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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train


I would bang a hot farmer!
Even if Brooklyn wins they lose.

so where exactly do these fines go to
The League.


Unconfirmed Member
LOL Rob Ford at the Raps game, the guy beside him looked so miserable


come in my shame circle
Just got home, holy shit what a game. Rob Ford was actually in my section. He sat about 15 rows behind me. I tried to snap a photo but it came out blurry.

Either way to bed now work in less than 6 hours.


Unconfirmed Member

The best gif from last night's game. I like how the camera operator doesn't give a fuck about the game.
Chile and there is no humidity or rain. So suck it!

Actually in the morning it was like 6 degrees and I was out there in a t shirt and people were all like wearing winter jackets. I was like yo 6 degrees after the winter I've had is like heaven this shit doesn't phase me.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Eh, temperature is fine here I'd rather it be 8 than 28!
I remember it being a bit chilly when I accompanied a friend to the marathon a few years back. Ummm...I dunno...#teamfuckthebruins
Is it humid? Cuz you can keep that.
If warmer weather means nicer clothing on women, I'm all for it.
Thats fucking terrible you can keep that shit, not a degree above 16 tyvm.
Isn't India much hotter?! I figured you'd be more used to hotter weather.
II'm glad we banned you from the meetups, humid loving filth.
Heat is the team to beat
You guys hate 28 degrees?

What's wrong with you?
Pollen, allergies. You know my sneeze.
Get some Claritin you snow munching hippie.
Seriously I have never seen so many winter lovers in one place.

Should've went to Chile in the summer. 45 degrees om nom nom nom nom.
45?! Eh, at this point...
25C is as far as I'll go, and even then I'd rather it be 22C.
It isn't that bad. It was more or less perpetually high 20s in Vegas and it wasn't hot at all. I didn't even need the AC, though my lips are kinda chapped right now. Tons of sunlight there and I thought it was fantastic. It wasn't as crazy as HK in the summer. Goddamn hot and humid outside with flying cockroaches and spiders that tap the ground when they walk and bathrooms filled with dead flies. And then you walk by stores and it's bloody 18 degrees or less full blast of AC
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