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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train

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Why are they planning to just fix the gardener? The darn thing is falling apart, rip it down and put it underground now while you have the chance.


Will QA for food.
Why are they planning to just fix the gardener? The darn thing is falling apart, rip it down and put it underground now while you have the chance.

Countless mayors and councils have been too afraid to tear it down. The delays it'll cause for a decade will cost many of them their jobs, and doing the right thing doesn't take priority for them. They should rip it down and bury it, but they won't. It'll be someone else's issue twenty years from now when the fixes they put in place start coming apart.


Countless mayors and councils have been too afraid to tear it down. The delays it'll cause for a decade will cost many of them their jobs, and doing the right thing doesn't take priority for them. They should rip it down and bury it, but they won't. It'll be someone else's issue twenty years from now when the fixes they put in place start coming apart.

Honestly the underside of the Gardiner looks like something out of Montreal (no offense Montrealers but your infrastructure is crazy bad). Patched up concrete, wire netting, random metal bolted on.


Will QA for food.
To celebrate another year of Rob Ford, Gawker has given us this great article.


Rob Ford on...
...public health:

"If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn't get AIDS probably, that's bottom line... those are the facts."

...urban planning:
"What I compare bike lanes to is swimming with the sharks. Sooner or later you're going to get bitten... Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks, not for people on bikes. My heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but it's their own fault at the end of the day."

"Those Oriental people work like dogs. They work their hearts out. They are workers non-stop. They sleep beside their machines. That's why they're successful in life. I went to Seoul, South Korea, I went to Taipei, Taiwan. I went to Tokyo, Japan. That's why these people are so hard workers [sic]. I'm telling you, the Oriental people, they're slowly taking over."

"I don't understand. Number one, I don't understand a transgender. I don't understand. Is it a guy dressed up like a girl, or a girl dressed up like a guy? And we're funding this for -– I don't know, what does it say here –- we're giving them $3,210?"

...procuring Oxycontin:
"I'll try, buddy, I'll try. I don't know this shit [Oxycontin], but I'll fucking try to find it. Why don't you go on the street and score it? Fuck, you know, I don't know any drug dealers at all."

...being asked to be quiet at a Maple Leafs game:
"Are you some kind of right-wing commie bastard?... Do you want your little wife to go over to Iran and get raped and shot?... Green party fucking rules.


Will QA for food.
I like that he's just every kind of idiot. You pick a kind of idiot and he's done something to show that he's that kind of idiot at some point.

They even passed over his youthful adventures of drunk driving in Florida. I'm sure it was a humbling experience for him though.


I ran out in the snow around 3pm, so pretty!! Dogs were barking and kids were yelling about eating the snow. Sucks now though, cuz dark+slushy+gotta shovel and salt.
Regarding the casino, today is the LAST DAY to submit the feedback form to the city. If you have concerns about a casino, or reaaaaaally want a casino, take a few minutes and fill it out.


If you still want to contribute to the debate after the deadline, write a letter to your councillor. No, really, because some of them are jumping up on chairs and preaching that this will be the most gawdawful thing the city's ever seen (not bloody likely) and others are singing to the rafters that this will save the city from a lifetime of tourism despair (I don't much see that, either).

Also remember: Councillors will always take more seriously the first-person kvetch-and-moan of their constituents than qualitative research. And even, in some cases, quantitative studies.



This is kind of proof that you are more interested in trolling people than actually saying anything substantive. I can see why you like Ford. He's all bluster and no substance. Like you.

It pains me to say that but man, you just have not acquitted yourself well at all here. Nothing but snark, like 100%.
Going out to eat with the gf soon, any casual restaurant suggestions around Bloor and Spadina that aren't Puck n Wings, Madison, Fox and the Fiddle?


Will QA for food.
How the hell did he win

I dont understand

The three-judge Divisional Court panel ruled that Mayor Rob Ford did not break conflict of interest law — because council’s order to pay back $3,150 to lobbyists that donated to his football foundation was illegal in the first place, making the vote he participated in null and void.

Although they agreed mostly with the original ruling in the Ford was definitely in the wrong.

No matter what the amount, Mr. Ford clearly objected to the obligation to repay. The application judge made no error in finding that a reasonable person, aware of Mr. Ford’s comments, would conclude that the amount was likely to influence his actions. Moreover, the amount in issue, $3,150, was not an insignificant amount, even for a person of Mr. Ford’s means. Therefore, the application judge did not err in concluding that s. 4(k) does not apply.


This is kind of proof that you are more interested in trolling people than actually saying anything substantive. I can see why you like Ford. He's all bluster and no substance. Like you.

It pains me to say that but man, you just have not acquitted yourself well at all here. Nothing but snark, like 100%.

Considering the tall talk in this thread assuming it was a foregone conclusion that Ford would be ousted from office, I think poking a bit of fun at the subject might seem like trolling, but is just the feeling of being humbled.

Ford Nation deserves at least one day of snark. Then everyone can return to ripping on Ford's inadequacies. The casino may be a good starting point.


Will QA for food.
Considering the tall talk in this thread assuming it was a foregone conclusion that Ford would be ousted from office, I think poking a bit of fun at the subject might seem like trolling, but is just the feeling of being humbled.

Ford Nation deserves at least one day of snark. Then everyone can return to ripping on Ford's inadequacies. The casino may be a good starting point.

I think you're overstating how many of us thought he would be gone. I believe think most of us thought the original case would have him thrown out in the first place. You're confusing our dislike of Ford with are thoughts on the case.

And after the original ruling, we really had no idea what to expect.
Hopefully the prosecutor of the Ford case will appeal the decision..

as I know the crown ain't prosecuting.

and I want that unrepentant thief out of office.
Hopefully the prosecutor of the Ford case will appeal the decision..

as I know the crown ain't prosecuting.

and I want that unrepentant thief out of office.

It's not a criminal case; Clayton Ruby (and the citizen he represents) is the plaintiff, not a prosecutor.

There's also nothing to indicate he stole the money, but rather, the issue is that he voted in council when he shouldn't have, and used Mayoral letterhead to encourage donations to the charity concerned in the vote.

Conflicts of interest such as that, and the appearance thereof are in direct contravention of the ethics code of members/councillors (which, if I were a betting girl, would say that Ford still hasn't read cover-to-cover), but they're rarely criminal.

And, like the election finance audit that he currently finds himself the subject of, would only in rare cases find him kicked to the curb.

I'd rather see him thrown out by the voting public for his idiocy than by a judge. The bench is not a substitute for an informed and active electorate; nor should it be.


I'm sorry, wasn't it Ford Nation that trumpeted how many people made the "right" choice to vote this guy into office in the first place?

I don't understand this mentality in Canada. Harper won a majority, McGuinty was elected for a third term, and Ford won 47% of votes. And yet in all 3 cases, people seem to think it's cool to hate these guys for arbitrary reasons. Obviously someone voted for them. Either the complainers don't vote (which is often the case) or they are just jumping on the popular opinion bandwagon. People seem to think if Olivia Chow (for example) was elected in Toronto everything would be better overnight, and that just isn't true.

To be completely honest, I was glad to see the outcome yesterday not because I like Ford, but because I was worried who would get appointed by Council or elected in a by-election. The alternatives aren't that great right now. Better the devil you know.


Will QA for food.
I don't understand this mentality in Canada. Harper won a majority, McGuinty was elected for a third term, and Ford won 47% of votes. And yet in all 3 cases, people seem to think it's cool to hate these guys for arbitrary reasons. Obviously someone voted for them. Either the complainers don't vote (which is often the case) or they are just jumping on the popular opinion bandwagon. People seem to think if Olivia Chow (for example) was elected in Toronto everything would be better overnight, and that just isn't true.

To be completely honest, I was glad to see the outcome yesterday not because I like Ford, but because I was worried who would get appointed by Council or elected in a by-election. The alternatives aren't that great right now. Better the devil you know.

How are disagreeing with their politics, or bringing up their past (some very recent) social missteps 'arbitrary'? When Miller was in office, I'm sure you felt your gripes with him were not arbitrary, but well founded. So I can't dislike Ford because I find his handling of many matters (city budget and meetings threatening multiple closures, bicycle lanes, city transit, forging appearances at festivities in the city, among many others) utterly terrible?
I don't understand this mentality in Canada. Harper won a majority, McGuinty was elected for a third term, and Ford won 47% of votes. And yet in all 3 cases, people seem to think it's cool to hate these guys for arbitrary reasons. Obviously someone voted for them. Either the complainers don't vote (which is often the case) or they are just jumping on the popular opinion bandwagon. People seem to think if Olivia Chow (for example) was elected in Toronto everything would be better overnight, and that just isn't true.

To be completely honest, I was glad to see the outcome yesterday not because I like Ford, but because I was worried who would get appointed by Council or elected in a by-election. The alternatives aren't that great right now. Better the devil you know.

I don't hate Ford for arbitrary reasons. I hate Ford because he gets it wrong, more often than he gets it right.

We're talking about someone who says that he values his constituents, then gives them the finger when they catch him breaking the law. We're talking about someone who skips council meetings to go coach football. We're talking about someone who corrals city resources for his family business' benefit. We're talking about someone who can't be bothered to follow - let alone read - an ethics code in an era where people, he included, claim not to be able to stand the "corruption" that goes on in city politics.

That's not a guy I want representing Toronto.

If you are as interested as you claim to be in this fight, then you'd probably already know that Holyday - the current (bland) deputy mayor - would be the most likely to have been appointed to his chair as interim mayor until a by-election, or new election were held. Better the devil you know is a cop out so you don't have to put any effort into thinking about what might happen - for better or worse - when change occurs.
Wait, you mean there are people actually living in the city that don't hate that idiot Ford?

My brother voted for him and he really hates him now. I wonder if a large number of people that voted for him feel that way now or if he is an isolated case.


PS if anyone knows someone that needs to rent an apartment for February and March, shoot me a private message.
I'm moving to a new place and didn't give enough notice at my current apartment so I either have to pay rent at two places for two months or try to sublet the current place.
I would sublet it for extremely cheap and the place in in the annex (Bathurst and Dupont area)


Just a heads up for anyone who goes to the YMCA by the wellesley and yonge area. I went today and someone broke into my locker and stole some money from me, it was only 15 bucks so it wasn't so bad, but still sucks. Luckily they missed my phone and debit and credit card and all of the important stuff. I have to get a new lock as well since they broke my dudley lock getting into the locker.


How are disagreeing with their politics, or bringing up their past (some very recent) social missteps 'arbitrary'? When Miller was in office, I'm sure you felt your gripes with him were not arbitrary, but well founded. So I can't dislike Ford because I find his handling of many matters (city budget and meetings threatening multiple closures, bicycle lanes, city transit, forging appearances at festivities in the city, among many others) utterly terrible?

I don't hate Ford for arbitrary reasons. I hate Ford because he gets it wrong, more often than he gets it right.

We're talking about someone who says that he values his constituents, then gives them the finger when they catch him breaking the law. We're talking about someone who skips council meetings to go coach football. We're talking about someone who corrals city resources for his family business' benefit. We're talking about someone who can't be bothered to follow - let alone read - an ethics code in an era where people, he included, claim not to be able to stand the "corruption" that goes on in city politics.

That's not a guy I want representing Toronto.

If you are as interested as you claim to be in this fight, then you'd probably already know that Holyday - the current (bland) deputy mayor - would be the most likely to have been appointed to his chair as interim mayor until a by-election, or new election were held. Better the devil you know is a cop out so you don't have to put any effort into thinking about what might happen - for better or worse - when change occurs.

Did either of you vote for Ford?
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