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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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So like others said, create a thread and then the focus in that thread can be 100 percent what you want it to be about. There's no reason to be so disrespectful.

Yeah, stop being so disrespectful by discussing policies that could help prevent these kind of senseless acts.


Well people aren't forced to own guns in America. So you have a lot of people that would feel less secure and don't think they should be punished for the actions of others.

Here's the thing though, better gun control wouldn't take away anyone's effing guns. It would just make it difficult for TOTAL CRAZIES to acquire them, and would slow the sale of guns, since they don't degrade in any meaningful way, so every gun sold is one more in circulation = more of a problem.

The whole "they're coming for our guns" narrative makes me want to scream and choke out the person saying it, it's just so dumb. SO dumb.


Didn't see this thread so I'm copying my post from the other one.

Taken from @wfaalauren


"WDBJ photographer Adam Ward's fiancé Melissa Ott was in the control room -- she saw the shooting happen live." - @Brianstelter


I wonder what that is he's holding in his left hand. Regardless, this guy is about to get caught or killed real soon.

Yeah, stop being so disrespectful by discussing policies that could help prevent these kind of senseless acts.

God forbid a topic stay on topic. There's no limit on the number of threads that can be opened. Open one. Is it really that difficult?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Oh wow. Hope that's the actual shooter. I was worried he could've gotten away since it happened so early in the morning.
Nah, he was on foot and it was on live TV and they knew where. Cops were gonna close down on the location fast.

So have they figured out a motive? Or does this look like random crazy gun violence or terrorism?
Hopefully they catch him alive so they at least know why.


i mean it's very dramatic and horrible on a human level - those tweets :( - but this is just everyday life in america really. with all the shootings you might as well make a thread and have massive news coverage for everyone involved in a fatal car accident. if you drive cars you get horrible accidents, and these horrible tragedies are the price you pay for having gun ownership as a fundamental part of the culture. everyone knows the consequences vs what is valued in exchange. it's a choice and one that's reinforced constantly.


WHSVnews ‏@WHSVnews 5m5 minutes ago
The suspect in the #WDBJ shooting is being chased north on I-81

Hoping that the guy gets mortally wounded and they let him bleed out reallllllllllll slow.

Disclaimer: This is probably the only time that police brutality wouldn't bother me a bit.


This kind of thing is so scary and heartbreaking. If it comes out once the person is caught that it was 100% random with no motive at all that makes it even more horrifying.


How terrible. I'm in training today with a bunch of LEOs and we just watched the video. Absolutely horrifying.

Yup. We just gotta spam RIP in the thread, that's it. Can't talk about how this bullshit keeps happening and how America's obsession with guns has to stop.

On this- Virginia has easy concealed carry permits and lax gun control. I would not be surprised if a legal gun was used in this crime. But it doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a religion to some people in this country.


Maybe if the whole thing was captured on video so people couldn't hide from it. That might change things. Like imagine if Sandy Hook was captured in ultra high detail, no holds barred mass slaughter of children it makes my stomach turn just thinking of the details). I feel like that would sway public opinion.

It wouldn't sway enough though. You have to realize that for the majority of gun owners in this country, their philosophy is that you can't "Put the genie back in the bottle" and they would rather be armed to prevent them and theirs from being shot than working toward a society where that isn't needed. Not only that but people's attention span in this day and age is so small. What happened today was tragic, but sadly it will be forgotten by the rest of the country in a week, once the next celebrity does something stupid or Trump holds another press conference.

The only way gun laws will change in this country is if this country changes because of: Civil War and a new government created, Invasion and subjugation by a foreign country, Aliens.

Probably gonna be aliens at this rate.


Public opinion is already in favor of increased gun control. The problem is that the NRA is incredibly powerful and many gun owners are single-issue voters, so they carry an outsized influence.

So fucking what?

I'm not even concerned with public opinion as that doesn't always escalate the need for reform. I'm supposing a situation in which the horror of it is laid bare and fully exposed for everyone to see in person. That could push it to actual action as opposed to public opinion and policy being two separate issues as seen right now.
Hoping that the guy gets mortally wounded and they let him bleed out reallllllllllll slow.

Disclaimer: This is probably the only time that police brutality wouldn't bother me a bit.

Egads. Bloodlust won't bring closure to the friends and family of these two people.
On this- Virginia has easy concealed carry permits and lax gun control. I would not be surprised if a legal gun was used in this crime. But it doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a religion to some people in this country.

But hey, that 14th amendment, on the other hand, has to go!


Actively hates charity
That's the logic that some people are using ....

Surely the logic of banning guns due to the murder of the 2 journalists means you should ban boats due to the murder of 50 migrants.


Egads. Bloodlust won't bring closure to the friends and family of these two people.

No, it certainly does not, but that man deserves absolutely nothing. More than anything he doesn't deserve to live for another sunrise after so senselessly stealing that away from others.


Basically. Speculation on the shooters race, motive, or mental status is ok, but we can't talk about the weapon. That would be offensive.

LOL. Pretty much this. Can't dare attack our god Firearms and his sacred text, the 2nd.

There's no reasonable justification for not talking about guns in this thread.
omg I watch wdbj7 everyday and I just cant take this news its just :(

watching kimberly mcbroom and everyone else on air just all emotional made me :(

noon and evening news today will be painful


RIP. One of my persistent fears is being shot in the back of the head. Like I'm walking down the street and a random person decides to put a gun in my hair and start shooting. Unlikely but obviously not impossible. The reporters terrified expression is visceral, but I can only think of that poor damned cameraman. One second his head is full of thoughts and feelings and memories, the next it's full of bullets and shattered meat and nothing else. Fucking awful.
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