Amazon pulled this set off their website, listing it as potentially having problems. Anyone know what the problem with the sets are? That's a lot of money to risk if there are problems with the set. I wonder if that's why the set is so cheap on dvdplanet...
Amazon pulled this set off their website, listing it as potentially having problems. Anyone know what the problem with the sets are? That's a lot of money to risk if there are problems with the set. I wonder if that's why the set is so cheap on dvdplanet...
Amazon pulled this set off their website, listing it as potentially having problems. Anyone know what the problem with the sets are? That's a lot of money to risk if there are problems with the set. I wonder if that's why the set is so cheap on dvdplanet...
I'd think that replacement discs would be offered. Perhaps that issue is why dvdplanet is dumping off defective copies before a new printing?
Also a couple of comments about the site in that thread. I saw the deal in my RSS and jumped to let people here know about it, but it might be better to hold off until new copies arrive at Amazon and other retailers. The set will probably have some nice sales during the holidays, too.
I watched FWWM and I'm surprised so many people seem to hate this movie. A criticism you often read is that the lighthearted nature of the show is gone in it, but that fits with the overall theme/subject of the movie. I expected Laura's final days to be scary, dirty and ugly and that's what we got. For me this was the best chunk of Twin Peaks since the end of s1.
Still have to watch the missing pieces and apparently that's where the more quirky Twin Peaks stuff is, but I feel that the movie worked without it.
Going through the latter half of season 2 right now. Are you shitting me with this? I like when the show dips into the light hearted goofy nature early on, hell, that's part of the appeal. This is pretty garbage though. Lost a lot of the self awareness, too goofy in general, basically no interesting plot lines at all, and no mystery. Goddamn.
Going through the latter half of season 2 right now. Are you shitting me with this? I like when the show dips into the light hearted goofy nature early on, hell, that's part of the appeal. This is pretty garbage though. Lost a lot of the self awareness, too goofy in general, basically no interesting plot lines at all, and no mystery. Goddamn.
Going through the latter half of season 2 right now. Are you shitting me with this? I like when the show dips into the light hearted goofy nature early on, hell, that's part of the appeal. This is pretty garbage though. Lost a lot of the self awareness, too goofy in general, basically no interesting plot lines at all, and no mystery. Goddamn.
Going through the latter half of season 2 right now. Are you shitting me with this? I like when the show dips into the light hearted goofy nature early on, hell, that's part of the appeal. This is pretty garbage though. Lost a lot of the self awareness, too goofy in general, basically no interesting plot lines at all, and no mystery. Goddamn.
So I finished watching the second season late last night.
Suffice to say Twin Peaks is now my favourite TV series of all time. Mind you I'm 20 and have a lot of good stuff yet to watch (The Wire, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos and the list goes on...), but with Firefly at second place and the first three seasons of Community at third this wins the top spot.
I LOVED every bit of it. A lot of people say (even in this thread), that after the big reveal the second season takes a massive drop in quality, but I didn't feel that way.
Sure, the scenes with James were uninspired, which sucked especially since he could've become a really cool character. Also, I didn't like Josie for even a second, but that was also the case in the first season.
This also made me feel for Truman a bit less when he had his breakdown - a shame since it could've been a very emotional part of the series. After all, Harry is a great dude.
But to me the mystery of Laura Palmer's death was never the main focus of the series. It was very important and fascinating, sure, but a) shortly after the series started I realized that it was just a beginning of a bigger plot; b) what I found more important were the daily lives, romances, problems and double lives of Twin Peak's citiziens.
I mean, how can you dislike Ben Horne winning the Civil War?
Some very spoilery thoughts about the ending
It was fucking BRUTAL and merciless. I know the character of Annie was introduced mostly because of the pressure from the producers and Lana Flynn Boyle, but to me it was love at first sight. Probably because Heather Graham and Kyle MacLachlan are such good actors in this. The other thing is that everyone loves Coop. He's just such a fantastic dude, a real inspirational figure.
But also, I think a huge theme in season 2 is becoming a better person. This is most visible in Ben Horne's transformation, but also in Audrey starting to work and trying to help people, Andy and Dick striving to become worthy of being a father and even Bobby's realization that, for a long time, he treated Shelly almost the same way Leo did.
And then we're hit with the series main protagonist, the most pure of heart and just a golden person being inhabited by a terrible demon and, to our knowledge, becoming a monster. That scene was terrible because the viewer knows the reveal is coming. "How's Annie?" gives us hope that Coop is still Coop, but "I need to brush my teeth" - which is always done in front of a mirror and fucking Bob likes himself some mirrors - kills us.
I'll probably write some more thoughts as they come back to me, but right now I have a huge "book hangover", as I like to call it (though it refers to TV series and games, too, the name just fits). I'll probably watch Fire Walk With Me a couple days from now.
One more thing: the series has so many beautiful women it's absurd. Modern TV shows with their actresses got nothing on Annie, Laura/Maddy, Donna, Audrey, Shelly and Norma.
Ive always said: I love a continuing story, to love a world and be able to go deeper and deeper into that world. So theres always a possibility and you just have to wait and see!
Guess it's here I'll pose this question. I'm on episode 16, and I'm kind of lost on the conflict between Earle and Coop? Somebody care to explain what the fuck is happening?
After blazing through season 1 and most of season two I've watched four episodes in two weeks. Brutal. What episode does it get "good" again?
Guess it's here I'll pose this question. I'm on episode 16, and I'm kind of lost on the conflict between Earle and Coop? Somebody care to explain what the fuck is happening?
After blazing through season 1 and most of season two I've watched four episodes in two weeks. Brutal. What episode does it get "good" again?
Coop and Earle was partners, Earle taught Coop most he knows. After Coop fell in love with a woman he was supposed to be protecting he was shot and hurt badly while Earle "lost his mind". Not sure what comes after but now they are enemies?
Coop and Earle was partners, Earle taught Coop most he knows. After Coop fell in love with a woman he was supposed to be protecting he was shot and hurt badly while Earle "lost his mind". Not sure what comes after but now they are enemies?
Coop and Earle was partners, Earle taught Coop most he knows. After Coop fell in love with a woman he was supposed to be protecting he was shot and hurt badly while Earle "lost his mind". Not sure what comes after but now they are enemies?