Sums it up.
Understand that black and brown folk are watching this newfound compassion for drug addicts unfold with thinly veiled disgust and abject angst. Where was this tender love and compassion for the last 30 years when our people needed more help and less prison bars?
Nah, fuck this. Lock them up too. 10 year sentences for repeat meth/heroin offenders. Let's see how those broken homes and families do. Felony convictions so they become unemployable and no education in those prisons so they gain no meaningful skills during their time.
Let the cops start shooting first and asking questions later. These meth/heroin addict friends and family members of you guys were certainly no angels and deserve neither mercy nor quarter, just like all those black and brown bodies that found their way to similar addictions and struggles for similar reasons and disappeared into statistics, penitentiaries and cemeteries. Let them get to know the merciless criminal justice system as we do.