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Ubisoft director blames gamers, says they've been exposed as 'non-decent humans'

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
That seems actually legit af, remember the old truth

"Sexual mimicry is commonly used as a mating strategy to gain access to a mate, a defense mechanism to avoid more dominant individuals, or a survival strategy."

Sneaky copulation: "Sneaky copulation is a strategy used by many aquatic organisms who portray sexual mimicry. Several studies have found that small male fish will look and behave like the female of their species in order to gain access to female territory and copulate with them."


Hate how many professional victims there are these days. Yes of course we’re awful people when you decide to continuously abuse your fanbase with predatory greedy monetisation and awful broken products…Urgh and lets not forget the woke ideology that gets forced onto us..But yeah we’re the awful people…Keep your Marxist crap to yourself and just make good products then maybe you wouldnt be hitting rock bottom ..
why the significant effort to release updates to fix issues/make improvements?

And if the consumers are supposed to be accountable for failures, what are you being paid for then?


How would they “affect thousands of jobs” if they are nothing but a vocal minority. Both those things can’t be true.

What’s more likely true is they are a vocal minority of a silent majority and that silent majority are the majority of your customers…for which a monetisation director should understand, given it’s his literal fucking job to understand who his customers are…you know all those “not decent human beings”.🤦‍♂️

If these are the people in charge, and this is the views they hold, Ubisoft’s goose is so irrevocably cooked, and I wouldn’t be surprised if investors have a legal case for gross negligence, they are a traded company, and have a legal responsibility to act in the best interest of their shareholders, which they clearly aren’t.


Gold Member
I played the game, I enjoyed it, but everything about it was asking a lot; Stealth over combat? Long maze puzzle missions? A main character who just looks bloody weird?

What fun I had was basically interspersed with me rolling my eyes into the back of my head…it’s just kinda dull, or at worst needlessly annoying.
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How many times do I read those wackos blaming gamers? The same company that is backstepping their social infested broken games and desperadly trying to fix them? Really? And from Monetization Director no less, the one who inovate ways to steal your money, it has to be a satire.

Its becoming so ridiculous boring at this point. Hope one day things go back to what they were once about making great games.
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It's gone from "we want to earn your business" to "we deserve your business you piece of shit!" Fucking madness.
I worked in retail about 15-20 years ago. The very first thing we were taught is- the customer is ALWAYS right. No matter if they’re wrong. No matter if you wanna punch them in the cunt. No matter WHAT- the customer is ALWAYS right. Wonder why these gaming conglomerates can’t grasp that simple philosophy…?


Hé is right, anonymous posters on internet are assholes. They can say everything and get away with it. Hate on everything and piss on everything. Starting crusades and not ever look back. Is just a sad state of affairs. We can see them Here posting Hate and misinformation. Some Guys need to be banned for behaving like an asshole.


That's hilarious. Because I have other, better, things to spend my money on, it makes me a non-decent human. I hope that Tencent doesn't buy Ubi anymore, and that they just have to shutter their doors. I'm sick of this hubris and name-calling from the Ubisoft camp.


Option B is people continue to not buy your games and stay silent, leading you to guess why they aren’t selling.

Some people are way too harsh. But as a business I’d rather know what’s keeping customers from purchasing their product than having to guess.


I thought they were clear that they don't want you to own their games, so people stopped buying them. DEI has just made it extraordinarily easy for people to skip their products in general now. The modern audience accounts for hardly any sales as we've seen. You're customers are the ones that have been buying the same stuff for years, they don't want your new new stuff that doesn't cater to them anymore since they aren't the modern audience and it just loops back to you not wanting us to own you're products and just rent/sub instead which people are keen with either. Ubisoft you jackasses did this to yourself as well as many others in the industry.


Hé is right, anonymous posters on internet are assholes. They can say everything and get away with it.

Yeah totally. Poor Director of Monetization. Trying to earn it's honest work, pretty much like drug dealers, if wasn't for those darn kids...I mean, gamers. Why is so wrong to create a strategy to rob money, create sub-par products and get away with it? It's so unfair.
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Gold Member
Quite frankly from outside I see the gaming industry and the audience they cater as retrograde: companies (using the "this is your dream job" slogan to pay low salaries and make people work for long hours, pushing for the next release even if buggy), its human resources (misogynists anyone?) and its target audience (gamers who can't stand a black samurai in a fantasy game or a fat woman in a hero game). There are times when I'm also ashamed of being called a gamer with such examples.

I guess Ubisoft is more vocal about their audience since they hail from France, a country which is more liberal than others.
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I generally don't wish individual people bad things. But this is a tone deaf post. People don't like the slop your company puts out. They aren't directly attacking (most) the people who work at Ubisoft.

However, as others have said, with a job title like monetization director it really is tone deaf. Your job is to get people to give you money largely through as many microtransactions as possible and by charging people to be beta testers for your unfinished games and gamers are the problem.

Sure Jan.


Step 1. Spend the last decade preaching how character representation is fundamental to getting players interested
Step 2. Stop representing 95% of your audience in your games
Step 3. Despise, insult and demonise 95% of your audience for how they are born and wanting characters to represent them
Step 4. Blame 95% of your old audience for not buying the game
Reality offering up his career as a self destruction story, more riveting than anything Ubisoft has crafted in years.

The truth he rejected is that he's not the underdog and there's no one rooting for him to stand up again.

It's always everyone else's fault when the weak fail.
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Is anyone surprised at this point by Ubisoft's stupidity, they are doing everything to lose money not make it, Ubisoft has been anti consumer for a few years now and it's come back to bite them on the A to the point they are nearly skint and they are still doing it! lol
Once you learn these peoples language it's easy to spot this is straight out of the woke playbook ...pathetic and thankfylly i don't think people take these comments as seriously as they used to.

We still have to push back against this BS


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Its very hard to be charitable when a statement stinks of entitlement like that. Yikes.

To be absolutely fair, obviously it isn't cool to wish failure on people. So I'm with him to that degree.


Firstly, to restate my initial reaction, the way it was put suggested entitlement to support. Which is crazy. You want the audience's money, show them something they are willing to pay for! Its not complicated!

Secondly, blaming your financial woes on external forces shows a dismal lack of accountability. Sticking an expensive license on a product isn't a guarantee of success, and blaming your failure on "trolls" is not analysis. If you are budgeting hundreds of millions of dollars then you need to appeal to *everyone*.

Thirdly, the enthusiast press has been championing audience activism for quite some time now. Well, guess what... they got what they wanted... well apart from the fact they are now having to deal with "the wrong sort" of activists! And strangely, this type apparently does impact the bottom-line; unlike the ones supposed to show up and boycott Hogwarts etc.
Can you tell me one personal or corporate benefit this person gets from his childish rant?
No. Which is why I said it was a mistake to post it. Doesn’t mean he’s not right.

Maybe he has a family and a mortgage to support, or medical bills to pay? Sometimes people snap, and he snapped. Maybe people shouldn’t wish ill on other people because they made the main character in a video game a slightly more difficult wank for the player?


I worked in retail about 15-20 years ago. The very first thing we were taught is- the customer is ALWAYS right. No matter if they’re wrong. No matter if you wanna punch them in the cunt. No matter WHAT- the customer is ALWAYS right. Wonder why these gaming conglomerates can’t grasp that simple philosophy…?

Couple of reasons in my experience as someone in communications and marketing:

1. Executive level employees rarely have much in common with the audience for the product they are making.
2. The increasing necessity of pleasing shareholders (most of whom are equally ignorant of the audience).

I have torn my hair out in the past over campaign directives that fundamentally do not understand the people they are trying to sell to.


Gold Member
Thirdly, the enthusiast press has been championing audience activism for quite some time now. Well, guess what... they got what they wanted... well apart from the fact they are now having to deal with "the wrong sort" of activists! And strangely, this type apparently does impact the bottom-line; unlike the ones supposed to show up and boycott Hogwarts etc.
The funniest thing is we’re not activists.

We aren’t organized.

We aren’t actively trying to manipulate people into toeing the line.

We’re just a bunch normal, like-minded gamers voicing our opinions and voting with our wallets.
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