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Trump Fires James Comey

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IC/FBI will pass everything to foreign (allied) governments who will dump it for all to see. They can't suppress the investigation information.


Kills Photobucket
Shhh, the "nothing-will-come-from-this" crowd don't like facts, they just like rolling around in defeatism like pigs in shit.

I would ask that crowd what they are personally doing to combat this, how they're getting involved, but I think we all know the answer to that.

That's it. Keep living in fantasy land. Comey will probably spill the beans and reveal everything tomorrow, right?




Cummings calls for immediate emergency hearings with Sessions, Deputy AG and Comey


Show me a single Republican asking for an independent investigation.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
In my opinion it's no longer hyperbole to think or suggest that Trump is going to try to become a dictator of our country.


Thinking I would play some HotS, I connect to Neogaf after I return to my house and see what happened. Damn, each day the US is becoming more and more a Banana Republic.

Hopefully this turns against Trump and his cronies.


Why are people running down the Sessions letter?

Deride the fact that there is obvious corruption at the heart of this all you like, but the Sessions letter is literally what would have been written by a liberal, Hillary-appointed Attorney General had she chosen to replace Comey. That we know the actual motives are impure does not change the fact that it's about as objective and good a rationale for firing Comey as one could write.
You need to read in between the lines, what matters is not the stated reason why Sessions reccomended Comey be fired. Did Comey deserve to be fired? Absolutely, no one who has looked at the significant impact of his questionable comment on Hillary's emails can disagree that he did not act in good faith, but we need to consider who is firing him and who they will replace him with.

Remember that Sessions recused himself from the Russian investigation after stories broke that he secretly met with the Russian ambassador. He only recused himself after mass outcry and a long confirmation hearing. Now consider that his letter, however correct it is, is the sole advice cited as the reason for his dismissal. Comey was leading the investigation into Russian interference which Sessions recused himself from. How can one say he acted in good faith when he advised Trump to fire Comey, knowing that by firing Comey he was undeniably acting upon the Russian investigation in opposition to his formal recusal?

Did Comey deserve to be fired? Yes, but when the only authority cited for his dismissal is the one man who was forced to say that he would not interfere in the investigation, there is every cause for alarm.
Or, y'know, we could all just post "HE WON. HE GOT AWAY WITH IT. NOTHING WILL COME OF THIS. INCREASINGLYNERVOUSMAN.JPG" for the 10,000,000th time.
I've never been in the "nothing will come of this" brigade until this moment.

Because I don't think he'll be held accountable for this, and I think there's a very good chance the FBI investigation dies.

And he's rubbing it in the country's face.


You can't blame people for being beaten down and cynical. It is annoying, but at this point? I can't blame them. The shit just keeps pouring on.

They're welcome to feel how they want, but they can fuck right on out of these threads. They're just being shitty and spreading it to other people.
They have to know how bad this looks. It also ends the "positive" media Trump was receiving concerning his healthcare "win" last week as well as the positive economy news. This is pure desperation.


Nothing about this goes against that system. The President has had the power to fire the FBI director for literally the entire existence of the position.

You peeps need to calm down with the "dictator" stuff.

Calm down? Do you know how fast this goes? Democracy will be over faster than you think or even say something.


That's it. Keep living in fantasy land. Comey will probably spill the beans and reveal everything tomorrow, right?

Look, saying something will certainly happen is delusional, but constantly saying it is certain that nothing will happen is delusional as well. If something was going to happen, it was always going to take years. If something isn't going to happen we'll only know after years. But sure, be certain that we're doomed and that nothing could even possibly happen.


Is there a script to automatically block every idiot who pops into these threads and posts a genuine "nothing will happen" so I can stop seeing their useless bullshit over and over?

So we should stick our heads in the sand and pretend everything's hunky-dory rather than facing reality?

On what basis can you decry those posts? Because they make you feel bad?


They're welcome to feel how they want, but they can fuck right on out of these threads. They're just being shitty and spreading it to other people.

"ban them!!1!1"

What is wrong with you?
Remember when US had some checks and balances that would not allow for an authoritarian regime to happen?

there are checks and balances

but when you stack the house, senate, and white house with the same breed of moron, they don't really work

ultimately the american people in 20-30 states are to blame


America is fucking ruined. This is it. They are going to coverup EVERYTHING. You all think that in 18 months the machine that is the GOP reality distortion field wont spin this to make Obama and the dems look like the guilty party are delusional. We are all fucked and I wish nothing but a pox on the house of all who voted trump or discredited Clinton. Fuck you all for putting us in this situation

UGH it just feels like NOTHING is getting better. Soon Russia and the KKK will fully control all facets of government.
Remember when everyone freaked out about Bill Clinton chatting with Loretta Lynch on a plane?
Yup. Lying pieces of garbage, the whole lot of them. Not a single one of them gives a fuck about any of this. The intent here is clear and it's just frustrating as fuck not being able to do anything about it.


That's it. Keep living in fantasy land. Comey will probably spill the beans and reveal everything tomorrow, right?
That's not what he said and you know it.

Saying "This is the start of Dictator Trump and the US will be like this for foreseeable future" is just as hyperbolic as saying "Comey will get Trump arrested tomorrow and everything will be fine"

No, Trump won't get fired tomorrow. But this also isn't the end of the Russia investigation.


Nothing about this goes against that system. The President has had the power to fire the FBI director for literally the entire existence of the position.

You peeps need to calm down with the "dictator" stuff.

True, there's nothing dictatorial about shutting down the last chance at an investigation into your possibly treasonous and Impeachable activity.

Comey was scheduled to testify again this week. If he still on, he'll be more candid to talk about Trump/Russia.

Being fired doesn't mean he can suddenly talk about classified information. That's still illegal.


Remember when US had some checks and balances that would not allow for an authoritarian regime to happen?

Checks and balances work across branches of the government. FBI is part of the Executive Branch which the President is the head of.

The judiciary and the congress can check Trump. The judiciary already has--see how Trump's anti immigration EO got shot down. The Congress is republican controlled and so they aren't gonna do shit.
What's with the people saying "This doesn't go against the system"?

No shit, a president preventing an investigation that could lead to his impeachment is still something only an authoritarian would do, and another president was rightfully booted from office after he pulled similar shit.

Your country isn't instantly a dictatorship, but it's ruled by a wannabe-authoritarian. "The system allows it!" is really not the point to focus on.


Why are people running down the Sessions letter?

Deride the fact that there is obvious corruption at the heart of this all you like, but the Sessions letter is literally what would have been written by a liberal, Hillary-appointed Attorney General had she chosen to replace Comey. That we know the actual motives are impure does not change the fact that it's about as objective and good a rationale for firing Comey as one could write.

The knowledge that a statement is a lie affects the evaluation of that statement. Like, this is pretty basic stuff.
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