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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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With your last breath you'll know the nuclear nine were right all along....

Fathers... you were right!

I'm expecting many of the North East seats to turn Tory, after absorbing the UKIP vote.

Scotland will help out too this round it seems. Incoming (best leave the Lib Dems Scotland seat alone to keep Huw happy)


That daft Partick Thistle thing from years ago, but honestly I just don't find her that personable. She was very "why me?" At the children's ward protest in town.

I'll be an ignorant bastard to local goings on so you'll know better than me there.
Think I'll go straight from the polling station tomorrow to the corner shop and cop myself as much Frosty Jacks as I can for a tenner. Depressing defeat British style.
Nah, we're doubling down mate

We already doubled down with the referendum and the ensuing mess from that.
We're like, quadrupling down at this point in the stupid races.

We're playing Gwent Vs the EU, lost the first round somehow giving them a 5+ card advantage and we're now about to Mulligan our last gold card which we topdecked for a Dark Magician, because we aren't even sure which game we are playing.

Seat predictions
Conservative Party seats:
Green Party seats:
Labour Party seats:
Liberal Democrats seats:
Plaid Cymru seats:
Scottish National Party seats:
UK Independence Party seats:
Independently held seats:
Seats held by other parties:

Bonus predictions
Labour wipe-out in Scotland?
More Conservative votes than Labour in Scotland?
More Conservative seats than Labour in Wales?
The Portillo Award goes to ... ? (most prominent MP to lose their seat)
First resignation of the night?
How many party leaders will resign?
Seat for Nuttall?
Margin of victory over second-placed party by seats?
Margin of victory over second-placed party by votes? (raw number, not percentage)

Scoring works as follows: 200 points for correct seat allocation, 1 point removed for incorrect distribution. 10 points per correct bonus question. For margin of victory by seats, 50 points for a perfect answer, lose 1 point per seat away from that perfect answer that you were. For margin of victory by votes, 20 points for a perfect answer (rounded to 100,000), lose one point per 100,000 that you were away from thay perfect answer. Margins will be between party with most seats / votes and the party with the second most seats / votes. Portillo award winner will be decided on the night.

Where can I see others' predictions?
Quote to reveal.

Probably something fizzy and alcoholic. Useful for celebration / consolation.

Deadline for submissions / alterations
23:59, 07/06/2017.
My final predictions:

Seat predictions
Conservative Party seats: 353
Green Party seats: 1
Labour Party seats: 219
Liberal Democrats seats: 11
Plaid Cymru seats: 3
Scottish National Party seats: 44
UK Independence Party seats: 0
Independently held seats: 2
Seats held by other parties: 17

Bonus predictions
Labour wipe-out in Scotland? No
More Conservative votes than Labour in Scotland? Yes
More Conservative seats than Labour in Wales? No
The Portillo Award goes to ... ? Angus Robertson
First resignation of the night? Paul Nuttall
How many party leaders will resign? 3
Seat for Nuttall? No
Margin of victory over second-placed party by seats? 130
Margin of victory over second-placed party by votes? 1,000,000

Prove me wrong, UK. Please.


I feel like updating my prediction but it's probably way to late to do that.

Final prediction
Seat predictions
Conservative Party seats: 354
Green Party seats: 1
Labour Party seats: 218
Liberal Democrats seats: 10
Plaid Cymru seats: 3
Scottish National Party seats: 47
UK Independence Party seats: 0
Independently held seats: 0
Seats held by other parties: 17

Bonus predictions
Labour wipe-out in Scotland? No
More Conservative votes than Labour in Scotland? Yes
More Conservative seats than Labour in Wales? No
The Portillo Award goes to ... ? Angus Robertson
First resignation of the night? Paul Nuttall
How many party leaders will resign? 1
Seat for Nuttall? No
Margin of victory over second-placed party by seats? 136
Margin of victory over second-placed party by votes? 1,250,000


I'm expecting many of the North East seats to turn Tory, after absorbing the UKIP vote.

Living in the Redcar constituency, which with one exception has been Labour for more or less a hundred years, I can honestly say that it could now go to any of the three main parties. Since pretty much the 80's a Tory MP would have been utterly unthinkable around here, but thanks to Brexit (The constituency voted somewhere around 65% leave as I recall) there's a very real possibility of it now. The region just elected a Tory mayor after all.

There's also quite a lot of farmers in this area and, despite the fact that farming is set to be massively harmed by leaving the EU, every single Farmer in the area was hugely in favour of the Leave Campaign and were all supporting UKIP in the last general election. Now all of them have put up Conservative billboards.


May is going to have a hell of a time if people eventually notice "opportunity" is mayspeak for "horrible, horrible punishment"


When the time comes, I'll be getting hammered on Disaronno.

Gotta make use of those EU products while we can still get them.


What's this guff in the Mail about Labour taxes?

Aren't the Conservatives looking to put up NI? How about promising to not put up taxes for the highest earners, but not for the rest of us? Probably got their eyes on another VAT rise too.


I'm only going to guess the amount of seats on this one, as I've been keeping a loose eye on things due to life commitments, so here goes;

Seat predictions
Conservative Party seats: 369
Green Party seats: 1
Labour Party seats: 206
Liberal Democrats seats: 10
Plaid Cymru seats: 3
Scottish National Party seats: 44
UK Independence Party seats: 0
Independently held seats: 0
Seats held by other parties: 17

Overall, I expect Tories to make gain, but I don't think it'll be this massive blowout, nor will Labour close up the gap dramatically. It'll be somewhere in between, unless the voters are very fickle when they walk into the polling booths.
I genuinely wonder if the couple of million or so who read the Mail think it’s an bipartisan paper that’s just reporting facts, or if they know it’s pushing an agenda and they just don’t care and want to read that opinion.

To be fair, it's only recently dawned on me in the past few years that papers are not impartial and the huge effect that it has on popular opinion - I don't think they have a clue.
Your kind of causing us all to drown is the thing

You pull them out. They throw themselves in. You pull them out again. They throw themselves back in all over again. Rinse and repeat.

This thing is cyclical and I can't be bothered anymore.

I like to think it's like a nomadic tribe who moves on from an area once it has ceased to be adequate to sustain their way of life. In other words this place has dried up. I'm not going to keep on eating the poison berries just because some idiot thinks that's the best thing for everyone.
To be fair, it's only recently dawned on me in the past few years that papers are not impartial and the huge effect that it has on popular opinion - I don't think they have a clue.

I just don’t see how anyone can see something as insane as yesterday’s mail cover and be like “hmm...yeah this is a sensible and objective piece of journalism”. I guess people just don’t think like that but the insane hyperbole of almost all these papers, even the left ones, is just so eyerolling to me.
What's this guff in the Mail about Labour taxes?

Aren't the Conservatives looking to put up NI? How about promising to not put up taxes for the highest earners, but not for the rest of us? Probably got their eyes on another VAT rise too.

Well yes, but it is safe to assume that Harmworth's taxes would go down, so tory it is.

Mr. Sam

You pull them out. They throw themselves in. You pull them out again. They throw themselves back in all over again. Rinse and repeat.

This thing is cyclical and I can't be bothered anymore.

I like to think it's like a nomadic tribe who moves on from an area once it has ceased to be adequate to sustain their way of life. In other words this place has dried up. I'm not going to keep on eating the poison berries just because some idiot thinks that's the best thing for everyone.

I remember thinking that there was no way you were going to maintain the level of anger you had on the morning of the referendum result. I personally managed to surpress the urge to burst into tears after a mere five days. You've proved me wrong.

I'm off to bed. Happy voting, or non-voting, everyone.
Oh, I need to add these two in:

Margin of victory over second-placed party by seats? 175
Margin of victory over second-placed party by votes? 2,960,333


Here's my final prediction.

Seat predictions
Conservative Party seats: 352
Green Party seats: 1
Labour Party seats: 219
Liberal Democrats seats: 8
Plaid Cymru seats: 3
Scottish National Party seats: 47
UK Independence Party seats: 0
Independently held seats: 1 (Speaker)
Seats held by other parties: 19

Bonus predictions
Labour wipe-out in Scotland? No
More Conservative votes than Labour in Scotland? Yes
More Conservative seats than Labour in Wales? No
The Portillo Award goes to ... ? Clegg
First resignation of the night? Tim Farron
How many party leaders will resign? 2
Seat for Nuttall? No
Margin of victory over second-placed party by seats? 134
Margin of victory over second-placed party by votes? 2,168,000

Edit: Amended speaker to be independent


Neo Member
We already doubled down with the referendum and the ensuing mess from that.
We're like, quadrupling down at this point in the stupid races.

We're playing Gwent Vs the EU, lost the first round somehow giving them a 5+ card advantage and we're now about to Mulligan our last gold card which we topdecked for a Dark Magician, because we aren't even sure which game we are playing.



Good to see no one expecting a seat for Nuttall. I have hope in my local people.

Well, the Tories will win be so not THAT MUCH hope but still


Might as well...

Seat predictions
Conservative Party seats: 361
Green Party seats: 1
Labour Party seats: 212
Liberal Democrats seats: 5
Plaid Cymru seats: 3
Scottish National Party seats: 49
UK Independence Party seats: 0
Independently held seats: 1
Seats held by other parties: 18

Bonus predictions
Labour wipe-out in Scotland? nope
More Conservative votes than Labour in Scotland? Yep
More Conservative seats than Labour in Wales? no way
The Portillo Award goes to ... ? It's not looking good for Angus Robertson.
First resignation of the night? Farron.
How many party leaders will resign? 1
Seat for Nuttall? never
Margin of victory over second-placed party by seats? 150
Margin of victory over second-placed party by votes? 3.2 million
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