Major Gripex
Dat evil gaze...
HOLY SHIT. Torchic refused to be like her Mother, he refused the fire moves, he embraced the flying attacks. He suffered the same fate as her in the end.
RIP Torchic.
why happened to twitch chat?
Crystal chat were goddamn pokemon masters, these Emerald guys are jokes.
There was an evil within Nincada. He wait for the opportunity to present itself, long before his arrival he already whisper his name onto us (you need Shedinja). It wasn't until harden veteran got a called from Brendan that A was coming to his town, that he decided to end his retirement. No in my town he said, He came back from one last fight.
Watson would never let us advance, we knew our only option was to push Torchic to the dark arts of fire, he refused leaving it on the darkness confess of his soul (the 4 slot), A, We forced him to had his fire as priority but he said not, getting rid of it at the first sign of a new bird move. He didn't wanted to live up to his parents, he just wanted to be Sexy. That's went he strike, materializing itself from the carcass of Dottie Shedinja came, he promised us to defeat Watson, he promised us to tank the Champion itself, but what he wanted in return was a price that was too high , yet we in our desperation made the sacrifice.
Once again, I must ask if it is OK if I copypasta this to reddit, since I really like it, but I've already posted a lot stuff of yours related to this thread of lore, and kind of wonder if you can start doing it yourself.
There was an evil within Nincada. He wait for the opportunity to present itself, long before his arrival he already whisper his name onto us (you need Shedinja). It wasn't until harden veteran got a called from Brendan that A was coming to his town, that he decided to end his retirement. No in my town he said, He came back from one last fight.
Watson would never let us advance, we knew our only option was to push Torchic to the dark arts of fire, he refused leaving it on the darkness confess of his soul (the 4 slot), A, We forced him to had his fire as priority but he said not, getting rid of it at the first sign of a new bird move. He didn't wanted to live up to his parents, he just wanted to be Sexy. That's went he strike, materializing itself from the carcass of Dottie Shedinja came, he promised us to defeat Watson, he promised us to tank the Champion itself, but what he wanted in return was a price that was too high , yet we in our desperation made the sacrifice.
Nincada's a girl though...
So, uh...
Who's gonna step up to the role of Bird Jesus? Will it be Bloody Marill, Doge Swagger the Third, Ninj 1, or the Eater of Souls?
I think we can all at least agree on who our real enemy is. This asshole:
Fortunately according to Reddit this team can succeed. If we Rollout first turn with Azumarill and all 5 hit, it will sweep through the first 3 members of Wattson's team, and once we get to Manectric with Shedinja alive, we win. The problems are potential criticals, misses, and paralysis once we come into contact with Electrike.
I feel bad to admit it, but I'd been secretly hoping Torchic would get released eventually. It's just been too overleveled and it missed out on getting any good moves ever so it would have been even more of a disappointment than Feraligatr was in Crystal. At least this way we'll see a more diverse team likely, as it seems like we are frequently using the PC so hopefully more mons level up to be useful.
Oh, status moves still work on Shedinja...
Not only despite Wonder Guard, but also despite the fact that Supersonic is Normal-type vs Ghost-type. What the fuck?
Hoenn doesn't really have a lot of fire types. We'll probably be stuck on Wattson for a few more days, at this rate.
Any other Ground types that are possible to catch?
Isn't there a Geodude cave nearby? I remember catching one and easily level him up un a patch of grass that only contained electric pokes.