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True Detective - Season 2 - We get the Season we deserve - Sundays on HBO


I can't believe we actually had legitimate critics making the point that he was taking shots at Fukunaga in this episode. The amount of contorting you'd have to do to even conclude that, nevermind mention it in a review is nothing short of absurd. What a joke.

It's funny because as soon as he appeared, I was waiting to be offended, but after his scene all I could say was "That was it? Really now?"


Vince has been doing well. Maybe he's not setting the acting world on fire but he's not bad.

And between this stuff with work, his ex wife, and father, Velcoro is quickly becoming sympathetic to me. The man is a mess.
Bad episode on nearly all counts. I enjoyed the dream intro and a few other early scenes but that was about it. And the cheese culminated with that laughable fight scene. Come on.
Had some odd dream with this for some damn reason. Intro made me uneasy because of it. Bad enough I'm dreaming Lynch, the show starts with something all Lynch feeling..

Besides THAT strange coincidence, not a bad one. Show is definitely different..I stay looking forward to the next weekly..hoping for a major payoff soon.


I liked the episode overall.

I was so letdown by the Vaughn fight scene though.

I was seriously like, ok, this is the moment he shows why he is the badass he is. Unleashes this hinted at temper.

Stupid me was expecting some Al Pacino type blow up to show this volatile side but instead we got some odd fight scene that didn't quite make me feel any different followed up by a teeth pulling scene that was really only what it was because he was pulling teeth out.


I liked the episode overall.

I was so letdown by the Vaughn fight scene though.

I was seriously like, ok, this is the moment he shows why he is the badass he is. Unleashes this hinted at temper.

Stupid me was expecting some Al Pacino type blow up to show this volatile side but instead we got some odd fight scene that didn't quite make me feel any different followed up by a teeth pulling scene that was really only what it was because he was pulling teeth out.

I'm guessing they don't want to ape Frank White at this point. Because visually that's how the character projects. Certainly not plot wise though.

Edit: if true about the dig at the previous director, ouch, that is some audacious shit to pull. And cruel.


I thought it started off really well. Velcoro and Antigone are captivating, the murder mystery is interesting as well. The mayor's house was fun in a bizarre way. The problem is it's got some really low points in the episode as well: Vaughn's character rallying up the troops and subsequently getting into a ridiculous fight was bad. It's not even so much Vaughn's fault as he's just in a stupid scene. Angst on the bike PCH cop was flat out awful though. Could he be more of a walking caricature?

The good outweighs the bad for me so far. Generally, if there's enough outstanding stuff, I can tolerate a generous bit of ambivalence. The latter part of the episode is going to be a lightning rod for people predisposed to hating on the show. Personally, if they can tie Black Water dick to something relevant(or how about kill him off instead), I'd be happy enough.

Episode 2 plus first half of 3 combined for 90 minutes of excellent television.
I watch this season half mockingly and half hoping that it does anything good. Colin Farrell is the only reason I have to watch at this point.

This season has a very simple problem: too many characters.

Absolutely true. Four leads is too many for this writing staff. Vince Vaughn is such a weak link and he drags down every scene he is in. Also, what kind of gangster is he? He has like 3 goons.


Liked ep 1 ok, really liked ep 2, disliked ep 3. I mean, what the fuck even happened this episode? And some of that dialogue. Yeesh. That was not good. Not good at all. Please be better ep 4.

wouldn't be the first time



Junior Member
Someone should tell these new ep. directors that tense close-ups aren't compelling when you have one every 3 minutes.

Between the recurring e-cig jabs and the distracting Cary Fukunaga scene this episode is Pizzaman just going to use this show to air his annoyance with the world? What's next? The Killer will be revealed to wear crocs?


Actively hates charity
Farrell and Mc Addams should have been the only lead characters. Taylors's character is pathetic and Vaughn is no fit to play a gangster.


Liked ep 1 ok, really liked ep 2, disliked ep 3. I mean, what the fuck even happened this episode? And some of that dialogue. Yeesh. That was not good. Not good at all. Please be better ep 4.

Agree. The dialogue is pretty bad.

"Is that a fucking E cigarette"?


So....Stan was the guy that Vaughn threatened for 25%, right?

I'm having trouble keeping track of the 200 characters and the vagueness of Vaughn's organization.


Calling it now.
Ray is actually dead and the rest of this season is playing out in his head while he lays dying.
Just watched. WTF at the Fukunaga dissing on that film set scene.

edit: I didn't know we already knew about it. I t took me by surprise, and that's it, but it certainly wasn't as bad as critics sold it to be reading a bit mere about it in here.
It's got it's faults, and def isn't as good as season 1, but I'm still in. It's got just the right combination of old school noire and Hotline Miami esque creepiness for me.

Same. It's definitely over-stuffed with characters but it keeps me interested enough. I'm a big time Vaughn hater and I'm finding him tolerable.


I don't know why but "Suck your own dick" really cracked me up.

I can't believe we actually had legitimate critics making the point that he was taking shots at Fukunaga in this episode. The amount of contorting you'd have to do to even conclude that, nevermind mention it in a review is nothing short of absurd. What a joke.

It's funny because as soon as he appeared, I was waiting to be offended, but after his scene all I could say was "That was it? Really now?"

Haha, I had the exact same reaction. What the hell was everyone going on about? If that scene was insulting anything, it was Mad Max.
I enjoyed the first season, but that was mostly due to the acting and direction. Three episodes in now and I am getting very little from this. Vaughn just isn't a good actor, and Kitsch seems like diet Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain (at least they brought out the latent homosexualisms this episode to more of the forefront). I am not digging the setting nor story, and the writing sounds worse (either because of the script of the poor delivery of a couple of the actors, primaries and secondaries).

I did like the dream sequence to start the episode, so there's that.
It's got it's faults, and def isn't as good as season 1, but I'm still in. It's got just the right combination of old school noire and Hotline Miami esque creepiness for me.

Hope we get to see more animal masks.

Nothing will live up to season 1, but this is fun to watch while we're waiting for Rick & Morty :p
I liked it. And I have a theory.

The guy who killed Casper and is hell bent on getting revenge on Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell is none other than the mayor's son. His motive? Vaughn many years ago using his mob connects to track down one of his friends, the very same man who attacked Farrell's wife. The mayor's son and the mayor are both in on this weird sex club and land grab conspiracy, and it's personal. They didn't kill Farrell's character and they won't throw him off the case because him taking a fall (while implicating Vaughn in newly minted criminal activity) is part of the plan. Just you wait.
This was such a weird fucking episode. Also, I'm not even sure who directed this but it for sure wasn't Lin. This episode made me want Lin back and Lin's episodes were making me want Fukunaga back.

Too much going on in this episode yet nothing fucking happened.

Who the fuck was Dan?


i actually kind of like vaughn in this... seems like a man on the end of his rope. maybe not the most stellar casting decision of all time but it's good enough

i dunno... i'm liking the season. sans the first season it's probably the best detective drama in some time. i could see how some of the plot threads could really fall flat though


I just think there's a bit too much going on and too many characters to keep track of.

Still enjoying the season though. Hopefully everything starts gelling better as the season goes on. Right now it feels a little disjointed.


Shit, been hanging in there but except for a couple of scenes tonight I thought I was watching Law and Order.

Not holding my attention, boring witness statements, convoluted stories, confusing characters... damn better step it up soon


Neo Member
This season's been bloated, bland, incoherent, and (most egregiously) absolutely boring.

While most of this episode (and the rest of this season's arc) has been off-key in the worst way, I want to make a point about the particularly galling introduction to the episode. The aping of Lynch's aesthetic - chiaroscuro supernatural mood singers in a public bar draped in a primary color to add a bit of surreal flair - completely misapprehends why the conceit is so unsettling to begin with. Lynchian horror juxtaposes almost eerie normality with the ghoulishly uncanny, which has never been this show's modus operandi. In fact, Pizzaman's been beating us over the head with how abject misery and untold horrors are suffuse and inescapable in his banal depiction of L.A.

When Lynch in Twin Peaks or Blue Velvet inserts a vignette featuring a quasi noir / vaudevillian musical performance, the uneasy je ne sais quoi that punches the guts of the audience is earned because so much else in the art is quotidian. Twin Peaks is introduced as a town of polite, law-abiding all-Americans who go about their days quietly until occult tragedy strikes and the entire weave starts unraveling. With two episodes of jumbled exposition that's gone out of its way to demonstrate that every corner and crevice and alcove in L.A. is fraught with sleaze, boozing, deviant sex, fraud, and violence, throwing a Lynchian "homage" (if you can even call it that, knowing Pizzaman's well-documented penchant for plagiarism) is so utterly tone deaf that it almost boggles the mind that this man managed to teach poor unsuspecting students literature in a past life, let alone helm a flagship HBO series. He's throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks while paying no heed to the narrative or tonal dissonance of his gambits. Elvis doing Bette Middler in a dream sequence to open an episode isn't artistically daring, but rather an inveterate plagiarist's misreading of the actual artistic texts he's copying from!

This season is failed "art", but it's been quite the spectacle to watch unfold when viewed as a self-imposed public humiliation for the bloviating auteur who made it.


The way they handled the mystique of the last episode with the Hotline Miami mask vs the fucking dude in a full body black spandex running through a homeless village, knocking over shopping carts behind him is just.

Jesus. What the fuck were they thinking this episode.


This episode was far, far better than the previous 2.

Vaughn is definitely an enormous blunder in casting that's torpedoing his character- the other 4 leads are all fine.
Cop killing is bad times. Draws attention.

Just need to incap him.

So why didn't he just leave after firing the first shot? What was the almost point blank "kill shot" necessary for? In reality, there's a good chance a shot like that could kill you, so why would the shooter risk it? The logic of that scene makes no sense in retrospect, but maybe I'm putting too much thought into it.

Also, am I wrong, or did Velcoro imply that he thought the shooting was a set up? If that's the case, what on earth was the point?


The way they handled the mystique of the last episode with the Hotline Miami mask vs the fucking dude in a full body black spandex running through a homeless village, knocking over shopping carts behind him is just.

Jesus. What the fuck were they thinking this episode.
What? That guy was not in a bodysuit - he had a hoodie on and a white mask.
God the whole angsty gay character thing is so dumb.

This season has far too many things going on at once and the narrative progression is a mess
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