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Trump NY co-chair hopes Michelle Obama is "let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe"

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The most egregious part of this is that Michelle's family has been in the US for at least five generations, after which the records stop because of you know... goddamn slavery... Whereas this blatantly racist motherfucker is a first generation immigrant and he's telling her to get out of his country.

The transphobia also makes me physically ill along with the erasure of her two children because "she must be a man" despite being a mother twice over. The whole statement manages to be simultaneously lazy as sin yet still does a lot to try and dig at the dignity of black women in general. No wonder he works for our dear birther president.
Chicago Tribune said:
"It has nothing to do with race," Paladino said. "That's the typical stance of the press when they can't otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked."

What acts?

The dumbass can't even deflect properly.
Trump should at the very least admonish a man holding up a Make America Great Again sign when he's making horribly awful racist comments about the First Lady.

Even if Trump doesn't really have a problem with it himself, the office of the President-Elect needs to make it clear that racism is not tolerable in his cabinet.

If even just for the appearance of things.

To say nothing in response speaks volumes about Trump's own racist feelings.

Trump met with this man on December 5th at Trump tower. As for his latest comments, he says the media can go "fuck themselves."


Disgusting Trumper piece of human garbage.

Don't give a shit, people that voted for trump 100% are condoning this behaviour out of these morons. If the guy you voted for was endorsed by the fucking KKK and David Duke said that he helped bolster racists to come out and be open again, yes, you condoned this. Fuck "financial anxiety" bullshit. Minorities are going to have a fucking bad 8 years
Wait, Trump defended the comments?

No, Trump hasnt acknowledged it, though his transition team condemned the remarks.
Here's Paladino's response letter.

It has nothing to do with race. That’s the typical stance of the press when they can’t otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked. It’s about two progressive elitist ingrates who have hated their country so badly and destroyed its fabric in so many respects in eight years. It’s about them diminishing the respect for their country on the world scene, surrendering its status as the protector of human rights, disgracing the memory of its veterans who gave so much. It’s about demeaning and weakening what was the most powerful military in the world, firing hundreds of good soldier Generals and Admirals who refused Barack’s illegal and irresponsible dictates.

Michelle hated America before her husband won. She then enjoyed all the attention, the multi-million dollar vacations, the huge staff and other benefits. Then when Hillary lost, she and Barack realized that without Hillary, there was no one to protect the little, if any, legacy he had. That’s when Michelle came out and said there is no hope for America. Good, let her leave and go someplace she will be happy.

As for Barack, he’s a yellow-bellied coward who left thousands to die in Syria and especially Aleppo and he gets on TV and says he feels bad he couldn’t do anything about it. He supported the mass migration without vetting of people from Muslim countries and the open borders, not for the people, but to expand the democratic base to a permanent majority. He couldn’t care less about the people. He just commuted the sentences of another 650 drug pushers responsible for selling poison to our kids.

It’s about the middle class, silent majority, rising up to destroy the Republican and Democrat establishment in America. It’s about the end of an era when the people took all their information from the main street media, letting them tell us what the issues are and how to resolve those issues. People no longer trust the press.

It’s about that fraudulent, shadow government with a lazy [expletive] president who allowed non-Americans like Valerie Jarret to run the government on a day to day basis and order the Stand down in Benghazi and the later cover-up that does matter. It’s about Lois Lerner and the head of the IRS and the other criminal officials who haven’t been prosecuted or even investigated because the leaders of the progressive movement are above the law.

It’s about the end of the progressive movement and reset of the direction of America for the next 30 years. It’s about a president who interfered in a presidential election for his successor so flagrantly that he called Trump unfit for office. It’s about a president who for eight years did absolutely nothing for black children in our urban centers held prisoner by the cycle of poverty and illegitimate black leadership more interested in power and preserving their voting base by keeping them hungry and uneducated in the inner cities.

This guy is a buffoon, but reading this letter, he articulates the usual disingenuous talking points Ive heard from Trump supporters:and thats why I refuse to waste energy debating them, because theyre not coming from a position of intellectual honesty or integrity.


No, Trump hasnt acknowledged it, though his transition team condemned the remarks.
Here's Paladino's response letters

This guy is a buffoon, but reading this letter, he articulates the usual disingenuous talking points Ive heard from Trump supporters:and thats why I refuse to waste energy debating them, because theyre not coming from a position of intellectual honesty or integrity.
It's fun counting the number of times he says something similar to posts I've read on NeoGAF. The beginning especially.

It has nothing to do with race. That’s the typical stance of the press when they can’t otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked.


No, Trump hasnt acknowledged it, though his transition team condemned the remarks.
Here's Paladino's response letter.

This guy is a buffoon, but reading this letter, he articulates the usual disingenuous talking points Ive heard from Trump supporters:and thats why I refuse to waste energy debating them, because theyre not coming from a position of intellectual honesty or integrity.

The funny and sad thing is he claims hes not a racist but talks about Valerie Jarrett (and yes he misspelled her last name), painting her as a non amaerican when both her parents were american. Like this dude is lower than pieces of shit.
Absolutely Disgusting. Racists are becoming bolder.

If there's one thing about racists, it's that they're not very smart.

Ever since Trump had gotten elected last month, they've been coming out of the woodwork, & now thanks to that, a lot of racists have been exposed to the media &/or their families & their friends that will no longer want anything to do with them.


If there's one thing about racists, it's that they're not very smart.

Ever since Trump had gotten elected, they've been coming out of the woodwork, & now thanks to that, a lot of racists have been exposed to the media, their families & their friends that will no longer want anything to do to them.
Many racists are smart. They know that if you play any criticism of racism as "liberal outrage" and "media smears", you legitimize racist actions. They know if you add some often contradictory lip service about class to racism, people will say accusations of racism are "distracting from the important things".

Want proof? They got Donald Trump elected.


Not only that, but ironically it's always the converstives that get sensitive when they hear:

- "Black Lives Matter"
- "Happy Holidays"
- Anything that suggests a less than perfect US History
- Anyrhing in Arabic
- Anything in Spanish

They also claim to love free speech, then will immediately bitch about seeing a flag being burned.

They can dish it out - albiet with a laughable level of adolescent edginess - but simultaneously they not only cannot take any criticism or "deprecative humor", but they also take anything from "facts of history" to "other cultures existing" as grave insults.

How pathetic.


No, Trump hasnt acknowledged it, though his transition team condemned the remarks.
Here's Paladino's response letter.

It has nothing to do with race. That’s the typical stance of the press when they can’t otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked. It’s about two progressive elitist ingrates who have hated their country so badly and destroyed its fabric in so many respects in eight years. It’s about them diminishing the respect for their country on the world scene, surrendering its status as the protector of human rights, disgracing the memory of its veterans who gave so much. It’s about demeaning and weakening what was the most powerful military in the world, firing hundreds of good soldier Generals and Admirals who refused Barack’s illegal and irresponsible dictates.

Michelle hated America before her husband won. She then enjoyed all the attention, the multi-million dollar vacations, the huge staff and other benefits. Then when Hillary lost, she and Barack realized that without Hillary, there was no one to protect the little, if any, legacy he had. That’s when Michelle came out and said there is no hope for America. Good, let her leave and go someplace she will be happy.

As for Barack, he’s a yellow-bellied coward who left thousands to die in Syria and especially Aleppo and he gets on TV and says he feels bad he couldn’t do anything about it. He supported the mass migration without vetting of people from Muslim countries and the open borders, not for the people, but to expand the democratic base to a permanent majority. He couldn’t care less about the people. He just commuted the sentences of another 650 drug pushers responsible for selling poison to our kids.

It’s about the middle class, silent majority, rising up to destroy the Republican and Democrat establishment in America. It’s about the end of an era when the people took all their information from the main street media, letting them tell us what the issues are and how to resolve those issues. People no longer trust the press.

It’s about that fraudulent, shadow government with a lazy [expletive] president who allowed non-Americans like Valerie Jarret to run the government on a day to day basis and order the Stand down in Benghazi and the later cover-up that does matter. It’s about Lois Lerner and the head of the IRS and the other criminal officials who haven’t been prosecuted or even investigated because the leaders of the progressive movement are above the law.

It’s about the end of the progressive movement and reset of the direction of America for the next 30 years. It’s about a president who interfered in a presidential election for his successor so flagrantly that he called Trump unfit for office. It’s about a president who for eight years did absolutely nothing for black children in our urban centers held prisoner by the cycle of poverty and illegitimate black leadership more interested in power and preserving their voting base by keeping them hungry and uneducated in the inner cities.

This guy is a buffoon, but reading this letter, he articulates the usual disingenuous talking points Ive heard from Trump supporters:and thats why I refuse to waste energy debating them, because theyre not coming from a position of intellectual honesty or integrity.

What a sad, disgusting pile of drivel. You'd have to be an utter moron to believe a word of that filth.


I get non PC humour and sometimes can believe when people say "just joking". But what the fuck is the joke in what he said.


I don't want to give this creep attention, but I don't want to let shit like this slide into normalcy either. I'm going to have a real rough time navigating the next four years.


Why should the collective of Buffalo be embarrassed?

It's embarrassing that a significant portion of national news stories involving Buffalo recently has involved racism. This, Trump supporters hanging a Black baby doll on Canisus campus (noose in elevator), Kaepernick's treatment, a racist burning a Black firefighter's home, a lady calling a Black man the N word in front of Dollar General (viral video), etc.

I can't stand this fucking bozo but I shouldn't be lumped in with him because he happens to hold post here.

He should be removed from the board, plain and simple.

I'm not lumping the whole city in. Simply saying that it's embarrassing for the city -- a city that already has a bad rep.


Carl Palidino was the Republican nominee in the 2010 NYS Governor election. He's said things like this before. New Yorkers are already very familiar with his behavior.


I really just can't wrap my head around where this kind of petty meanness gestates from in a person.

He's been listening to a constant drip feed of media telling him his opponents aren't just wrong, but evil for the last eight years. Not that we have different policies, but that we're secret Marxists out to destroy the country and force children to bow down to Emperor Obama, that we're secret child molesters, that we're secretly building internment camps for white people, etc. These are all literally stories that have been reported seriously by right wing media, without a shred of proof.


Gonna put some thoughts here. This post will probably get ignored since this thread is lengthy, but my mind's eveywhere at the moment and I don't think a thread will work.

I'm black. Shit like this reaches my ears and not only am I disgusted, but saddened. I'm 26 and I hit this conclusion that black people will remain a punchline for the nation (and the world) even after my death whenever that is. This rhetoric stems from this inherit belief that people of color are naturally inferior to white people.

So this tears me apart because I feel that anything I do, I have to consciously remind myself that I'm just as good as anyone else even if other may think less of me because of the color of my skin.

This all said, I get told to combat hate, you have to love. I hear this, it's like I'm being told black people have to justify their humanity to these people. Love's not going to stop a police officer from killing a black person for no reason and getting away with it. Love's damn sure not going to convince this old fart that his beliefs perpetuate hundreds of years of subjugation and white supremacy.

And then, when people point out that someone or something is blatantly racist, there's been this snapback about how doing this isn't beneficial and apparently insults the person who's being racist to begin with.

I'm confused. The degree of empathy and sympathy black people are asked to have is kinda ridiculous and I find this whole thing of having 'love thy enemy' shoved down my throat to be hypocritical and condescending.

For the more versed and verbose, if it's not too late at night on Christmas, can I get an explanation or something so this all makes sense? I'm angry, but I'm more sad and I'm kinda hanging on from just offing myself over this stuff because damn it feels pointless being black. For all the love that I have, it feels like there's a brick wall always and being told to love through adversity doesn't break it.
I vomit every time I hear about something Paladino has said, and because I live in Buffalo, I hear about it a lot. He's on the Buffalo school board and regularly says incredibly disgusting and racist stuff. This asshole gives new meaning to the phrase "diarrhea of the mouth".

On the upside, after I moved to NYS, it was several years before I registered to vote here. I finally registered just to vote against this douche when he ran for governor.
I'm confused. The degree of empathy and sympathy black people are asked to have is kinda ridiculous and I find this whole thing of having 'love thy enemy' shoved down my throat to be hypocritical and condescending.

For the more versed and verbose, if it's not too late at night on Christmas, can I get an explanation or something so this all makes sense? I'm angry, but I'm more sad and I'm kinda hanging on from just offing myself over this stuff because damn it feels pointless being black. For all the love that I have, it feels like there's a brick wall always and being told to love through adversity doesn't break it.
The bolded is a centuries old American double standard rooted in White anxiety about Black anger and the possibility of that righteous indignation manifesting itself in acts of vengeance.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Gonna put some thoughts here. This post will probably get ignored since this thread is lengthy, but my mind's eveywhere at the moment and I don't think a thread will work.

I'm black. Shit like this reaches my ears and not only am I disgusted, but saddened. I'm 26 and I hit this conclusion that black people will remain a punchline for the nation (and the world) even after my death whenever that is. This rhetoric stems from this inherit belief that people of color are naturally inferior to white people.

So this tears me apart because I feel that anything I do, I have to consciously remind myself that I'm just as good as anyone else even if other may think less of me because of the color of my skin.

This all said, I get told to combat hate, you have to love. I hear this, it's like I'm being told black people have to justify their humanity to these people. Love's not going to stop a police officer from killing a black person for no reason and getting away with it. Love's damn sure not going to convince this old fart that his beliefs perpetuate hundreds of years of subjugation and white supremacy.

And then, when people point out that someone or something is blatantly racist, there's been this snapback about how doing this isn't beneficial and apparently insults the person who's being racist to begin with.

I'm confused. The degree of empathy and sympathy black people are asked to have is kinda ridiculous and I find this whole thing of having 'love thy enemy' shoved down my throat to be hypocritical and condescending.

For the more versed and verbose, if it's not too late at night on Christmas, can I get an explanation or something so this all makes sense? I'm angry, but I'm more sad and I'm kinda hanging on from just offing myself over this stuff because damn it feels pointless being black. For all the love that I have, it feels like there's a brick wall always and being told to love through adversity doesn't break it.

I can't even begin to put myself in the shoes of someone like yourself, exposed to constant vulgarity from shitstains like the guy in the OP. Don't, for a single moment, think that vile waste of air represents the rest of the folks on this Earth.


Thats honestly the sort of shit you expect from some idiot on a forum to say, that it came from a member of Government is simply amazing.

If thats going to be the norm for the next few years America is going to tear itself apart.


They just do not give a single fuck anymore. Teachers, police chiefs, government officials. It's a damn shameful how often Michelle gets attacked. And the worst part is she has to grin and bare it if she does hear it.
Man that dude looks like death.


First thing that came to mind - such a fucking asshole, this guy...


Washington Post has the full exchange which is very awful and disgusting and has Paladino actually stating his statements are NOT racist and that he will say whatever he feels like saying: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...p_rhp-more-top-stories_no-name:homepage/story

Full exchange:

Artvoice: What would you most like to happen in 2017?

Carl Paladino: Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.

Artvoice: What would you most like to see go in 2017?

Carl Paladino: Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.

In a statement to The Post, Paladino denied that the comments were racist.

“It has nothing to do with race,” Paladino said. “That’s the typical stance of the press when they can’t otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked.”

“It’s about 2 progressive elitist ingrates who have hated their country so badly and destroyed its fabric in so many respects in 8 years,” he added.

Reached briefly by phone Friday, Paladino confirmed that he made the comments and that he is currently involved in Trump's transition efforts.

“I don't think Mr. Trump particularly cares what I have to say,” Paladino said. “He knows me. I was active with him, and I still am active with him.”

“And that's it. I'll say what I feel like saying.”


Raise your hand if you are surprised by this at all. Anyone with any amount of critical thinking saw shit like this coming as soon as Trump's campaign started gaining steam.

It will only get worse after January.


"Surrendering its status as a protector of human rights"

Really? I mean, REALLY?

Also I have no idea if "main street media" is a thing or if he just got autocorrected because he couldn't spell mainstream.


In all fairness Obama has to take the blame here. He's been awful for race relations in this country.

If he didn't get elected then maybe this guy wouldn't be outed saying this stuff.


Hey, racists now own the country. Non-voting works yo.

Thing is, people did vote. They voted overwhelmingly for Hillary. But it didn't matter because American democracy is a myth and the people aren't actually allowed have any power because if they did, that would be bad for rich white guys.


In all fairness Obama has to take the blame here. He's been awful for race relations in this country.

If he didn't get elected then maybe this guy wouldn't be outed saying this stuff.

What can he honestly do when he has to appease white fragility at every turn?
You see how mad people get when he said Trayvon could be his son.
Obama could eat a toaster strudel on the front lawn and people would flip.
It's a shame Audioboxer is banned, we desperately need to know how to deal with this without calling him a racist cunt as well as finding out why these comments aren't actually racist at all..


I just dont understand.

why would you say these things? like as a super fucked up dark humor joke.... to a reporter?

that's his excuse? really?
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