Damn that sucks, sorry to hearReceived my set yesterday, and the interior packaging was completely detached from the box. Amazon sent me a replacement, and it has the same issue. Seems the glue they used dried out or something. Trying to decide if I should go for another replacement or just take a hot glue gun and glue it myself.
Damn that sucks, sorry to hear
I think I'd probably risk going for another replacement if it was me. Bit of a hassle but if you've paid for something like this you shouldn't have to make do with a damaged product or have to repair it yourself. Hope you have better luck with the next copy if you choose to do that, man.
Maybe I am crazy but FWWM looks different from the EU Blu-ray release. The colour palette feels warmer and more in line with the TV series.
I'm sorry to hear the replacement "Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery [Blu-ray] " had the same problem as your first order. This usually doesn't happen. Since it's likely another replacement would arrive defective, I won't trouble you with another replacement.
I've requested a full refund to your original payment method in the amount of $97.36. This refund will appear as a credit on your original payment method in the next 2-3 business days. Please go ahead and return the wrong item--we'll pay for return shipping.
We hope to see you again soon.
There are numerous reports of badly glued box sets. Along with some reports of out of sync audio in the deleted scenes :/
Haven't received mine yet.
Hidden paper piece
Looks amazing. Thanks for the pics.Gallery of my set here.
Gallery of my set [BIMG]
what did you do with the ribbon that is supposed to connect the lid to the base? did you cut it and tuck it up in the lid?
i noticed this morning that where the ribbon connects to the lid was starting to pull and rip the lining of the inside of the box. gonna have to take care of that before it gets worse.
the outer box itself is nice, but the fragile insides sucks. box set are so ****ing annoying... (unless they are amaray with replaceable parts.)
is there a specific spot on the deleted scenes that the audio sync issue is apparent?
I havent watched all of season 2 yet, and i dont want to have the issue when I watched the deleted scenes a month from now and I cant get a replacement disc anymore.
so I could throw it on and check real quick without spoiling too much (havent ever seen fire walk with me)
Check The Missing Pieces for Cooper's first scene, Pete & Josie and Bobby & Laura in the basement
From Welcome To Twin Peaks Twitter account (@ThatsOurWaldo)
And if you do have issues try to turn off 24p settings like suggested above.
On sale for $97 at
No one has beat Amazon UK yet.
Opened it up and checked everything since people were complaining about the build quality and everything seems to be proper in my set.
There's a shot in episode 25 which isn't in HD. Super strange.
27:28, it's a wide shot, when Audrey first meets Windom.Timestamp?
27:28, it's a wide shot, when Audrey first meets Windom.
There is one episode in season 2 where the original negatives seem to have gone missing, so they had to fall back on videotaped footage (when Audrey meets Windom Earle in the library). There is a significant drop in picture quality but fortunately this is limited to this one episode.
Holy shit I might double dip on this :O