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TYRANNY |OT| Sometimes, Evil Wins [Tiers For Fears]


It seems to have the same shortcomings as pillars battle wise. Battles are all the same and go for the quantity over quality approach.


It seems to have the same shortcomings as pillars battle wise. Battles are all the same and go for the quantity over quality approach.
Really hoping Torment: Tides of Numenera manages to keep to their promise and only have quality combat encounters.


Does anyone know how to (act 3 spoilers)
get the sacrifice method of beating the Voices of Nerat to work
? I was thinking that Verse would've been the answer based on the conversation about how she has an ability that may be similar to the Voices, but it didn't pan out.

syko de4d

I love how the lore (green) tooltips indicate information your character should already know. I was replaying DA:O recently and there was a lot of really stupid stuff where my human noble (!) could ask stuff like "Who rules Ferelden again? Which one is the capital city?"

that is really one of the best changes. i love it and never want to miss it. Dialogues are improved alot by this change.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Does the first quest have a timer??? Wtf. What are the consequences of going over the time limit? Is the entire game timer based?


Yeah, combat is really the worst part of this game--very Bioware-eque.

I think I even like Pillars combat more than this. Much better overall feedback there.

Still, on POTD, the combat is engaging enough to get me to the next non-combat bits.

Does the first quest have a timer??? Wtf. What are the consequences of going over the time limit? Is the entire game timer based?

No just the first act.

You pretty much have to want to see what happens in order to run afoul of it.
Does the first quest have a timer??? Wtf. What are the consequences of going over the time limit? Is the entire game timer based?

Don't know what happens if you go over the time (I'm guessing everyone dies), but the whole game definitely does not have a timer. You have lots of time though, I did most of the side missions and ended up with six days to spare.


Did you check if the items went into stash?

Yes, and the items are gone.

He should definitely do that... I have not encountered this bug.

I just posted the bug after having had it happen again, reloading and checking to see if it hit the group stash, and it doesn't.

See I think that Tyranny really gets rid of most of the trash encounters- that's why combat feels longer. Each encounter is more of an event.

Can't really speak about Normal difficulty, but on Hard, combat doesn't just "feel" longer, it's much longer. Mostly because magic does piss poor damage for a long time after act one. You need to focus fire most things down as AoE just doesn't cut it in most fights due to all of the ranged enemies being spread out, yet you're usually stuck with only one spell of any given element, and they are stuck on terribly long cooldowns. Once the spells are used up, unless you're playing some kind of hybrid, you're stuck using a staff. Which does pitiful damage. You also have to use crowd control, which either doesn't last long enough, or the enemy simply resists. Most of the spells are just unsatisfying to use until your lore is 150++.
Spell effectiveness is REALLY annoyingly low, on Hard at least. Spells do mediocre damage and crowd control only seems to work about half the time, on average. Maybe that'll improve later when I get better Accent runes, but right now it's brutal.
One cool thing that I almost didn't notice is the dynamic biography making its return.
This game is badly lacking a second companion who can hang in melee in addition to barik.

Verse get's into wound territory every single fight that she has to be engaged with even one enemy, and Kills from shadows has some bug where she refuses to ever attack, at least in my game.

Light armor types like Verse rely heavily on deflection. She's actually got some good talents on her melee talent tree for tanking damage alongside dealing it. She can be an ideal off-tank if you build her that way.
Spell effectiveness is REALLY annoyingly low, on Hard at least. Spells do mediocre damage and crowd control only seems to work about half the time, on average. Maybe that'll improve later when I get better Accent runes, but right now it's brutal.

Ehh, I don't agree. Direct damage is pretty poor, but the sheer utility has made them valuable.

Just make sure you're not trying to use them with a non-proficient caster, that will kill their success rate. (I don't mean lore-wise, but spell school-wise.)


Spells have save my ass on several occasions on hard. I even have Verse and Barik with a healing spell each.

My dual wielding warmage deals decent damage, although he's squishy. Arcane shield is a must.

Buffing Barik is important, but I just replaced him and Verse with other companions, out of curiousity.

I'm wondering how inactive party members are handled, considering it's a learn-by-doing system.

I'm having fun with the game, despite my gripes with combat, but fast mode and controlling all my characters manually, makes encounters end faster.
That reminds me, I wish I had bought the spell creation stuff I came across in the first few areas. It completely passed by me how useful those are.


Verse get's into wound territory every single fight that she has to be engaged with even one enemy, and Kills from shadows has some bug where she refuses to ever attack, at least in my game.

I've read on reddit that putting heavy armor on her works quite well. I can't confirm since I specced her into bows and my javelin character occasionally fills in the offtank role when needed - quite admirably too.
One cool thing that I almost didn't notice is the dynamic biography making its return.

Light armor types like Verse rely heavily on deflection. She's actually got some good talents on her melee talent tree for tanking damage alongside dealing it. She can be an ideal off-tank if you build her that way.

Ehh, I don't agree. Direct damage is pretty poor, but the sheer utility has made them valuable.

Just make sure you're not trying to use them with a non-proficient caster, that will kill their success rate. (I don't mean lore-wise, but spell school-wise.)

I think I might have fucked myself then :/ Tried to go full on Archmage sorta deal, but as a result none my type proficiencies are that great.

The one exception is the healing spells, everyone in the party has the Touch of Vitality spell on them. That one's a winner.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I decided to spec javelin on my dude just because I never see that as an option in these kind of games. Hopefully doesn't suck.


Holy shit, I did not start crafting spells until literally the last two fights of act one on POTD.

I could manage the first fight, but everyone was wasted by the second.

Fuck, this should be a lot easier now.

I think I might have fucked myself then :/ Tried to go full on Archmage sorta deal, but as a result none my type proficiencies are that great.

The one exception is the healing spells, everyone in the party has the Touch of Vitality spell on them. That one's a winner.

You have not truly fucked yourself until you go unarmed :(

Not sure what possessed me to do that.


The more I think about it, the more I like the setting; it's almost Shadowrun-level in terms of the lived-in feel it has, and the characters it is occupied by. Like, there's an incredible atmosphere and sense of place that most RPGs, and heck, most games, lack. It's like a portal into another world.

I'm really happy Obsidian took the Pillars template in this direction. It's making me really excited for the presumed Pillars 2.

I stopped playing PoE somewhere in Act III because I got distracted but this game is making me want to go back and grab the expansion during winter sale and dive back in, especially with the patches and improvements that PoE has gone through..

I wonder what future patches will bring to Tyranny
I've found unarmed to be fine with my char. There's a big overlap with Verse's dual-wielding style, but the skills unarmed starts with provides a lot more utility. Blinding fighters, silencing mages--that sort of thing. (On hard, though)

The warnings on it initially spooked me pretty good, too.
I think I might have fucked myself then :/ Tried to go full on Archmage sorta deal, but as a result none my type proficiencies are that great.

The one exception is the healing spells, everyone in the party has the Touch of Vitality spell on them. That one's a winner.

Well, you can probably recover but you'll be struggling for a while as you level-up your various attack skills.

As I see it, there's only two things you can't really skimp on during character creation if you want it to be useful: a primary spellcasting focus, and action skills (athletics, subterfuge, lore). Everything else, so long as you aren't completely inept at it, will build naturally, enough to ensure you're below average at worst.
I stopped playing PoE somewhere in Act III because I got distracted but this game is making me want to go back and grab the expansion during winter sale and dive back in, especially with the patches and improvements that PoE has gone through..

I wonder what future patches will bring to Tyranny

Yeah, playing Tyranny has made me kind of want to go back and play PoE's expansions.

I'm hoping Tyranny gets an expansion or something. Not sure how it'd work, but I'd totally dig.


One thing that surprises me compared to other RPGs is the accuracy levels (on hard), outside my main melee dude who usually has about 80% accuracy with his combat skills, the rest of my companions often have like 40-60% accuracy on skills and spells, which considering the cool downs and generally lower damage of it all is kinda of low. Idk, still doing fine on hard difficulty wise with my MC & Barik tanking and Landry & Sirin spelling behind them about 11 hours in.


I decided to spec javelin on my dude just because I never see that as an option in these kind of games. Hopefully doesn't suck.

I'm loving it. Picked it for the same reason too, heh.

That said, most enemies I've encountered so far have had far more pierce resistance than crushing.


It gets easier on hard. When you get high enough lore to have better AoE nuke and you collect many artifacts you can simply spam abilities until everything is dead.


Started with a pit fighter duel wielder but I thought overall her character didn't make sense because I was trying to please everyone and instead just did a lot of contradictory stuff.

Going as more level headed "honorable" hardass sword and armor type now.


It is really difficult to see why this game is so good until you get to the end of act 1/beginning of act 2.

I went from enjoying the game, to loving it.

Oddly enough, this feels like a lot like a mix between old school cRPG and modern Bioware.


Is this game really about 20 hours long? I've just about finished the 2nd act at 18 hours and I'm wondering if there are like 10 acts or is the 3rd act super fucking long.

Act 2 is the longest act by far while Act 3 is so short and abrupt that it shouldn't even be considered one.

Act 2 is ~80% of the game.
One thing that surprises me compared to other RPGs is the accuracy levels (on hard), outside my main melee dude who usually has about 80% accuracy with his combat skills, the rest of my companions often have like 40-60% accuracy on skills and spells, which considering the cool downs and generally lower damage of it all is kinda of low. Idk, still doing fine on hard difficulty wise with my MC & Barik tanking and Landry & Sirin spelling behind them about 11 hours in.

Check the enemies' stats. There is usually at least one thing they are weak in.

Also don't sleep on abilities that will knock enemies prone. That knocks there defense stats to zero. Knock 'em on their ass then gang up on them and you will make short work.


Favorite story-based parties thus far?

Barik and Verse are obviously a good match. As are Eb and Lantry.

Are the other two similarly paired as well?


I will have to let Verse go as soon as I find the next companion. She and my MC are kinda redundant right now.

By the way, do subterfuge level up by sneaking around enemies too?


I will have to let Verse go as soon as I find the next companion. She and my MC are kinda redundant right now.

By the way, do subterfuge level up by sneaking around enemies too?

Hmm, you MC is a Duel Wielding/Archer hybrid? She can go either way or do both.

Heh, yet to see a game that had a spellcrafting option that wasnt mad broken at release.

That is the thing: so far, it is not broken. It may actually be under-powered at the start. Hard/POTD just require you to use every tool at your disposal if you do not want to be frustrated.
I'm at the
Burning Library and I have the completed passphrase
(Act 2), where is the entrance to the
Silent Archive

Edit: Never mind, I was running right by it. :p


12 hours into the game and I just finished the first important main quest
(the attack in the village)
. I have to say that this game is holding my attention much more than Pillars of Eternity ever did. I hope it stays strong.

Hmm, you MC is a Duel Wielding/Archer hybrid? She can go either way or do both.

No, but I ended up using the bow much more than the dual wielding weapons.


I'm stuck at Act 2, Disfavored side,
Oldwall Breach
. I've searched the dungeon up and down on both levels and activated the spire, but the final keystone, the bright keystone...I don't have it. There's one room on the first floor next to the center in the bottom right with a locked door but I can't figure out any way to open it? There's also that raised pedestal in the center with an enemy on it that I can't get to. Anyone know what to do?

*edit* nevermind, figured this one out.

Also is there a way to get your AI to stop engaging the enemy? Because the enemies here with the AoE damage ring around them gave me some headaches with my two melee characters. Even if I clicked on them and told them to run out of the AoE area the second they finish running to whatever spot I tell them, they turn right back around and run right next to the enemy. I'm guessing there is a way to prevent this from happening?

Oh, also, can you get the game to auto-pause when someone discovers a trap? Because I can't find it in the autopause and my party loves to acknowledge a trap right as they are about to run through it :|


Oh, also, can you get the game to auto-pause when someone discovers a trap? Because I can't find it in the autopause and my party loves to acknowledge a trap right as they are about to run through it :|

Options > Auto-Pause > Hidden object found

The A.I. is bad. I suggest toggling it off when you need to do anything delicate.


Also, anyone know what you're supposed to do to get access to the main dungeon part of Sunset Spire? I got to the ascension hall, but can't open the main door and don't have enough rubbings to activate the spire (which I assume are in the central dungeon part). The quest notes don't give me any direction and Eldian doesn't in Lethian's Crossing doesn't have any quests or anything to give me regarding unsealing the door.

Options > Auto-Pause > Hidden object found

The A.I. is bad. I suggest toggling it off when you need to do anything delicate.

Thanks! Yeah I'm finding the AI is fine when just fighting an enemy or two at a time. I just hit + and let them deal with it. But the two spots I've found the AI failing me even when I'm micro-managing with auto-pause every command is when there is a doorway or small pathway and everyone gets trapped or when the enemy has an AoE spell surrounding them.


Ehh, I don't agree. Direct damage is pretty poor, but the sheer utility has made them valuable.

Just make sure you're not trying to use them with a non-proficient caster, that will kill their success rate. (I don't mean lore-wise, but spell school-wise.)

What the hell is "proficient" then? I have 70+ in all of the direct damage spell schools that I use, and also have the second level of strength (spell magnitude) sigils on them. They don't miss as much as they don't do much more than 30 - 50 damage on most enemies, and only something like a bane (which are super annoying due to needing multiple fire/ice variations that still aren't enough) take any sort of real damage. As long as you're exploiting their weakness anyway. Although I still have no idea what's up with the purple "Malice" bane. Lightning doesn't do more damage to them than any other element, it just stuns them more frequently. Since stuns last all of 4s, and that bane type seems to keep leeching health back, they take forever to kill.

You know what really wins fights? Combo abilities. That also just cheapens the point of playing a caster as a player character quite often too.

Spells have save my ass on several occasions on hard. I even have Verse and Barik with a healing spell each.

Talking about direct damage and crowd control. Heals are just heals, and they are usually how you brute force your way through many of these fights.

I think I might have fucked myself then :/ Tried to go full on Archmage sorta deal, but as a result none my type proficiencies are that great.

The one exception is the healing spells, everyone in the party has the Touch of Vitality spell on them. That one's a winner.

If you're worried about your skills being behind, there are plenty of trainers to find or acquire in the game. I try to stay away from using them though, aside from Lore, since it seems to take forever to level after 100, even with two characters that supposedly grant a Lore bonus. I also don't know if enemies scale with your level.


As I get further into the game, I wish there was instant fast travel. Sometimes when you have to go back/forth through 2-4 screens to get to the map gets a bit unnecessary even with fast speed.


Pro-tip to anyone intending to side against the disfavored: make sure you get as much wrath as possible in order to unlock their second skill.


Damn, combat gets pretty tough on hard when they start throwing 8 enemy mobs at you comprised of beastpeople & mages. Not even sure what the best strategies are for large crowds in this, almost all my AoE attacks/spells are kinda so-so, so until now I've mainly just been picking off one enemy at a time in mobs. Eb seems to have a lot of wide radius push back control, might need to switch her in.

I really like Sirin's song system. Probably the most creative combat system in the game.


Learn by doing system seems to be working rather well in this type of game, especially for defensive stats like parry and dodge. What's the cap for stats anyway?
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