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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train


But its in Mississauga. Do they even have real profs?

Most come in from Toronto haha
I'll defend UTM just because I'd haaate doing 4 years of bussing to Toronto and back with fitting in homework and work on the weekends.

I actually got a diploma from Sheridan College as well. I feel like you don't get very far these days unless you know someone who can hire you, or you have educational credentials up the wazoo...or that 3-5 years experience for those entry-level positions.


Most come in from Toronto haha
I'll defend UTM just because I'd haaate doing 4 years of bussing to Toronto and back with fitting in homework and work on the weekends.

I actually got a diploma from Sheridan College as well. I feel like you don't get very far these days unless you know someone who can hire you, or you have educational credentials up the wazoo...or that 3-5 years experience for those entry-level positions.

I understand people in Mississauga going to utm. What confuses me is when people from etobicoke or Brampton go to UTM.

Also as a prof it must be brutal to go to UTM if you teach at st. George.

Colleges in general are offering a lot of very competive options compared to university. It's just that the shitty ones where you straight up pay for crap ruin their general perception.


Canadians burned my passport
I didn't enjoy my time at UofT St. George at all. Sharing a classroom with 1400 other people is not a good learning environment in my opinion.


University elitism really annoys me, its all the same shit at the end of the day.

I have a bit of pride because UofT is a Top 20 university and all that crap (and yay, education is a good thing!).... but at the end of the day, I just want a job to pay off debt and buy stuff (like a house because my mom is turning into a pack-rat, or a vacation because its been ten years since my last).

100% agreed. There is such a difference between year 1 classes of 400+ students and year 4 classes that have like...less than 20. It becomes more personal and a more friendly/understanding environment.

Haha I think it's grand you're a prof. I always liked learning about the "secret lives of teachers" which, since gradeschool, always feels like somewhat obscure and strange thing...so I guess it's cool to see you on a game forum (sorry if that sounds childish). x)
Anyways. I still kinda see most options as "far" unless you live in the same city you work. Canada is so big and it loves taking up the space. Our transit sucks, so even short trips take too long (I live no more than 15 minutes away from UTM by car... or 50 minutes by bus...). Work is work though (but I do hear that College's are becoming a pretty sweet gig; they're paid up well enough and the work isn't too hard -- my dad enjoyed his small sub-in stint as one).
Best thing about York is the scholarships. I haven't paid a single red cent this year except for textbooks lol. The atmosphere is laid back, which I like, but I hate how profs give a lot of busy work. I feel "assembly line", if you know what I mean. I told the TA I wasn't going to write this week's lab because it has too much fluff and I have better things to do (160% courseload).

Also, there are no clubs :/ I'm only a part of two and they only meet like twice a month.
Start your own! Hell, that's what I did at UWaterloo. It was surprising as hell for me to start University in 2002 and find out there wasn't a gaming club on campus. To this day it's one of the largest, most consistent group that isn't ethnically based.

No gaming club in Waterloo? My worldview is in shambles.

I've actually been thinking about starting a club (to get my own club room, not to burn time lol), looking through there doesn't seem to be a gaming club at York either. I know the Anime club plays video games but not every gamer wants to join the Anime club obviously. Thanks for the heads up!

York has tons of clubs though

Non-ethnic/religious/politics based ones? I haven't seen many.


Haha I think it's grand you're a prof. I always liked learning about the "secret lives of teachers" which, since gradeschool, always feels like somewhat obscure and strange thing...so I guess it's cool to see you on a game forum (sorry if that sounds childish). x)
Anyways. I still kinda see most options as "far" unless you live in the same city you work. Canada is so big and it loves taking up the space. Our transit sucks, so even short trips take too long (I live no more than 15 minutes away from UTM by car... or 50 minutes by bus...). Work is work though (but I do hear that College's are becoming a pretty sweet gig; they're paid up well enough and the work isn't too hard -- my dad enjoyed his small sub-in stint as one).

hahaha, didnt mean it like that. Meant in reference to what it must be like for a prof. Im just a student. No on likes a long commute. It is a major reason in making any decision. I just know some people go to UTM and I would guess UTSC because of a perception that they are much easier (dont know if it is true or not myself).

Teacher are all pretty different. Most elementary/high school teacher hate seeing their students outside of class. It is different however at the uni level. Once you get into 3rd/4th year it gets really easy to know your profs. I have had drinks with a few of my profs. One of my friends even had two of his profs over for new years eve.

Divvy, that is going to be any University with over 15000 students. Maybe not 1400 but still over 200. Thats why there is usually a ton of TAs for those courses.

George Brown is one of the best colleges to go. They have a number of programs which they lead the field in. A lot of people now go for a year of college after university.


I'm sure there was one, but i never found a gaming club at UTSG.

Although I did join the anime club, and we probably played more games than we watched anime anyway...
No gaming club in Waterloo? My worldview is in shambles.
There is after I did it. I got real bored one work term in Ottawa, drafted up the doc, and started that shit. For a while we were carting TVs from the engineering department across campus to the student life center. Now the club has raised enough money to afford LCD monitors for all the events.
So CTRL-A is ethnically based then?
One of. And back when I was around we ran a few events with them too.


Argh. UTM has a game club I haven't gone to...usually because it starts two hours after I finish class on fridays...and the "go home club" is more tempting. Shame on me.

More stupid from me: But I seriously need to find female gamer friends (one girl I did find was like ONLY into Pokemon, which is cool, but a drag after a while).... So maybe I will go next week, all this chat about it is sort of working.

AlphaTwo00: Damn I wish I did more clubs-wise. That's awesome you were able to do so much.

Spl1nter: Sorry, I misunderstood. But that's pretty cool. I've been able to be friendly with a few of my teachers, and just talk whatever (and yeah, it's as you say, the upper-level profs). Certainly not close to the point of going to pub or do a new years bash with them though.
No gaming club in Waterloo? My worldview is in shambles.

I've actually been thinking about starting a club (to get my own club room, not to burn time lol), looking through there doesn't seem to be a gaming club at York either. I know the Anime club plays video games but not every gamer wants to join the Anime club obviously. Thanks for the heads up!

Non-ethnic/religious/politics based ones? I haven't seen many.

They used to have a list of clubs in the student centre, probably still do

You didn't go to club day?
University elitism really annoys me, its all the same shit at the end of the day.
It annoys me as well sometimes. Especially considering university rankings are a flawed system. I play the brag-game a bit with some people I know who go to York and make jokes in here but when having an honest discussion about this stuff I can say that every school has a strength and positive and negatives and one school for one person may be something it isn't for another.

But the part about it all being the same depends on the situation. I think internationally if you leave Toronto and go work somewhere else in europe or wherever, then having a degree from U of T is no doubt going to be an advantage over having one from York or Ryerson, for name recognition and "prestige" alone.

Also, this is completely not a scientific fact but I heard from someone who works in HR that if you have two applicants with the exact same credentials and the only difference is one got their degree from York and one from U of T, that the one from U of T would get hired more times out of ten than the one from York. Wonder if there is even 1% of truth to that.

Also I commute from Brampton to USG. It is not easy but not that bad. Once I get to Union I fucking walk to campus and in this winter that is hell but whatever.


This school 'debate' is very boring: "My school has is located right next to home" "No my school has the same teachers but they aren't tired from commuting" lol. Canada has the same education system as the USA but this all sounds more European due to the lack of a Greek culture and university sports season (American Football, Basketball). Nobody goes to watch their college hockey teams?

Alright, which college/University has the best cafeteria or nearby restaurants? I guess YorkU wins by default because they have Hero Burgers UofT wins by being downtown? Although Ryerson is the one name checked in the OP restaurant recommendations so perhaps the students there have better taste?

something something Rob Ford.

Also I want to join added_time's brother's fight club.



Glad I'm not a UofT student anymore...UofT students...always finding loopholes...
You got varsity blue in your blood don't leave us behind...Fight for us!

Fuck you Kave! I will burn that beautiful beard right off your stupid face!

Edit: Oh wait that was Kraft who said that. Is Kraft the one with the beautiful beard or is it Kave? All the usernames with K confuse me. All you Asians look alike.


all this university elitism is making me feel like a frosh again
Hah, yeah! UTM represent though! I've forgotten my frosh cheers from a few years back lol

I have to agree with you on the homey-aspect of the school Dice//; it's nice running into people you know on a regular basis as you walk between class, the library etc. I'm about an hours bus/15 minutes car from the campus as well.
procrastinating in the library right now, what else

All UofT students banned from any future meetups.
B-b-but I didn't even go to one yet;;

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
You got varsity blue in your blood don't leave us behind...Fight for us!

Fuck you Kave! I will burn that beautiful beard right off your stupid face!

Edit: Oh wait that was Kraft who said that. Is Kraft the one with the beautiful beard or is it Kave? All the usernames with K confuse me. All you Asians look alike.
Kraft beard
Kave fro
Fuck UofT
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