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Tron 3 (Tr3n) has begun filming


Gold Member

Being directed by the co-Director of Pirates 5 and Maleficient 2, and starring MORBIUS!
Jared Leto Marvel GIF by MorbiusMovie


When I first saw Tron 2 I was disappointed but I’ve watched it a couple of times since then and have reversed on it. I actually think it’s a really good sequel.

My biggest concern is given the terrible content Disney has produced in the last 10 years I have no faith in this sequel. They need to fire their whole writing department and get some writers who actually love the IP they are writing about and not some new grads who think good writing is always just subverting peoples expectations about characters, politics and identity.


The original holds a special place in my heart. The sequel was good, visually and especially with the GOAT soundtrack. Although they maneuvered themselves into a blind spot with the “creation of life inside the computer”.

Uprising was an amazing show, but like Spectacular Spider-Man, we just can’t have nice things, can we?


Man I can't wait until they run out of millennial memberberries and are forced to make new stuff again.

I guess they can always reboot the remakes, though.
Wasn’t this jarred leto led tale always the plan ? I’m sure he pops up in a blink and you’ll miss him role in the second movie

I’m sure they spoke about the virtual world moving into the real world and trying to take over.

Sounds kinda like a lame version of Skynet, or at least the later skynet that made terminators who liked to throw, rather than terminate 🙈😂

Might as well reboot …..


Gold Member
Just watched Tron and Tron Legacy with my kid since he is heavily into VR and all that stuff now. Even played the 2 arcade games. I liked the TV show with Frodo even. There is a lot of life in the Tron IP I think, especially these days with AI and VR, though I think Wreck-it Ralph kinda sucked the wind from a lot of "we are living software in a machine" story beats.

Neon Xenon

This could be a working title. I think I saw "TR2N" being used at some point before the title "Tron Legacy" was finalized.

THI4F, F.3.A.R., FANT4STIC...Numbers replacing letters in titles has not had a good track record.
You know where it did work? Wip3out. Wipe3out was great.
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This could be a working title. I think I saw "TR2N" being used at some point before the title "Tron Legacy" was finalized.

THI4F, F.3.A.R., FANT4STIC...Numbers replacing letters in titles has not had a good track record.
You know where it did work? Wip3out. Wipe3out was great.

How did you forget Se7en?!

Super Troopers Smh GIF by Searchlight Pictures

One of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.


I don’t care if it’s new Disney or old Disney, new Tron is good by me. Tr3n is a dumb label I bet that doesn’t make it into posters and trailers.


Mega Tron fan over here, saw the OG when I was knee high to a grasshopper and it totally blew my mind, still my favorite film to this day. The sequel had plenty of issues, but all things considered I was satisfied (enough) with it.

This one, it is hard to get excited about. As a Tron fan, kind of felt like I dodged a bullet compared to what the poor Star Wars fans have been suffering, so here is another chance for them to muck it up.. great. Anyway, like many of the other vocal followers of the Tron IP I am no big fan of Leto, but I'll also not let that be a killing blow for my interest in this project. Let's see what they have to show off..

Neon Xenon

For what it's worth, I liked Tron: Legacy. I don't think it was amazing, and I haven't seen the original (I wasn't even born when it released in 1982), but I found it entertaining enough to where I wouldn't mind watching it again. I feel that I may might have gotten more out of the movie if I had gone to see it in theaters. And I still very much like the visuals of Tron: Legacy, as I found out that I still have Tron-Legacy_Grid_VFX_ConceptTest_720.mov downloaded on one of my hard drives. It's a great-looking movie.

As for a third Tron film? I can't see myself getting genuinely excited for anything coming from Disney in its current state. I'm going to need more than a little convincing to get on board.


I am a huge Tron fan, but hard to get excited for anything Disney at this point and Jared Leto usually sucks.
His suck was somewhat subdued in the Blade Runner sequel, so I will be cautiously optimistic.


Was blown away when Tron was released (yes, I'm that old). Rewatched many many times.
Tron 2 is a visual and audio masterpiece. Story was OK but really missed the mark on Tron character.
Olivia was at peak hottness but Beau Garret as Siren really boiled my potatoes!

I want to be optomistic about Tron 3, but current hollywood is weird.



What is this shit,it reminds me of Fant4stic and that's not a comparrison you want people to make with your movie....

Tron Legacy is an absolute audio visual feast but I have no faith in mickey mouse to do it justice in today's age of dumbed down politically correct,cheap spectacles for "modern audiences".
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voted poster of the decade by bots
I love the last movie, this is great news! If disney can throw 300 million at a remake of the little mermaid, what's the budget on this, 3 billion?

Someone needs to explain to me how the little mermaid cost that much to make, it should have been 50 million tops. So much wasted money by Disney.......


I mean, you do you, but I’d have a far bigger priority in terms of what is included in a follow-up to Legacy.


Flirty Reaction GIF

Not sure how Olivia Wilde’s looking these days though, haven’t seen her in anything in a while.
She said this when the sequel was cancelled in 2015:
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