My position is perfectly rational, yours is absolutely not. No participation in the voting process means no ability to directly influence the outcome of an election. Again, you are giving these people the tools to do what they want, and you are taking no responsibility to tell them how you would like them to do it. And voting is just that, a responsibility.
You aren't voting, but you ARE participating in the "system". And right now you're only participating on the enabling side, despite having the opportunity to participate on the "providing direction" side. Your votes do have an influence, it's just your method of measuring that influence is flawed.
If everyone who didn't like what was happening right now stayed home, what would the outcome be? Rationally, I mean.
Ideally, the system would work the way you described it. It doesn't.
You strike me as someone that deals in idealism, absolutes, and rational thought despite the fact that, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that we don't live in a perfectly rational world. If we lived in a perfectly rational world people like Trump, Hitler, Che, probably wouldn't exist. The Government would actually serve and support the lives and wills of the people.
Oppression, probably wouldn't exist. Neither would corruption.
I ask why participate in a process that is largely a sham, An operation of smoke and mirrors meant to titillate and hypnotize the public?
No form of government will ever be free of oppression completely, the will of the people will never be completely realized or mirrored.
I only haven't voted for the last two election cycles, and even then I voted on other issues like Gay marriage, Transgender rights, Medical Marijuana, things like that.
If you had taken my vote away on those smaller issues, I can tell you that they would have passed without me. Why? Because those issues were something a large group of people came together on. And even then, they nearly didn't make it because of a divided congress, and even now at state level we still have problems enforcing these laws.
Honestly, the only way anything is going to change now is if we rise up and take the government by force, or deliver a mass show of force non violently.
We need to put aside things, and come together.
People are fat and unhappy, but yet they mostly do nothing about it. They seem fit to play into the system thinking they can change it.
They can't. We are powerless to effect true change, because we are not on top of the world like the politicians, government officials, and the rich.
We do not have anywhere near their power or reach, we like to imagine our system of democracy as something that works but it doesn't. It isn't fair.
We have one recourse, but it is the one we will never take. We cannot settle some of our differences for the greater good, human nature(IE: Greed) will always work to subvert the constant efforts and intents of the good or the righteous.
By not playing the game, I am in the right.
By continuing to vote in a system of tyranny you continue to add to the plight of the common man. By supporting and playing by their rules, you make things worse.
If I could get away with not paying taxes, I would, and I would fund that money into the hands that actually need it. Fuck the government, fuck the rich, fuck broken systems.