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Trump Fires James Comey

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I know this is completely hypothetical so I don't mean to deter the topic, someone please tell me if this isn't the place to ask this, but what would happen if the President of the United States just... bailed like that?
I'm guessing first thing would be Republicans scrambling to justify it.


I know this is completely hypothetical so I don't mean to deter the topic, someone please tell me if this isn't the place to ask this, but what would happen if the President of the United States just... bailed like that?

Line of succession.

Trump probably declared an enemy of the state after reviewing the evidence for why he bailed.


I know this is completely hypothetical so I don't mean to deter the topic, someone please tell me if this isn't the place to ask this, but what would happen if the President of the United States just... bailed like that?

We get Pencey unless he goes with him. Then it keeps going down the line.


I know this is completely hypothetical so I don't mean to deter the topic, someone please tell me if this isn't the place to ask this, but what would happen if the President of the United States just... bailed like that?

Unless he formally steps down, he'd probably remain president until he's impeached in absentia.


I don't have any personal dislike of Trump himself. He's ignorant and incompetent. The people who work in his administration, and defend him in the media however...it takes a special kind of person to stand there at the WH podium and lie constantly whilst defending the indefensible.

This is the head of the nail.

Trump is not some Machiavellian calculator like a Nixon.
He is where he is because of an army of complicit enablers who should know better.

What, no I don't like Comey, this is purely about the context of his firing for me.
I know this is completely hypothetical so I don't mean to deter the topic, someone please tell me if this isn't the place to ask this, but what would happen if the President of the United States just... bailed like that?

Pence acting prez as soon as they could not locate or communicate with Trump, declared unfit / whatever in due time, Pence officially sworn in


The FBI blocked off the windows and glass doors so no one can see potentially sensitive actions and material inside. They're going to be searching that place from top to bottom, looking in every little nook and cranny, and taking out absolutely ever bit of documentation and evidence they can find.

Oh I see, and what does that places exactly represent? trump headquarters?
I'm guessing first thing would be Republicans scrambling to justify it.
I laughed

We get Pencey unless he goes with him. Then it keeps going down the line.

I figured as much, but I guess I meant (just didn't articulate it well) maybe this:

Line of succession.

Trump probably declared an enemy of the state after reviewing the evidence for why he bailed.

So he'd just become a wanted man forever living in exile?

Pence acting prez as soon as they could not locate or communicate with Trump, declared unfit / whatever in due time, Pence officially sworn in

This too.

Man that would be insane.


never left the stone age
This gets me thinking, can we petition Lionel Mandrake to do a retrospective if the investigation pans out? Would be legendary

Only if we also get him a publishing deal because good lawd that would be a lot of work

Unless he formally steps down, he'd probably remain president until he's impeached in absentia.

Can you imagine if he came back from Mar a Lago, rolling up the White House thinking it'll be another day of boring and surprisingly complicated president workday only for them to tell him to fuck off?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Being close to my line of work, it's interesting to hear them moving to shared services and grouping the government entities as an enterprise.

Working in "computers" as my mom would say, wouldn't this make the federal gov't "LESS" secure?
I had a thought, that now that Comey is out by Trump's hand, maybe Obama will feel comfortable making public comments on him, the election, and the fbi investigation


So is the assumption that the raid on Strategic Campaign Group is related to the Russia investigstion? Just a quick bit a googling seems to indicate that they are linked to a shady superPAC that has been in trouble in the past. Might just be related to that?


So is the assumption that the raid on Strategic Campaign Group is related to the Russia investigstion? Just a quick bit a googling seems to indicate that they are linked to a shady superPAC that has been in trouble in the past. Might just be related to that?

Yea don't know if it's related to Russia but the optics of this just aren't good at all.
Saw this on Redit, so good if true....

On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.
This report is a clarification of what I have previously said I had heard on Twitter; namely that Ryan himself was taped at the Republican convention talking to Sergei Kislyak accepting Russian money into the campaign. Following the unconstitutional dismissal of patriot FBI Director Comey by Sessions and Trump, sources have become more forthcoming. It was, they say, Reince Priebus who was taped talking to Sergei Kislyak and other Russians at the convention, agreeing to accept laundered or disgused Russian contributions, and Speaker Ryan is on a later intercept admitting that he knew of this plot, which places him at risk of a large number of criminal charges. A RICO case is being examined against the GOP itself, sources say.
But Kislyak acknowledged talking with several members of Congress during the GOP convention, where he reportedly met now-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, then a Republican senator from Alabama who was also an adviser for President Donald Trump.



This coming literal minutes after Louise Mensch just published this piece alleging that there is a huge RICO case underway against Reince Preibus and the entire GOP apparatus for money laundering.
edit: Tweet showing FBI agent covering up the office's windows with black plastic
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[–]LionelHutz_Law [score hidden] an hour ago
On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party.




So is the assumption that the raid on Strategic Campaign Group is related to the Russia investigstion? Just a quick bit a googling seems to indicate that they are linked to a shady superPAC that has been in trouble in the past. Might just be related to that?
Yeah, they already have a shady background. So it's definitely possible it's not directly tied to the Russia/Trump story. Either way, it implicates Republicans in some criminal activity.


Could somebody explain me what does that picture mean?

I don't understand what kind of raid the FBI is doing

They're executing a search warrant, and thus they've put up covers on the windows so no one can just look in and see what they're doing inside.
If all this turns out to be something, I hope it will tie to Trump and he will get his ass impeached.

I hope this gets tied to the entire Republican party.

Trump, Pence, Ryan, Nunes, Cruz, Christie, Rubio, and dozens of others in a conga line of cuffs and chains?

The Internet could shut porn down tomorrow and I'd still be set for life.


I like reddit, but would take anything from r/politics with a huge grain of salt. Like everything wait for more info.


Could somebody explain me what does that picture mean?

I don't understand what kind of raid the FBI is doing

A forensic raid where they basically search the entire place for evidence and catalog everything. They'll haul tons of evidence out in vans. It's basically the equivalent of a crime scene.
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