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Twitch Plays Pokemon Emerald: Right A Down, Right A Down

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


I get that, but with time ticking down, it seems counterproductive.

Timer is just a ruse, probably to incite some urgency. We already ran out of time once and streamer just decided to give us more time.

We're on the verge of beating Wallace now, though. Just need a bit of that good RNG, a few clutch moves here and there and it can be done.


Haven't watched this in days, still pretty entertaining! With that said, Wallace is about to destroy us.

Edit: no more PP for Rollout! And we're done.


As someone who hasn't been religiously watching TPP since Red, how has this run been compared to the others? The team seems relatively high-level, which is impressive (or indicative of hours of grinding).


don't ask me for codes
As someone who hasn't been religiously watching TPP since Red, how has this run been compared to the others? The team seems relatively high-level, which is impressive (or indicative of hours of grinding).

The Elite 4 and the Champion are ridiculously hard this time around without the ability to reliably heal or revive. Pokemon Typing isn't ideal either. Almost reaching 100 attempts at the E4.


Started with a bang and was awesome. Then went quite boring for a long time (with only the Great Cabbage Harvest being something relatively interesting). It picked up pace and is now ending on a strong note.

The high levels are due to hours and hours of grinding, we have tried E4 over 80 times :D




The Elite 4 and the Champion are ridiculously hard this time around without the ability to reliably heal or revive. Pokemon Typing isn't ideal either. Almost reaching 100 attempts at the E4.

One hundred attempts? Wow, that's pretty painful! I will endeavour to have the stream on in the background throughout the day on the off-chance we actually win. Slow day at work!


Is petal dance really the move that everyone thought would save them in this game?

Gen III Petal Dance is not as strong as in later gens ( only 70 power now, raised to 90 and then 120 in later gens ), so it might have something to do with people forgetting that.
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