fell on my bum for the second time this season — while I was wearing my new fancy boots bought specifically to prevent this nonsense. My ass is still aching :/
Been wearing sneakers through all of this and no falls!
And as an American who follows US Soccer very closely, you guys will be pumped with Michael Bradley, he is practically the glue that holds the US team together at the midfield.
So when's the next meetup? Missed the last one.
If someone hadn't decided to hold the meetup the night of the ice storm...
It's right by my work! Go there a few times a month. The sandwiches are so good! Feels like no one knows about it yet.This place has the best sandwiches I've had in this city
I wish I was out in that area more often
It's right by my work! Go there a few times a month. The sandwiches are so good! Feels like no one knows about it yet.
So Toronto-ians, I just saw on TSN that some soccer player is coming to town and the commercial told me that it's big news for Toronto. Is it? Or is TSN just trying to hype something up?
Any soccer fans in here? Wowzers.
Read a few posts back. It sounds like it could be big for TFC.
Didn't you see the picture? Lower body injuryYou have missed like 3 Leaf games in a row. Please explain your absence.
How long's your flight? Window or aisle seat?About to catch a flight, hoping this mix up with my name being fucked up on the ticket doesn't take too long to fix. First time traveling on my own, so nervous/excited
bloody big, you mean