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Trump Fires James Comey

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How much collateral damage do you think you're not hearing about in all of these increased airstrikes since Trump took over? Not only that, but the rules of engagement have been loosened compared to the Obama policy. You "woke" posters are so laughably hollow it's crazy.

How much? do you have numbers or are you just trying to make a point with something that may have happened. I don't see anything wrong with what the poster said, Trump has potential to be worse than Bush Jr but he's still pretty far from his bodycount.


While your insight into history can be interesting, when you pull bullshit like today, i'd rather do without it.

At this point, I doubt the forum, or poligaf would miss you much if you just quit posting.

So perhaps think about it?

What an insightful contribution.
How much? do you have numbers or are you just trying to make a point with something that may have happened. I don't see anything wrong with what the poster said, Trump has potential to be worse than Bush Jr but he's still pretty far from his bodycount.

I didn't realize these things were judged on a body count scoreboard.
I don't understand this statement? Is the idea that if you just run left, you will never lose?

No, it's just what they do. They will try to capture an audience that doesn't ever want to vote for them.

Speaking cynically but realistically, they probably should just lie to middle America in the next presidential election. Promise jobs, blowjobs, free food, whatever. It works, so who gives a shit at this point.


Just imagine Ivanka sitting on his lap, asking Daddy, could you please do something for me? What is it my love. I want that FBI director fired. Say no more, it will be done before the end of the day.

Ivanka calls husband. It's a done deal sweetheart. Do you love me? Yes I do and I think you did great.
Just imagine Ivanka sitting on his lap, asking Daddy, could you please do something for me? What is it my love. I want that FBI director fired. Say no more, it will be done before the end of the day.

Ivanka calls husband. It's a done deal sweetheart. Do you love me? Yes I do and I think you did great.

In your scenario you ignore the fact that Ivanka is clearly in control in that relationship. Jared is basically hidden away doing whatever and only shows up when there's a photo op of the whole family. As John Oliver pointed out, good luck finding interviews with Jared Kushner, but Ivanka does several each week.


I didn't realize these things were judged on a body count scoreboard.

Don't be disingenuous. You brought the issue by claiming that there are non accounted casualties in response to a comment about Bush Jr's crimes.

But frankly, Is there a better metric to define how bad a person is than counting how many people they killed?

EDIT: we are getting derailed though.


The biggest problem Hillary had was turnout if you look at the actual vote numbers trump did not have that much more votes than republicans usually do. Now every single person who thought "trump never had a chance" are now saying "oh my god make it stop!"

Yes. The worst statistic out of that election was that Trump won it with less votes than Romney lost it with in 2012.
FBI has all the raw material data if Trump can control the FBI, it's over.

At the same time though, why didn't any of us fear this from the beginning? Trump could fire him at ANY time but none of us considered it was possible.

For nearly everyone into the Russian-Trump probe, this had to have been a possibility that had some backup plans in place, unless nearly everyone completely forgot about the fact that Trump had every ability to replace him. Which would also be a massive oversight by those leading the investigation.


If Trump is not impeached, or he doesn't start openly and blatantly murdering white Americans, he will likely be re-elected.

This is nonsense. By 2020, people would have felt the impact of his presidency -- including the people who voted for him and didn't expect that impact.

That does not mean he can't be re-elected. But it will sure as hell be harder for him in 2020 if he remains this unpopular and with people actually seeing his America.

Thinking the only way he doesn't get re-elected is if he's impeached or starts murdering white Americans is baseless hyperbole without an inch of reasoning or logic.



This just in.

CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation

Washington (CNN)Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn seeking business records, as part of the ongoing probe of Russian meddling in last year's election, according to people familiar with the matter. CNN learned of the subpoenas hours before President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey.
Trump can win re-election, but this "people are usually willing to give parties 8 years to sort things out" kind of applies to people who had 70% approval to start (aka, all previous presidents)

40% of voters view Trump as devoid of humanity and needing to be imprisoned and 14% more dislike him.

Four months in.

The opposition is not acting like how the opposition usually acts to a new president and ignoring that info is bizarre for political analysis.


Huh, you're right. There was an article during election week that mentioned my original statement. Maybe they weren't final vote counts?

Yeah, there were a ton of people using early voting count figures to say this and how low the turnout was compared to 2012, when turnout was actually up from 2012.
See a lot of people still in the mindset of "it can't happen here" in regards to the U.S. sliding into dictatorship.

There is no switch that gets flipped and instantly everyone knows the country is a dictatorship and needs to be taken down. It's political salami tactics.

Create a chalkboard of things you think will save American democracy. Do you rise up when one item is crossed out? Two? How about the third? Oh look, now the barriers are in the minority and the majority have been corrupted or bypassed. Do you rise up now? It's getting intimidating to be on the uncorrupted side.

When do you push the button? And remember - you can't push it alone or with a small group, and your group seems to be shrinking the more you wait.

Perfectly put. I dont know how many more signs people need.

This is nonsense. By 2020, people would have felt the impact of his presidency -- including the people who voted for him and didn't expect that impact.

That does not mean he can't be re-elected. But it will sure as hell be harder for him in 2020 if he remains this unpopular and with people actually seeing his America.

Thinking the only way he doesn't get re-elected is if he's impeached or starts murdering white Americans is baseless hyperbole without an inch of reasoning or logic.

Unpopular does not mean motivated to go out and vote. Historically, all Trump has to do is start a war to remain in office.


if Trump can control the FBI, it's over.
He's fucking President of the United States dude.

While your insight into history can be interesting, when you pull bullshit like today, i'd rather do without it.

At this point, I doubt the forum, or poligaf would miss you much if you just quit posting.

So perhaps think about it?

I'm going to bed. I'd suggest posters just ignore him, perhaps he will go away.
You'd rather I not post things to counter an increasingly unhinged and frankly paranoid narrative that we're on the cusp of a lifelong dictatorship and we need to contemplate and encourage political violence as a solution? Okay. I'll think about what those people and their defenders would prefer I do some.

Benji, you're basing all of this off of what previous Politicians have done. What about the fuckery that is the Trump Administration leads you to believe he won't just reshape the FBI into whatever he wants? He's already used executive orders to consolidate responsibilities in other agencies within the Federal Government, why not sign an executive order called "Restructuring and Accountability with Intelligence Communities" that basically makes the Director all powerful and then install whomever won't give him a hard time?
The last President stated he had the authority to murder American citizens without due process. He never fired the man who lied to Congress about illegal domestic spying, instead he gave him a medal.

The President before him stated he had the authority to torture American citizens without due process. Let alone what he could do to foreigners based on inherent "executive powers" that demanded no oversight. He also as I noted signed legislation he stated was unconstitutional.

The President before him launched and continued a war not only without but against the approval of Congress. (He also actually did commit perjury and obstruction of justice while in office because he's got a blindspot a mile wide.)

The President before him was involved in not only criminal actions while Vice President that he issued pardons for, but he invaded a sovereign nation and overthrew its government to prosecute drug trafficking. He setup a new domestic propaganda office and elevated it to cabinet position.

I can go on into things even worse like internment or Woodrow Wilson but I think this is enough. So you might see why I'm not particularly concerned that a man I consider to be incredibly stupid and abnormally vain not to mention just plain weird has fired someone he has complete authority to fire because the people on the TV bad mouthed him and the idiot reacts based on his media coverage in a direct way. I suspect that the actual crimes he will oversee, or has already overseen, during his time in office will be far far worse if only because of inertia.


He's fucking President of the United States dude.

You'd rather I not post things to counter an increasingly unhinged and frankly paranoid narrative that we're on the cusp of a lifelong dictatorship and we need to contemplate and encourage political violence as a solution? Okay. I'll think about what those people and their defenders would prefer I do some.

The last President stated he had the authority to murder American citizens without due process. He never fired the man who lied to Congress about illegal domestic spying, instead he gave him a medal.

The President before him stated he had the authority to torture American citizens without due process. Let alone what he could do to foreigners based on inherent "executive powers" that demanded no oversight. He also as I noted signed legislation he stated was unconstitutional.

The President before him launched and continued a war not only without but against the approval of Congress. (He also actually did commit perjury and obstruction of justice while in office because he's got a blindspot a mile wide.)

The President before him was involved in not only criminal actions while Vice President that he issued pardons for, but he invaded a sovereign nation and overthrew its government to prosecute drug trafficking. He setup a new domestic propaganda office and elevated it to cabinet position.

I can go on into things even worse like internment or Woodrow Wilson but I think this is enough. So you might see why I'm not particularly concerned that a man I consider to be incredibly stupid and abnormally vain not to mention just plain weird has fired someone he has complete authority to fire because the people on the TV bad mouthed him and the idiot reacts based on his media coverage in a direct way. I suspect that the actual crimes he will oversee, or has already overseen, during his time in office will be far far worse if only because of inertia.

Do you disagree that Comey was fired because of the Russia investigation? If you do, that's bizarre. If you don't, and still think it doesn't matter because he's legally allowed to fire him, that's bizarre.
No, it's just what they do. They will try to capture an audience that doesn't ever want to vote for them.

Speaking cynically but realistically, they probably should just lie to middle America in the next presidential election. Promise jobs, blowjobs, free food, whatever. It works, so who gives a shit at this point.
I sadly really have to agree with and it's the conclusion I've come to after both the election and the primaries before them. It doesn't seem to matter much whether a politician's telling the truth or lying through their teeth every time they speak. The act of lying only seems to hurt a politician (on the Presidential level anyway) if they hesitate on whether to keep lying or tell the truth, or if they admit they were lying or untruthful in any way. As long as they keep to one set of "facts" and don't budge an inch from them no matter what the opposition says, people don't seem to care.

It's only when they themselves admit they lied or did something they shouldn't have that people really start paying attention. That seems to be how things have worked out for Trump and Republicans in Congress--even when they're caught in a lie, they never admit it and just keep going with the exact same story no matter what and just keep repeating it as much as they need to until people get bored and move on. Whereas on the other side of the fence, Democrats don't seem to have the same resilience and tenacity so you have say Clinton admitting she's made mistakes and did indeed misspeak about some things, which people just use as launching pads for whatever other nonsense they want to attach to her from there.

So yeah, I don't like it... but I can't say that it wouldn't be a winning strat at this point, with the way things have gone.


Trump is going to push for Director Giuliani guaranteed.

Perfect circle for Trump to try and protect his ass. Giuliani without a doubt was one of the people being fed information by the FBI Office in NYC to throw out about Clinton.

If Trump can weasel him in then he can do the damage he needs to do


Honestly, too many people made a big deal out of still from Fox. Yes, it was really dumb to say Comey "resigned," but they have since fixed the mistake, and made it very clear he was fired.
Well, I no doubt they've since corrected the story, but simply found the graphic amusing, because--if there was only one news organization to deliver this major headline through a somewhat less damaging lens--of course it's going to be Fox News lol. It's just a funny little footnote to the whole story that I can see someone like Colbert or Seth Myers making a crack at :)


Like when he tried the Muslim travel ban, twice, and got blocked, twice.

Oh wait that doesn't count for some reason, lololol

Trump administration has gotten around it in a broader way. They have stopped all vetting of refugees recently. If they cant block muslims they will block everyone


Like when he tried the Muslim travel ban, twice, and got blocked, twice.

Oh wait that doesn't count for some reason, lololol

To be fair, I think there's a difference from preventing Trump's ideas from passing and the things he "does."

The poster is referring to things he says in public, the Access Hollywood video, the family/business ties, etc.
Trump administration has gotten around it in a broader way. They have stopped all vetting of refugees recently. If they cant block muslims they will block everyone

Blocking refugees is actually narrower than a generic travel ban of all incoming people from those seven countries though.

To be fair, I think there's a difference from preventing Trump's ideas from passing and the things he "does."

The poster is referring to things he says in public, the Access Hollywood video, the family/business ties, etc.

The second time the first EO on the Muslim ban was blocked, they cited his many off-the-cuff statements on wanting to ban Muslims. So no, he HASN'T gotten away with the things he "does" every time.
Again, I don't think he was referring to policies.

What does it matter whether or not it refers to policy? He hasn't gotten away wth everything he does, it has come to bite him in the was. No need to start moving goalposts just to fit a skewed "nothing will come of this" defeatist attitude that isn't even grounded in reality.
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