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True Detective - Season 2 - We get the Season we deserve - Sundays on HBO


I liked it. I think it tied about as nice a bow as one could expect on this story. I really enjoyed some of the allusions and imagery in several scenes.

And I appreciate it when writers don't shy away from an unhappy ending.
The whole Stan situation all over again
He literally goes from the diamond shop where he pocketed them to getting ambushed. If people didn't realize he had diamonds on him than they're at fault.

Not that it matters as he was a dead man anyway given the massive hole they dug in the ground for him. He was dead either way, the fact that he had millions in diamonds on him that they didn't know about is just dramatic irony.
Well, I'm about to watch the finale.

Wow, this is definitely the best moment to talk about Ani's past sexual trauma.

And still, they don't yet seem concerned about Paul.

True Detective pillow talk is seriously heavy. At least the actors are killing this scene. Trying to absolve each other off their guilt. Heavy.

Lol, making up for lost time.

Man, Vince has lost some weight, he looks good, just gotta put that out there.

Lol, you can't act for shit. Meta as fuck.

Jordan continues to be cool. I do buy these two as a couple though. They're good.

Venezuela? Okay, good luck.


I didn't like the ending, but I don't like depressing endings. It could have ended after Velcoro and Frank shook hands and I would have been satisfied.

The final chase through the redwood forest was cool though. I'd love to see more shootouts in that environment.
He literally goes from the diamond shop where he pocketed them to getting ambushed. If people didn't realize he had diamonds on him than they're at fault.

Not that it matters as he was a dead man anyway given the massive hole they dug in the ground for him. He was dead either way, the fact that he had millions in diamonds on him that they didn't know about is just dramatic irony.

But they got the suitcase of money which they weren't aware of either. I think it would have been more dramatic if they took the diamonds and left the suitcase, and Vince Vaughn then tries to drag it along for a while with his trail of blood.


I don't even know where to begin. Honest to god I don't. There's the shitty half-assed romance plot with Ray and Anti. Like what the fuck? Did I miss half the season where they had a relationship? I can understand the one night stand but holy shit some of the later scenes made it seem like they had been fucking for a few months. Not to mention the terrible dialogue encompassing that. The opening monologues between the two was beyond forced in placement and delivery. After sex, let us recount our deepest traumas to each other and spill out our emotions.

No, I don't think Vince did a particularly notable job on the acting front this episode. He expressed his usual range, which is to say none at all. He did have more interesting scenes like the farewell to his wife but that's generally it. Farrell was the highlight on the acting front and even here I don't think did a great job.

The conclusion on the case side was straight up shit. The scene in the train station felt like a comedy. Oops there goes the recorder. Birdman doesn't even kill the cop but instead the cop gets shot to death by the police. Is this modern social commentary? Even when you're on the police force, if you're black then you're already dead? Not to mention the scenes inside the house were the clumsiest direction I've seen in a long time. Let's give you a shot of the non-lethal ammo to make it clear that Birdman didn't use normal ammo. Let's have the birdmask just laying about in open sight, also give a close up of the shotgun to make it clear that he's the Birdman in case it wasn't obvious enough. Why was Caspere killed? Oops it was an accident.

Of course Ray has to visit his kid. OF FUCKING COURSE. You know despite the kid almost certainly being under heavy watch. Like no shit they're watching your kid you stupid fuck. Ray was so stupid in the 2nd half that I thought he was suicidal. There's a tracker on your car so seems like the wise thing to do would be either walk away from the car or drive the car to a police station where you turn yourself in instead of trying to kill them all in the woods or whatever. I love how the show didn't even allow Ray the upload as like a final 'fuck you' to the character.

So where did the ginger gene come from if Ray is the father? That paternity test stuff was amateurish in how it was handled. Not to mention Anti getting knocked up in a one night stand too. Ray be having super sperm. Frank should have taken Ray's sperm and try to get Jordan knocked up that way. Like what the fuck Pizzaman? Is this how you responded to the sexism charges laid against you from last season?

There is zero reason this episode needed to be an hour and a half. So much fucking bloat. I take it back though, the entire episode wasn't garbage. The shootout was cool even with the one liner shit even if the direction was subpar.


I liked it. I think it tied about as nice a bow as one could expect on this story. I really enjoyed some of the allusions and imagery in several scenes.

And I appreciate it when writers don't shy away from an unhappy ending.

i was pretty surprised rust survived the crazy stabbin in s1 honestly.

Im sad ray didn't make it but he knew he fucked up. That's been a theme this season. These guys know better
This is the end of the road for Nails?

Wish we got more of him. Dude's got an interesting presence and line delivery.

Big Dead Paul. Well ain't that some shit.

If Burris doesn't get shot in the face, I will be so pissed.

BTW, Woodrough died cause he couldn't face himself.

Oh hey, Mayor's dead.

Vince Vaughn is the True Detective.

Alright, time for some Birdman shenanigans.

Wait, Birdman just leaves his mask out in the open? That's sloppy. And his shotgun with the riot rounds? And all these photos? This crime scene is practically gift wrapped.

Okay, didn't see the girl being handcuffed after.

So everyone saw this shit coming a mile away.

We are the True Detectives.
I didn't like the ending, but I don't like depressing endings. It could have ended after Velcoro and Frank shook hands and I would have been satisfied.

The final chase through the redwood forest was cool though. I'd love to see more shootouts in that environment.

For a show that's done a really horrible job making use of it's setting, having the three final scenes all take place in different parts of California's landscape was cool.


I don't see why this episodes is getting more hate than previous ones, I thought the tension was more than decent. There were far worse episodes in the beginning.

For real. The hate here is ridiculous. It's like some people thought this episode would be like the 'Blue Comet', 'Felina', or some other watershed TV episode, and now they're getting mad it wasn't.
Hotline Birdman should have killed more people.

Oh shit yeah, Birdman is back in play. Oh wait, he's just taking the diamonds for the tapes? Oh no, finally, Birdman's gonna kill another asshole.

Without his Birdman mask.


Wow, Frank shit talking Osip is hilarious. Never trust Vince Vaughn you KGB motherfucker!

Antigone still trying to save girls.

Len is fucked.

Woooooooo, Scarface is back?

Frank's got a fucking armory, nice.

Come on, time for vengeance!

Hahahaha Lera Lynn is playing in the middle of the day to a fucking empty bar. Best part of this season.


That was worse than any finale I could have possibly imagined with the lowest of expectations. What was the point of anything?

Easily one of the worst written TV shows I've ever seen.


That finale was legit bad. Every cliche under the sun and holy shit at the cheesy Vince Vaughn death walk i mean what the fuck.
Birdman was thoroughly wasted this season, but finally, he's back in play. Lol, Burris is here too

Lol, no one thought you were this competent, Ray.

Amazing info dump.

Oh shit, Len is Ben's daughter wowwwwwww


That finale was legit bad. Every cliche under the sun and holy shit at the cheesy Vince Vaughn death walk i mean what the fuck.

Seriously. The only reason the ep is 90 mins is because they dragged out so many goddamn scenes for no reason. Ugh.

And all the fucking END STORY STUFF WITH SHOOTOUTS EVERYWHERE. Plus the cliche "tied up loose ends" just at that exact time killing off every character in the show.
It's like every generic cliche one after another, the mystery aspect's a joke (birdman reveal was lol and went nowhere), and all the various stories got so convoluted they literally had to just say "uhhh, let's just have everyone shoot each other to resolve this stuff"

Crap, crap, crap, crap episode. So many subplots went nowhere an ended up being completely pointless. After the great S1, this is probably more disappointing than anything on television.
The original subplot of exploring the history of occult throughout the US transit system sounds way more interesting than what we got. Terrible generic crime mafia story with half-baked mysteries and half-baked characters.


Seriously. The only reason the ep is 90 mins is because they dragged out so many goddamn scenes for no reason. Ugh.

And all the fucking END STORY STUFF WITH SHOOTOUTS EVERYWHERE. Plus the cliche "tied up loose ends" just at that exact time killing off every character in the show.
It's like every generic cliche one after another, the mystery aspects a joke (birdman reveal was lol and went nowhere), and all the various stories got so convoluted they literally had to just say "uhhh, let's just have everyone shoot each other to resolve this stuff"

Crap, crap, crap, crap episode. So many subplots went nowhere an ended up being completely pointless. After the great S1, this is probably more disappointing than anything on television.
The original subplot of exploring the history of occult throughout the US transit system sounds way more interesting than what we got. Terrible generic crime mafia story with half-baked mysteries and half-baked characters.
You're right, they completely discarded any sort of mystery they were building with whatever villains in favor of stupid bullshit.
A black man is being stabbed by a white guy and the white cops shoot the black guy up. There is no way this isn't a commentary on American policing.

Oh, and the recording got destroyed and Birdman is dead, and secret incest again.

First scene with Frank and Antigone wooooo

That's a sexy photo of your wife, Frank, jeez.

Guess they've gone from solving mysteries to living long enough to get away.

Nice motivational speech, Frank. Justice for Paul.

Lol, Scarface's history with Ray and Frank is so touching. Those two are really just... Good guys at heart. Lera Lynn is leaving the building, folks.

What a deep and emotional bond between Ray and Antigone.


Bleh finale to say the least. I nearly feel asleep a couple times, definitely didn't need that extra 30 minutes. Even though its an anthology, and I didn't expect it to be as good as the first season, I still come away thinking this might be the most disappointing followup season ever.
Holy shit that was terrible.

Those 90 minutes felt like 3 years. At least now we have a conclusive answer to the question of whether or not Pizzolatto is a completely talentless hack. He is.


Hey guys you want to wash this terribad shit from your mouth you should all hop on board the Mr Robot train now thats quality product over there on....usa network lol
Ray you dumbass. You're home free and you decide to see your son. I know it's difficult to dump a Charger, but get another vehicle. :(

Frank you dumbass. Pride bit you in the ass.

I fully enjoyed that. It was the tale of two seasons. The payoff satisfied me. Started slow initially, got way better once the trap was laid for all the detectives.

In theory the show could have started with our detectives being involved in a violent shootout that forces them to go undercover and the story takes it path from there.I get what Nic Pizzolatto was doing with Frank, Ray, and Ani's character. Frank's moreso to be honest and wish it was primarily focused on those 3. Woodrough could easily have been excised from the plot in an alternate version.
That's the fakest Suicide ever in the doctor's office.

All these suited men discussing business.

Time for some Splinter Cell shenanigans!

That was great. Now go do this shit at the Vinci PD headquarters. Vigilante Squad, unite!

Frank is gonna royally screw this up. You got the money, fucking run.

This phone conversation between Antigone and Ray is the True Detective version of a lover's call.


I could see Farrel get a nomination but that is about it. He was really the only consistent piece of quality on the show. Everything else was all over the place.
Speaking of Farrell's consistency, I didn't like how Velcoro's voice suddenly got deeper and extra gravelly in the 2nd half of the season. Could barely understand him at times.
Lol, hasidic Jew diamond dealers are back!

Don't you fucking do it, Ray. Don't you do it. They're obviously gonna be waiting for you, you stupid person.

Omg Ray, you are just the worst.

I feel like I should turn the show off now. Just, it ends with Ray, Antigone, and Frank fleeing to Venezuela and living to fight another day.

Lol, that salute and Chad's placid expression.

The fuck are you doing, ditch that car and bolt you moron. It's like watching a shitty slasher flick and screaming at the clueless teen

The only explanation here is that you are suicidal you dumb shit.

Lol, Mexicans got Frank.

Oh ewwwwwwwww, terrible hair job, Antigone.


Speaking of Farrell's consistency, I didn't like how Velcoro's voice suddenly got deeper and extra gravelly in the 2nd half of the season. Could barely understand him at times.

I thought it was especially exaggerated during the finale, probably just my imagination though. He was trying way too hard with it.


Fantastic episode. With the focus primarily on Ray and Ani, it became much tighter. They explained the convoluted plot pretty clearly. Mrs. Semyon is a ride or die chick. Nice choice Frank. The show finally felt like it was set in L.A. Nice use of setting and great directing/cinematography this episode.

I came on here expecting a lot of "wow the show really redeemed itself" type posts. But nope. I get it. It was a bad season. But you have to be enough of an adult to not be too afraid to give an episode it's due.

Let's put it this way. S1 was infinitely better as a whole, but S2 had the better finale.
Whoever said this in the thread has a good point - flashbacks probably could have built up this story a lot better. The scene between VV and his wife in the trainstation or whatever in the beginning was INSANE
Fantastic episode. With the focus primarily on Ray and Ani, it became much tighter. They explained the convoluted plot pretty clearly. Mrs. Semyon is a ride or die chick. Nice choice Frank. The show finally felt like it was set in L.A. Nice use of setting and great directing/cinematography this episode.

I came on here expecting a lot of "wow the show really redeemed itself" type posts. But nope. I get it. It was a bad season. But you have to be enough of an adult to not be too afraid to give an episode it's due.

Let's put it this way. S1 was infinitely better as a whole, but S2 had the better finale.

It wasn't as bad some episodes this season but it pretty much showed how useless half the plots in this season were. Also good god no season 1's finale was so much tighter and better paced this than this 90 minute chore


Nope. I hated the season 1 finale and it was a million times better than the turd Pizzolatto delivered tonight.

S1 finale was a little weak, but it looks like Citizen Kane to this crap. S2 finale seems written by a jr high student trying to write his first detective story in English class, finding himself written into a corner and then just scrambling cliches and nonsense at the end to turn it in. He probably would get a D.

I'm giving Fukunaga 99% credit for S1 after tonight's ep. I didn't think S2 could reach new lows but it just kept digging itself further into stupidity with this last ep.
And now Ray is making another stupid recording to his son, fuck you, Ray.

I hate this episode now.

And there's still twenty minutes.

And Frank lost the fucking money!

Redwoods and desert are this close to one another? Ray could have stayed on the highway a while longer

And he must the money too.

Stupid people, stupid incompetent Ray

They got fucking military goons after Ray


Wait who's baby was that?


Damn, pizzaman wanted to make this shit as hard a downer as possible.

I'm actually surprised that season 1 ended the way it did. Pizalotto has a very depressing style, I guess it can make for good noir, but shit. He's going out of his way at every turn.
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