Sounds like he's trying to say that he's proud of the fact they kept the death toll relatively low compared to Katrina instead of what article headline is. He's still saying it in his normal horrifically ineloquent fashion though.
My understanding is that over half of Puerto Rico still has no access to potable water. The vast majority are still without power. People have been unable to get in touch with people in the area. The crisis is still ongoing, and we do not have any sort of comprehensive and accurate count of deaths and likely will not for a while.
That is not a situation where you brag about a low body count, because realistically
we don't know, and it's not over yet.
Trump chose to storm into that situation, pat himself on the back for keeping things from getting TOO bad (and, again, my current understanding is that conditions are still bad enough in general that there are areas still without aid), bitch about the cost, and then jump-shot paper towels at people. Yes, it's just because he's incapabale of talking about anything without puffing himself up, by that doesn't make it any less of a gigantic failure of leadership.
He made it about himself, because he's incapable of basic empathy. There's no way to spin either the words he picked or the meaning he was trying to convey as anything other than heartless and completely unworthy of the position of the President.