Why does everyone hate John Parker, does he suck? The only thing I know about him is that he seems to enjoy being the lazy speaker at council meetings.
Why does everyone hate John Parker, does he suck? The only thing I know about him is that he seems to enjoy being the lazy speaker at council meetings.
This right here exemplifies the serious lack of education on the part of Ford supporters. She's brought to tears by the idea that Tory will tax her so badly to get SmartTrack built that she'll lose her home (no evidence that will happen) but probably didn't bat an eye at the property tax increases she'll have to pay over the next 30 years for the Scarborough subway (actually did happen).
This right here exemplifies the serious lack of education on the part of Ford supporters. She's brought to tears by the idea that Tory will tax her so badly to get SmartTrack built that she'll lose her home (no evidence that will happen) but probably didn't bat an eye at the property tax increases she'll have to pay over the next 30 years for the Scarborough subway (actually did happen).
No more Ford is nice, however, Toronto still failed.
Doug Ford was way too close, Rob Ford being Rob Ford still managed to win, and Mike Ford won without saying a damn thing solely based on his last name.
John Tory won over Doug Ford, but like, you can polish a turd all you want, it's still a turd.
Sitting here in Mississauga happy that Bonnie Crombie won, however, considering I plan on moving to Toronto in the next 5 years, I really don't want someone like Tory or the Fords running the city.
Mike Ford as a school board trustee...the dude is only 20 years old, probably parties harder than Rob and Doug put together. What a wise choice to represent your kid's interests.
It just proves that anyone with the last name Ford can win an election in some wards.Yea seriously. I can't even begin to think how people could have voted for that stupid kid. Rob and Doug are one thing, but holy shit, this is just irresponsible on the voters part.
Happy about Wong-Tam in Ward 27, unimpressed with Tory as mayor, rolling my eyes about Ford getting back into Ward 2 but not surprised.
Really the big tragedy is that somehow Mammoliti got re-elected. What the hell?
Mike Ford as a school board trustee...the dude is only 20 years old, probably parties harder than Rob and Doug put together. What a wise choice to represent your kid's interests.
Mike Ford as a school board trustee...the dude is only 20 years old, probably parties harder than Rob and Doug put together. What a wise choice to represent your kid's interests.
Mike Ford as a school board trustee...the dude is only 20 years old, probably parties harder than Rob and Doug put together. What a wise choice to represent your kid's interests.
John Tory wants Olivia Chow and David Soknacki to be part of his administration at city hall when he transitions into the mayors chair in December.
Olivia I had a brief conversation with last night, obviously on the phone. And Ive obviously said some things publicly, which I meant which is that I would like to find a way for both of them to participate in some way, Tory said of Chow and Soknacki in a phone interview Tuesday morning. In Olivias case, you know I dont want to violate a private conversation, but she said shes going to take a bit of a rest as any sane person would.
It's so weird; this area is so progressive during provincial and federal elections. I don't think there's been a Conservative MP or MPP elected here since the 50s or 60s but the majority voted for Ford... again. Ugh...
Mike Ford as a school board trustee...the dude is only 20 years old, probably parties harder than Rob and Doug put together. What a wise choice to represent your kid's interests.
My ward is part of the problem.
It's so weird; this area is so progressive during provincial and federal elections. I don't think there's been a Conservative MP or MPP elected here since the 50s or 60s but the majority voted for Ford... again. Ugh...
In other news: http://www.thestar.com/news/city_ha...s_olivia_chow_david_soknacki_on_his_team.html
This is how you start building consensus. It hasn't even been 24 hours and the city's already way better off.
From earlier this year.Mike Ford as a school board trustee...the dude is only 20 years old, probably parties harder than Rob and Doug put together. What a wise choice to represent your kid's interests.
From earlier this year.
EDIT: My favourite thing about him is that Ford isn't his real last name. He's Rob's sister's kid and just recently changed his name to Ford.
Those bastards deserve what's coming to them. Did he even finish university yet? I guess it 'could' be possible if he went early and did summer courses...even then, I don't think he has the experience or knowledge or expertise to do the job.
He graduated HS and that's it. The family gave him a job at Deco. Who knows if he even did anything there or if it was a bullshit one?Those bastards deserve what's coming to them. Did he even finish university yet? I guess it 'could' be possible if he went early and did summer courses...even then, I don't think he has the experience or knowledge or expertise to do the job.
That's the thing. I don't want to harshly judge this guy because I don't know anything about him other than his relationship to his uncles. Maybe he's a fantastic guy, has great family values and is a really smart dude. But he has NO experience to handle this type of job. It's ridiculous that he was voted in solely for the fact he's Rob's nephew.
This right here exemplifies the serious lack of education on the part of Ford supporters. She's brought to tears by the idea that Tory will tax her so badly to get SmartTrack built that she'll lose her home (no evidence that will happen) but probably didn't bat an eye at the property tax increases she'll have to pay over the next 30 years for the Scarborough subway (actually did happen).
This right here exemplifies the serious lack of education on the part of Ford supporters. She's brought to tears by the idea that Tory will tax her so badly to get SmartTrack built that she'll lose her home (no evidence that will happen) but probably didn't bat an eye at the property tax increases she'll have to pay over the next 30 years for the Scarborough subway (actually did happen).
Mikey gave an interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqOpZaOhXzU
Mikey gave an interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqOpZaOhXzU
This is the first time I've heard him speak, and I guess it reminds people not to judge individuals by their hick families. He doesn't sound homophobic or racist to me.
I don't care if he doesn't sound homophobic or racist; it's alarmingly stupid of people to vote in and incredibly irresponsible for a 20 year old who is literally one year removed from his teens into this position without the background for it.This is the first time I've heard him speak, and I guess it reminds people not to judge individuals by their hick families. He doesn't sound homophobic or racist to me.
Mike Ford interview on CP24. He says "I don't have the answers".
Well he's a lot like his uncles in that regard. At least he admits it, though.
That's not his fault though, he was originally running for City Council until uncle Bobby took Ward 2 from him. Think about THAT for a second. If Rob didn't get sick and continued to run for Mayor then Mike would've been a Councilor instead of a School Board Trustee."doesn't have the answers" = runs for school trustee.
More good times with Ford supporters, post-loss: http://globalnews.ca/video/1639204/...ion-supporters-utterly-crushed-following-loss
I generally use this for the Leafs...but whatever...That's not his fault though, he was originally running for City Council until uncle Bobby took Ward 2 from him. Think about THAT for a second. If Rob didn't get sick and continued to run for Mayor then Mike would've been a Councilor instead of a School Board Trustee.
More good times with Ford supporters, post-loss: http://globalnews.ca/video/1639204/...ion-supporters-utterly-crushed-following-loss
More good times with Ford supporters, post-loss: http://globalnews.ca/video/1639204/...ion-supporters-utterly-crushed-following-loss
Toronto: A world-class cityMore good times with Ford supporters, post-loss: http://globalnews.ca/video/1639204/...ion-supporters-utterly-crushed-following-loss
Promising start so far