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Toys R Us: "Buy 2 games, get 1 free" deal


0G M3mbeR
atomsk said:
oh, and they're thinkin of making me rzone world leader, and I've only been here since. june. haha



At their website last year, you could use it to pre-order certain games. I'm considering ordering it over the web again, because I don't really trust that local TRU stores will properly stock Alien Hominid and Neo Contra. But I guess we'll have to wait and see which games Amazon offers up as valid.

As for whether or not they will allow exchanges, I don't know if I would gamble. I was able to do an exchange last time, but they pretty specifically told me that I could only exchange for another Playstation 2 game (I'm assuming that they are catching on to people's scams). If you are going to try it, make sure that the game you want to exchange is something you won't mind keeping if you get denied.


works for Gamestop (lol)

jetsetmario said:
TRU BTGO 10/24. Ad Confirmation.

Buy two get one free on all PS2, GC, and XBOX games. GBA games are not included in this deal. This is the real deal. I have seen the ad for myself and can confirm this. For any other TRU employee's wanting to check up on this it is ROTO G in your MAP initiatives.


dammit, i told a couple family members about the GBA deal so they can save some cash on christmas presents.


Paper Mario 2, Donkey Konga and Pikmin 2... I hope TRU have them. =/

I'm not sure what PS2 games to capitalize on. =/


So let me get this straight.

Now you can mix and match games between GCN, Xbox, and PS2, but not GBA?

Is nothing at all happening until the 24th(the GCN/GBA portion was going to start on the 17th)? Lastly, is this deal for 1 or 2 weeks?

Thanks in advance for the help. :)


works for Gamestop (lol)
The guy saw the ad with his own eyes. Unless he's lying, I guess it's confirmed. I know some poeple here work at Toys R Us...say something :p


yeah, we need some hard answers on the gift receipt thing. TRU gets about about $500 from me with gift receipts and $0 without.


works for Gamestop (lol)
AniHawk said:
Oh damn! DAMN! DAMN!

Starts on the 24th? I can't hold off on Paper Mario 2 until then!

Buy it now and play. Buy it again on the week of 24th, return new copy with old receipt.

The guy is gonna check tomorrow to see if the online store will do the deal


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
if it starts on the 24th + 7 days =Nov.1 Raw vs. Smackdown on the 2nd. WTF!


Wario64 said:
Buy it now and play. Buy it again on the week of 24th, return new copy with old receipt.

The guy is gonna check tomorrow to see if the online store will do the deal

Wait, that won't work, will it? Don't they match up the barcode and whatnot?


Okay, I need to think of games to get with this. Paper Mario 2, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, OutRun 2, Otogi 2.... I need one more, at least.


Wario64 said:
Bar codes are the same on all copies...

I never knew that. I really should have, but I never did.

I love you man, and your money-saving goodness.

Is Toys r Us going to carry Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne? I want this as one of my 3 games

I'd like to know too. PM2 + SMTN + SH:Covenant.

Okay, I need to think of games to get with this. Paper Mario 2, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, OutRun 2, Otogi 2.... I need one more, at least.

Four Swords Adventures, Riddick, Ninja Gaiden, KotOR, MGSTTS, The Wind Waker...
I hope a TRS nearby actually has the games I want because they generally are slow at getting and getting rid of their stock.
Anyways, my mind is reeling with all the choices I have to make I hope to grab Otogi 2, Pikmin 2, and Nocturne. Yet, I might go for another trio perhaps adding San Andreas, Neo Contra, and Outrun 2.


works for Gamestop (lol)

hlb96 said:
I called the ToysRus in Slidell,La. and spoke to the manager about the buy 2 get 1 free deal. I asked her if I buy 2 games now and the sale starts in 2 weeks can I bring my receipt in and get a free game. She said as long as the sale happens within 30 days of my purchase that I could bring my receipt in and get my free game. This may be the way to go to get the games you want. Just call the store and speak to the manager to verify if your store will allow this. :D


Sucks at viral marketing
I don't have a lot of money; so I'm looking for the only use this deal to pick up games that aren't expected to fall in price right away. Last time, I got bit in the ass a little when all the games I bought with it dropped about $20 each by the end of the year.

These are the games I'm interested in (in order) but don't know which to get:
Paper Mario
Donkey Konga
Zelda 4 Swords Adventure

What would be the best use of my money?

Also, what else (good) is coming out between now and the end of the month?


So this is a week long sale?

My current list is as follows:

Donkey Konga / San Andreas / Star Ocean


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
No GBA? Weak. It'll be harder for me to make effective use of this deal now.


Unconfirmed Member
More than once, I had the manager of the store tell me to do the gift receipt thing to get a game that came out later. The year Vice City came out, I went in and picked out 2 games, and asked if he'd hold them until Vice City (which I'd reserved) was out. He said "Just get another game, and exchange it with a gift receipt when VC is in!" Last year, they asked me if I wanted gift receipts with all of my games, and said I could bring them in and exchange them at any time. If they offer that this year, I've got myself scoped out.

Paper Mario 2 + Donkey Konga = <Trade Bait for Metroid Prime 2>
GTA:VC + SMT: Nocturne = <Trade Bait for MGS3>
Taiko Drum Master + <Trade Bait for Halo 2> = <Trade Bait for Mario Tennis>

If they don't offer that this year, I'll grab the five for sures listed, and get like, Pikmin 2 or something for free. No sweat off my nuts.

Now to find $300... :(
So you can probably score a "free" preorder after buying two in-stock games. I guess you can't preorder two games online and then get that third preorder free though? That would be too awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
damn, mix and match GC and PS2? Sweet.

Now wtf am I going to get?

I don't want to wait on the deal for GTA and get burned on the other cool shit.

Paper mario is a must.

GTA? Four Swords? Tales of symphonia? Burnout 3? shit. Donkey konga (for extra drum, trade in game somewhere).


I have a shit load of 20% off $75 or greater purchase coupons for being an employee, but they're only good next Sun-Tue.

And the buy and swap is a non-issue. You buy 3 games, and exchange one later within your return time for another game, same price. And don't tell me that stores are "cracking down" on it, we actually encourage customers to do it if we're out of stock on games. =P This is a huge time for game sales for us, so we just want them to buy anything. Hell I've done this myself and they haven't said shit.
Now returning the unopened game for your $50 cash ain't happening.


Unconfirmed Member
RevenantKioku said:
And the buy and swap is a non-issue. You buy 3 games, and exchange one later within your return time for another game, same price. And don't tell me that stores are "cracking down" on it, we actually encourage customers to do it if we're out of stock on games. =P This is a huge time for game sales for us, so we just want them to buy anything. Hell I've done this myself and they haven't said shit.
Now returning the unopened game for your $50 cash ain't happening.
That's what I like to hear. I saw some guy on CAG saying "If I see people doing this, I'm definitely not letting them do that! It's wrong, and you're most certainly not exchanging some game for Halo 2!!!!!" and all this other nonsense. Time to start harvesting my organs.
Soul4ger said:
Okay, I need to think of games to get with this. Paper Mario 2, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, OutRun 2, Otogi 2.... I need one more, at least.

Fable? I'm probably getting Pikmin 2, Outrun 2, and Fable


I don't think I'll tempt the fates this year. I bought F-Zero GX, TWW, and Rogue Squadron III last year in hopes of trading the first two later. They wouldn't do that trade-for-another game thing and I was out $40. :mad:


Party Pooper
RevenantKioku said:
I have a shit load of 20% off $75 or greater purchase coupons for being an employee, but they're only good next Sun-Tue.

at least your employee shop night didnt get pushed back to nov 28th

like there's gonne be anything good left after black friday. fuckers.


Lambtron said:
That's what I like to hear. I saw some guy on CAG saying "If I see people doing this, I'm definitely not letting them do that! It's wrong, and you're most certainly not exchanging some game for Halo 2!!!!!" and all this other nonsense. Time to start harvesting my organs.

Just make sure to ask the service desk. Don't tell them that you want to grab a game thats comes out later, just say "You don't have one of the games I want, can I buy another and come back later to exchange it for the one I want?"

I know my store has no issue, but you never know in this world.
I'd say there's a good chance that Amazon.com will have the sale, they always did in previous years, and they have been doing "Buy 2 get 1 free" sales for many other sections in Toys R Us (non video game) for the past couple of weeks.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Cool. I think I'll start with:

Pikmin 2
Donkey Konga
Paper Mario 2

Pokemon Colloseum

Megaman X Command Mission
TMNT2: Battle Nexus
DDR Extreme

KOF Maximum Impact
Neo Contra
Alien Hominid

Ace Combat 5

Its a shame this couldn't have started in mid November after Jak 3, R&C3, and MGS3 come out.


I heard this was a new return policy in regards to the deal:
there is now a new return policy additon, any game purchased during the sale can be returned or exchanged for a credit of $33. No exceptions


Unconfirmed Member
PhatSaqs said:
I heard this was a new return policy in regards to the deal:
there is now a new return policy additon, any game purchased during the sale can be returned or exchanged for a credit of $33. No exceptions
That makes sense, but doesn't at the same time. It keeps people from swapping for games later on. But what about Mom & Dad who go in and get Little Jimmy 3 games. What if he doesn't want one? He'll take it back and they'll say "You'll need to give us $17 to exchange for another game." That would cause a PR nightmare. And I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who will B2G1F won't be doing any exchanges. Hey, if they crack down on it, I won't pull a bunch of shady shit. But if they offer me straight up gift receipt exchanges for other games, I'll take advantage of it.

Hell, the first time they ever ran this sale, I went in there, and they were sold out of Devil May Cry. I asked if they would hold my two games and give me a raincheck to hold DMC when it came in. They said they would just give me a raincheck for DMC and I could buy two-get one free whenever they got it in stock, which was like a week after the sale! So I went back that day and got DMC, Kinetica, and Klonoa 2.
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