Pretend you're media.In practically right by the Ubisoft place right now with 3 hours to spare. What do
.Mandoric said:I'm afraid that tying a shitheap cashin franchise only popular in one region will drag down a series that most people I know love.
Then again, I guess Musou survived One Piece and Gundam, so it should be fine.
Pretend you're media.
Wrong post?
Fuzzy is proof of this.Media get free swag right?
Plus, where else are people supposed to pick up Batman villains?Gotta do something before Isny picks a closed restaurant for the GAF Meetup location.
He is lost confusedWrong post?
Lol fuzzy! I'm not sure about this event, but in sure there will be prizes at least. Best prize is to see fellow gaffers like soultron.Media get free swag right?
He is lost confused
No, Kuro has a terrible sense of humour and is a terrible person in general.Was this even funny the first time?
Was this even funny the first time?
No, Kuro has a terrible sense of humour and is a terrible person in general.
I'll accept this.No, Kuro has a terrible sense of humour and is a terrible person in general.
Luckily they used a power bar with a surge protector for the ACIV event because those PS4s were all under a blanket last time and probably would have melted if it didn't trip the power bar.Yeah I'll probably drop by around 8 or 9 tonight for watch_doggies
all you gaffers staying til the bitter end hoping a PS4 melts or something?
hohoho this I gotta seeHarley is going to the Watch Dogs event?
Harley is going to the Watch Dogs event?
Kuro's Wife was Harley?
This is why why you never show up on time... unless they are handing out swag.Lineup here.. Came too early
Is Mac and cheese swag? Then yes, I have won.This is why why you never show up on time... unless they are handing out swag.
Was walking around downtown today and got called a fag for wearing shorts over leggings.
Stay classy Toronto.
Soultron left when I leftWe grabbed a couch across from the bar. If soultron comes back before we get kicked out.