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Trump Fires James Comey

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And yet Nixon was re-elected and won 49 states and 61% of the popular vote.

It was the judge in the burglary case that got someone to flip on the conspiracy he had already ferreted out.

Except Nixon wasn't going to be impeached for, say, his prolonging of the Vietnam War that, along with Robert Kennedy's death, helped to secure him his first term, not that anyone knew about his interference at the time when they voted in Nixon for either term.

Trump is not going to last until 2020, possibly not until 2018. The intelligence community was ready to go nuclear months ago. If they haven't done so already, they're going that route as we speak.
What does the subpoena entail? Just to stop from people tampering with the investigation files? Hasn't there already been enough time to shred or destroy anything incriminating?
He's running from his own shadow.

In RPG terms. Trump has been hit with a toxic dart that will drain his HP until he's dead unless he can cure it with a specific herb item.

Instead he's just drinking health potions, boosting his HP for a it slows the toxicity for a moment then it starts to drain again.

Reninds me of, was it blighttown? In dark souls. Just like that.


Yup, people do not know their history. This is a rerun in real-time. The details will just be a little different.

He's done nothing besides fire people. I have no idea why people keep peddling this dictator bs. Even if there is no switch.... He hasn't taken nary ac step either.


What does she do? Besides bullshit the American people.
They're essentially one of the top advisers to the President.

Famous ones: Pat Moynihan, Donald Rumsfeld, Edwin Meese, David Gergen, Paul Begala, Karen Hughes, Ed Gillespie, Pete Rouse (though he held it along with equivalent positions for David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett), John Podesta.

Trump is not going to last until 2020, possibly not until 2018. The intelligence community was ready to go nuclear months ago. If they haven't done so already, they're going that route as we speak.
This is built on the assumption that they have something, that Obama and Clinton both likely knew about, and they're going to use it to trigger impeachment? Because he...fired the FBI Director...who lots of people wanted fired? When otherwise he's done nothing to stand in their way?


"The Trump administration attributed Comey's dismissal to his handling of the investigation into Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's email server, but Democrats ridiculed that notion, raising parallels to Watergate-era firings and suggested Comey was getting too close to the White House with the Russia probe."

Noooo shit. People don't give a fuck. Trump could take the guy into the street and execute him and nothing would happen because everyone with power in this damn country is blindly following Dictator Trump.

He's running from his own shadow.

In RPG terms. Trump has been hit with a toxic dart that will drain his HP until he's dead unless he can cure it with a specific herb item.

Instead he's just drinking health potions, boosting his HP for a it slows the toxicity for a moment then it starts to drain again.

Reninds me of, was it blighttown? In dark souls. Just like that.
Trump runs at low frame rate?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Noooo shit. People don't give a fuck. Trump could take the guy into the street and execute him and nothing would happen because everyone with power in this damn country is blindly following Dictator Trump.
This is what I can't figure out - are they just representing their constituents or do they actually support him? If their base turned against him would they then do so as well? Or are they just blindly following in line? None of them ever seem to have any morals or any integrity.


I wish... at least in GoT you know karma catches up, and when it does it comes in spades.

I have no idea if anything will happen to this stupid cheeto man.

Nope, it goes beyond cynicism now. If the Republicans continue to show bald faced partisanship over this, describing this as a "coup" isn't that farfetched. Where there's smoke there's fire, Watergate, Archibald Cox, Nixon.....This stuff is out there now for very obvious reasons and any attempt to sweep it under the rug should be met with any level of outrage necessary.

Mass protests and public anger led to the end of the Vietnam War. It led to the Iron Curtain falling. When voices are unignorable, action happens, one way or another. There is no escape from this for Trump


100% chance of this coming to bite Trump in the ass, hahahaha

Aggressive acts of cover-up like this never end well. This has a long historical precedence across many countries and eras.

Let's see how "nauseous" Comey is now. Tried to cover his ass and only ended up being worse for him. Reap what you sow, dumbass.

Like everything else this fucker did came to bite him, right?
Fuck we. This turd is shitting on our planet and particularly on your country and there's nothing anyone can do for the next 4 years.

Hail to the fucking chief.
Everday he remains in office he erodes the constitution and the very values your grandparents fought to protect whilst they were dying on the beaches of Normandy.

You guys should really start a riot . again if this was south korea it would be gg.


This is what I can't figure out - are they just representing their constituents or do they actually support him? If their base turned against him would they then do so as well? Or are they just blindly following in line? None of them ever seem to have any morals or any integrity.

As soon as they are affected directly on something we've seen some turn around.

But the rich are still rejoicing, and all the companies profiting from all the regulations that are being stripped. All in the name of more jobs.


Yup, people do not know their history. This is a rerun in real-time. The details will just be a little different.

It is something i never witnessed in my lifetime and yet here we are. People indeed do not know there history and for a fact they think this is funny and it isn't. A small example how fascism works but this goes even faster than i ever expected for a western country a democracy being crumbled right in front of our noses.


Nope, it goes beyond cynicism now. If the Republicans continue to show bald faced partisanship over this, describing this as a "coup" isn't that farfetched. Where there's smoke there's fire, Watergate, Archibald Cox, Nixon.....This stuff is out there now for very obvious reasons and any attempt to sweep it under the rug should be met with any level of outrage necessary.

Mass protests and public anger led to the end of the Vietnam War. It led to the Iron Curtain falling. When voices are unignorable, action happens, one way or another. There is no escape from this for Trump

Like Parappa the rapper 'I gotta believe'.

But he's gotten away with so much already, and the support he gets is still considerably high even when its at the lowest from all the presidents.

I stand next to you that these series of events really do turn around and bite him hard. He deserves every bit that is coming to him if so.


This is what I can't figure out - are they just representing their constituents or do they actually support him? If their base turned against him would they then do so as well? Or are they just blindly following in line? None of them ever seem to have any morals or any integrity.
Blindly following the line by the looks because if you don't you no longer have a job.


He's running from his own shadow.

In RPG terms. Trump has been hit with a toxic dart that will drain his HP until he's dead unless he can cure it with a specific herb item.

Instead he's just drinking health potions, boosting his HP for a it slows the toxicity for a moment then it starts to drain again.

Reninds me of, was it blighttown? In dark souls. Just like that.
blighttown ran at like 3fps so this is gonna last forever huh?


Why the fuck was Sheldon Whitehouse on Maddow offering excuses for Trump. Is this motherfucker for real? It's not a game anymore. We're so far past "raises questions".


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This is what I can't figure out - are they just representing their constituents or do they actually support him? If their base turned against him would they then do so as well? Or are they just blindly following in line? None of them ever seem to have any morals or any integrity.

When their base turns against them they just claim that the dissenters are Soros-paid plants.
Shit, I didn't see this coming: http://fortune.com/2017/05/10/donald-trump-russia-business-investigation/

Looks like Trump might have us stumped with this move.

Somehow I think the letter wouldn't be as believable as this one.
This is what I can't figure out - are they just representing their constituents or do they actually support him? If their base turned against him would they then do so as well? Or are they just blindly following in line? None of them ever seem to have any morals or any integrity.

Politicians exist because they craft themselves to represent their voters. If this country was like 99% pro-life, there would be no pro-choice politicians and so on.

They can't cross Trump because their voters support him at a rate of 90%.


Like Parappa the rapper 'I gotta believe'.

But he's gotten away with so much already, and the support he gets is still considerably high even when its at the lowest from all the presidents.

I stand next to you that these series of events really do turn around and bite him hard. He deserves every bit that is coming to him if so.

This is different. This is undeniable that he fired Comey because he was close to the white house in the investigation into Russia. You just cant defend that. The excuse they gave does not make any sense at all. Also the reports that they were told to find an excuse to fire Comey is even more damning.

Several GOP have come out saying they want an independant investigator. I suspect that number will grow more soon.

This is a Nixon level fuckup. And if they dont do something soon their jobs are on the line.


He's done nothing besides fire people. I have no idea why people keep peddling this dictator bs. Even if there is no switch.... He hasn't taken nary ac step either.
quiet you, this entire thing is kaput now probably! McCabe is going to get the weekly updates until someone new is appointed! It's a disasterophe!
back in march said:
The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the plan.
Creation of the temporary unit mirrors the bureau's approach to other sensitive investigations, including the WikiLeaks disclosure of classified US government documents and Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state.

The FBI generally prefers to run investigations from one of its 56 field offices, but the high-profile nature of the sprawling Russia inquiry is seen as requiring a central manager, according to current and former officials.
The bureau is expected to recall from the field an FBI counter-intelligence specialist to oversee the squad, which is to begin work next month. If the new team — with about 20 dedicated agents drawn from across the country — operates as similar units have in the past, its chief would brief Mr Comey on a weekly basis while providing daily updates for deputy director Andrew McCabe.

”We did it quite regularly," said Robert Anderson of Navigant, a business consulting group, who was a former executive assistant director of the FBI. ”Any time there's a big case, a giant case, it becomes a huge resource drain across the organisation."
Mr. Comey was addressing a group of F.B.I. employees in Los Angeles when a television in the background flashed the news that he had been fired.

In response, Mr. Comey laughed, saying he thought it was a fairly funny prank.

Then his staff started scurrying around in the background and told Mr. Comey that he should step into a nearby office.

Mr. Comey stopped addressing the group. He proceeded to shake hands with the employees he had been speaking to. Then he stepped into a side office, where he confirmed that he had been fired. At that point, he had not heard from the White House.

Shortly thereafter, a letter from Mr. Trump was delivered to the F.B.I.’s headquarters, just seven blocks from the White House.
Life comes at you fast.

Whoever writes the first decent post-mortem on this administration is going to be rich.


He's done nothing besides fire people. I have no idea why people keep peddling this dictator bs. Even if there is no switch.... He hasn't taken nary ac step either.

You think progressively eliminating people in positions that can threaten him and challenge his authority, and replacing key people with stooges is nothing?

We're still in phase one of extending his reach. He won't bother going after things like rigging elections or lobotomizing the Democrats to leave as a shell opposition until more imminent threats are eliminated.


If his attempt to quash the Russia investigation by getting rid of Comey backfires by leading to an independent commission or even prosecutor being appointed to look into it, I will laugh my ass off.
What happened to Rod J Rosenstein

People (lawfareblog) said he was highly regarded and professional. Now those same people said his letter is a piece of shit, and as he has only been on the job 10 days he couldn't possibly have done a good job. It was a hachet job for tump.

The letter copies in democrat talking points, it's a cute bit of political theater. What involvement and skeletons does Rosenstein have that he would go along with this letter? There was some fringe theories he was involved in some shady NSA business, cuttting off whistleblowing cases brought by NSA staff complainig about funding being pulled from to remove Russian translation expertese. I don't want to believe in such fringe stuff, but it's getting hard not to.


If his attempt to quash the Russia investigation by getting rid of Comey backfires by leading to an independent commission or even prosecutor being appointed to look into it, I will laugh my ass off.

There is literally no other outcome possible now. If the independent commission doesn't happen, democracy and government accountability in the United States is fatally compromised.
He's done nothing besides fire people. I have no idea why people keep peddling this dictator bs.

You've got to be kidding. How the fuck else do you think a dictator like Trump sets up his power play in the first place. By forcing out anyone who can stop him and replacing them with his own stooges. Something he's done with MULTIPLE positions now.


George H.W. Bush nearly fired the FBI Director responsible for the "Winners Don't Use Drugs" message because he wasn't investigating enough Democrats and investigating too many Republicans.

Then Bush lost. And Clinton fired him on the advice of Janet Reno.


You think progressively eliminating people in positions that can threaten him and challenge his authority, and replacing key people with stooges is nothing?

We're still in phase one of extending his reach. He won't bother going after things like rigging elections or lobotomizing the Democrats to leave as a shell opposition until more imminent threats are eliminated.

Yea... the president calling schumer, who has no power, to get reassurance and getting shitty when he doesnt get it sounds like someone on their way to dictatorship. The dude who can't get an EO out the door is sure on his way. He can't get Healthcare, who knows where tax reform is sure sounds like he's on his way. The dictator had to fire his NSA and appoint a man who was forced to take the position because he's still in service is exerting his power well.

The dictator who can't stop leaks to media nor get said media not to run leaks is doing his thing.

Yall are fear mongerers through and through.


George H.W. Bush nearly fired the FBI Director responsible for the "Winners Don't Use Drugs" message because he wasn't investigating enough Democrats and investigating too many Republicans.

Then Bush lost. And Clinton fired him on the advice of Janet Reno.

That doesn't quite summarize the reasoning accurately.


BREAKING: Court Filing Indicates FBI Has Active Investigation Pertaining to Donald Trump's Call for Russian Hacking and Espionage

"A recent court filing by the Department of Justice on behalf of the FBI in an ongoing FOIA lawsuit plainly indicates the FBI has an active investigation pertaining to Donald Trump's actions related to actual or potential election-related hacking and espionage by Russia."


EDIT: Probably real documents but possibly a bogus analysis
If his attempt to quash the Russia investigation by getting rid of Comey backfires by leading to an independent commission or even prosecutor being appointed to look into it, I will laugh my ass off.
I mean this HAS to happen. It has to. There is no way anyone, even republicans, can be okay with a Trump appointed FBI head leading the investigation

The most frustrating thing about all of this is how painfully transparent it is. It doesn't even seem like they're trying to be subtle about it. I hope that boldness eventually destroys them

Seeing a pasty white-faced Trump in an orange jumpsuit will be the happiest moment of my life
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