I've sort of outlined it, basically we need to put aside a lot of issues.
Race, Religion, etc. Bury it.
Ideally, I or someone like me would band everyone together, and we march on the capitol. We make public displays that we are unhappy with the direction this country has taken, we are not happy with the status quo.
That would be the first step, getting everyone together and on the same page, make public displays of our discontent.
We reach everywhere, and everyone that we can through every means necessary.
We unite under one platform, a platform to change the future for the better.
However, if things cannot be done peacefully, than a civil war will be necessary.
- Massive redistribution of wealth, including a rework of how taxes work, including heavy taxation of the rich and large corporate entities.
- A dismantling of the entire government, and founding it on the basics of socialism as well as some tenants of communism. Largely, a free democratic socialist state is something I envision, but it is more complex than that.
- Rework immigration laws, immigration is a complex and touchy issue. As of yet I haven't really come up with a great idea yet, but it isn't like I haven't thought about it. I suppose an incentive program would be good, give people more incentive to become legal citizens and stop treating them like refuse.
- Reworking of Corporate policies, so that corporations have less power
- A complete reworking of our current banking system
- Legalization of certain drugs, elimination/Reduction of the DEA
- Spend less on the military, and more and more on infrastructure, cities, organizations that help people
- Work on being less world Police and a more internal focused state with borderline isolationist policies
- As someone who is deeply mentally ill, I would vow to get completely rework support and health systems, especially for the disabled, the mentally ill, and veterans of our country that have fought on foreign and domestic soil
- A base income that will allow you to live comfortably
- Revitalization of poor neighborhoods, outreach, education, and support systems for minorities and impoverished people
- Restructuring, Reformation, and demilitarizing of the Police in this country, stricter standards and training for Police Officers. Accountability is key.
- New restrictions on firearms and better enforcement of those policies, or outright removing firearms from the hands of everyone that isn't in the military or police.
There is a lot more, but those are some of the basic ideas.