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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not at all. But sometimes you need to think of things strategically, not just tactically. Another Trump shocker tweet another headline grabber, all the while his agenda moves forward.

Again, there are plenty of critics of this juvenile nonsense from Trump. It's just not that effective from a power perspective. Didn't work in the GE and it's not working now.

Uh, what part of his agenda is moving forward?


If you follow your logic, by 2018 and 2020 Trump will be untouchable because all his bullshit behavior and antics will be normal and just Trump being Trump.

Not quite. Trump won't lose because of Twitter quips. Dems have legitimate issues to run against Trump. Trumpcare has been a recent one that I'm proud there has been strong resistance of.

Uh, what part of his agenda is moving forward?

Not legislative agenda, but he's withdrawn from the Paris Accord, installed one conservative Justice, and maybe another soon, he's removed a lot of environmental protections, he's making huge cuts in essential social programs, his Secretary of Education is gonna gut US Public Education soon, travel ban partially reinstated. You can move a lot of the needle as a POTUS without Congress.
I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?

I get it's a joke, but again, as he has done In The past, he is inciting violence against the media. His supporters are dumb and are gonna think trump wants them to harass reporters. We can't normalize that shit. And believe me. I wish we could move on but baby dumb dumb needs to vent on twitter on a daily basis.


Not quite. Trump won't lose because of Twitter quips. Dems have legitimate issues to run against Trump. Trumpcare has been a recent one that I'm proud there has been strong resistance of.
There were legitimate issues last time too, yet none of it was covered. Trump's antics were and they were hand waived away then too.


How can the Supreme Court look at his travel ban seriously when Trump does stuff like this?

Maybe they should evaluate his mental state before looking over that case.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I believe trump is more capable of running an effective campaign than the democrats currently, that will have to change, and I think further pointing out the obvious things he is happy to share, such as this, to try and convert anyone will fail. I have no idea what strategy they come up with to beat him, but pointing out his absurdity doesnt seem like the most effective.


There were legitimate issues last time too, yet none of it was covered. Trump's antics were and they were hand waived away then too.
The Russian investigation and the Healthcare debacle are WAY more in the spotlight now, and are infinitely more serious issues.

The main thing Trump had going against him at election time was the Pussy Grab video. The Russian stuff was still gaining traction.
But he said he was going to be restrained on Twitter when he became president
It's almost as if Trump just lies most of the time...
I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?

Because this silliness is exactly how other countries have destroyed the free press on the way to subverting their democracies. The joke is the sugar that makes people swallow the poison. That's how this shit works.


The Russian investigation and the Healthcare debacle are WAY more in the spotlight now, and are infinitely more serious issues.

The main thing Trump had going against him at election time was the Pussy Grab video. The Russian stuff was still gaining traction.

It's almost as if Trump just lies most of the time...
That was the joke


I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

You're completely ignoring this as an attack on the press, and the very established context of the Trump administration trying to erode the credibility of the media.
His only legislative agenda being pushed right now is healthcare and their bill is one of the most unpopular bills I've personally seen polling on since TARP. The so-called opposition has done their job of pushing opinion on this bill, if elected representatives want to ignore that and vote for it anyway there's nothing more that can be done.

This whole "distraction" talk would be a lot more valid of people were being sold on this bill while opponents of the bill were too busy worrying about Trump's online trolling. That's just not the case so what's the real issue?


The Russian investigation and the Healthcare debacle are WAY more in the spotlight now, and are infinitely more serious issues.

The main thing Trump had going against him at election time was the Pussy Grab video. The Russian stuff was still gaining traction.

It's almost as if Trump just lies most of the time...
Well sure, why do you think Trump is trying his hardest to delegitemize the entities that are pushing the Russian story along? Of which this tweet in question is a part of? Which is why hand waiving it away just because Trump is a child isnt the answer.
His only legislative agenda being pushed right now is healthcare and their bill is one of the most unpopular bills I've personally seen polling on since TARP. The so-called opposition has done their job of pushing opinion on this bill, if elected representatives want to ignore that and vote for it anyway there's nothing more that can be done.

This whole "distraction" talk would be a lot more valid of people were being sold on this bill while opponents of the bill were too busy worrying about Trump's online trolling. That's just not the case so what's the real issue?

To speak on this further, his supporters that actually care about the issues should be more upset with him than anyone. He is losing on both fronts because he has no discipline or focus and any accomplishments he does make will be through executive action that can be instantly reversed when someone else takes over.


His only legislative agenda being pushed right now is healthcare and their bill is one of the most unpopular bills I've personally seen polling on since TARP. The so-called opposition has done their job of pushing opinion on this bill, if elected representatives want to ignore that and vote for it anyway there's nothing more that can be done.

This whole "distraction" talk would be a lot more valid of people were being sold on this bill while opponents of the bill were too busy worrying about Trump's online trolling. That's just not the case so what's the real issue?

But it's hurting the Liberal Cause, fam!!


You're completely ignoring this as an attack on the press, and the very established context of the Trump administration trying to erode the credibility of the media.

I guess I'm not convinced this specific GIF is doing that. I'm talking about this specific GIF. There are other more concerning issues with his attack on press rights. More substantiate ones, such as his nefarious tactics at WH Press briefings, giving exclusive access to softball media networks like Fox and the like. That's a bigger concern, not some image meme.


To speak on this further, his supporters that actually care about the issues should be more upset with him than anyone. He is losing on both fronts because he has no discipline or focus and any accomplishments he does make will be through executive action that can be instantly reversed when someone else takes over.
They'll blame Congress, not him.


Well sure, why do you think Trump is trying his hardest to delegitemize the entities that are pushing the Russian story along? Of which this tweet in question is a part of? Which is why hand waiving it away just because Trump is a child isnt the answer.
Nothing will be hand waived when it comes to Russia. There's an open independent investigation that continues to just grow in size as they uncover more.

Will we hear updates from that investigation soon enough to effect upcoming state and then presidential elections? We'll see.

Joe T.


President Obama tweets a .gif of himself clotheslining "Fox News."




I guess I'm not convinced this specific GIF is doing that. I'm talking about this specific GIF. There are other more concerning issues with his attack on press rights. More substantiate ones, such as his nefarious tactics at WH Press briefings, giving exclusive access to softball media networks like Fox and the like. That's a bigger concern, not some image meme.

Trump has massaged the words "Fake News" into the public lexicon and hurled it at many news orgs at rallies, press conferences, and Twitter, all with very real effects.

The assault on the media isn't just actions. The first amendment wouldn't be so important if words and a platform weren't essential to democracy.


I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?

Nah, sorry, I'm not going to lower my expectations for one of the most important jobs in the world.

The whole idea that calling out Trump on this somehow diverts our attention from more serious causes is laughable. It takes just a few minutes to express dissatisfaction with this tweet. I don't care if some morons look at this as evidence that liberals are over sensitive, because they're beyond the pale. Nothing we do will ever "convert" them to our causes. They live in an alternate reality where Trump is a man of great dignity and integrity. The best man, no one is better than him. Huge.


I guess I'm not convinced this specific GIF is doing that. I'm talking about this specific GIF. There are other more concerning issues with his attack on press rights. More substantiate ones, such as his nefarious tactics at WH Press briefings, giving exclusive access to softball media networks like Fox and the like. That's a bigger concern, not some image meme.
You can't view things like this in a silo because it's part of the entire story.

Attacking media outlets that he doesn't like and and pushing the narrivative of fake news while giving exclusive access to others is akin to state sponsored media.


Trump has massaged the words "Fake News" into the public lexicon and hurled it at many news orgs at rallies, press conferences, and Twitter, all with very real effects.

The assault on the media isn't just actions. The first amendment wouldn't be so important if words and a platform weren't essential to democracy.

Ok. You're looking into this from a macro perspective. From that point of view, I can agree with you. Yes, I do agree that Trump's incessant fakenews bullshit is toxic. But I've also seen this tactic done by the GOP, using more media friendly messaging, for decades. Trump is using a sledgehammer, while the GOP was a bit more measured and nuanced. The whole liberal bias narrative is not a new one.


Accusing other parties of fraud without any solid evidence, garnished with violence supporting visuals. Shouldn't Twitter suspend his account?
Being outraged at one thing doesn't negate being outraged at another. I don't understand posters saying "but the other things, this is unimportant", if you follow any of this, people are outraged about everything he does.

It's not a binary thing. Multitask the outrage.

His recent anti media tweets are a problem. They fit into the narrative of him silencing and discrediting news outlets. That is a problem and this is him piling on that problem and shouldn't be ignored.

You can be outraged at multiple things at once, you know.


The reddit.com/r/conservative post on this is just outright pathetic, ranging from "so funny made my morning LMAO!!!" to "the media deserves this!!!" .

When did the right wing become so disconnected? So immoral and inhuman?
I refuse to normalize this.

Its important to keep highlighting it because these sort of childish activities and threats he keeps making need to remain a source of embarrassment at how far things have sunk. The President of the United Stats is shit posting on twitter.

Its insane and I hope it stays embedded in everybody's mind that this is the sort of insane country we're living with now.


Trump's normalization depends predominantly on Republicans, his followers, and the people who don't vote. My opinion, your opinion, Vox articles, or a CNN statement isn't going to be effective at controlling others who agree, accept or express indifference towards his behavior.
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