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UFC champion Jon Jones tests positive for cocaine, reportedly enters rehab

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To all of those who don't consider cocaine a PED- I would read up on it.

Remember that ridiculous last scene in Scarface? Now imagine that on the field... Running with reckless abandon.
I knew the coke and rehab story was a little too neat.

Lets look at the timeline here

Jones gets randomed in Dec and gets popped for steroids. Instead of a suspension and killing another main event, Dana cooks up a story and buries the evidence.

It's almost too ridiculous, but the thing that really upsets me is they knew he was juicing and let Daniel fight him anyways without any sort of warning.


To all of those who don't consider cocaine a PED- I would read up on it.

Remember that ridiculous last scene in Scarface? Now imagine that on the field... Running with reckless abandon.
You can't do coke and fight. You're risking cardiac arrest along with other problems. You're fucking up your breathing too. The high only lasts 15-20 minutes before the comedown and a need for another bump anyway, so he'd have to do a rail during his walkout. I hope you were being sarcastic. I feel stupid now. PEACE.

Edit: Oh yeah, cocaine is out of the syztemnin like 72hrs it's no surprise he passed the test a few days later.
Either way a young male athlete in their prime does not have test levels that low without using performance enhancers. They are so far below normal its crazy.

There is pretty much no question he's using them.


Kinda feel like Jon Jones is coming undone right at his apex. Positive for cocaine, "watery urine" samples, T/E ratio out of whack, and Greg Savage rumors that he was pulling a Wanderlei Silva and avoiding drug tests.
Coming undone? This is like your standard fighter career. He's just missing the domestic violence to have the complete set. PEACE.
To all of those who don't consider cocaine a PED- I would read up on it.

Remember that ridiculous last scene in Scarface? Now imagine that on the field... Running with reckless abandon.

I have to disagree.

I used to have a huge cocaine problem and went into rehab in December 2013. I got out in February 2014 and have been clean ever since.

I used to go and play hockey while on blow and it absolutely hindered my performance. I found it hard to breathe, heart beats out of your chest. and one time passed out on my bench.

The thing is with MMA is the constant training. I can't believe he made it through all of that and won a title fight while having this problem underneath.

To me it makes his win even more extraordinary.
Jon Jones' results are all over the place. Really fucked up ratios, very high LH. I've always assumed he was a juicer, just like I assume muscular dudes with titties and/or profesional athletes are, but I never knew for certain. If it were a single test with these wacky results, we could give him the benefit of the doubt. But 3? Nah.
To all of those who don't consider cocaine a PED- I would read up on it.

Remember that ridiculous last scene in Scarface? Now imagine that on the field... Running with reckless abandon.

Did you just cite the movie Scarface as an example of the effects of cocaine? That's like me showing Deep Throat as a sex ed video.
Did you just cite the movie Scarface as an example of the effects of cocaine? That's like me showing Deep Throat as a sex ed video.

Sounds about right.

I think it's bullshit how Nick Diaz can have a win overturned for pot (albeit in Pride and yes different athletic commission or whatever) but this fool can go nose boarding and hold on to a win.

different scenarios. The commissions don't give a shit what you do on your down time with regards to recreational drugs, they don't want people high while they are fighting.
Sounds about right.

I think it's bullshit how Nick Diaz can have a win overturned for pot (albeit in Pride and yes different athletic commission or whatever) but this fool can go nose boarding and hold on to a win.

to pull off a gogoplata stoned against takanori gomi is one of mankind's greatest accomplishments.
to pull off a gogoplata stoned against takanori gomi is one of mankind's greatest accomplishments.

Yes and no. Nick Diaz is a natural Welterweight. Gomi was out of shape and has never been great at submission defense. Takedown defense he's fantastic, submission defense has always been subpar (BJ, Nate Diaz, and I wanna say Joachim all subbed him). Not to take away from Nick but that was a terrible fight for Gomi to take. I'm a huge Gomi fan and the Myles Jury knockout damn near killed me. Good MMA memory though!

Nick's win over Maha was more impressive to me.
Yes and no. Nick Diaz is a natural Welterweight. Gomi was out of shape and has never been great at submission defense. Takedown defense he's fantastic, submission defense has always been subpar (BJ, Nate Diaz, and I wanna say Joachim all subbed him). Not to take away from Nick but that was a terrible fight for Gomi to take. I'm a huge Gomi fan and the Myles Jury knockout damn near killed me. Good MMA memory though!

Nick's win over Maha was more impressive to me.

I think it's more about the fighting while stoned thing. Ive done boxing while stoned and my coordination and timing was off - plus my mind was not in the fight. Setting up a gogo is hardly an easy thing, regardless of the opponent and i think that being stoned really wouldnt assist you in that!
I think it's more about the fighting while stoned thing. Ive done boxing while stoned and my coordination and timing was off - plus my mind was not in the fight. Setting up a gogo is hardly an easy thing, regardless of the opponent and i think that being stoned really wouldnt assist you in that!

It's very unlikely that he was stoned during the fight. Marijuana stays in your system for weeks but the effects obviously do not. The more likely scenario is that he had some herb a couple of weeks prior and then got popped in the post fight test. No one in their right mind is going to hit the bong a few hours before a fight with the then number one or two (depending on who you ask) lightweight in the world.
I guess now we know why they brought exclusive rights to the use of Bruce Lee, got to atleast have 1 clean athlete, even if he is dead.


I guess now we know why they brought exclusive rights to the use of Bruce Lee, got to atleast have 1 clean athlete, even if he is dead.

I like Bruce Lee as much as the next person but don't bother bringing up a martial artist and actor who didn't fight professionally.
It's very unlikely that he was stoned during the fight. Marijuana stays in your system for weeks but the effects obviously do not. The more likely scenario is that he had some herb a couple of weeks prior and then got popped in the post fight test. No one in their right mind is going to hit the bong a few hours before a fight with the then number one or two (depending on who you ask) lightweight in the world.

his count was so high that the commission actually believes he fought while under the influence.
It's very unlikely that he was stoned during the fight. Marijuana stays in your system for weeks but the effects obviously do not. The more likely scenario is that he had some herb a couple of weeks prior and then got popped in the post fight test. No one in their right mind is going to hit the bong a few hours before a fight with the then number one or two (depending on who you ask) lightweight in the world.
Nick Diaz dude... He probably got stoned, did a triathlon then fought gomi as a warm down.
Have you seen any evidence of this? There's nothing out yet.

I guess I've just been reading up on steroids a bit lately because I'm interested in using them. I find the more I learn about it, the more skeptical I get at the idea of a clean athelete.

Also your post came off as of a kinda "won't someone please think of the children." Just because one person is a steroid user and the other isn't doesn't automatically make the match unfair. Matches are decided live, not on paper.


I hope they do a proper investigation of the chem/pharma lab they have going on at Jackson MMA. Two of the most dominant ultimate champs were unabashed steroid abusers. No wonder they were so much more athletic than the competition.
So am i reading this right:

Jones gets randomly tested
The test was supposed to be for PEDS
The Lab 'accidentally' test for street drugs 'totally by mistake'
This allows Bones Nose to fight Cormier
After the fight it emerges his T levels are all over the place, but the lab totally missed it cause 'whoops, we were testing for some drugs that arent even banned by the NSAC'

sounds legit to me
I think it's more about the fighting while stoned thing. Ive done boxing while stoned and my coordination and timing was off - plus my mind was not in the fight. Setting up a gogo is hardly an easy thing, regardless of the opponent and i think that being stoned really wouldnt assist you in that!

I can't even go to the fridge stoned.
So you want him to take Tylenol and advil for painkillers?

Until weed is legalized for pain medication (which it should) with the athletic commisions yes, unless he wants to run the risk of having fights overturned. If Bones did or does test positive for coke in the post fight test same thing will happen to him.


So apparently only urine tests were shown, despite Jones showing that they took blood at the same time:Sherdog

His T levels are out of whack, and there is no sign of any results from the blood tests from that time. This is hilarious.


So am i reading this right:

Jones gets randomly tested
The test was supposed to be for PEDS
The Lab 'accidentally' test for street drugs 'totally by mistake'
This allows Bones Nose to fight Cormier
After the fight it emerges his T levels are all over the place, but the lab totally missed it cause 'whoops, we were testing for some drugs that arent even banned by the NSAC'

sounds legit to me


All of this is some twisted bullshit promo stunt.
So apparently only urine tests were shown, despite Jones showing that they took blood at the same time:Sherdog

His T levels are out of whack, and there is no sign of any results from the blood tests from that time. This is hilarious.

Honesty is the best policy doesn't seem to apply to them.
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