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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


I don't see how that's a reponse to what I've said, but I'll try to make sense of your point.

Trump, and unintelligent man who has made clear suggestions of violence in the past now has decided to use wrestling .gifs to convey that suggestion to his followers?

I'd present an alternative - Trump, being the stupid person that he is, saw a .gif that represented him defeating CNN (the organization) and decided to tweet it out.

"Promoting violence". This is a wrestling .gif. This isn't a .gif of a plane dropping bombs onto a building labeled 'CNN'. It isn't superimposing the face of any journalist into the .gif.

It seems, clear as day, meant to represent 'Trump thrashing CNN (the organization)', not 'tackle a reporter and bash their skull in'.

It is a fucking video of Trump physically attacking someone with CNN shopped onto their face. The context is irrelevant when his supporters are as dumb as they are. They don't even comprehend the idea of theater and think wrestling is real.

Stop giving this White House the benefit of the doubt. It makes you look bad.


Yeah I found it pretty funny. I like how he just doesn't care anymore. 😂😂😂

His not caring can one day get people killed. An important thing to remember, especially with him meeting and chatting up North Korea's neighbors the past few days.
Just when a I thought he wouldn't go any further I find this news... Godspeed you fellow americans, there's still a long way ahead and it seems this could get even worse, I just hope it stays like this and not starting a war
Y'all getting played again with the outrage at this.

This isn't anything new, he's been advocating this bullshit since the primary.

His one and only skill is to create controversy that will galvanise his base once the outrage over his next edgy tweet gets coverage.

The more outraged we become the more appeased his base becomes.

And like fucking clock work y'all get played like bitches.

He'd rather have you looking at his tweets than talking policy. Seriously.
Just when a I thought he wouldn't go any further I find this news... Godspeed you fellow americans, there's still a long way ahead and it seems this could get even worse, I just hope it stays like this and not starting a war
You really think that tweet will start a war in the USA? What time is this?


Unconfirmed Member
This is now the top story on the BBC News website

You really think that tweet will start a war in the USA? What time is this?

I'm not saying that because of the tweet, but because of his behavior. This is a childish behavior, and he is actually the most powerful man in the world, he shouldn't be tweeting day and night, he should use Twitter with proper manners, according to his role in society.


You really think that tweet will start a war in the USA? What time is this?

I think they meant with other countries. What if he one day posts the video of him beating up the German flag, rather than CNN, because he doesn't like how the trade talks went? Or makes a thread of some sort?
I don't see how that's a reponse to what I've said, but I'll try to make sense of your point.

Trump, and unintelligent man who has made clear suggestions of violence in the past now has decided to use wrestling .gifs to convey that suggestion to his followers?

I'd present an alternative - Trump, being the stupid person that he is, saw a .gif that represented him defeating CNN (the organization) and decided to tweet it out.

Woosh, right through your head.


Y'all getting played again with the outrage at this.

This isn't anything new, he's been advocating this bullshit since the primary.

His one and only skill is to create controversy that will galvanise his base once the outrage over his next edgy tweet gets coverage.

The more outraged we become the more appeased his base becomes.

And like fucking clock work y'all get played like bitches.

He'd rather have you looking at his tweets than talking policy. Seriously.

What the fucccckkkk. Why do we keep seeing variations of this wack ass argument today?? We aren't fucking idiots distracted by the next shiny thing. Ain't nobody forgot all the b.s. he's trying to pass off as "policy."


Do you think you can say with confidence that of all his millions of supporters, absolutely none of them will ever feel like it's okay to show similar aggression towards people who work at CNN?

No - some unstable people can warp innocuous things to find the justification for violence. But to say "[Trump] enourages violence against reporters" seems, as I said originally, like a reach. It seems to me, still, that the intent of the tweet was to represent Trump defeating an organization.

If you want to say 'people could use this to justify violence acts against reporters to themselves' fair enough, but the suggestion that the tweet was intended to convey "attack journalists" seems ridiculous to me still.


What the fucccckkkk. Why do we keep seeing variations of this wack ass argument today?? We aren't fucking idiots distracted by the next shiny thing. Ain't nobody forgot all the b.s. he's trying to pass off as "policy."

It'll always be seen as one or the other: Trump's a genius at diversions, or Trump's so unintelligent that he can't stay on message.

No - some unstable people can warp innocuous things to find the justification of violence. But to say "[Trump] enourages violence against reporters" seems, as I said originally, like a reach. It seems to me, still, that the intent of the tweet was to represent Trump defeating an organization.

If you want to say 'people could use this to justify violence acts against reporters to themselves' fair enough, but the suggestion that the tweet was intended to convey "attack journalists" seems ridiculous to me still.

Let's say that you're right, that to Trump it was that he was taking down CNN.

You should watch it again with the viewpoint that he is violently attacking CNN. But also remember, that the President's meaning is lost on the general public, and we have to interpret it. It can be either of those right now, and that's even more alarming. No one knows what he meant until he says so. And so while you think it's him taking down CNN, there are those of us that see it as a violent attack.
It might be if there was a reason for his supposed take down. Did I miss why he thinks he destroyed CNN?
It's because they had to retract a story about the Russia investigation

Which I guess he's taking credit for

The President is a bit of a ding dong, idk if anyone has noticed that yet


What the fucccckkkk. Why do we keep seeing variations of this wack ass argument today?? We aren't fucking idiots distracted by the next shiny thing. Ain't nobody forgot all the b.s. he's trying to pass off as "policy."

I've seen variations of the same nonsensical hot take since at least January 20!
What the fucccckkkk. Why do we keep seeing variations of this wack ass argument today?? We aren't fucking idiots distracted by the next shiny thing. Ain't nobody forgot all the b.s. he's trying to pass off as "policy."

It'll always be seen as one or the other: Trump's a genius at diversions, or Trump's so unintelligent that he can't stay on message.

His sole purpose is to aggravate people. We knew this shit was going to happen as soon as he became president.

These reactions from the left harden and enthuse his support.

What did you think was going to happen? That upon election he was gonna start roleplaying George Washington?

This was always going to be a fucking shit show. Getting his recent BS tweet trending, is what he's counting on you doing.


The Birthday Skeleton
Y'all getting played again with the outrage at this.

This isn't anything new, he's been advocating this bullshit since the primary.

His one and only skill is to create controversy that will galvanise his base once the outrage over his next edgy tweet gets coverage.

The more outraged we become the more appeased his base becomes.

And like fucking clock work y'all get played like bitches.

He'd rather have you looking at his tweets than talking policy. Seriously.

So you're one of those people who can't discuss about more than one topic at once? How does it work? Does it take a day or a week? When can you change the focus? Once a month? I'm a bit lost how this mono-tasking mind works.


His sole purpose is to aggravate people. We knew this shit was going to happen as soon as he became president.

These reactions from the left harden and enthuse his support.

What did you think was going to happen? That upon election he was gonna start roleplaying George Washington?

This was always going to be a fucking shit show. Getting his recent BS tweet trending, is what he's counting on you doing.

I see Trump more as a creature that demands attention and adoration, and anyone that does not give it to him, he tries to beat into submission.

It's just now we have a tweet which is him literally trying to do that.
So you're one of those people who can't discuss about more than one topic at once? How does it work? Does it take a day or a week? When can you change the focus? Once a month? I'm a bit lost how this mono-tasking mind works.

No , yeah genius strategy there captain condescendo.

Let's signal boost his bullshit instead and thusly feed his base with our outrage.

Good idea.

Let's all multi task and create big threads about how appalled we are at the tweets specifically fucking designed to appall us.

I'm just saying, you're getting gamed.


The Birthday Skeleton
His sole purpose is to aggravate people. We knew this shit was going to happen as soon as he became president.

These reactions from the left harden and enthuse his support.

What did you think was going to happen? That upon election he was gonna start roleplaying George Washington?

This was always going to be a fucking shit show. Getting his recent BS tweet trending, is what he's counting on you doing.

So what you're saying is "let him do whatever he wants in order to not aggravate his most fanatic supporters"? Or what's your argument here?

He does dumb shit he gets appropriate adverse reactions. Who cares about his nut fanatics? Is not like they would believe something else if there would be no reaction.
No , yeah genius strategy there captain condescendo.

Let's signal boost his bullshit instead and thusly feed his base with our outrage.

Good idea.

Let's all multi task and create big threads about how appalled we are at the tweets specifically fucking designed to appall us.

I'm just saying, you're getting gamed.
Do you spend 1/10th the energy you spend lecturing Trump opponents on lecturing Trump supporters? If not, I'm not sure your approach is as effective as you seem to believe. Stop yelling at people who agree with you and focus on the actual problem.


The Birthday Skeleton
No , yeah genius strategy there captain condescendo.

Let's signal boost his bullshit instead and thusly feed his base with our outrage.

Good idea.

Let's all multi task and create big threads about how appalled we are at the tweets specifically fucking designed to appall us.

I'm just saying, you're getting gamed.

He's carrying a war against press and you find this not important and to be ignored because some Trump supporter would rally behind him? Have you even thought through this theory of yours? Do you feel smarter than others because you're not "gamed" by his continuous attacks on decency?
No , yeah genius strategy there captain condescendo.

Let's signal boost his bullshit instead and thusly feed his base with our outrage.

Good idea.

Let's all multi task and create big threads about how appalled we are at the tweets specifically fucking designed to appall us.

I'm just saying, you're getting gamed.
Outraged? Gamed? You seem to be misreading the reaction. I don't think Trump was trying to generate an accumulative "ugh" and people calling him stupid

He's not trying to court outrage from people, he's trying to get support from those who already like him. None of this is happening that way you think it's happening

Juicy Bob

Absolutely nothing about this is funny.

The fact that so many people seem willing to dismiss his behaviour and play it off as 'just a joke' is actively enabling him.


No , yeah genius strategy there captain condescendo.

Let's signal boost his bullshit instead and thusly feed his base with our outrage.

Good idea.

Let's all multi task and create big threads about how appalled we are at the tweets specifically fucking designed to appall us.

I'm just saying, you're getting gamed.

It's this high horse, I'm smarter than you all because I see right through his genius strategy that's just not founded in any kind of reality.

Democratic transgressions should be condemned, period.


People in this thread trying to normalize this or suggest it's "just trolling guys!!" are disgusting. This is straight up shameful behavior from trump. Embarrassing.

Also, this absolutely encourages violence against the press. Anyone who thinks differently is a moron.


"enourages violence against reporters" seems like quite the reach. It takes away from an otherwise sensible statement.

In some ways maybe so but Trump hasn't minced his words vs the media, he's been very aggressive now and during the campaign where his supporters went out of their way to verbally threaten and abuse reporters in press areas.

There was an incident if I remember where a reporter was body slammed by security.


I've basically made it my goal to roast Trump everyday until he blocks me. And fuck him for normalising violence against journalists.


For you.
No , yeah genius strategy there captain condescendo.

Let's signal boost his bullshit instead and thusly feed his base with our outrage.

Good idea.

Let's all multi task and create big threads about how appalled we are at the tweets specifically fucking designed to appall us.

I'm just saying, you're getting gamed.

Gamed how? You think his base needs any "feeding"? Those fucktards will always be the same pieces of shit that support him and his fuckery everywhere, there is no need to "feed" them with anything.
Feels like since Trump has no shame or dignity, this ultimately reflects poorly on the GOP. They condone all of Trump's infantile behavior.


Do you spend 1/10th the energy you spend lecturing Trump opponents on lecturing Trump supporters? If not, I'm not sure your approach is as effective as you seem to believe. Stop yelling at people who agree with you and focus on the actual problem.

This is the correct response. We all agree on the problem, but because nobody knows what to do about it, we can tend to turn around on others of a like mind and criticise their reaction to the problem instead. That's the kinda thing that happens when you have a situation that leads people to despair, but you've gotta try and keep the mind to not turn on your political allies. The left, in general, thinks in more complex terms than the right. That's why the left is always right in the end, but it's also why we tend to fuck things up for ourselves by failing to present a united message to win people over.
It's this high horse, I'm smarter than you all because I see right through his genius strategy that's just not founded in any kind of reality.

Democratic transgressions should be condemned, period.

Yeah sure they should but condemnation isn't amounting to anything at all. The only thing he has to lose now is his devoted base.

What does his devoted base enjoy? "Lib tears"? The controversy, the outrage.

It's all he knows how to do, the more condemnation the outrage the coverage the more successful his tweet.

It's a symptom of his presidency. That we all knew was coming.

I don't know whether its social media fatigue on my part, but his entire strategy is relied upon the mass condemnation. A mass condemnation that doesn't equate to much in reality. Just another vacuous news cycle that soothes his vanity and shores up his support.


You just have to look at Jo Cox in the UK, an MP who was murdered before the Brexit vote by a right wing Britain first nutter. Politicians, the media etc. were spewing hateful rhetoric, winding people up, lying and it only takes one person to go and kill someone because they believe in the rhetoric drilled into them by the media, politicians etc. and snap after being wound up so tightly.
people who think this is funny are embarrassing themselves

even if you put aside the sad and depressing context, it's like an old person or an out of touch brand trying to do memes
I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, Trump actually tweeting this out or CNN trying to pretend it's a violent threat against them and their employees.
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