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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Junior Member
Obviously had that cameraman been armed with a gun, he could have prevented himself from being shot in his back.


my cake, fuck off
Seeing a video of something like Sandy Hook would just make gun owners clutch their guns tighter. They feel they need to protect themselves from the crazies.
My ex fiancee worked in news for over a decade. I moved with her to WV for her first producing job. Even though we're apart now we're still very close and we were just speaking the other day about how crazy the industry can be sometimes. Everyone from reporters on down to producers would get death threats, sometimes quite often. Sometimes for as little as how an anchor would sign off the broadcast. When she worked for a larger station in Texas they would occasionally have to hire security because of the seriousness of the threats.

It's incredibly hard work putting together a newscast and most people have no idea what goes into it and more often than not the pay is shitty and it's for love of the work these people stay in the industry especially in these smaller markets.

Having loved and been in love with a member of a news teams for over 10 years my heart goes out to he loved ones and family of this awful incident.

On a side note my first thought was former boyfriend or the like but I can't imagine how he could have know about a 6am standup broadcast. Seems more likely random killer. Awful stuff


So like others said, create a thread and then the focus in that thread can be 100 percent what you want it to be about. There's no reason to be so disrespectful.
I'm guessing your a gun owner? Or at least sympathetic toward the status quo. Either way, it's the furthest thing from disrespectful. Acknowledging the tragedy and looking toward future prevention is EXACTLY what you do after a tragedy.

It's like saying it's not ok to mention advocating better cancer research funding when a thread pops up about someone diagnosed with cancer or not discussing climate change in a thread about record high temperatures.
Jesus, the anchor just posted this picture of the fiance of the male victim a few hours before it happened.

Kimberly McBroom ‏@KimberlyWDBJ
Congrats to our awesome @WDBJ7Mornin producer Melissa Ott on her new job in Charlotte. We will miss you! ❤️❤️


The police should be commended for finding the supposed identity of this dude 3 hours after the shooting with nothing to go on but a grainy video still.

Eh, I hope it's the actual shooter and not an unrelated chase that is being tied to the shooting.


But hey, that 14th amendment, on the other hand, has to go!

Yeah. It's disgusting and I'm ashamed, frankly.

This is horrifying, the woman's screams as she's gunned down, the man appears to be grinning... yet our only reaction as a nation will be to clutch our guns even tighter. I cannot for the life of me understand this.


Obviously had that cameraman been armed with a gun, he could have prevented himself from being shot in his back.

''Yeah man, he should have just filmed with 1 hand and have a gun ready in the other, you never know who could creep up on you, yo.''


I'm guessing your a gun owner? Or at least sympathetic toward the status quo. Either way, it's the furthest thing from disrespectful. Acknowledging the tragedy and looking toward future prevention is EXACTLY what you do after a tragedy.

It's like saying it's not ok to mention advocating better cancer research funding when a thread pops up about someone diagnosed with cancer or not discussing climate change in a thread about record high temperatures.

No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.


I'm not even concerned with public opinion as that doesn't always escalate the need for reform. I'm supposing a situation in which the horror of it is laid bare and fully exposed for everyone to see in person. That could push it to actual action as opposed to public opinion and policy being two separate issues as seen right now.
Unfortunately that wouldn't change anything. Elements of the right wing (at the behest of extremist groups like the NRA) are dedicated to the expansion of gun rights at any cost.


So like others said, create a thread and then the focus in that thread can be 100 percent what you want it to be about. There's no reason to be so disrespectful.

I'd say it is disrespectful to the victims to not talk about what could have prevented this and what could prevent it in the future.
It must be horrifying to lose loved ones like this. And then the knowledge everyone on the internet is looking at the video... ugh. I wish videos like this wouldn't be made public out of respect for the victims. What do we gain from it apart from satisfying some thrill seekers?
Talking Points Memo ‏@TPM 7m7 minutes ago
UPDATED: Adam Ward's fiancee was in the control room during the broadcast, and saw the fatal shooting happen live http://bit.ly/1PT5QM8

Fuck man. This whole thing sucks. RIP to the victims :(


Fuck this tragic and horrible species. I'm going to hide in my house and never go outside again. Everybody everywhere wants you dead...


Seeing a video of something like Sandy Hook would just make gun owners clutch their guns tighter. They feel they need to protect themselves from the crazies.

they can clutch them all they won't but enough political will makes it a moot point if laws are consolidated and passed to curb the amount of gun freedom they "enjoy." I have no expectations that anything will work fully but the extreme I previously mentioned "might" be enough to get the ball rolling. Who knows though really.


Just waiting now for the talking-heads pushing for some "Reporters/Camera Operators should be ARMED!" bullshit.
Well you see the timer for when it is appropriate resets each time one of these events occurs so at this rate we will never be "ready" for the debate.

The only thing that will happen for sure is the gun industry will make MORE money in the coming weeks as the NRA stokes the flames and drives all the rubes to the gun shops to buy everything up before "Obama bans all the guns!".

Yep. Its bullshit. NRA and every other entity like them wave the "2nd amendment flag" and turn a devastating situation into a freedom thing instead of a social thing, thus getting idiots to go out and buy more guns just because they can.

It's a complete shitty circle and at this rate it will never change.


Junior Member
No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.
In a thread about a shooting, which resulted in the murder of two innocent people and the maiming of a third, in a country where guns, legal or extralegal, are too easy to obtain, gun control is always on topic.
Maybe if the whole thing was captured on video so people couldn't hide from it. That might change things. Like imagine if Sandy Hook was captured in ultra high detail, no holds barred mass slaughter of children it makes my stomach turn just thinking of the details). I feel like that would sway public opinion.

Jesus christ. I have two small boys (5-7) nd the thought of that put a lump in my throat.

From the outside looking in the debate on guns in the US is such a clusterfuck. Besides the opening of hoenst discussion (which many refuse to have) it is hard to know where to start. I can't fathom how anyone can see the stats on gun violence in the US and still think everything is ok?

Feel sad for everyone involved in this tragic event.


If innocent children (Sandy Hook) getting shot in their classrooms didn't make us re-think our gun laws, nothing... I mean nothing will.

I will forever, FOREVER be disgusted by how little things changed after this.

My heart goes out to everyone who knew the victims. What a senseless loss of life. I hope they catch the shooter soon.


No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.

What is 'on topic'? We're still discussing the developments of the incident alongside the obvious fucking issue that we're now watching live executions on TV due to the most accessible killing device Man has ever created.


In a thread about a shooting, which resulted in the murder of two innocent people, in a country where guns, legal or extralegal, are too easy to obtain, gun control is always on topic.

I am thinking what he meant is that these threads usually always end up in a gun debate, where the event is completely forgotten. it would be nice to actually get to follow whats happening with the case now.
Talking Points Memo ‏@TPM 7m7 minutes ago
UPDATED: Adam Ward's fiancee was in the control room during the broadcast, and saw the fatal shooting happen live http://bit.ly/1PT5QM8

Fuck man. This whole thing sucks. RIP to the victims :(

Fuck, I can't even begin to imagine seeing something like that. If I saw my fiance gunned down live on camera I would just break. I'm not sure you can ever fully come back from something like that.
No, it certainly does not, but that man deserves absolutely nothing. More than anything he doesn't deserve to live for another sunrise after so senselessly stealing that away from others.

Killing him is giving him the easy way out. Life in prison without parole is what he should get.
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