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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


Trucker Sexologist
A real president would care about all Americans instead of calling the opposing group "deplorables" or telling his followers to beat them up

Yes, Hillary herself contributed to the current situation of a severely Divided States of America. Trump was just the worse of two bad choices in this regard.
There really isn't a choice when one of the choices is a bigot.


The reporter made an article how Greg is connected to Russia which is why I'm guessing Greg bodyslammed him.

The point is that, while this specific tweet alone does not incite violence, it is yet another example in a long list of them where the President of the United States is trying to label the media as fake or untrustworthy.

This, combined with previous comments at his rallies where he has literally called for violence, helps to build up a mountain of ideas in the minds of his supporters:

- The media is evil.
- It's okay to assault people.
- The media is fake.
- You should only get your information from him.

If a person with legitimate mental issues hears this enough, over and over, there is a very real danger that the person could act out.


I still say some are way overreacting to this. If he had combined the content of the tweet with a more direct call for violence outside of this silly video, which is fake violence.. again, fake, not real, then I could perhaps see these types of reactions, but I don't see this as that big a deal to be honest. That said, I hope it damages his presidency beyond repair, and it somehow forces him out of office, but if we're keeping it real, I think we all know this is a whole lot of nothing.

I understand the "he's the President of the United States" stuff also, but it doesn't mean he has to walk around like he's got a stick up his ass either. He can have fun or be an ass like anyone else. Him calling the press the enemy of the people is many times worse and more alarming than this is. I understand it's important to maintain the dignity of the office and all that, but let's be serious for a moment; This is Donald fucking Trump. He probably isn't fit to be sitting down on the white house toilet, much less being the President of the United States. He's not going to change. There's plenty to be outraged about relating to Trump. I think this is just fodder for some discussion about the message it sends with relation to past irresponsible statements, but this isn't the horrific thing people are making out to appear. Is it still possible some dumbass somewhere out there will see this as a call to go hurt a CNN reporter? Very likely, yes, but that doesn't strike me as the intent of this particular tweet. We know how bitter the jackass is, and that he can't stand CNN, and he's frustrated with them in any number of ways that are well documented. And so, as a way to showcase that frustration, he decided to utilize something from his past in, honestly pretty funny fashion, to get the point across. It changes nothing about how much of an idiot he is, and how dangerous he is for the country, but this isn't the hill to die on folks.

When almost every other thing he's tweeted is an attack on journalism, it's fine to point out how bullshit it is that he's tweeted random crap like this. No one is making this a major talking point, and no one should take this thread as a major shift to focusing on this singular tweet. This is merely another shitty thing that an orange idiot tweeted and happened to be the president as well. Focus can be shifted between multiple things.
When you witness a large group of Americans betraying American values for a long enough period of time, you start to get comfortable calling a spade a spade. There is nothing wrong with that. That does not mean that she would not care about them if she was President. Nothing in her character indicates that, at all.

All I hope for is that the next Democratic candidate promises to unite the United States again, no spade left behind, whatever. Because I doubt hammering on Trump's failures both as a president and a human being alone will do the trick. A complacent candidate who thinks that Trump doesn't have a chance next time is most likely going to lose again, and I don't know if the credibility of the US can take another hit.


The Birthday Skeleton
This is not some isolated joke. Trump attacks the press almost on daily basis. It's an escalation, not an isolated act.


Yes, Hillary herself contributed to the current situation of a severely Divided States of America. Trump was just the worse of two bad choices in this regard.

You are part of the reason the U.S. is now the laughing stock of the rest of the world. If you still think Trump was the worst of the evils, you are beyond reasoning. I really wish you could see and understand how the U.S. is being severely damaged. A lot of people will die because of your ignorance and your indiferrence.


Hillary called racists and xenophobes deplorable. So of course that means she contributed to this division.

Umm no.

Republicans have growing this monster for decades. Lamestream media or board left wing media is something we have been hearing about for decades. Dog whistles, blaming poor ppl of color for problems poor white ppl have, and xenophobic rhetoric started well before Trump. He just took advantage of it.

Fuck all these ppl who think we need to stop being outraged. If anything Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans and tried to hard to always negotiate.


I still say some are way overreacting to this. If he had combined the content of the tweet with a more direct call for violence outside of this silly video, which is fake violence.. again, fake, not real, then I could perhaps see these types of reactions, but I don't see this as that big a deal to be honest. That said, I hope it damages his presidency beyond repair, and it somehow forces him out of office, but if we're keeping it real, I think we all know this is a whole lot of nothing.

I understand the "he's the President of the United States" stuff also, but it doesn't mean he has to walk around like he's got a stick up his ass either. He can have fun or be an ass like anyone else. Him calling the press the enemy of the people is many times worse and more alarming than this is. I understand it's important to maintain the dignity of the office and all that, but let's be serious for a moment; This is Donald fucking Trump. He probably isn't fit to be sitting down on the white house toilet, much less being the President of the United States. He's not going to change. There's plenty to be outraged about relating to Trump. I think this is just fodder for some discussion about the message it sends with relation to past irresponsible statements, but this isn't the horrific thing people are making out to appear. Is it still possible some dumbass somewhere out there will see this as a call to go hurt a CNN reporter? Very likely, yes, but that doesn't strike me as the intent of this particular tweet. We know how bitter the jackass is, and that he can't stand CNN, and he's frustrated with them in any number of ways that are well documented. And so, as a way to showcase that frustration, he decided to utilize something from his past in, honestly pretty funny fashion, to get the point across. It changes nothing about how much of an idiot he is, and how dangerous he is for the country, but this isn't the hill to die on folks.

I don't think anybody is dying on any hills. This will be forgotten about in two days when Trump tweets something else half the country finds hilarious because he's stickin it to somebody and the others are just embarrassed for humanity.


I will admit one thing - I think it's pretty funny the guy on Reddit who created this meme for the_donald has (or had since he deleted his account) a user name of HanAssholeSolo, I would love to see the media reference this.


I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, Trump actually tweeting this out or CNN trying to pretend it's a violent threat against them and their employees.

Both are ridiculous.

Trump from the standpoint: holy shit the highest office in the world posting gif reactions.

CNN form the standpoint: ......really?
The point is that, while this specific tweet alone does not incite violence, it is yet another example in a long list of them where the President of the United States is trying to label the media as fake or untrustworthy.

This, combined with previous comments at his rallies where he has literally called for violence, helps to build up a mountain of ideas in the minds of his supporters:

- The media is evil.
- It's okay to assault protesters.
- The media is fake.
- You should only get your information from him.

If a person with legitimate mental issues hears this enough, over and over, there is a very real danger that that person could act out.

To address the substance. We all know Donald Trump is full of shit, and he's just mad that CNN, and others, are doing their job and holding his racist and corrupt ass accountable. However, let's not use this as an opportunity to portray CNN as this innocent gold standard of journalism, because they have demonstrated themselves as a group that isn't to be trusted on numerous occasions over the years. So, yes, fuck Donald Trump, bu I don't exactly mind CNN being trashed. They've similarly done things that have contributed negatively to the current state of affairs, and had zero shame in the process of doing it.

I don't think anybody is dying on any hills. This will be forgotten about in two days when Trump tweets something else half the country finds hilarious because he's stickin it to somebody and the others are just embarrassed for humanity.

he's probably prepping a tweet insulting my mother as we speak. He will almost certainly tweet another thing that the media can't help but trip all over.


I will admit one thing - I think it's pretty funny the guy on Reddit who created this meme for the_donald has (or had since he deleted his account) a user name of HanAssholeSolo, I would love to see the media reference this.

I'd love his anti-Semitic posts to be highlighted


The Birthday Skeleton
All I hope for is that the next Democratic candidate promises to unite the United States again, no spade left behind, whatever. Because I doubt hammering on Trump's failures both as a president and a human being alone will do the trick. A complacent candidate who thinks that Trump doesn't have a chance next time is most likely going to lose again, and I don't know if the credibility of the US can take another hit.

I think this fails to understand what drives the divide. It's not just the candidates, it's what drives the crowds rallying behind one or the other candidates. You can't unite racists and minorities, ultra religious people and LGBT or people who are ready to let other people die just to pay $100 less with civilisation.

This is just an escalation because one candidate has run an extreme campaign, but it goes way beyond this.


I still say some are way overreacting to this. If he had combined the content of the tweet with a more direct call for violence outside of this silly video, which is fake violence.. again, fake, not real, then I could perhaps see these types of reactions, but I don't see this as that big a deal to be honest. That said, I hope it damages his presidency beyond repair, and it somehow forces him out of office, but if we're keeping it real, I think we all know this is a whole lot of nothing.

Wrong. Utterly wrong. This is part of his continuing strategy to undermine journalism and news organizations, whose job in a democracy is to watchdog those in power. If you can make the population distrust the people whose job it is to deliver the truth to the population, then you get to dictate what truth is from your seat of power. That's the point. That's the plan. That's what's happening. Hugo Chavez used similar tactics to brilliant effect in Venezuela in the early 2000s.

This is not Trump being a clown or being a juvenile fool, or at least it's not just that. This is how democracy backslides into authoritarianism.


I'd love his anti-Semitic posts to be highlighted
Oh yeah, he is getting exposed on twitter, I hope more will pick it up and highlight the type of person they are dealing with here.

I hope they find out who he really is but that might be one step too far.
You are part of the reason the U.S. is now the laughing stock of the rest of the world. If you still think Trump was the worst of the evils, you are beyond reasoning. I really wish you could see and understand how the U.S. is being severely damaged. A lot of people will die because of your ignorance and your indiferrence.

First of all, I made it quite clear that I meant "in this regard" (as in: being a president for everyone). This was not an assessment of the overall performance of both candidates, which nevertheless triggered several guys here, so I apologise for not making myself more clear.

And second, I vote for Mutti, so there's that.


So he wanted to teach him a lesson like Trump is trying to do with Joe and Mika.

What lesson? If somebody says something you don't like you can assault them if you are wealthy enough? What lesson should Joe and Mika learn? Don't say anything negative about Trump the Glorious or he's going to come after you personally using the power he has as president to intimidate and attempt to silence others?
Wrong. Utterly wrong. This is part of his continuing strategy to undermine journalism and news organizations, whose job in a democracy is to watchdog those in power. If you can make the population distrust the people whose job it is to deliver the truth to the population, then you get to dictate what truth is from your seat of power. That's the point. That's the plan. That's what's happening. Hugo Chavez used similar tactics to brilliant effect in Venezuela in the early 2000s.

This is not Trump being a clown or being a juvenile fool, or at least it's not just that. This is how democracy backslides into authoritarianism.

I know this is said all the time, but not in this fucking country. That shit just isn't going to fly. He can try all he wants. We all know he's a fucking idiot, and that there will be resistance left, right and center to whatever he's trying to accomplish.

Trump's attempts will fail and only be successful with the collection of idiots that vote Republican every single year regardless of how bad the republican choice will be for our country. For the majority of us, and yes we are the clear majority, we will not allow it to happen.

You completely missed the entire point of what I said.

Not really. I see people being so afraid that he's pulling this epic jedi mind trick on everyone, and that he's secretly conducting this evil scheme that's actually working, when in reality it isn't any more successful than it was when Sarah Palin was trying to be our VP. The difference is that this time the asshole won because, unfortunately, our side dropped the ball.


I'm shocked.
CNN should grow some balls and cut out any pro-Trump talking heads. Trump is inciting violence against them. They should demand a full-throated apology from Trump and until then kick off anyone pro-Trump.
CNN should grow some balls and cut out any pro-Trump talking heads. Trump is inciting violence against them. They should demand a full-throated apology from Trump and until then kick off anyone pro-Trump.

EXACTLY. They are apart of the fucking problem, and then expect sympathy over some dumb fucking tweet over a wrestling video. They bring these people on knowingly each and every single day to lie to the viewers, many who simply don't know any better, and then they try to play the high road angle. Well, I'm not buying it. They need to clean up their shit also.
Yes CNN should just go full nuclear. Mock him, bring up Russian every 10 minutes with scrolling headlines, just keep fucking with him. He's breaking they can finish the job.


Not really.

Yes, really. Case in point:

I see people being so afraid that he's pulling this epic jedi mind trick on everyone, and that he's secretly conducting this evil scheme that's actually working

I never said that. So yes, you missed the point of what I said. And you tried to play the "well, both sides" crap in your above post.

when in reality it isn't any more successful than it was when Sarah Palin was trying to be our VP. The difference is that this time the asshole won because, unfortunately, our side dropped the ball.

So it's not more successful but it's different because it was successful.

Got it.
I know this is said all the time, but not in this fucking country. That shit just isn't going to fly. He can try all he wants. We all know he's a fucking idiot, and that there will be resistance left, right and center to whatever he's trying to accomplish.

Trump's attempts will fail and only be successful with the collection of idiots that vote Republican every single year regardless of how bad the republican choice will be for our country. For the majority of us, and yes we are the clear majority, we will not allow it to happen.

Oh, yes, the old "we the intelligent majority would not allow it!", just as it almost, and then did, happened in Mexico, just like in Bolivia, just like in Venezuela.

Here is the problem, the majority is both our countries IS NOT the "intelligent" kind (you know, "this guy's plans are terrible, I'll vote for person I don't personally sympathize but has better plans"), is the "this guy's is funny, look at him, acting like a spoiled child, hilarious, let's vote him in!" kind.

Your country is looking more and more doomed by the minute, best you can hope is a few of the bigots in power have some kind of epiphany, or have a personal tragedy make them change their minds, and then correct course a bit, but as it going right now, it will end up as we have seen in many other countries, many of those enabled and even forced by the US, where the rule is "YOU DISRESPECTED THE *PRESIDENT*! Off with you head!"


So he wanted to teach him a lesson like Trump is trying to do with Joe and Mika.

What.... the... fuck?

Teach reporters a lesson for doing their jobs? Are you serious? It's okay for public servants to get body slammed when they bringing to light business ties to Russia with sanctioned companies? Or what they think about health care? Yeah, how dare the people know what their politicians think.

Fucking hell, man. That sentiment is utter lunacy.


America has seriously dropped the ball by electing this cretin, how in the hell is that presidential, I'm not saying this is the worst thing he's done during his term but his whole use of twitter is deplorable and yet he has the audacity to call it the 'modern presidency' And I thought Brexit was bad enough!

Next up... Trump to enter Love Island.


By the end of his term, he's going to call on his supporters to exercise their 2nd amendment rights in the fight against those who would spread "fake news" and to "defend" america.


Hillary called racists and xenophobes deplorable. So of course that means she contributed to this division.

Umm no.

Republicans have growing this monster for decades. Lamestream media or board left wing media is something we have been hearing about for decades. Dog whistles, blaming poor ppl of color for problems poor white ppl have, and xenophobic rhetoric started well before Trump. He just took advantage of it.

Fuck all these ppl who think we need to stop being outraged. If anything Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans and tried to hard to always negotiate.

And being the incredibly insecure twits that they are, those said racists and xenophobes have been unable to let it go ever since. The one time they're insulted, it's the worst, most monumental event in their lives, the rest of the time they continue to insult and belittle every non-white, non-Christian they can find, without a hint of awareness.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I still say some are way overreacting to this. If he had combined the content of the tweet with a more direct call for violence outside of this silly video, which is fake violence.. again, fake, not real, then I could perhaps see these types of reactions, but I don't see this as that big a deal to be honest. That said, I hope it damages his presidency beyond repair, and it somehow forces him out of office, but if we're keeping it real, I think we all know this is a whole lot of nothing.

I understand the "he's the President of the United States" stuff also, but it doesn't mean he has to walk around like he's got a stick up his ass either. He can have fun or be an ass like anyone else. Him calling the press the enemy of the people is many times worse and more alarming than this is. I understand it's important to maintain the dignity of the office and all that, but let's be serious for a moment; This is Donald fucking Trump. He probably isn't fit to be sitting down on the white house toilet, much less being the President of the United States. He's not going to change. There's plenty to be outraged about relating to Trump. I think this is just fodder for some discussion about the message it sends with relation to past irresponsible statements, but this isn't the horrific thing people are making out to appear. Is it still possible some dumbass somewhere out there will see this as a call to go hurt a CNN reporter? Very likely, yes, but that doesn't strike me as the intent of this particular tweet. We know how bitter the jackass is, and that he can't stand CNN, and he's frustrated with them in any number of ways that are well documented. And so, as a way to showcase that frustration, he decided to utilize something from his past in, honestly pretty funny fashion, to get the point across. It changes nothing about how much of an idiot he is, and how dangerous he is for the country, but this isn't the hill to die on folks.
This apologia would make a tony glimmer sense if this were a one off or the subject was not the freedom of the press.

Eventually the vessel overflows. That's what this latest affront represents and nobody is overreacting unless they invalidate all context.
No it isn't. He's been doing it for 2 years and this gif is an attempt to normalize that and make it funny.
This is the real issue that the mainstream media refuse to tackle and allow politicians to get away with whatever they want.

Politicians for the most part always choose their words carefully so they are always technically doing nothing wrong but the implications are there.

They say and do things that lead people to think and act one way while having the excuse that they didn't specifically ask for it so it doesn't count. When you have the vast majority of politicians former careers be lawyers that's what you get.

The problem is that it's hard to argue because you are then accused of thought policing or misunderstanding the intent.

Trump has simply shown that the US rules aren't actually enforceable for the most part.
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