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TYRANNY |OT| Sometimes, Evil Wins [Tiers For Fears]


If in Act 1 you sided with the faction currently occupying Lethian's Crossing due to your choices in Conquest, the Bronze Brotherhood leader is automatically hostile towards you.
That can't be right. I kicked the Bronze Brotherhood out, gave Lethian's Crossing to the Scarlet Chorus and sided with the Scarlet Chorus during act 1, yet I could peacefully pass after passing a skill check.


That can't be right. I kicked the Bronze Brotherhood out, gave Lethian's Crossing to the Scarlet Chorus and sided with the Scarlet Chorus during act 1, yet I could peacefully pass after passing a skill check.

Okay. I think I'm seeing how this is working out:

-Disfavoured get town/Side with Chorus: Can go in.

-Chorus get town/Side with Disfavoured: Can go in.

-Bronze Brotherhood get town/Side with either faction: Can go in.

-Either faction get town/Side with same faction: Barred from entry UNLESS you have enough points to pass a skill check.


I have sided with Disfavored and have Favor:3 Wraith:0 with Sages guild but can't
speak to the prisoner in Effigy without killing everyone?
Wtf is that bullshit? I can accept that I can't find a peacful solution with the Bronze Guard or the Stalwart, but this? Wtf why?

Is there a way to get around that?

JC Sera

Apparently this dialogue happens later in the game if you keep glaring (spoilers)

Tunon: "Ever since you arrived at the Tiers, you have proven stubbornly tight-lipped. Your speech is often stilled as if by some great terror or apprehension. Can you answer for this anomaly or are you too simple to manage it?"
PC: "[Say Nothing]"
Tunon: "I don't know why I expected any different."

i need to replay a mute Fatebinder
Tunon has unexpected sass at times
I have sided with Disfavored and have Favor:3 Wraith:0 with Sages guild but can't
speak to the prisoner in Effigy without killing everyone?
Wtf is that bullshit? I can accept that I can't find a peacful solution with the Bronze Guard or the Stalwart, but this? Wtf why?

Is there a way to get around that?
Done DF,VG, and Anarchy route
As you go further down the DF route you will get more and more railroaded in certain situations where you will have no other choice provided other than doing horrible thing X
Haven't finished my SC run yet so can't comment on if its the same case


Conquest mode, Lore/Exposition in hoverable tool tips, magic and the reputation systems I feel like are the best things to take away from this game and apply to others.

I really want to see a lets play of a [Glare silently] playthrough
apparently the devs have ordered shirts which say "Glare Silently"

To be somewhat fair, Dragon Age has something like conquest mode: The Online Dragon Keep from Dragon Age: Inquisition.

While conquest mode is x100 better, I think it may have been directly inspired by that.


If I were to make an Act 1 guide for new players it would be
– Lantry will teach you the Life sigil at loyalty 1. Teach this spell to everyone in your party. This is essential and will save your bacon numerous times.

Strongly disagree with this one. A bit too powergamey. I played my uninterested bureaucrat schtick to the hilt during the interrogation and Lantry died. I think it would have been quite wrong of me to change my tune for some epic loot. Down that dark path there are only Lords of Hell, shouting "Nephalem!!!" at me through HellSkype. I got a healing thinger at some point later in Act 1 anyways.

The rest was good advice though.


Hmm. I'm in Lethian's Crossing and have two rubbings for the spire rune. I talked to the old dude and then I got a completed quest tracker whose last entry is "help the old dude with his Bane problem" but I don't have a corresponding quest to solve the Bane problem, he didn't ask me to do anything in the dialog, and I don't have any new areas I can travel to. What gives...


Hmm. I'm in Lethian's Crossing and have two rubbings for the spire rune. I talked to the old dude and then I got a completed quest tracker whose last entry is "help the old dude with his Bane problem" but I don't have a corresponding quest to solve the Bane problem, he didn't ask me to do anything in the dialog, and I don't have any new areas I can travel to. What gives...

have you chosen the burning library main quest but went first to lethians crossing anyway? that's what happened to me. the lethian crossing main quest will continue that.


Nope. Went to talk to Tunon, he suggested I should go to the Bladefields or whatever it's called and meet with Graven Ashe. Went to the Crossing first, fought the Bronze Brotherhood to get access to town, and then explored it.


Nope. Went to talk to Tunon, he suggested I should go to the Bladefields or whatever it's called and meet with Graven Ashe. Went to the Crossing first, fought the Bronze Brotherhood to get access to town, and then explored it.

yeah you'll get the lethians crossing main quest form graven ashe, that will contine the bane problem quest and lead to the third rubbing for the spire rune


Tunon has unexpected sass at times

Done DF,VG, and Anarchy route
As you go further down the DF route you will get more and more railroaded in certain situations where you will have no other choice provided other than doing horrible thing X
Haven't finished my SC run yet so can't comment on if its the same case
There is no reason for this in this particular case. I simply don't get it. It doesn't even make sense that she wouldn't allow me to see him, let alone attack me. I even bought Lantry with me to see if there is a difference. Nope.

That's some lazy and unsatisfying thing. You had so much more options in act 1, act 2 feels like an afterthought so far. Very linear and every solution is 'kill all'. Bullshit. Hampers my so far quite positive reception of the game greatly.

edit: Wait there are more than 3 routes? I thought it was SC, UF and against Kyros. What's left?


There is no reason for this in this particular case. I simply don't get it. It doesn't even make sense that she wouldn't allow me to see him, let alone attack me. I even bought Lantry with me to see if there is a difference. Nope.

That's some lazy and unsatisfying thing. You had so much more options in act 1, act 2 feels like an afterthought so far. Very linear and every solution is 'kill all'. Bullshit. Hampers my so far quite positive reception of the game greatly.

edit: Wait there are more than 3 routes? I thought it was SC, UF and against Kyros. What's left?

against kyros? you mean join the rebellion? there is also the fuck everyone route where bleden mark will give you the main quests


Got a mad yearning to play PoE now I've finished the game, but the expansions are a bit too expensive for my liking :3


Finished this yesterday, and I'm baffled how little Obsidian marketed this game. The game is seriously great - up there with Obsidian's finest - and I'd probably not even notice it came out if not for this thread. I'd easily recommend this to anyone who likes CRPGs and to fans of Obsidian's past games.

The setting was great. It's surprisingly rare to see RPGs that don't just reuse the tired high fantasy tropes like elves and dwarfs and large vaguely medieval cities and other things like that. Not that the game is entirely without that, but it mostly takes the focus away from that. The main focus are the various (mostly) human factions which are all interesting and surprisingly refreshing. The fact that they are all evil, but evil in different ways really made them stand out from what games usually present. And it's all set up incredibly well with the conquest mode which both familiarized you with the setting and immediately gives your character an important history.

The writing is perhaps not as good as the best Obsidian games, but it's by no means bad. The characters, factions and setting are all great, and the dialogue was always fun to read. It was also nice to finally play an RPG where your character has some actual authority. There's way too many games where you're the savior of the world and still don't get any respect from random NPCs, which was not really the case in Tyranny or at least made sense when it happened.

I've heard some people complain about the combat, but I found it perfectly fine. Better than most Obsidian games and certainly a step up from what Bioware has been doing lately. Definitely not the best in the genre, but fun and tactical enough to entertain for the game's relatively short duration (it took me about 30 hours). The enemies were surprisingly varied as well, although the game certainly could use more of them since encounters get really samey later in the game which would be alleviated by some different late game enemies.

I've also heard people say that the ending was sudden, but it seemed fine to me. The game makes it pretty clear where it's going to end and the ending itself gives you enough choices to make it interesting. It also references your past decisions pretty well.

There are some pretty big issues though. The difficulty curve is pretty bad. I played on the hardest difficulty and the game just gets much too easy towards the end. Pretty disappointing considering how some enemies were built up as incredibly powerful only to turn out as some of the easiest encounters in the game. Still, while it lasted the difficulty was pretty good - hard enough that every fight was a challenge but not so hard that I couldn't get through it. The performance is also shockingly bad, particularly the loading times. Surprisingly little bugs though, considering Obsidian's reputation.

All in all I highly enjoyed it. I'm definitely a fan of shortish PRGs with unique ideas and in that respect the game highly delivered.


I love it even more on my second playthrough, all the differences are fantastic, and I found many completely new ways to make spells, devastating AOE stuff, so much fun


There is no reason for this in this particular case. I simply don't get it. It doesn't even make sense that she wouldn't allow me to see him, let alone attack me. I even bought Lantry with me to see if there is a difference. Nope.

That's some lazy and unsatisfying thing. You had so much more options in act 1, act 2 feels like an afterthought so far. Very linear and every solution is 'kill all'. Bullshit. Hampers my so far quite positive reception of the game greatly.

edit: Wait there are more than 3 routes? I thought it was SC, UF and against Kyros. What's left?

There are four main routes:

1. Disfavored
2. Scarlet Chorus
3. Anarchy
4. Rebels

Though you need to make very specific choices in Act 1 to make the Rebel-choice show up (basically, try not to do anything that pisses the Rebels off).

Strongly disagree with this one. A bit too powergamey. I played my uninterested bureaucrat schtick to the hilt during the interrogation and Lantry died. I think it would have been quite wrong of me to change my tune for some epic loot. Down that dark path there are only Lords of Hell, shouting "Nephalem!!!" at me through HellSkype. I got a healing thinger at some point later in Act 1 anyways.

The rest was good advice though.
That's precisely why I turned off the 'Show Reputation' after trying it for a little bit. The gamer in me instantly went 'Okay, what answer gives me the reputation or wrath I want?' instead of 'What would my lawful character realistically do?'


Apparently this dialogue happens later in the game if you keep glaring (spoilers)

Tunon: "Ever since you arrived at the Tiers, you have proven stubbornly tight-lipped. Your speech is often stilled as if by some great terror or apprehension. Can you answer for this anomaly or are you too simple to manage it?"
PC: "[Say Nothing]"
Tunon: "I don't know why I expected any different."

i need to replay a mute Fatebinder

If you tell him
how it makes people incriminate themselves, he says that it makes a surprising amount of sense



– Lantry will teach you the Life sigil at loyalty 1. Teach this spell to everyone in your party.
– Return to the DF and SC camps after you finish all the mission but before you talk to the archons again. There will be new NPCs to interact with.

Unless you are playing the game with the AI completely off, or you aren't using a tank, I wouldn't put a heal on everyone. It doesn't happen all of the time, but it's annoying regardless when the tank decides to stop tanking to rush over to someone that might need a heal. It can throw off spells and abilities that you manually aim to hit as many opponents as you can at once. Also, for your second point, it's good to start out with 35 (36?) Subterfuge. You won't have enough to unlock everything at the start, but by the time Act 1 ends, it should be up to at least 47- 49, which is what you need to unlock everything visible anyway.

Also, maybe it's just because during my first playthrough I didn't find the Sigil of Strength IV, but why is Frostfire so great? Early on it seemed somewhat useful since there wasn't anything else, but later you get other accents that are far more useful IMO (Bleeding and Volley). If you're just wanting Frost spells to deal slightly more damage, and a Fire Rain to snare (although IMO the Focused Rain accent is a lot better) I guess it's not bad, but outside of the first few hours, it just seems "okay" to me. Initially it looked light it might double the damage of a Frost of Fire spell, but it didn't seem to work out that way at all.

I am in the middle of Act 2 and have clearly hit the point where my characters are so good that every fight is a complete steamroll, playing on hard. Should have gone up a level. Barik is absolutely crushing everything in 1 or 2 hits with Frost Grasp, or whatever, from Lantry that gives him frost damage. Hitting for over a hundred on the regular and exploding fools left and right. Not to mention Sirin and Lantry spamming ice spells left and right with Frostfire and damage sigils. The amount of damage you can do in the opening salvo is ludicrous.

Yep. I have my entire party using the Lightning one instead. It causes electric explosions, and then you find an accent to the weapon buff that also causes lava trails to shoot out. All but the hardest fights end up gibbed in less than 10s. I spend more time buffing than I do killing anything. The longest fight in the game for me was in Act 3. It's all good though. I want to eventually do an Iron Man PotD. I haven't actually needed a res at all this time around (although a few times it's been close on new encounters), and at around the same point you're at now, I've barely needed to use the actual healing spell. But I do have the Killing Spree talent, which is pretty immense.

yeah you'll get the lethians crossing main quest form graven ashe, that will contine the bane problem quest and lead to the third rubbing for the spire rune

I had the same problem during my first playthrough, and it entirely soured my experience with a three offensive caster party. It's quite literally bullshit that you get locked out of
Twin Rivers
, because it houses two of the best accents in the entire game for that kind of group that can't be found elsewhere. Or at least on my second, thoroughly scavenged playthrough they've never appeared twice.

Side note: What is the purpose of using Mage staves in this game, and if you're absolutely going to use one, why use any other than one with Raw damage? Once you have enough spells to keep casting, it's better to just go unarmed until you have nothing to cast due to the recovery time. You don't need to actually have a weapon currently equipped (but it needs to be in one of your weapon slots) to use the reknown ability on it.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I just finished the first major part of the game
(taking Ascension Hall and then porting up to the spire)
and ended up siding with the Disfavored pretty much by default. I think I actually prefer the Chorus to the Disfavored a bit, but absolutely cannot see trusting/allying with Voices of Nerat.


I think I just ran into another bug/sequence break. I'm at the very end of the game now for the second time, and...

I kept ignoring Tunon's summon, so I didn't actually trigger the hearing until I arrived at the very end for the end sequence. He's going on about how I "broke the law" by killing both archons, even though Calio just told me not a few hours prior that it was Kyros' will that only one archon rules the Tiers; and that the peace was suspended so that if it came to blows, none of us would be breaking the law.


I think I just ran into another bug/sequence break. I'm at the very end of the game now for the second time, and...

I kept ignoring Tunon's summon, so I didn't actually trigger the hearing until I arrived at the very end for the end sequence. He's going on about how I "broke the law" by killing both archons, even though Calio just told me not a few hours prior that it was Kyros' will that only one archon rules the Tiers; and that the peace was suspended so that if it came to blows, none of us would be breaking the law.

What are your options to answer, because this might not be a bug/sequence break.
It's pretty clear that Tunon is actually setting you up to fail in that hearing, so his 'you broke the law'-schtick can be him trying to break you.
I played a bit of Act 2 last night. I'm still very happy with my range of dialogue choices and my ability to play this character the way I envisioned her. I will say again that Obsidian's decision to feature two independent reputation tracks for each character/faction is a smart way of ensuring the player will feel rewarded for committing to his/her role.

One bit of cheese in Act 2 (probably mentioned earlier in the thread): in the Bastard City you can repeatedly demand the SC guy give you the blood magic accent he promised in Act 1 (assuming you extracted the promise). It's worth a nice chunk of rings, and he will give you an infinite number of copies, as long as you keep asking.


What are your options to answer, because this might not be a bug/sequence break.
It's pretty clear that Tunon is actually setting you up to fail in that hearing, so his 'you broke the law'-schtick can be him trying to break you.

Nah, it was clearly two different scenarios and it just triggered the
first. It was abundantly clear that's what happened, especially with how it transitioned into the "end" sequence.

He basiscally asks me about my actions regarding the two other archons and that it seemed like I was taking matters into my own hands, and he wasn't happy about it. Then, he finds me "innocent" again (is there actually any other outcome?), then directly after the hearing he starts going on about how awesome I am and his system of belief was shaken and that he wants to follow me. Then the Bladen Mark fight happens (I did it the first time at a designated place) after he tells me to come up and speak with him so that he can kowtow my obvious greatness.

The progression of logic made zero sense within such a short time span.


Is it worth it to max out Wrath on your chosen allied faction, or would that mess things up later on? I'm already at max Favor for Disfavored, but I wouldn't mind getting those Wrath abilities too.
Is there a console command to teleport or change area because I'm stuck because of a bug.

Act II spoilers.
I beat Nerat, but his character doesn't die after his final dialogue and the bridge never lowers so I can't leave.

Actually I'm not even sure that would help as I don't have any active quests.
I managed load an earlier save and get around the bug (and some other ones that popped up), but wow is Act III buggy. Anyone playing this game should keep a bunch of saves once they get into Act III.


I hit a gamebreaking bug in Lethian's Crossing. I was going there because one of the archons asked me to go there.

I go there, enter the Oldwalls and then when I am told to go back and report that the helm does not work, I do my duty and kill all enemies. The problem is that I can't follow the leader because I am not allowed to leave the area. The game still thinks I'm in combat and won't let me enter the world map. Fighting music has stopped and I can even rest.

If I can't fix this, I'm probably going to take a break from the game and then continue from an earlier point.

JC Sera

Unless you are playing the game with the AI completely off, or you aren't using a tank, I wouldn't put a heal on everyone. It doesn't happen all of the time, but it's annoying regardless when the tank decides to stop tanking to rush over to someone that might need a heal. It can throw off spells and abilities that you manually aim to hit as many opponents as you can at once. Also, for your second point, it's good to start out with 35 (36?) Subterfuge. You won't have enough to unlock everything at the start, but by the time Act 1 ends, it should be up to at least 47- 49, which is what you need to unlock everything visible anyway.

Also, maybe it's just because during my first playthrough I didn't find the Sigil of Strength IV, but why is Frostfire so great? Early on it seemed somewhat useful since there wasn't anything else, but later you get other accents that are far more useful IMO (Bleeding and Volley). If you're just wanting Frost spells to deal slightly more damage, and a Fire Rain to snare (although IMO the Focused Rain accent is a lot better) I guess it's not bad, but outside of the first few hours, it just seems "okay" to me. Initially it looked light it might double the damage of a Frost of Fire spell, but it didn't seem to work out that way at all
Frostfire makes spells work like slash/pierce damage weapons; so it will always take the better damage. This is incredibly useful against bane and some other enemies. It also adds magefire (DoT like bleeding) to frost spells and frozen status (Animation slow and -5 to crush armor) to fire spells.


Second playthrough, playing a hard-ass ex-pit fighter who is a big fan of the Disfavored, just finished the first act again going full evil and it feels gooooood.
Sorry Eb, but once an oathbreaker always an oathbreaker *slices throat*


Thought Sirrin joining my party was super awkward. She just kinda said "hey cool I'll hang out with you now" and that was that.


Thought Sirrin joining my party was super awkward. She just kinda said "hey cool I'll hang out with you now" and that was that.

I dunno. I told her to stop wasting her time hypnotizing peasants and she basically went "yeah, this is kinda boring, lets go do something useful".


Frostfire makes spells work like slash/pierce damage weapons; so it will always take the better damage. This is incredibly useful against bane and some other enemies. It also adds magefire (DoT like bleeding) to frost spells and frozen status (Animation slow and -5 to crush armor) to fire spells.

I never had a problem killing regular bane, just the Malice enemies. Most enemies died so quickly anyway that the dot didn't really get much use. I guess it using the least resisted element for damage is good, although aside from the blue and red bane, frost and fire both seem to affect most every other enemy the same. Although I don't quite understand how armor/resists work in this game. You have "armor" and then "armor against", so I don't know if they are stacking, or if it's just using the higher value for damage reduction. I had a similar issue with the Souls games and the way they listed "physical", "blunt", "slash", "pierce" and "defense". Even the description in the in game encyclopedia is vague in that regard.


Does using spells in combat give experience for Lore? Frustratingly close to 70 which I think is the amount needed for a peaceful resolution in Stalwart.


Neo Member
Does using spells in combat give experience for Lore? Frustratingly close to 70 which I think is the amount needed for a peaceful resolution in Stalwart.

It does but it's pretty slow.

I got the last bit of lore for this part by resting at the spire. It gave me +5 lore & +5 All Skills (which gives even more lore).


Surprisingly hard to side with the rebels on m ysecond run with Barik in the party. You feel the betrayal.

Still did it though. Not looking forward to killing Graven Ashe so much either


Do your party members back at the Spire gain XP? I ditched Lantry to make room for the singer but I don't think I like her. Picked him back up and he had a unspent attribute and ability point. Can't remember if I left him with unspent points...


Hmm, I never bothered to highlight specific attacks in the combat log to check the formula until now. It looks like Finesse is essentially worthless for spells, since the largest contributing factors are lore and the level of your skill. I believe the "bonus" would be from Finesse, but it's very small compared to say getting +10% damage per level up or additional affliction time. I guess if you're one of those funny people that believe "crowd control" (the best CC is simply killing the enemy outright) is the way to go, you might get more mileage out of it.

I actually found that the members I left behind gained MORE XP than the ones I had been using constantly. When my main crew (Verse, Barik, Lantry) was around level 12ish, I put in Kills-in-Shadow for the first time for fun (I had picked her up but never used her for X amount of hours before that), and she was at level 16. Same went for Eb when I brought her along for the first time since I picked her up as well.

Yeah, I don't get it. Unless the game just assumes you would have played more optimally or some crap. My highest level character at the end of my second playthrough was 18. Kills-in-Shadow, who I never used was level 21.


Do your party members back at the Spire gain XP? I ditched Lantry to make room for the singer but I don't think I like her. Picked him back up and he had a unspent attribute and ability point. Can't remember if I left him with unspent points...

Yes, but I'm not 100% sure how it works. I know that characters gain levels in "key" skills just for completing quests and stuff as well as skill usage, so I'm guessing that characters will level in their most important skills even if they're not in your party as you complete quests and stuff.


Do your party members back at the Spire gain XP? I ditched Lantry to make room for the singer but I don't think I like her. Picked him back up and he had a unspent attribute and ability point. Can't remember if I left him with unspent points...

I actually found that the members I left behind gained MORE XP than the ones I had been using constantly. When my main crew (Verse, Barik, Lantry) was around level 12ish, I put in Kills-in-Shadow for the first time for fun (I had picked her up but never used her for X amount of hours before that), and she was at level 16. Same went for Eb when I brought her along for the first time since I picked her up as well.


I found it weird how your companions' allegiances don't seem to come into play very often.
Like I'm here killing Disfavored by the dozen and Barik doesn't seem to give two shits. Even helps me do it! I kept waiting for him to confront me or leave the party but nothing ever happened.

With the way companions were written I feel like there were originally quests planned for them but were scrapped for whatever reason.
Barik has his armor problem, Sirin needs to get that helmet off, Verse has strange abilities she doesn't understand, and so on.
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