Mostly correct since 1984 isn't terribly impressive...
What has Trump stirred up in this country? The worst and most dangerous element the neo-Nazis, the white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, Lichtman said. David Duke has said Trump has made this my time. All of those groups are encouraged by the Trump campaign," the historian said. It does not strain credulity to assume how some of those people might interpret what Trump said.
It is so dangerous and so despicable that, in my view, it ought to be disqualifying for the presidency, Lichtman added. We have not seen anything remotely like this in our history.
If Trump wins I will seriously be depressed because that would be such a huge step backwards for this country, especially with all the racial tension happening right now. Ugh.![]()
He isn't wrong there. Statistically, Republicans should have won this election. You generally don't get more than 2 sequential Presidents of the same party, so just looking at it from that angle it looks highly likely that a Republican will win the White House this year.
The problem is the Republican party is such a shitshow and is hated so overwhelmingly by minorities (which control more and more of the vote) that this may not be relevant any more. This may actually be the last General Election Republicans have even a slim chance of winning if you pay attention to the way demographics are going. The white vote doesn't carry them as far as it used to, and without massive outreach, if they lose this year I don't see them even being viable in 2020.
Very excited. I love Donald Trump he's earned it.
Edit: Don't wanna be banned actually sorry, I love Hillary. #ImWithHer! Yay.
Very excited. I love Donald Trump he's earned it.
Edit: Don't wanna be banned actually sorry, I love Hillary. #ImWithHer! Yay.
But there's a lot of people who are predicting elections so statistically someone's bound to be on a hot streakWell, the odds of randomly guessing each of the last eight US elections is 1 / 256 or ~0.4%. With those odds, it seems likely the guy is using a better-than-random system of calling winners.
what so he's predicted 8 elections? That's not very many
Mostly correct since 1984 isn't terribly impressive...
It's okay to do bad things if I agree with the ones doing it!This is the one time i would be ok with election rigging if meant Trump didn't win.
Also there's a first time for everything and hopefully this is the one time he's wrong.
What was your prediction back in '84?
Why do you prefer Trump?
Very excited. I love Donald Trump he's earned it.
Edit: Don't wanna be banned actually sorry, I love Hillary. #ImWithHer! Yay.
honestly people who support trump are probably scared to openly do it here, lol.
I've predicted every presidential election correctly since 1956. And I mean for the world, not just America.
Mine was Ronald Reagan, like everyone else's. What now? Dude carried 49 states. Everyone on the planet, including Mondale, knew Reagan was going to win.
You literally picked the worst election imaginable to make your silly age related argument with.
We've never before seen a candidate who's spent his life enriching himself at the expense of others. He's the first candidate in our history to be a serial fabricator, making up things as he goes along. Even when he tells the truth, such as, "Barack Obama really was born in the U.S.," he adds two lines, that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement, and that he finished it, even though when Barack Obama put out his birth certificate, he didn't believe it. We've never had a candidate before who not just once, but twice in a thinly disguised way, has incited violence against an opponent. We've never had a candidate before who's invited a hostile foreign power to meddle in American elections. We've never had a candidate before who's threatened to start a war by blowing ships out of the water in the Persian Gulf if they come too close to us. We've never had a candidate before who has embraced as a role model a murderous, hostile foreign dictator. Given all of these exceptions that Donald Trump represents, he may well shatter patterns of history that have held for more than 150 years, lose this election even if the historical circumstances favor it.
What people don't discuss but should be worrying is that being seen as a trump supporter has such a negative stigma that I think many of the polls are incorrect and there are many "closet" Trump voters that won't reveal themselves in fear of being labeled a racist.
What people don't discuss but should be worrying is that being seen as a trump supporter has such a negative stigma that I think many of the polls are incorrect and there are many "closet" Trump voters that won't reveal themselves in fear of being labeled a racist.
What people don't discuss but should be worrying is that being seen as a trump supporter has such a negative stigma that I think many of the polls are incorrect and there are many "closet" Trump voters that won't reveal themselves in fear of being labeled a racist.
1 election has been hard to pick since 1984.
It happened in the 2015 UK election. The British Conservative Party unexpectedly won a majority when the polls were saying it was going to be a hung parliament. The stigma of being a Trump voter is surely even worse.Bullshit,
I was 14 in 1984, I couldn't predict shit, much less cared. How old were you?
It happened in the 2015 UK election. The British Conservative Party unexpectedly won a majority when the polls were saying it was going to be a hung parliament. The stigma of being a Trump voter is surely even worse.
I was fourteen and apparently paid a lot more attention to the world than you did.
My thoughts, too.Mostly correct since 1984 isn't terribly impressive...
And that's great, besada! That's why you're a mod and I'm a piece of shit!
My thoughts, too.
He's not going to win. The electoral college makes it VERY difficult for Trump. He'd need a miracle to get to 270.