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Twitch Plays Pokemon Emerald: Right A Down, Right A Down

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


Perma-anarchy was good for the first few days of Emerald but has since brought the stream to its all-time least interesting point [by far].

Those who would deny us democracy at this point seek nothing less than the death of TwitchPlaysPokemon.


Don't worry. Only the next 40 minutes will be horrible. Then democracy comes back.
No, this is gonna be hilariously horrible with democracy too, just actually possible. Remember Morty's gym.

Also, Juan's Kingdra is probably going to kill us at least once thanks to Double Team.


No, this is gonna be hilariously horrible with democracy too, just actually possible. Remember Morty's gym.

Also, Juan's Kingdra is probably going to kill us at least once thanks to Double Team.

It shouldn't be as bad this time around. Democracy has been pretty on point so far. I think the voting round timer is helping people time their inputs with the delay better so they don't overshoot.

Though you might be right about us wiping out against the gym leader.


There seems to be a bug where a democracy command will sometimes we be inputted twice unintentionally....essentially making this gym impossible if it ever happens. Hopefully the streamer isn't asleep...
Pretty much. It's not like they're HMs. And seriously, if you're that worried about it, you should set your own TPP up. If it was anarchy 100% of the time and we never could use democracy, I'd lose interest due to being unable to beat the game, but I wouldn't whine about it. I don't see why it's worth worrying and complaining about, especially when it involves insulting the majority of the chat.
Good thing you didn't lose interest. I mean viewership dropped from 110k+ to 5k, but hey, at least you didn't lose interest.

Democracy ruined TPP.


90% of the inputs are "select"
Good thing you didn't lose interest. I mean viewership dropped from 110k+ to 5k, but hey, at least you didn't lose interest.

Democracy ruined TPP.

We didn't get to over 100K until well after democracy had been added. We went down to 5K primarily because the novelty wore off for most people and because the other generations weren't as familiar for most people.

Edit: And if most people didn't want democracy, they'd just vote against it. That means pure anarchists are either lazy or a minority.
90% of the inputs are "select"

We have to make up for lost time

EDIT: Wow, we seem to be mastering democracy and lag.

Emerald chat was always the best, they just didnt have democracy. I bet that was it.

Hopefully we get more ultra-elaborate plans on Reddit now
Yeah this coordinated gym is pretty awesome to watch. I hate missing out on those trainers, but it would be really crappy if we didn't beat Juan the first time after how annoying his gym is.
Yeah this coordinated gym is pretty awesome to watch. I hate missing out on those trainers, but it would be really crappy if we didn't beat Juan the first time after how annoying his gym is.

Actually trying to screw with the votes, but TPP decline has made us lose a bunch of trolls and only the truly dedicated are left

EDIT: If only we had zexinja with us. He cant die to anything but Luvdisc's Sweet Kiss+confusion


Yeah this coordinated gym is pretty awesome to watch. I hate missing out on those trainers, but it would be really crappy if we didn't beat Juan the first time after how annoying his gym is.

Looks like we failed the puzzle anyway, lol. It's for the better though, there's at least 8 trainers down here to fight and we need the exp.
Holy shit, browsing smash bros threads and I hear that noise and start laughing.

95% done with the last puzzle for Juan

EDIT: hahaha
Enemy AI is horrid
Goldeen with waterfall decides t only use horn attack and flail on our graveler
EDIT2: Btw guys, good job on teaching Vileplume Sludge Bomb and Giga Drain and keeping Sleep Powder
EDIT3: All these Azurill and Marill and Azumarrils trying to rollout sweep us are learning the hard way from Nuptup2 (temp. name for now) that nobody can just try to copy the boss and get away with it

If we play our cards right, Vileplume might become a real powerhouse by the end of this gym, and we'll have a pokemon that can take Wallace head to head with sludge bomb, giga drain, and seep powder

EDIT4: Of course, soon as I finish Vileplume dies

EDIT5: Whoops, wasn't actually thinking of nuptup. Thinking of this vileplume


Good thing you didn't lose interest. I mean viewership dropped from 110k+ to 5k, but hey, at least you didn't lose interest.

Democracy ruined TPP.

I don't even think there's a correlation, let alone causation.

The fad was bound to die eventually. It's too much of a time commitment and the novelty is going to wear off.


But someone explain to me that last pic. What is going on with Tentacool?

We evolved Tenatacool into Tentacruel using Rare Candy during democracy so it wouldn't be stopped with B inputs. The comic is relating the operation to a Captain America-style super soldier program.
That first pic is 100% fact. OK, maybe Europe is should get some slice of the world pie lol

But someone explain to me that last pic. What is going on with Tentacool?

Democracy got s a Tentacruel and Vileplume. The last pic is supposed to show those two after the firs few hours of training

Something along those lines

EDIT: What PBalfredo said, I wasnt there


We evolved Tenatacool into Tentacruel using Rare Candy during democracy so it wouldn't be stopped with B inputs. The comic is relating the operation to a Captain America-style super soldier program.

Democracy got s a Tentacruel and Vileplume. The last pic is supposed to show those two after the firs few hours of training

Something along those lines

EDIT: What PBalfredo said, I wasnt there


This game run really has had the best fan art compared to the previous two, all the references just work so well.

...I just realized...those are all Oddishes aren't they? lol
If only we had Zexinja. Asides from Sweet Kiss Luvdisc, Juan was the easiest sweep in the game for him

EDIT: Yes, good, very good. Good job Juan, keeping using potions on luvdisc
EDIT2: M4 is out. Guess know time to shine for Vileplume, unless M4 dies and Vileplume clutches, OR we switch out


Why do I only get banned when I try to yell something positive

Edit: HOLY SHIT I looked away for like 2 minutes and we beat him?! Goddamn, M4!
Why do I only get banned when I try to yell something positive

Learn from M4 and roll with it

Mods have always been messed up in TPP
Looks like a rollout sweep

EDIT: and thats it. Full rollout ssweep, Vileplume wasnt allowed to shine and we never got Zexinja back

Hey, with democracy, we could feasibly get him back! and Fap Junky. LET'S DO THIS


I can understand how some people would find it boring that the entire game is based around azumarill wrecking house, but I think it's hilarious.

It's better than watching the stream doing nothing for 3 days.
Juan got rolled the fuck out. Too bad, I was hoping everyone would get a chance, especially Plume.

Plume couldve wrecked house in there. Hopefully E4 making it hard as hell for M4 given all the obstacles and each of the E4 when compared to M4 means other members get a chance. Vileplume can wreck Wallace with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb for Ludicolo


Forgot that the Wally fight was at the start of Victory Road instead of at the end in Emerald. It'd be funny if we blacked out a ton of times vs him. :p
Forgot that the Wally fight was at the start of Victory Road instead of at the end in Emerald. It'd be funny if we blacked out a ton of times vs him. :p

Yeah, I wanted people to forget about him, run to the end, and get wiped out.

EDIT: Lol at this Altaria sweep. Might have to M4 solo VR guys
Wait M4 was sent out just now while Iceberg and Graveler are still alive. Guess we still have those two

EDIT2: Wally is currently messing with M4 with a Magneton switch and Supersonic followed by 2 screeches to make confusion hurt more. Damn, youve gotten better Wally

EDIT3: Holy shit, looked like a loss for Wally, then he pulls an assist supersonic. He can still save this

EDIT4: Nope, we win. Wished Wally was at the end, he couldve sent us all the way back to the beginning


Wow, Wally is an asshole, he has our 2 greatest mortal enemy pokemon, Magneton and Roselia, plus our most wanted pokemon, Gardevoir. We rolled him out like everyone else though.
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