ComiXology has a 50% off IDW comics sale through 10/17. Use code "IDW" at checkout. Not sure if it's U.S. only. I think most of the books OP linked to are eligible.
Between this Humble Bundle, previous TF comics bundles and the Comixology sale, I'm pretty much going to have every TF comic except for the newest stuff.
I read Last Stand of the Wreckers and absolutely loved it. I've also been itching to read MTMTE since i've heard such great things about it. Unfortunately, I decided to start from the very beginning of the IDW TF continuity and while I've mostly been enjoying them, I've also been losing interest and taking long breaks between books. It will take me forever to get to MTMTE at this rate, so I think I may just abandon the older books and skip ahead for now. I can always go back to them later.
Between this Humble Bundle, previous TF comics bundles and the Comixology sale, I'm pretty much going to have every TF comic except for the newest stuff.
I read Last Stand of the Wreckers and absolutely loved it. I've also been itching to read MTMTE since i've heard such great things about it. Unfortunately, I decided to start from the very beginning of the IDW TF continuity and while I've mostly been enjoying them, I've also been losing interest and taking long breaks between books. It will take me forever to get to MTMTE at this rate, so I think I may just abandon the older books and skip ahead for now. I can always go back to them later.